Too Early

Chapter 687: Fairy talks about good deals

The **** situation makes the team's morale low, and some people are filled with desperate eyes.

"It is a person who teaches poison."

The disciples of Jinxu Dian had a sharp eye. At a glance, they saw the group of people dressed in colorful green robes and besieged on boulder. It was a sect of the sinister sect of the 10,000-year-old sect.

The reputation of this sect is not good, and it is also a good thing to act. It is good at using drugs. The disciples in the teachings are also relatively embarrassed. People in the Jinxu Temple on a regular basis rarely talk to the poison.

Among the anti-drugs, a one-eyed old man is centered on the defensive array. A poisonous worm that carries only spiritual power is swallowed up by the monsters one after another, and some of the most peripheral disciples of the tactics are poisoned.

The old man’s brows were tangled, and he wanted to shoot a few times, because he was afraid of the five-year decline of the day, forcing him to endure.

His eyes suddenly saw that on the river behind him, suddenly two teams came.

One of them was wearing a cyan skirt, exuding a stunningly beautiful woman, standing in the crowd.

His eyes lit up and his face suddenly appeared in joy.

"Come on, but the Qinghong Fairy of Jinxu Temple? Please also help us and save us. I am grateful for the poisonous education!" The old voice is like a thunder, rumbling on the river, full of gas, clear introduction In the ears of every disciple of Jin Xudian.

The disciples of other anti-drugs have also seen Jinxu Temple and Ben Leiren, all of whom are asking for help.

"The road friends who pass by, everyone is a cult of the immortal, please also help, don't see death."

"Daoyou help!"

A variety of distressed voices rang, and they rang above the river.

"The person who swears at the poison? Hey, usually the eyes are higher than the top, and Zhang Yan, actually there is today."

"The scorpion venom is finally not arrogant. The flowers are green, and what are the poisonous insects?"

"Poor, so many people have died."

The disciples of Jin Xudian and Ben Leiju have different performances in the face of the help of the poisonists. However, no matter what, they have no say in the face of the people who are venomous.

Everyone's eyes are on the Qinghong fairy, and Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan was too lazy to pay attention to the movements around him. He came to the relics of this fairy, just to help the Qinghong fairy, where will he care for the poison.

Qinghong Fairy was named for help by the one-eyed old man who was poisoned by the poison. The eyebrows were not wrinkled by good looks.

"I am not familiar with your poisoning, why should you save you?"

Her voice was screaming, echoing over the river, and passed into the ears of every poisonist.

The anti-drugs have changed their faces. They are fighting here with the monsters, and the inner spirits are almost exhausted. If no one rescues, it will die.

"Fairy, don't refuse to be so fast, I am the old doorman of the scorpion poisoning, Hong Zhong, willing to dedicate the treasure to the fairy, as long as the fairy can save our lives." The one-eyed old man of the scorpion poisonous, busy and loud.

"Yes, fairy, I have nine turns of jade cream here... I would like to give it to the fairy, as long as the fairy saves me."

"Fairy, I also have a baby..."

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For a time, in the camp where the scorpion poisoning is located, the elixir medicines burst into flames, and various rare symbols and even rare things radiate magnificent light.

The disciples of Jin Xudian’s eyes were straight.

"Although it is evil, there are some things about scorpion poisonism."

"Sister, these things are not bad. It is better to save them a life?" Jin Xudian disciples began to swallow saliva, and finally they were moved by the disciples to teach those disciples to take things out, some people suggested to Qinghong fairy.

Qinghong Fairy is not moving, just watching the Hong Zhong of the poisonous teacher, smiles lightly: "What do I want your treasures to do? If you die, I can still get treasures from your body."

Her words were very vicious, and some of the anti-drug educators listened, and they could not help but shudder.

"Word... can't say that, fairy..." Hong Zhong was speechless at the moment, although the words of Qinghong Fairy were cruel, but it was also a fact.

The people of Jinxu Temple, just watching by the side, can wait until they die to get the baby.

"But also, I saved you. When you get to the place where you have the organic edge, you will rob us of the people of Jinxu Temple. The white erected an opponent." Qinghong fairy smile turned cold.

The people who are poisonous are hurriedly waving their hands. "Fairy, if you save us... How dare we fight with the fairy tales of Jinxu Temple? We must shun the house."

The people who swear by the poisons began to swear by the swearing swear, if they were rescued by the people of Jinxu Temple, if there is any chance, they will never fight.

For the words of these people, Qinghong Fairy Root continued to say, "If you want me to believe in you, unless you can eat the sorrowful Dan in my hands."

The soft cockroaches spread out, and among the white palms, a bottle of dark Dan pills appeared.

As soon as this Dan Pill appeared, it burst into black air, and there was a vaguely screaming whistling sound, which was very evil.

The people who smacked the poison to see this black dandan pill, all brows wrinkled.

"After this sorrowful Dan has eaten, I can only listen to my words. If I don't, I can control Dan Pill at any time, so that the people who have taken the medicinal herbs will be mourned and dying."

"As a person who teaches poison, I should know what I said." Qinghong fairy is faint.

When the person who teaches the poison is heard, his face changes. They often deal with poisons and refine some poisonous Dan. Of course, I know that the soul of the soul is good.

"Good vicious mother-in-law, actually playing this hand..." One-eyed dragon Hong Zhong's face changed slightly, and the heart secretly resentful against the Qinghong fairy.

The disciples of other anti-drugs also have a hesitant color on their faces. If you take this medicine, there is no antidote, then the following itinerary can only be heard from the people of Jinxu Temple.


At this time, another huge poisonous worm exploded, and the runes on the body were annihilated and destroyed by the monster.

The miserable sound of the poisonous insects temporarily made Hong Zhong’s body smashed.

"Well, the fairy, the soul of the soul Dan gave me - I eat!" Hong Zhong has a one-eyed look complex, almost a word. A simple sentence seems to have exhausted all his strength.

Inside, he is full of helplessness. Although he said that he had taken poison pills, his life was controlled by others. But as long as you are obedient, listen to enough live for some time.

If you don't eat poison pills, these monsters can end their lives on the spot.

Weighed, Hong Zhong of course chose to surrender to Qinghong Fairy.

"I eat."

"I also eat." After the other anti-drug disciples scrambled, they shouted to the Qinghong fairy.

Immortal parents, if you have no life, what do you want to cultivate? Of course, it is to keep your life and bite, and other things have gone through the difficulties before you say it.

When Hong Zhong’s voice fell, the bottle of black pill in the hands of Qinghong Fairy flew straight into his hands.

"These drugs are all divided." Qinghong fairy cold and cold.

Hong Zhong first hearted and swallowed a Yanshen Dan. The other Dan Wan was robbed by the nearby scorpion-teaching disciples.

Looking at the appearance of a scorpion-teaching disciple robbing the soul of the soul, the disciples of Jin Xudian and those who run the thunder, the face changed slightly - a good-spirited Qinghong fairy.

Qin Haoxuan secretly picked up the thumb, this Qinghong pity can! Fairy's style, doing things is not just a pursuit of fluttering fairy, such a means if you are seen by the penalty, may like to want to take this woman back to do the pressure of the village lady?

punishment? Qin Haoxuan wanted to start a sentence, and his heart could not help but be warm and curious. I don’t know what this prison is busy with now? And these years, I really did not see his interest in female color.


At the beginning of the day, I taught the nature hall... I had a sneeze in the penalty, and I was shocked by the people around me. How could the master of the church sneeze for no reason? Is his body not very good?

"Who is the one who is maliciously speculating Laozi behind Laozi?" The criminal wiped his nose and looked at it with a serious look.

The people who run the Leiju are even more afraid of the Qinghong fairy. Many of the thoughts in the heart have gradually been put away at this time.

"Qin Daoyou, this is an antidote." Qinghong pity sleeves flow, throwing a thing into the hands of Qin Haoxuan said: "You are saved by you, and the antidote is naturally kept by you. People should be yours."

Qin Haoxuan's result is a jade bottle, the tentacles are cold, and there is a faint medicinal scent. It has a good evaluation of Qinghong Pity. This woman really wants to make friends with herself. She used Yan Zhidan to control the people who were poisoned, and these people must resent her. And the antidote was given to me, and I will be able to control a bunch of people in the future... The benefits have been given to me, and she is guilty of her own grievance...

"This thing is unique, you keep it." Qinghong fairy is deliberately too loud, to Qin Haoxuan.

Those who are poisonous, have already eaten the soul of the soul at the moment. After hearing the words of Qinghong Fairy, they looked at Qin Haoxuan and the jade bottle in his hand.

They are really puzzled in their hearts. The kid looks like a fairyland. Why does the Qinghong Fairy give him an antidote? Is that the person who is the second generation of Jin Xudian, is it not gold-plated here? Qinghong fairy deliberately please him?

There are still many people who look to Qinghong Fairy, and there is a color of grievance in their eyes.

In front of the mighty river boulder of Qinghong Fairy, the clothes are fluttering and beautiful.

"Qin must be careful to keep." Qin Haoxuan eyes bright ~ ~ without hesitation, he will be careful to release the Yanshen Dan antidote.

The antidote of each sect is secret, different. If you lose it, it will be very troublesome. Of course, he should carefully put it.

The antidote in this jade bottle is equivalent to a good force. After all, although the five poisons are also evil, they are much larger than the early education. After detoxification for these people, the human condition is too early, and it is of great benefit to the beginning.

Qinghong fairy is so refreshing, Qin Haoxuan is not a cower, and all the words are not in the words.

Qin Haoxuan put the antidote on it, and screamed, and his body rose to the ground and threw himself to a dry monster.

The drug-minded disciple was shocked by his sudden movement.

"What is he going to do?"

"Don't go to die..."

"Ah, our antidote is still on you, don't mess."

Disciples who have scorpion poisonism can't bear to watch it, blame and scream. They just saw that Qinghong Fairy gave the antidote to the black-haired youth.

After the young people took the medicine, they actually rushed to the poisons. Do you want to die? If he dies, what about the antidote? They have to follow suit.

When they were frightened, they found out that the young black-haired figure that had just emerged from the ground flashed in the void and disappeared immediately.

When the next moment appeared, it was already among the group of monsters outside the hundred feet.

A dazzling sword light rose into the sky, such as Changhong Guanri, a fish monster was killed on the spot.

Immediately, the figure flashed back and forth among the monsters.

Every time he flashes, there will be an amazing sword light rushing, and then a monster is smashed into several segments.

In the blink of an eye, the monster that just threatened the poison to teach everyone, suddenly became a pile of minced meat.

Even before the death of the monsters, even the screams did not come out.

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