Too Early

Chapter 752: Natural Hao Xuan famous

Qin Haoxuan will stop the Tissot in mid-air.

Then, a wave of light and shadow fluctuated on the light wall. A disciple dressed in a Western Christian costume, riding a beast of a white crane, passed through the wall of light and came to a few steps in front of them.

"This is the territory of the Antarctic. I don't know who the friends are, where are they from, what is it?"

Qin Haoxuan opened the mixed Tissot, appeared in front of this Western Preaching disciple, and saw the disciples before him, but in his thirties, he was eye-catching, and his body was floating, knowing that he was a master.

"The beginning of the natural hall, Qin Haoxuan, there is something to ask the West Pole to teach."

When the disciples of the Western Preachers heard that they knew the nature hall of the early religion, they were weak and weak, but they still respected and said: "In the lower Xiji teaching disciple Li Hao, please Qin Tangzhu down, go with me to the West Pole to teach the mountain gate."

Qin Haoxuan listened to this and did not say anything. He took the mixed Tissot and took everyone to follow the same white crane, Li Hao, from the mountain path, after several tortuous roads, came to a place higher than several dozen feet. In front of the mountain.

The three gates of the "Western Puppet" are written on the gate of the mountain, which is magnificent and cozy.

Li Hao led Qin Haoxuan to the mountain gate and said to Qin Haoxuan: "The Qin Tang master waited a little, let me inform the sect."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and Li Hao quickly disappeared behind the mountain gate.

The little stone waited for a while, and said boringly: "How long does it take? We don't know the way, we can't go straight."

Qin Haoxuan said: "This is the field of other people's sects. I can't wait for the rules to be broken. I don't know anyone else. I think that the tutors at the beginning are not good."

The small stone still wants to complain, but see Qin Haoxuan's attitude, knowing that it is useless, and waiting quietly, but fortunately Li Hao returned quickly enough, so that everyone did not wait too long.

Behind Li Hao is a gorgeous and unusual fairy cloud car.

The whole body of the car is engraved with runes, the flash of light flashes, and the car is also carved dragon, beautiful and unusual.

When the small stone looked at the car, he continued to admire: "Oh! Lao Qin... Your face is quite useful..."

Qin Haoxuan was too lazy to take care of the small stones, and stepped on the Xianyun car. The blue smoke and Xiaojin also followed the car, and the empty space could only hide in the mixed Tissot to avoid any fearless trouble.

At the same time as the Xianyun car took off, from the height of the mountain, the clouds, there were bursts of bells, and a total of three sounds.

Qin Haoxuan knows that this is a great courtesy of the West Pole, and there is a bit more comfort in the heart. At the beginning, the natural lord came to the West, and the West Pole can give such courtesy. On behalf of the early days, there is still a small position in the outside world. The ancestors used swords and blood to fight them out, and they will have to be more courteous in the beginning.

The speed of the Xianyun car is very fast, but it is very stable. Qin Haoxuan, like a big house, looks at the beautiful mountains of the West Pole.

The lush trees are all over the mountains. All kinds of birds and beasts are coming and going in the mountains. There are flying birds in the air. It is very nice to fly by the side of the Xianyun car, but it does not panic, but also sees a flying stream. The waterfall below adds a little spirituality to the beauty of the mountain.

The small stone bounced and looked around in the Xianyun car. He smiled and said to Qin Haoxuan: "I will get a car like this later."

Qin Haoxuan took a look at it. On this road, he had already heard countless big words from Xiaoshi, but he still nodded his face.

Soon, they came to the Yingji Pavilion of the Antarctic.

Two people have been seated in the guest room, and when they arrive, they will rise up and meet.

Qin Haoxuan they greeted.

Li Hao said to the two people: "This is the natural master of the early education, Qin Haoxuan."

The opposite of the two hands, Qin Haoxuan return.

Then he pointed to one of the two men, who was white and gray, pointing to Qin Haoxuan: "This is the five elders of our Western Puppets, Changshan Taoist."

Pointing at another stern-looking man with a sigh of anger, he said to Qin Haoxuan: "This is the owner of our battle hall, winning the battle."

Qin Haoxuan met one by one, and after mutual understanding, Changshan Taoist asked Qin Haoxuan to be seated with blue smoke.

When Qin Haoxuan sat down, there was a handyman who gave tea to several people. Qin Haoxuan picked up the tea and smelled it.

The little stone asked in his arms: "Why can't they teach you to come out to see you?"

Qin Haoxuan whispered in a whispered voice: "Because I am not a teacher... the courtesy of the other party is very good."

"Is it?" The little stone whispered unwillingly: "If you were too early, what kind of gray is here... is it such a courtesy?"

Qin Haoxuan shook his head gently: "I am afraid that it will be the worst and there will be a receptionist."

After all, in the eyes of the world, Murong Chao may be the first teacher of the early education, it is a genius disciple of gray, and there is no limit to the future.

The small stones looked around, and when I saw the stone plaque in Yingkee Pavilion, my eyes lit up. I said to Qin Haoxuan: "Look, the stone on the top is good, it should be delicious."

Qin Haoxuan resisted the impulse of the support, and bit his teeth and said to the little stone: "That is the threshold of the Western Preachers. Are you crazy to eat that?!"

The small stone disdained, but did not say anything.

At this time, the elders who sat on the speech said: "I don't know if Qin Tang is coming to our West Pole. Is there anything?"

Qin Haoxuan said: "There is two things that Qin came to your school today."

Win the battle: "Qintang Lord please."

Qin Haoxuan said: "The first thing is to ask, is there any special thing in the country where your church is located?"

Winning the war asked: "What special things?"

Qin Haoxuan said: "For example, is there any particularly powerful strongman?"

Win the battle: "As far as I know, there is nothing. We have had a recent major event, but it is the chaos that has not been spurred by the spurt. It has now been suppressed, and we have been discussing this with you. Things, I want to take these scums in one fell swoop. Others, there have been no major incidents."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and said: "Oh, in this case, there has not been a strong and strong woman recently?"

Winning the battle and wondering Qin Haoxuan half-sounding, only shook his head: "That is not."

Qin Haoxuan looked at their expressions and knew that the other party did not lie. He said: "The other thing is, before I came, I didn't know where the gates of your religion were, so I went to the palace of the fierce fire country. When I arrived there, I saw that a disciple of the Guild Wars is fighting a squad, and when I fell, the scum had been killed, and the disciples of the cult were also cut off by the other party’s final blow. It is his strong support for the West Gate to teach me the position of the West Gate."

After Qin Haoxuan’s remarks, the main battle of the warfare was furious. He shot the table with one hand and the teacup on the table was shocked by this force. It was suddenly turned into powder, and the table was intact. Qin Haoxuan’s secret voice was good. Attack power!

"The group of people who have been beaten like a funeral dog, don't hurry to find a wilderness to hide, keep a dog's life, and dare to provoke in the scope of our Western religion?! Evergreen elders, we must add Great strikes, annihilate them all!"

Changshan Elder, who has never spoken, did not answer the question of winning the battle. Instead, he looked at Qin Haoxuan with a consideration.

After winning the battle for a while, he asked: "According to what Qin Tang said just now, Qin Tangzhu came to the West Pole to find someone?"

Qin Haoxuan said: "Yes, we actually want to find this person."

After that, Qin Haoxuan took out a portrait of the blue smoke mother from the space bag and handed it to Li Hao next to him. He asked, "Have you seen this person?"

After Li Hao took over, he handed it to the elders.

Elder Changshan saw it, shook his head, and handed it to the battle. He also watched the battle, but he shook his head and said: "I have never seen it."

Qin Haoxuan took over the portrait that Li Hao handed over, but there was not much disappointment on the face.

Win the battle: "Although we have not seen it, we can help the Qin Tang master. The West Pole and the early education are all in the same breath, and mutual help is appropriate."

Qin Haoxuan said with a grateful smile on his face: "That Qin has been here to thank the people of the West Pole."

Winning the war, he waved his hand and said: "However, Qin Tang mainly tells us what is the relationship between this woman and the owner? Is it a friend or an enemy? If we encounter a courtesy or an attack?"

Qin Haoxuan did not think about how to say it, Xiaoshi rushed and said: "That is his mother-in-law!"

As soon as this was said, everyone in the guest room was stunned.

Blue smoke is a slap in the heart, and she is afraid that Qin Haoxuan will say something that she can't bear.

Qin Haoxuan really wants to throw the small stone on the ground and break it. It’s just a thought that if it is said to the other party, this is the mother of blue smoke, the West Pole will definitely feel that this little scattered mother, do not have to work hard to find If you say your mother-in-law, you are also a natural cousin, and you will find a lot of things in the West Pole.

"Please also ask for a lot of help..." Qin Haoxuan did not admit it and did not deny it. He just clenched his fist and used his default attitude to mislead people in the West Pole.

Everyone in the West Pole is thinking, if anyone is irrelevant, cope with it, and the face has gone better, but if it is the mother of the nature hall, then this thing really has to come up with sincerity... Nature Hall Qin Hao Xuan!

This name is no longer the name of a nameless person!

Regardless of the attitude of Huawangu, or several other attitudes of teaching, I have heard the name of Qin Haoxuan, and the reputation of the blood-stained team has gradually spread.

"If the Qin Tang Master determines that the mother-in-law is within the scope of my West then it doesn't need to be too anxious..." Winning the war said: "Please also ask Qin Tang to stay in my Western Pole for a few days. I can also find my mother-in-law for the owner as soon as possible.

Qin Haoxuan is slightly embarrassed. The more things he finds, the better. He can also give his strength. There is nothing to do in this West Pole. He looks at the blue smoke beside him.

"That troubles to win the master..." Blue smoke got up and thanked, so that Qin Haoxuan is even more puzzled. Are you not anxious to find your mother? How is it to live here?

It’s just... It’s not suitable for asking... Qin Haoxuan can only hold back for a while, and got up and said to the crowd: “Nahaoxuan has troubled the West...”

"Western poles, too early in the same breath! Help each other, it should be!"

The bold response to win the battle made Qin Haoxuan feel a little bit sorry for the other party. He also slaughtered the other disciples before he came...

"Li Hao, Li Hao! What are you doing? Let's call Qian Minglai, you must entertain Qin Tang!"

Li Hao was a little surprised. After all, Qian Ming was the ash of the Western Preachers. He was a disciple who was given hope by the sects. However, after a slight meal, he still led out, and then the elders of Changshan said to Qin Haoxuan: Qian Ming will bring Qin Tang to the residence."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and said goodbye to everyone.

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