Too Early

Chapter 692: Do not live for yourself

I am Xianfan.

Author: Barry Seal, being updated. The law on the black ship flickered, smashing the waves, galloping into the distance, splashing large white hair and large strands of white foam.

Qin Haoxuan stood quietly in the bow, watching the long shadow of the Qinghong fairy standing on the black ship, feeling a kind of inexplicable taste.

"I will definitely come back." The heart silently recited.

In the damp river wind, the black ship shines all the way.

Empty and comfortable stretched a lazy waist, sitting on the animal leather back chair in the center of the black ship.

"You, you, come over, give my uncle a shoulder, hammer and leg." He was unceremonious to the two just got rid of the disaster, take the initiative to follow Qin Haoxuan's cultivator.

The two cultivators were slightly stunned and their faces rose red. They have just escaped from the hands of this group of monsters, and they still have a lingering fear. They will still be afraid of the evil spirits.

Want to go forward, but look at Qin Haoxuan.

"I still want to do what the third demon king sent to the seat to point you, is your blessing. How, if you give me a leg, you will be wronged." If you look at the two immortals, you will hesitate, and the voice is a bit bigger.

Qin Haoxuan was slightly wrinkled at the side of the brow. This empty-fashioned faction, in addition to not having a good-looking criminal, is quite similar to punishment. If the punishment is here, I am afraid that it will be a fat one, let it know who is the boss.

Qin Haoxuan did not say much, continue to come up with the Dandian of pure Yang Xianwang, calm down and watch carefully.

"Who is going to the bottom of the cabin to get some of the spirit stone. There is no stone burning."

"You don't squat and watch the situation around. Although it is the site of my demon king, there are other forces who will sneak into it and be careful."

"Don't do it quickly, wipe the deck clean. This is the warship that my devil's master gave, you idiots, how to carelessly smudge the dirty and care about your dogleg."

The empty space was on the boat for five drinks and six, quite a commanding command.

For a time, the chicken flies and the dog jumps, and everyone can't be peaceful.


Suddenly, the empty space saw the people on the black ship busy, only one person was reading leisurely.

That person is the old devil confessed, the person who gave the ring and the token, the identity is quite special.

"This guy seems to be very appreciative of the big devil..."

Looking at Qin Haoxuan's appearance, the empty space does not know why the heart is vaguely unpleasant.

He was sent by the old devil, and he naturally felt that he was the owner of this black ship.

Be sure to maintain your own prestige, and let the kid in front know who is the real family member on this black ship.

"Who is that." Although I know Qin Haoxuan's name, I don't know if I am empty. I don't know Qin Hao Xuanman's voice: "Don't look at your Rush's **** book. Hurry up, you seem to be doing well, get off the boat and go to the front to inquire about the situation. ”

Randomly yelling at Qin Haoxuan, just like commanding a dog and a cat.

Qin Haoxuan sat still, and did not hear the empty words, his eyes still condensed in the ancient books in his hands.

Empty and angry - this is the old man's words, you dare not listen today to let you know that who is the boss!

"Don't think that the old devil treats you well, you can let it go. I want to give you some color today..." The empty sky rushed to Qin Haoxuan, and the rat had to shake.

Not before Qin Haoxuan, the black-haired youth on the ground suddenly disappeared. The next moment, he felt the back of a sword like a sword, Mori sharp.

I couldn’t help but be scared.

Incomparably and quickly jumped out a few steps and looked behind him. I saw Qin Haoxuan standing behind him with a pale face and raised his palm.

His heart was cold, and he jumped ten feet behind him. However, Qin Haoxuan was like a skeleton, and he couldn’t get rid of it. He still followed him closely.

A slamming sound, a loud and slap in the face of the black ship echoed.

Although the empty skin is thick and thick, the slap of the slap is like being smashed by a giant hammer. The brain sizzles and flies out more than a dozen feet.

Hey, I hit a two-roller and I stopped the castration.

The empty space hit a roll, climbed up, and looked incredulously to Qin Haoxuan, and his heart was both shocked and angry.

He is on a black ship, and he has always been treated as a cultivator, such as an ant, how to torture if he wants to torture. This time, if it wasn’t for the Big Devil’s order, he would never go to the black ship with this despicable human being.

Did not think, actually beaten!

But just now he did not even see how Qin Haoxuan shot, and the black-haired young man’s slap power was also frightening.

" dare to beat me over the sky, don't you know that I was sent by the old devil?"

The voice just fell, the figure flashed in front of him, and the whistling sound rang again.

Oh, it’s a crack.

This slap is heavier than the slap of the previous slap, and the whistling whistling, the empty air splashed at the corner of his mouth, and squatted in place.

"You should feel that you are lucky. If you are here, you can drink five of them. You can't have a bone in your body." Qin Haoxuan's words are cold, and the whole person is soaring. The majestic momentum is like a mountain. In the empty heart.

The empty air trembled, I don’t know why there was an inexplicable fear in my heart.

This kind of fear is purely the intuition of the flesh - this human youth is very powerful, and the murderousness in him is true.

"He wants to kill me!" The thought flashed through my mind, and I only felt that the chrysanthemum was tight.

Even rolling and climbing, and ran out of the hundred feet in one breath.

His fighting power is comparable to the peak of the 49th leaf of Xian Miaojing, and the blood is booming. This opening is also considered to be the electric light and flint, which is swift and abnormal.

However, he quickly stopped his footsteps and walked out in front of him. Qin Haoxuan didn't know when, ghostly appeared in front of him.

Open the sky!

The dazzling swordsman is drilled from the flesh and blood, tearing ten sides, emitting a fierce flame.

Taiyi fire road!

Inside the flame, there are many fire-like wonders, chasing the empty air and burning it, and the fire burns the sky.

Earth cage, water moon knife...

All kinds of heroic spirits emerge in an endless stream and blast directly on the empty children.

Originally empty, the self-defeating strength is extraordinary, but Qin Haoxuan in front of him is flashing, and the naked eye can't capture his direction.

If the spirit of the sea surges, for a moment, the sound of screaming in the air is endless, and there is no point to fight back.

"This unfortunate reminder, actually dare to provoke Qin Haoxuan."

"You can't live without it."

"Sure enough, it is a wicked person or a wicked person."

Seeing this scene, the people who cultivated the immortals on the black ship are all inspired by the spirit. The cry of screaming and yelling at the empty space, in the ears of some cultivators, is no different from the fairy sound, and the mood is comfortable and pleasant.

For a while, the empty child was beaten with a bag, just like a few horns on his head.

"No reason, he really dared to hit me..." The empty space looked at Qin Haoxuan in front of him with a black smudge on his face, like a grilled fish.

The flavour of the meat that was just burned out by the Taiyi fire road is still lingering on the body.

"The ancestors let you come, just let you be a guide, to be a coolie. If you don't consciously, I don't mind throwing you up and throwing them away." Qin Haoxuan sounds indifferent, still holding in his hand. That ancient book, the eye did not look empty.

The neck was emptied, and the chill was secretly stunned. Qin Haoxuan in front of him, killing so many monsters, full of arrogance, he certainly believes that this guy in front of him will definitely say it.

In front of Xiao Ming, the face of the empty face appeared a charming smile: "... Hey, Qin Boda, don't be too angry. The little was just a moment of confusion, and now I am awake by the big brother. The villain knows how to do it."

The empty space instantly showed the ability of the extremely good husband to bend and stretch, and immediately changed his face.

"Mom! This is empty, it's really a bone, not uncomfortable." Many of the immortals saw this scene, and their hearts were very happy.

Being attacked by Qin Haoxuan and threatening a meal, the thoughts of the empty children changed very rapidly, and quickly changed from a happy life to serving the public.

Qin Haoxuan bowed his head and was very submissive. From time to time, he will jump off the black ship and detect the situation ahead.

Along the way, there was an empty guide to the indigenous people on the river, and the voyage went smoothly.

Even though some inconspicuous monsters jumped out of the water and appeared in the air, the monsters were scared to escape – they all knew the flattering of the devil, and they were empty.

The magic of the mother river, did not dare to provoke the demon of the old devil.

For a long time, the mother-in-law is still full of smoke.

On the huge black ship, there has never been a dangerous situation, and many people’s impetuous thoughts have been quiet.

Meditation of meditation, cultivation of cultivation, cleaning of the deck of the deck, everything is carried out in an orderly manner.

Qin Haoxuan’s side began to be a little lively. After the air was beaten up, he completely washed his face and re-does it.

Give Qin Haoxuan tea to the water, ask for help, and even juggling and amused, Qin Haoxuan is overwhelmed, and grabbed a beat.

The air was completely quiet, and I was doing what I should do.

"Report, there is a situation ahead!"

On the river of the mother, the air jumped out fiercely, stirring up the waves, and slammed into the black ship.

"What situation" Qin Haoxuan immediately stood up ~ ~ asked.

"There are several big ships in front." The empty space is solemn.

After listening to this, the cultivators on the black ship suddenly became enemies and guarded.

Some people in the scorpion scorpion have pulled out all kinds of stinking worms, which look very bleak.

On this river, as long as the people who come in are not teammates, they are enemies.

After all, it’s all about going to the big place. As long as you get on the island, in order to win the chance, I am afraid that a **** kill can’t escape.

Many people are mentally prepared.

"Increase the spirit stone, the speed of the warship!"

Qin Haoxuan ordered, the black ship took the wind and waves, and the rumbling sailed forward.

Gradually, among the smog, Qin Haoxuan faintly saw the outline of the front fleet.

There are four warships like hills, filled with a wave of runes, and waves on the river.

On the bow of each warship, a different flag was erected.

There are Qingtianqi, Xuanyueqi, and a red flag with a bright blood. The battle flag on the last battleship is very strange. It is actually a one-eyed one-eyed, and looks quite horrible.

On every battleship, hundreds of elite disciples are in operation. These disciples acted neatly, at the helm of the helm, and arranged the array of spirits.

Although there are hundreds of people, but one is silent, like a rock, there is a different kind of power in silence.

From time to time, there are monsters jumping out of the water and trying to rush to the black ship. But they were all shot down by the elite disciples who were on the ship's side.

The bang, the sound of water splashing in the river is endless.

These four warships, together with each other, are tacit, skilled, and moving together to advance and retreat. Already a desperate fleet. I am Xianfan, go to the mobile version to read and get a better reading experience.

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