Too Early

Chapter 770: Overeating

A plant of a leaf of golden lotus!

The small stone has the avatar as a mountain, and the stone presses the impulse of Qin Haoxuan: "Can you waste even more? The potency of a leaf of golden lotus in your body is hurting the cold outside for you, huh? But you just entered the Xiuxianmen. It’s strange that the mortal body can withstand the power of a leaf of golden lotus."

Qin Haoxuan turned a blind eye: "That is because I practiced a practice at that time and was able to make my body strong."

Qin Haoxuan ignored the snoring of the small stone and continued: "Now my body can withstand more potions. I don't know how many elixir I can eat, but I try to eat it. I use the potion of these elixir to fight the cold outside. Then get the cold flame on the cold moon glass lamp."

Blue smoke frowned and wanted to say something, but never said it.

The small stone said regardless of disregard: "Listen, it makes sense, but why does this Shi Huang still feel quite unreliable?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at it: "Do you have a more reliable way?"

The small stone shut up and said nothing... This is indeed the most reliable method at present!

Qin Haoxuan no longer talked nonsense, took a deep breath, and began to eat the elixir on the ground.

He kept on his mouth, but he always used his power to check his condition with his knowledge.

A single elixir is filled into his mouth. If this picture is seen by the alchemy teacher, it must be a waste of Qin Haoxuan, and so many rare elixir at that time were all wasted by Qin Haoxuan. If you eat it in your mouth, you might even vomit blood from the alchemy teachers who love medicine.

The vast majority of the medicines that Qin Haoxuan took out were eaten by him. The potency of the hundred kinds of cockroaches boiled in the body of Qin Haoxuan. He felt like he was going to burn from the inside of the body!

The drug is chaotic, completely uncontrolled, and more and more crazy, his body is now like a huge fire, and the elixir is the fuel in the stove, the fuel that lasts for a long time and can set off the crazy fire!

Blue smoke has been watching Qin Haoxuan nervously, watching his face become a little red, watching him sweating all over his body, watching the sweat from his forehead, watching him wrinkle tightly Brow...

Blue smoke regrets, she should not come in, if she is looking for a mother, she will come in as soon as she comes in. If Qin Haoxuan has anything in it, then she...

"Don't eat, is it enough?" asked the blue smoke in tears.

Qin Haoxuan shook his head, although his body seems to be blasting now, but it has not reached the limit. The outside of the cold moon glazed lamp is so strange that it is as powerful as the king. If he does not have enough medicine to compete with it, he will be Frozen to death outside.

The small stone looked at Qin Haoxuan's exposed skin, and it became red, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he said with anger and anger: "This stone emperor is very picky to eat! You are roasting mature human flesh, this stone emperor also Will not eat."

I was crying empty, and after listening to the little stone, I immediately said, "I will not eat it!"

Qin Haoxuan almost screamed at the two of them!

Finally, I was struggling to eat a five-color fruit. Qin Haoxuan slammed out and had no warning!

Blue smoke screams!

Even the small stones were mad: "Why don't you say it! Scared the stone emperor!"

Qin Haoxuan smiled bitterly. Just after the five-color fruit was eaten, the potency that he had to open up in his body finally reached the peak and reached the limit that his body could bear!

If he is slower and even more dying, his body's strength will break out, even if his current strength is ten times now, it will be blown into slag!

Looking at a space that left the shadow space, Qin Haoxuan, which was covered with hoarfrost, blue smoke frowned and rubbed his mouth with his hand. She was afraid that she would cry.

The little stone looked nervously, biting his teeth, and not letting himself say awkward words.

Xiaojin’s two squinting eyes glared at Qin Haoxuan. With every movement of Qin Haoxuan, watching it look like Qin Haoxuan. If there is something wrong with it, he will rush out to save him. He has already opened a smart little gold, it doesn’t even have I thought I would die.

The empty child buried himself in Xiaojin's body and shivered. He didn't dare to look at it. He didn't dare to look at it a little.

However, at the next moment, Qin Haoxuan’s thin layer of hoarfrost turned away, and even a little steam did not stay.

The strength of Qin Haoxuan's body is like a fiery dragon. It was just a collision in his body, trying to find a breakthrough. As soon as he entered this cold place like Wanzhang Huangquan, the fire dragons that had been intertwined with countless potions and wanted to break his body seemed to find the target and struggled to resist the cold of the outside world.

Qin Haoxuan is not only frozen outside, but even the action is free. At the very least, it can be moved step by step like a cold moon glass lamp.

The little stone shouted: "Qin Haoxuan, you are a kid!"

The tears of blue smoke hanging in the eyes finally fell. If it was not the time, the location was not right. She must have a big cry. She thought that... I thought Qin Haoxuan would...


Qin Haoxuan also noticed the cold, just like the kind that followed the small stone into the ground, cold! But it is not unbearable!

He felt the strength of his body, and the coldness that completely enveloped him in the body, as if the two rivals were equal, and the opponents who were evenly matched, with his body as the boundary, began to kill. In contrast, the body’s powerful force removed him. The vast majority of the outside world, Qin Haoxuan can finally do what he has to do.

When he came to a safe point, Qin Haoxuan no longer walked forward. He carefully observed the cold moonlight lamp, the blue flame, burned for millions of years, and witnessed how many worlds can kill it. But it is just a very quiet place to burn here, burning from ancient times to today, and will continue to burn.

Qin Haoxuan held his breath and slowly released his own knowledge. When the gods left Qin Haoxuan, they shrank.

How cold is this? Even if a spell is played, it will be frozen into slag.

Qin Haoxuan's knowledge is not as strong as it is. In such a cold and incomprehensible place, he can still follow the Qin Haoxuan's consciousness, a little bit close to the cold flame on the cold moon glass lamp, and want to communicate with it a little bit.

Han Yan realized that there was a **** to explore it, and immediately shot a blue flame like silk, and wanted to freeze Qin Haoxuan.


Qin Haoxuan’s gods rolled up the flame and entered his body.

The moment when the cold flame entered the body, the five-finger thick layer of ice brushed him all over the body!

The cold that penetrated the bone marrow directly penetrated the bones of Qin Haoxuan into the bones.

It’s not just cold, it’s hurting! The bones are so painful that people want to go crazy!

Qin Haoxuan felt that his thinking was rigid in this extreme chill.

"Qin Haoxuan!!" Blue smoke screamed, tears brushed down, the whole person will rush out.

If the small stone immediately became as big as an adult, blocking her, the blue smoke is the next ice sculpture here.

"Women are you crazy?! He is still okay now!! Do not believe you!" With the roar of the small stone, the blue smoke is slightly fascinated, but the kind of eye that looks at Qin Haoxuan is frozen and the fear has been lingering in her heart. .

At the same time, Qin Haoxuan's body of 100 kinds of drugs seemed to be crazy and began to frantically surging. In his body, he was arrogant and chaotic. If the drug in Qin Haoxuan’s body was a mad fire dragon, then, in that Under the stimulation of the cold flame, it has completely turned into a tornado that can destroy the earth and destroy the earth. Wherever it goes, the heavens and the earth are cracked!

If it is normal, or Qin Haoxuan, who has just not got the cold flame, the body's potency is catalyzed into such a way that it will die and die, but now, in addition to the cold and the cold, he feels extreme cold and Pain, you can breathe smoothly, because he is really not uncomfortable now.

The drug in the body violently impacted, as if he had nothing to do with him. His potency, without a trace of waste, shocked the ice outside his body, and the cold flame in his body. He was busy.

The steady and powerful medicine is like a holy spring under nine days, nourishing his body.

After a quarter of an hour, although the whole body was still shrouded in the ice, Qin Haoxuan felt that he could move a little, but he could move a little.

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is happy, I feel that I am gambling!

He slowly mobilized the body's potency, and he was able to fiddle with his cyan cold flame that he had absorbed into his fairy tree.

Although the smog of the smog of the cold flame is strong, but it is still weak, in the rush of the force like Jianghai, compromised the general came to Qin Haoxuan's fairy tree.

Qin Haoxuan’s fairy tree was touched by the cold flame, and the earth became an ice tree!

Qin Haoxuan was shocked! ! !

He didn't even dare to breathe even if he was let alone tampering, if he was not careful, his fairy tree would be broken! He has to start again from the beginning. The worse result is that this cold flame directly ruined his road base. Maybe it will become a waste directly!

Qin Haoxuan didn't dare to care. He took all his energy and gathered it on his fairy tree. Then he mobilized the body's potency, and over and over again hit the fairy tree that he was frozen into ice by the cold flame.

After all, Qin Haoxuan’s fairy tree is not a fairy tree of ordinary cultivators. It is a fairy tree that has been scoured by Xianwang Avenue and has seen the Wanhua Avenue Road. Its vitality is extremely strong, and the branches and leaves on the tree are always like jade. Green.

And Qin Haoxuan eats the elixir in the import, each plant is a heavenly treasure, its potency is unstoppable, and it has the momentum to counter the cold moonlight.

Hundreds of times, the top of his fairy tree, only a little bit of ice has faded, but this has already made Qin Haoxuan happy!

As long as you stick to this, you can save the fairy tree from the ice!

Blue smoke looked at the first look, and was cautious and then showed a happy color, but Qin Haoxuan, who was still afraid to relax, was also up and down with his every change.

She can't stop praying, Qin Haoxuan doesn't have anything to do, even if she takes all the rest of her life, it doesn't matter, as long as Qin Haoxuan doesn't have an accident!

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