Too Early

Chapter 690: Look for your own way

To get out of your own path, the difficulties to be experienced will undoubtedly be much more than ordinary people's cultivation, and there is no experience of the predecessors to give pointers.

Only by this point, I know that this demon in this mother river is not a leisurely generation! No wonder he will not be willing!

The unwillingness of this demon king is not a mourning for life, but a desire for one's own way.

He has to go through more things to perfect his own way. Sticking to the small place of the Zimu River will undoubtedly have an impact on his perfection of the Tao.

This truth, Qin Haoxuan is deeply experienced. When he entered the red dust, he used his 3,000 red dust passions to cultivate and finally broke through.

It can be said that the understanding of the Tao is also very profound.

This side of the world, this party is the best place to grind the road.

In the river of the lonely and cold, the mother is always too narrow, and the state of mind is forbidden.

"Well, I agree with your request." Qin Haoxuan nodded.

Knowing the origins of the old demon in front of him, he is more interested in the opportunity in this sacred relic. There is so many monsters in the river of a child, and such a strong demon is born.

The extraordinary here is probably not inferior to the sinister venom.

"There is nothing to say, you always have to take things as collateral. Otherwise I will let you go, you won the chance, if you do not help, the seat does not have a full calculation to deduct you." The old devil directly Put your mind and mind out.

Qin Haoxuan was not surprised, but he was curious and asked: "I don't know what the seniors want me to do as a mortgage?"

"I want her to be a mortgage." The old demon figure fluttered, this time appeared on the side of the ship, condescending, pointing to the Baizhang outside with Liao Chaofan and others.

Qin Haoxuan’s dialogue with the old demon king, the voice rumbling, directly covering the waves of the mother-in-law’s square miles.

Their dialogue, of course, was clearly heard by Liao Chaofan and others.

Now when I see the old devil pointing to her side, Liao Chaofan’s face is white.

"I...I..." He didn't want to be mortgaged here.

At this time, I heard a cold and firm voice coming from my side: "Well, I stay here."

The person who spoke was the Qinghong fairy, and his face did not change.

Liao Chaofan secretly breathed a sigh of relief at this time. It was really a passion for him. Think about it, Qinghong Fairy is much higher than him, and Qin Haoxuan is fancy.

The old devil is looking for someone to mortgage here, and it must be a Qinghong fairy, not a man.

"Qinghong Fairy, you can't promise. It's dangerous, you are being detained here, what should happen if something happens?" The singer-eyed elder, Hong Zhong, had a dignified voice.

He is somewhat selfish. He has already seen it, this Qinghong fairy and Qin Haoxuan are the core cohesive force in the team. If the Qinghong fairy is missing, even if they pass the mother river, I am afraid that they will encounter some unimaginable difficulties. And he has some other concerns...

Some Jinxudian disciples also rushed over at this time, and heard the words of Qinghong Fairy, all of them were shocked.

"Sister, can't you. If you are being detained here, what should we do next?"

"Yes, Sister. We are just out of the river, let's go back. You can't let your sister go to danger." Some of the disciples of Jinxu Temple surged.

"Predecessors..." Qin Haoxuan said, "I am not a late-generation Taoist, leaving her to the younger generation, and can't add too much care..."

The magic road gently swings the index finger and says: "This seat only knows one thing, here is the middle man. If there is anyone who will make you feel concerned, only this person..."

Qin Haoxuan is silent, Qinghong has a lot of care for himself. It is indeed a friend who is worthy of making a relationship. He has a arrogant attitude, but he is arrogant without arrogance. At least for himself, that is enough.

Just... will Qinghong’s pity be here... The road ahead is dangerous, if it’s fallen, does it harm the other side?

Qinghong pity saw that Qin Haoxuan was silent, and his heart was not rushing. The faint heart of this beating still had a sweet taste. Although many people complained that they were worried about themselves, there may be many people who are really worried. But only Qin Haoxuan’s silence made her feel the other side’s worry, very sweet... very warm...

"Predecessors, can you change something? I still have a lot of treasures..." Qin Haoxuan plans to open a bargaining model, and the sentence has said that... the devil is generally available for trading.

"You guys, including things on you. The old man still feels that you will come back if you leave this woman here. I just saw that when you were saving the gang, the woman controlled it with poison. Help people, but give you the antidote. This shows that you definitely trust each other, very tacit... Your relationship is not simple..."

Hearing here, Qin Haoxuan could not help but laugh. He knew that the Qinghong fairy under these words must have heard it.

The eyes couldn’t help but glance at the Qinghong fairy, and I found that the Qinghong fairy was calm, just like nothing. He couldn't help but feel relieved.

It’s just that he didn’t see it, and a sizzling blush appeared in the roots of Qinghong fairy.

Liao Chaofan looks strange and like constipation. Look at Qin Haoxuan for a while, look at Qinghong Fairy for a while, there is a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

"Predecessors, things that happen only a hundred miles away from here. How do you see?" Qin Haoxuan looked for words and chat, while thinking quickly about countermeasures, try not to let Qinghong pity stay in this dangerous situation.

The old devil smiled lightly: "As long as I am in this territory, anything that happens can't escape my perception."

Qin Haoxuan is speechless, and the old devil is too simple to speak...

The old devil continued to slow down: "... In fact, the place you are going to is just a big island in the river, not the land you imagined."

"When you go ahead, you should be careful. In this mother river, as far as I know, there are nine magical creatures that have become devils, including myself. Some devils are so rude that they simply don't want to leave here and see people kill. But the guy is still sleeping now, in short, you are all careful, it is best not to wake up the devils..."

Having said that, the old devil stunned and took out a ring and a bronze token.

The ring didn't know what material it was made of, and it was covered with a mottled curse. It was very strange.

The token emits a faint black light, and any light around it will be swallowed up, very strange.

"This mother river is so vast, no less than the ocean, it is very dangerous. You can wear this ring, you can not be disturbed by the five people of the river here, I don't want to watch you die. This token is also for you, you use him Being able to mobilize some water monsters. It is always good for you to move forward."

Qin Haoxuan listened to the old devil, which is even more headache. This token ring looks like a good thing. It is hard to tell whether it is actually monitoring your own magic.

He took the token and carefully scolded it, able to feel the mysterious power of the overflowing ocean, and the scent of the old devil.

Qin Haoxuan looked seriously and stared at the old devil in front of him: "I am the first to get these things?"

The old devil's eyes flashed in an unexpected look. He did not expect Qin Haoxuan to look very young. He was not a fool, very smart.

And very sensitive.

It is only from this token and ring that it can be judged that he is not the first person to be entrusted.

In the face of smart people, it is undoubtedly stupid to cover up.

The old devil’s mouth smiled and said calmly: “In fact, I can’t remember that you are the first one. Those who accepted my ring and tokens before have failed. No one is coming back.”

"Are they all very good?" Qin Haoxuan sighed. From the words of the old devil, he could smell a terrible sin.

"The people I chose in the past are all ones' arrogance. They are very good. But when they got on the island, they didn't come back again." The old devil said indifferently, there was a different meaning in his voice.

Qin Haoxuan no longer asked, the figure flashed and returned to the front of Qinghong Fairy.

Liao Chaofan and Hong Zhong and others, looking at Qin Haoxuan's eyes have changed, very cautious.

Just now, the words of the old devil, they heard it clearly.

I suddenly realized that this sacred relic was discovered many years ago, and there are more than one group of people.

Therefore, the old devil can select Tianjiao several times and enter the mysterious and dangerous island.

However, those who entered the relics of the fairy devil must have fallen. No one can come Otherwise, it will not be so long, and there is no news of the relics of this fairy.

Like Qiang Qinxuan, the Tianjiao selected by the old devil has several people who have fallen into the island. Looking for a big chance, it is definitely a matter of life.

Qin Haoxuan did not even look at Liao Chaofan and others, and his eyes only looked at Qinghong Fairy.

"You will stay here for the time being, I will definitely pick you up."

His relationship with Qinghong Fairy is a bit subtle at this moment. Although he is nominally a friend of Qinghong Fairy, some things that Qinghong Fairy did for him are far more than just friends.

Qin Haoxuan has a feeling that after the incident, if both sides are not dead, they may become brothers like their own punishment!

Qinghong Fairy also has a feeling that after the incident, if the two sides are not dead, they may fill other people in their hearts again...

"I am waiting for you here." Qinghong pity sounds rare and gentle, and everyone else suspects that there is something wrong with his ear.

This sentence ‘I am here waiting for you’, how is it like a woman talking to a lover who wants to go far away.

"Good." Qin Haoxuan sent three magical characters: "If there is danger, use it to save lives."

The old devil coughed and said: "The journey behind is dangerous. You are jumping on the river, the speed is slow and dangerous, I will send you a black ship. So you will go faster."

The old devil's voice was slow, and he slowly flowed on the river.

Those who are far behind Qinghong Fairy and others, who are afraid to get close to Jinxudian disciples and others, have listened to the dialogue between the old devil and Qin Haoxuan in a word.

It’s even more ugly to look at each other. Listening to the words of the old devil, it’s absolutely a matter of life to go to the island of Rush, where there is a big chance.

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