Too Early

Chapter 762: 0 years 1 sigh

Qin Haoxuan released the ghosts, and the ghosts and screams opened. The golden light that was released was a hundred feet wide, and the faint heavens were like white.

But still nothing.

Qin Haoxuan gently coveted and said to himself: "That will be repaired."

Time seems to have become a flowing water, and it seems to be a raging river. Qin Haoxuan sits here, his hair is floating in the sky, his beard has grown over his chest.

One hundred years have passed, and another hundred years have passed. I don’t know how many hundred years have passed over his body. He has a circle of fairy wheels on his fairy tree. He passed the fairy. The rotation has made the fairy fruit.

Qin Haoxuan still did not move. He sat there, as if he was going to sit in the old days, and he was sitting for a thousand years. He entered the Taoist palace.

Time seems to have become blurred. What is the difference between the time of three thousand years and the moment?

There is no difference, it is just passing by, he is white, and eventually became the king.

A paved road with soft white light formed under his feet, and Qin Haoxuan got up and walked out along that road.

He opened a door and found him in the middle of a ruin.

There are ruins everywhere, and there is no complete palace. Qin Haoxuan is standing on this land and feels very familiar.

The green hills in the distance, the winding roads, and the Lingtian in the film...

He remembered, here is the early education, he is now on the hills of the early teaching.

However, is it too early? What about the palace of the early education?

Why is this happening?

Qin Haoxuan looked up, these entire early teachings seemed to have suffered from thunder bombings over nine days, and all things were turned into ashes.

An inexplicable grief sprang from the chest of Qin Haoxuan. He did not know how many years had been such a strong mood swing!

But! Now... Qin Haoxuan looks at the wreckage of the land, and can’t help but want to scream in the sky!

He hates!

He hated that when he was in the early days of the robbery, he was not present. He hated himself as a fairy king, but he could do nothing to face the ruins of the martial art!

Qin Haoxuan was immersed in his grief and indignation, searching through the hills.

Finally, let him find a new sect on a mountain in the southwest direction, a small sect he had never seen before in the early teachings.

Not too early... they are not too early!

Someone slowly passed by him, and Qin Haoxuan muttered: "Is it too early to teach? What is the disciple of the early teaching?"

The man did not seem to understand what he asked, and he repeated it with great confusion: "Teaching too early?"

Then look at him like a madman: "The beginning of the early education is gone."

No more.

These three words hit Qin Haoxuan like a sap.

Didn't mean anything?

Huang Long teaches? Natural Hall? Xu Yu? What about those four halls?

Why is it gone, what is it called?

Qin Haoxuan thought of a place, he thought of a move, he came here, Yingling Mountain.

As soon as he arrived, he almost couldn't breathe. The Yingling Mountain, which had buried the bodies of countless disciples in the early days, turned into a moo.

The sun shines on it, and his eyes hurt.

Qin Haoxuan had a splitting headache and a pain in his heart. He was so painful that he could not stand up straight.

It hurts, how many years have not felt this pain without landing.

Qin Haoxuan is not knowing how to be a good time, the foot has a small amount of pain, but can not be ignored.

He looked down and saw that a small snake had bitten him.

When Qin Haoxuan was awake, he found himself sitting in the void, and everything in front of him had not changed. Even the time went forward.

He looked at his hair, black, and did not change his length.

He showed his own fairy tree, but it was only a ten feet long.

He recalled everything he had just experienced. The feeling of flowing past him for nearly 10,000 years, as if everything could change, and it seems that everything has not changed. He is still him, but he is no longer him.

Qin Haoxuan remembered the question when he opened the bronze door, and thought of the loud noise when the bronze door disappeared. He understood that this was the feedback given by the bronze door to his answer.

The thousands of years are just a kind of enlightenment.

Then Qin Haoxuan felt a bit murderous and came from his front.

Qin Haoxuan looked up and saw the evil repair standing in front of him.

The evil correction was approaching him quickly.

What surprised Qin Haoxuan most was that there were dozens of fruit on the fairy tree behind the evil spirits. A fairy baby villain stood on his fairy tree and flew around.

A sinister repair of the fairyland!

Thinking of the murderous murder, Qin Haoxuan turned around and turned the wing of freedom at the moment he turned, and at the same time he sacrificed the sky and rushed all the way.

The evils behind him are also very surprised. Qin Haoxuan is just a disciple of Xianshujing. How could he run so fast? Even if he is fully chasing the past, he may not be able to catch up.

"The kid who is too early, don't run, I have something to talk to you."

Qin Haoxuan does not lose his speed, and the existence of a fairyland is just murderous to me, unless I am sick, I will stop!

The next moment, Qin Haoxuan felt that there was a wave of spiritual power behind him, and that person was using the spiritual method!

However, what happened to Qin Haoxuan was that the spiritual law of the evil was not to attack himself, but to speed himself up.

What surprised him even more is that the spiritual method used by the evil practice turned out to be too early!

The evil repair caught up with him and asked behind him: "I ask you, have you seen a woman who is locked in the ice in the sect?"

Qin Haoxuan maintained a high-speed escape state, and listened to his questioning, and was shocked.

The cult is still talking: "The woman is very beautiful, with thick black hair, willow-like eyebrows, and a pretty nose with bright red lips."

When he talked about this woman, his tone was soft and he seemed to describe his lover.

Qin Haoxuan suddenly understood, did not stop moving forward, just turned and pointed at the evil repair and said: "You are the beast!"

It turns out that this cult is the soul of the female predecessor who is locked in the prison of the early teachings, and the one who is willing to pick up her own heart.

The evil repair followed him and slowly nodded, then said: "In this, you can't get out."

Qin Haoxuan did not listen to him. He remembered that when he realized the achievement of Xian Wang, there was a fairy road here. There was a door at the end of the fairy road. He opened the door and went out to teach at the beginning.

And now he is running in the direction of the fairy road.

The evil repair does not give up and said behind him: "You can't go out, you stop, I can help you out, but you have to do something for me."

Qin Haoxuan actually wanted to take this spirit beast and bring it back to the beginning of the school to give it to the teacher, but thought of the look of Anhe Bridge, some could not bear it.

And... the most important! Qin Haoxuan found that he really couldn’t beat each other! It is useless to have a pair of treasures at hand! The other side's fairy tree is hanging on the fruit! I can't even make a fairy wheel. How can I make a person with a fruit?

Qin Haoxuan asked: "You... want me to help you jail?"

The evil repaired a smile behind him and said: "I just want you to do something for me at a certain time. How can you let you go to jail? So dangerous, I won't let you Go and do it."

Qin Haoxuan smiled. Are you my three-year-old child? You are not letting me go to jail, I am afraid it is also necessary to cooperate with you to jail? Then I am not going to become an accomplice?

"Predecessors..." Qin Haoxuan fled and said: "Why must I be a younger generation? The disciple is just a young disciple who has just entered the early days. Your last generation of things, you can solve it yourself..."

"Nature is the main Qin Haoxuan, the first person in Xianmiao, the ash-killing purple species, a Baizhangxianshu is just a small disciple?" The evil-stricken smile said: "Then I want to know, who is in the beginning? Isn't it a young disciple? Is it too early for the beginning, it is already strong enough to go all the way, is the fairy tree not as good as the dog?"

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is full of bitterness. Behind this sinister investigation, he apparently investigated the details in detail. It is obviously impossible to deceive the other party! Just... I don’t understand why this evil cult is here.

"Qin Tangzhu, I just want to ask you to help me uncover a small horn of the array..." After several times of speeding up, I couldn’t quickly approach Qin Haoxuan. I said, "You don’t really think that you are without you. Can't you enter the early days? This seat is just a scent of you at the beginning of the day. I see you here... I want to save you once..."

Qin Haoxuan suddenly woke up and asked: "Is there anyone in the beginning who can help you?"

The evil face of the evil man’s face was stunned by a trace of accidental and then laughed: "How is it possible? The most annoying thing at the beginning is that when it comes to the outside, the iron plate is a piece... ”

Qin Haoxuan frowned and rushed, and the reaction of the other party showed everything! In the beginning, there is a person inside this person! It is dangerous at first! If it is a purple species at the beginning...

"I know what you are thinking about... Is it purple at the beginning?" The sorcerer’s voice said in the ear of Qin Haoxuan: "I am also from the beginning, I don’t want to see the beginning of the demise. I just want to save and bridge.... People have the bottom line of the beginning! Even if the seat is not too early, there is something wrong with it!"

Qin Haoxuan has the urge to stop moving forward. Although the evil spirits behind him are full of dangers, his last few words reveal a kind of pride. The pride of the beginnings of the people, the pride of the beginning! The last few words are really true, not to talk casually.

Qin Haoxuan would like to persuade the other party to go back to the beginning with himself, and go to ask for advice... but I don’t dare to stop. Although this evil repair will not sell the secret of the beginning, but... does not mean that he is willing to go back with himself! He has his own attachment!

Qin Haoxuan made a force to fly forward, and soon he saw it... in a position far away from him, in the countless bodies, Li He was suspended!

Just... Li He is now a cold body!

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