Too Early

Chapter 478: Surprisingly


Everyone's footsteps were worn on the rough sandstone. Qin Haoxuan discovered that the gravel stepped on the foot was actually mixed with a lot of finely divided white bone powder, which looked shocking. Even the ordinary road outside the cave is filled with white bone powder like white sand. It can be seen from the ruins of the fairy demon, how many powerful people have died before. What kind of fierce battle is it? Just imagine it makes people feel terrible.

There were all kinds of exclamations in the dark caves, and it was obvious that the people in other teams were aware of the strange situation in the dark. In the ears of Qin Haoxuan, he suddenly heard the sound of running water, and the nose was constantly drilling into the extremely moist water.

“Is there water in front?” Qin Haoxuan was puzzled.

After a while, the horizon suddenly became bright, and Qin Haoxuan was shocked to see that it was a vast expanse of water. The big water looks like the ordinary river water, it is very clear, but there is no life inside, it is dead.

The surrounding air, the light is constantly twisted, this large water becomes dangerous in the distorted light, and the entrance of the cave that just came in disappears without a trace.

After following the crowd into the battlefield, many people in each team who just came in and stood on the shore of the waters suddenly changed their faces. Many people have been looking for the exit of the cave, and the result seems to have hit the invisible barrier, making a dull sound in vain. obviously! The entire space was imprisoned by some strange power.

The water is endless and shrouded in a layer of smog. Qin Haoxuan tried to use the gods to see the broken water, but found that the gods only broke through a hundred feet away, and they were swallowed up by the strange powers in the underworld.

"What is this sea?" Qin Haoxuan was shocked.

"This is not the sea, but the mother river." Zonghan, who led the Jinxu Temple, turned his head and said to Qin Haoxuan: "This is just a river. Some people sent by our sects are going thousands of miles along the river." According to them, the upstream mother river is much larger."

Qin Haoxuan secretly swears, such a mighty river, never seen before, can be called the sea. It seems that Jin Xudian is also prepared for a long time and knows very well inside. It’s a pity that the dead woman from Nanyan passed the news here and made a fuss. However, well, Qin Haoxuan can still see a much wider range of vision than some people.

On the river, there are some huge caves like the martial arts field, full of ten acres of thick leaves, thick as a platform; there are some huge stones like hills, scattered scattered throughout the river, these The stones and the huge leaves are less than a hundred feet away from each other, and they are floating in the mighty water.

"The ruins of the fairy tales are very dangerous. It is best not to use the power of the immortals in the fairyland. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to deal with the scent of the five evils of the heavens. If everyone is immersed in the body, everyone knows. What is the consequence?"

The words of Qinghong Fairy were very light, but they were clearly and incomparably introduced into the ears of everyone in the team, including Qin Haoxuan. After listening to this, they could not help but shudder.

The presenters are all cultivators. The actual age of each individual is far greater than that of a mortal. When the five sensation of the heavens enters the body, it will lead to the death force, accelerate aging, and even die. And this power is very difficult to expel, it is undoubtedly a taboo for the immortal. Even if it is the immortal of the fairyland, the encounter with the five failures of the heavens and the humans is also a frightening battle, let alone the immortal of the fairyland.

On the river, there is already a branch of the river moving forward carefully on the river. One of the teams, a cultivator who jumped from a large stone to another large leaf, accidentally stood on the edge of the leaf. The mighty water provoked a burst of water and splashed into the body of the immortal.

The cultivator suddenly screamed, and every pore in the body quickly burst into a burst of black light. Then the ears, nose, eyes and other seven scorpions shot out the fine elements, such as the wolf smoke.

This scene shows that everyone is stunned, and the spurt of the fine element is the essence of the cultivator's qi, and it is not dead. After a while, in the eyes of the public, the skin of the immortal who was splashed by the river was already aging, dying and creepy.

"This river is also very strange. If it accidentally falls into the river or is stained by the river, the five people will suffer the same..." Qinghong fairy sounded. Everyone couldn't help but roll their throats, and they were afraid, and they were more vigilant.


Slowly, there are more and more screams in the river. The people of Jinxu Temple found that the huge leaves and stones on this river are actually hidden traps.

The people in the team jumped over the stone or the leaves, and the stones and leaves sank! This sinking, the sorcerer who fell into the river, the five people of the celestial beings immediately attacked, and under the eyes of the public, they became old and old, and even died directly, turning into a pile of white bones. This discovery spurred the hearts of everyone to tighten, and the atmosphere was tense and tight as a wire.


Zong Han still led the way in front, took the lead, and fluttered in the clothes, and fell to the leaves outside Baizhang. The disciples of the Jinxu Temple did not dare to neglect, and issued a "squeaky" sound, and they stepped on them carefully.

Qin Haoxuan also followed the leaves. As soon as he stepped on it, he found that the leaves under his feet were very soft, as if they were stepping on the dough. After a while, he only felt that his feet were falling, his eyes were swept away, and he saw that the leaves were actually sinking into the water.

"These leaves or stones are not reliable. They can stay on the water for a long time. Some of them only have a few bites of time, and some have only a hundred moments of time. Everyone should be vigilant and follow me and Zonghan." Qinghong The sound of the fairy sounded in time.

Her whole body, like the blue lotus flower, floated up in the air, and her hand shot a dozen or so symbols, and they shot on some nearby stones and leaves. These symbols are ruined in the air and seem heavy.


Some runes are dropped on stones or leaves and they are sunk. Some stones and leaves are very strong, still floating on the water, and slowly sinking at a very slow speed.

"Pathfinder?" Seeing the hustle and bustle of the scent, Qin Haoxuan slightly glimpsed.

Some sects use this pathfinder on the battlefield to destroy the traps of enemy sects, or to search for some fairy treasures. This kind of symbol is basically not of much use, and it can only be used to explore the road. It is a very common symbol. I didn't expect Jin Xudian to prepare for this kind of symbol, and the preparation in advance was really full.

The disciples of Jinxu Temple condensed their eyes on the stones and leaves that were not sunk.

"In the southeast direction, a hundred feet away from the stone can support about one hundred and sixty percent."

"In the northeast, the leaf outside the 150-foot limit can support around forty."

"Southwest direction..."

The disciples of Jinxu Dian, all of whom are solemn and solemn, have calculated the time when the slowly sinking leaves and stones are ups and downs.

"In the southwest direction, the stone outside the 161 feet... go with me!" Through the calculations of the disciples, the leader of the Zonghan quickly got a judgment, and the horse jumped to the ground and the whole person rose up. Already on the boulder where the target is located. The crowd was so careful to move deep into the river.

"Three people, projecting the pathfinder in eight directions." Suddenly, the Qinghong fairy was screaming at the side.


The figures of the Jinxu Dian disciples rose up and the pathfinders in the hands condensed the earth and spirits, and suddenly they shot like numerous stones on the surrounding boulders and leaves. Not only that, but these runes also singularly secretive, mapping the flow of spiritual power around them in the air, making some of the unusual things invisible.

"Bion--" suddenly a quirk came from the river.

A raging rapids rushed out like a pillar, and the river separated a waterway, which contained a fangs filled with fangs and covered with ink-colored mucus. It is more than six feet long, with a thin layer of fish scales behind the back, like fish and fish, like birds and birds.

The monster wings open, picking up the amazing waves, and the singular glow of the dark green in the mouth is shot out and shot at one of the elite disciples of Jinxu Temple who just flew up. When the singular glow is shot out, it gives off a strong smell of stench, and it is strange.

The Jinxudian disciple who was shot by Xiaguang was still in the air, and there was no time to dodge. He rushed to create a flame spirit.

The sky fire column collided with Xiaguang, but I did not expect that the flame spirit method was instantly invaded by the dark green glow into the color of the oil, which disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

Jin Xudian disciple was taken aback: "This... monster... poisonous!" He immediately woke up, the dark green glow of the fish-wing monster spewed with poison, and the river under the foot was so dangerous, a little careless Out of life.

Jin Xudian disciple face ugly ~ ~ However, he is also an elite disciple carefully selected by Qinghong Fairy. The size of the killer does not know how many times have passed, and the reaction to life and death is rapid. Just in the moment when the strange dark green glow just touched the body, there were several spiritual methods shining in the hand. The Yingying spiritual power changed into a huge palm like a bark, and the runes were broken down into numerous sharp water arrows in the air...

"Puff puff."

The three or four spiritual methods radiate magnificent brilliance in the air, and the wind whispers, but when they touch the dark green glow, the brilliance is faint, giving off a strange smell and dissipating with the wind.

The dark green glow is still falling, and the leaves are immediately burned out of the hole like a crypt. However, it was also the obstacle of this moment that the disciples of Jin Xudian were able to save their lives, and they retreated to the huge leaves, and their faces were pale. If it was bombarded in the past, there is absolutely no bones.

Qin Haoxuan saw this scene next to him. It was also a shock to his heart. Now it is possible to make sure that the strange fish in the water has some kind of poison gas. The Qinghong fairy is also dignified.

Between heaven and earth, some monsters and monsters are born with many singular abilities, and they can spur the secret power of the spiritual practice of the immortals. But the magic of a powerful toxin on the body is rare.

The strange fish didn't hit a single blow, and the strange sound was screaming. The loud voice shrouded in the hearts of everyone. The strong muscles under the fish scale seemed to have explosive power, emitting a thick dark green poisonous mist, and pressing like a mountain. I rushed over.

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