Too Early

Chapter 772: Re-seeing the West Pole

After Qin Haoxuan painted the film, the whole person stood up. After all, this array of methods was given to the small stone by Professor Xian Wang. The mysterious world contained in the heavens and the earth was with a thick avenue, just a month’s time, Qin Haoxuan could I feel that my cultivation has been well consolidated.

In three years, the fairy tree grows from one hundred feet to three hundred feet. If the non-natural talent is amazing and the rest is too much, it is impossible in the eyes of ordinary cultivators.

If the cultivator can absorb a lot of medicinal potions, then it is very beneficial to his Xiuxian Road, and it can even be said that it can be repaired for thousands of miles!

However, no cultivators dare to devour a lot of elixir like Qin Haoxuan. Even if they have the same amount of elixir as Qin Haoxuan, they don't dare because the body can't bear it.

Now, Qin Haoxuan is next to the cold moon glazed lamp. For more than three years, he has been walking around the edge of life and death. If it is not his tough heart, and the precise control of the potency and the body's cold flame, I have already disappeared, and how can I raise the fairy tree to three hundred feet in three years!

In the eyes of the small stone, he looked at Qin Haoxuan with a grateful look: "You can do it! In this case, you can improve it!"

Qin Haoxuan smiled, and he said modestly: "Blessings are a blessing in disguise."

"Cut!" The small stone gave him a white look, then looked at the array of paintings by Qin Haoxuan and said: "With this array, you can just draw a picture of the same array outside, you can shuttle in three times!"

Qin Haoxuan remembered the little stone and nodded. Then he said, "Let's go, leave here."

When they came over, they saw that the sorcerer who had been turned into a zombie by the corpse doll had not been converted yet.

Qin Haoxuan just glanced at it, thinking that although it was a pity that it was not converted, but fortunately they do not need this external force now, as long as those snow demon can fear them.

When I came to the cave, it was still a piece of white, and the snow demon was tied with thousands of snow demons outside this huge snowy mountain.

The small stone sighed comfortably, and even the empty space climbed down from Xiaojin’s body and began to smash.

The snow demon leader could not see them in the shadow space, but felt a sense of restlessness. The whole snow demon group was a little restless, but no snow demon dared to scream or sway.

Qin Haoxuan also noticed that it seems that these snow monsters are really afraid of the cold flame, so the other few said: "I will go out and try first. If the situation is not right, don't mess around, wait for me to call you."

After that, Qin Haoxuan had to get out of the shadow space, but he was caught by the blue smoke. The blue smoke said: "No, it is too dangerous. They can freeze you for an instant."

Qin Haoxuan wanted to say nothing, but when he looked at the blue smoke to cry, he thought about it and released his own power in the shadow space.

The breath of the blue flame on the cold moon glazed lights was suddenly released. For a moment, the snow demons under the leadership of the leader all turned back a few meters.

The small stone pointed at the fearful snow demon leader in his eyes and said to the blue smoke: "Is it seen? They are afraid that this kid is afraid of death, how can he attack him?"

Blue smoke saw that Qin Haoxuan only released a trace of power, and then scared the entire snow demon group, but also let go of the heart, not blocking Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan smiled at her appeasement, and then walked out of the shadow space in a big way, releasing her own fairy tree, half of the ice on the tree, exuding the momentum.

In the eyes of the snow demon leader, there is a lot of incomprehensibleness. It seems that I don’t understand how the things in the depths of the caves ran out.

However, the fear of the cold moon glazed lamp made it fall directly to the far away with the snow monster group, and formed a piece of snow with the hustle and bustle. If you don’t look carefully, you really can’t find them.

The little stone cheered out of the shadow space and rolled a few rolls on the snow.

When everyone came out, Qin Haoxuan only put away his own fairy tree.

The little stone asked very strangely: "How did your fairy tree become so weird?"

The blue smoke is asking: "Is there anything wrong with the fairy tree? Will it affect your cultivation?"

Qin Haoxuan grinned and shook his head: "Should it be okay? Because I absorbed the cold flame and attached it to my fairy tree. It became like this. You didn't see me not afraid of cold?"

The little stone snorted: "You are really bold, how bad is the broken lamp? You don't know? If you are not careful, your fairy will be frozen into ice and broken into slag."

Qin Haoxuan shrugged and said: "I am lucky, don't say it, you can find out the way out, I will send the former teacher to the early education."

The little stone muttered: "It's a pity that I didn't find the nuclear core." While coming to an open space, I used a few ice cubes to calculate on the ground.

Just for a little while, it gave up, and then to the blue flue: "Hey, woman, aren't you going to be jealous? Come and give this stone emperor a hand."

Blue smoke listened to the evil stone and glanced at the small stone, but still walked to it, took out the commonly used turtle shell.

The small stones placed the ice cubes that they had picked up nearby around the blue smoke. The blue smoke squatted in the snow, and the hands quickly made a gold seal of Tai Chi and gossip. The light gossip gold enveloped the blue smoke. The ice that seems to be randomly placed on the small stones is also beginning to emit dazzling golden light.

The three shells of the blue smoke are constantly beating on the slowly floating gossip, while the small stones are throwing more ice around the blue smoke.

When the small stone threw the last ice, they also jumped into the gossip circle. At that moment, the white snow around them gradually condensed around the blue smoke, flying, and the sound of cracking in the ice. In the middle, the white gossip diagram consisting of white snow on four sides is listed in the four directions of the blue smoke.

The blue and white around the blue smoke turned faster and faster, almost forming a small tornado, the gossip is getting bigger and bigger, and more white snow is rolled in.

Just when Qin Haoxuan felt that it was too fast, afraid of mistakes, when he had to help them in the past, suddenly the golden light was flourishing!

The first golden gossip suddenly rose hundreds of times! That good power, the white snow that piled up on the ground hundreds of miles away was soaring.

Time seems to have been fixed for a moment, the gossip consisting of white snow on all sides, shattered three, and the small stones are still in the dense ice around the blue smoke, leaving only a piece in the southwest.

White snow flew again. This time, only the remaining gossip around the blue smoke broke, and the golden gossip under her was re-created as a light spot, and soon disappeared.

Qin Haoxuan once again sighs the magic of the technique of Bu, which is a mysterious connection between heaven and earth and communication of all things.

The small stone rolled out from the snow, indicating that it was too tired. The stone emperor did not want to move. Qin Haoxuan used to pick up the small stone and put it in his arms, and then went to the blue smoke.

The face of the blue smoke is a little pale, but it is much better than the last time in the West Pole.

In the face of Qin Haoxuan’s worried eyes, the blue smoke was warm, and then smiled: “I’m fine, the exit is in the southwest.”

Qin Haoxuan nodded and took out a blood-red pill. The faint fragrance was scattered. He handed it to the blue flue: "This is a blood coagulation pill that is extracted from Ganoderma lucidum."

The result of the blue smoke falling down generously was directly filled into the mouth. The scent of the herb mixed with a hint of **** smell, but it was not unbearable. The mouth of the coagulation pill was instantified. After eating it, the blue smoke only felt that it was still cold. The hands have become warmer.

Determined that the blue smoke is all right, Qin Haoxuan will take everyone to the southwest direction.

On the left side of the mountain in the southwest, they bypassed the snow-capped mountains and continued to advance for two hours on a white wasteland before they saw an imposing snow-capped mountain.

Walking to the snowy mountain, it is another black hole.

Qin Haoxuan and Blue Smoke looked at each other and then walked into the cave.

The small stone poked out from the arms of Qin Haoxuan and looked at the cave. He said with a sigh: "This is definitely the nuclear!"

Qin Haoxuan rolled his eyes, but he did not think about the nuclear, and now only wants to go out.

After entering the cave, they only felt that the front of the scene was black. Qin Haoxuan had just set a good defense position and felt that it was bright.

He opened his eyes in amazement and looked at the green grass and grass everywhere. For a moment, he was a little embarrassed and did not return to God.

The same is true of the blue smoke behind him. Looking at the blue and green world, watching the sun hanging high above the head, there is no return to God for a long time.

The small stone looked at it and said very calmly: "Oh, it came out."

Upon hearing this, Qin Haoxuan woke up like a dream. He turned and looked. There was no cave at all, and there was a lush forest behind him.

The small three thousand world is really amazing.

Qin Haoxuan looked around and still did not understand his position. He was worried that he would not be still in the Valley of the Immortals.

The blue smoke pointed to the front and said to Qin Haoxuan: "Look, there is a camp for people who practice the Tao."

Qin Haoxuan looked up and saw that a large white billet was in front of them.

He finally completely let go of his He carefully observed the camp and frowned. He said: "That is the banner of the Western Preachers of the Protectorate of the Fire Country."

The blue smoke face is also a bit bad. She also remembered that when she entered the southeast canyon three years ago, the gray-type disciple Qian Ming placed the tracking charm and the tracking beast on them, and even remembered that her mother did not. Know where she is now, what is the situation.

Qin Haoxuan indulged for a while, but did not tell the blue smoke what he thought. There was a figure who came over from the front of the Western Pole camp.

This person is extremely fast, and soon after, he came to Qin Haoxuan in front of them.

The man looked at Qin Haoxuan with a cold face and asked with great hostility: "Who are you? Don't act rashly, come back to us with my camp."

Qin Haoxuan replied: "This Taoist friend, we are too early to teach."

The man's face showed a stunned expression, and he also remembered that three years ago, the early teachings had once entered the southeast canyon with their disciples of the Western Preachers.

His face eased a little, and he also said: "It turned out to be a Taoist friend in the early days. My name is Woodland and I am rude."

Qin Haoxuan smiled and waved his hand and said that he didn't care. He said, "I saw Lin Daoyou just have some nervousness. What is going on?"

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