Too Early

Chapter 782: The devil has a criminal stone

Just... because of this little curse, I used the sapphire for the body... This is a waste! As for the first one? Waste so much heaven and earth to solve? are you crazy? It’s better to donate to the beginning of the day, to unblock the person who teaches the real person!

Qin Haoxuan is thinking, has entered the scope of the natural hall, and a figure has come out from the side.

Qin Haoxuan does not need to know who it is, the criminal master who has not seen for many days!

When he saw Qin Haoxuan, he sang a circle around him, and then he said with a look: "Look at your now wolverine bear! Let you not take this uncle! Lose it? Long lessons Right? Saying... You said that if you go out with your grandfather, can you be so bad?"

Qin Haoxuan saw the punishment, listening to his embarrassing shackles, his heart was full of warmth, his face smiled, pulling his hand and walking forward together.

"Who is this uncle? Ah? It is the genius who knows the geography under the astronomy, knows the genius of 50,000 years after knowing 50,000 years! There is nothing in this world that this uncle is uncertain! The next time I go out, I still take it. This uncle! Your natural hall is now under the guidance of this uncle, and it’s already well organized..."

The small stone in Qin Haoxuan’s clothes listened to the endless words of the sentence, and looked at him from the clothes with a look of disappointment and said: “Who is this? Who is this? My Chongyang Xianwang! This is too blowing. Let me give you a muddy, can you blow it into a dragon? Give you a thatched cottage, can you blow it into the fairy king hall?"

When the sentence was satisfied with the cool running of the running dragon, I suddenly heard a voice running out to lift the bar, or a broken stone, and immediately grabbed the small stone in the hand: "Hey? You are such a broken stone, with your Xing uncle called the board? Believe it or not I used to throw you a stepping stone in the pit?"

"My fairy king! How old are you? Not for the sake of Lao Qin. Believe it or not, this stone emperor put you under your body for five hundred years? Let you wind and sun! Become a man!"

"Hey! This uncle still doesn't believe it! A small stone..."

"This stone emperor still doesn't are a little ruined fairy..."

Qin Haoxuan felt that he fell into the vegetable market. There is quite a kind of food market to hear people quarreling. ‘You move me to try... You move me, try? ’

Qin Haoxuan suddenly remembered that he also brought a magic back, do not know what reaction will be seen when the criminal sees this magic? At least it shouldn’t be quarreling with the little rock? The two sides will quarrel again, fearing that they are really looking for a place to be around.

"Empty, come out and see if I am too early."

Qin Haoxuan had a palm, and the empty child fell from the mixed Tissot to the ground.

The air is not too courageous. When it appears in the beginning, it feels awkward here, and the endless look of the enthusiasm is much richer than the former Taiyuan teaching camp in the secluded spring, and it is all the taste of the immortal!

"Qin Boda! Help!" The empty air drilled into Qin Haoxuan's legs and feet, and both hands clasped Qin Haoxuan's thigh and said: "Small days have not done anything evil."

Although the air is still blowing the dragon with the stone on weekdays, saying that it can eat a lot of cultivators, but ... only the only thing that can be blown.

The sentence waited for the small look of the empty eyes, sneered, and said to Qin Haoxuan that he hated iron and steel: "So you brought back such a low-end little thing?! Lao Qin? You are more and more mixed back. what!"

When the air sees the punishment, the hair is blown up, and it can feel... the ‘human’ is the extremely high existence of the devil!

"Lord...the master..." The empty-eyed pleading look at Qin Haoxuan: "Can I get back to that space again? Here... it’s too unsafe..."

Qin Haoxuan smiled and took back the empty space to the dragon scale sword, and said to the sentence: "The words, the mother of the blue smoke came to our gods..."

"Hey? Your mother-in-law is coming..."


"I flash!"


"I will flash again!"

"Speaking seriously..." Qin Haoxuan both emptied, and said, "The mother of Blue Smoke came to China from the sea of ​​heaven, but was injured by a Supreme Master. Now I don't know where I am. You arrange the next person to look for it seriously, and... you also go to Bu Yi to see the situation..."

The face of the sentence is also serious, said: "That line, I know."

Qin Haoxuan said again: "Before we had a trip in the West Pole, the elephant showed that her mother was in the southeast canyon. We kept going southeast until we came out from the fairy valley and didn't see her mother. It may have gone elsewhere, and it may be hidden in the southeast canyon, which is impossible to trace."

The sentence was entrusted to the chin to seriously think: "This way... is it better to let Xia Yunzi give her a trip?"

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and said: "Her mother has a magic weapon to cover up the sky, blue smoke can not be counted... Are you counting on Xia Yunzi?"

The prisoner nodded and nodded: "It’s also right! That’s the time when I’m in front of my seat, I’m looking at it...”

"Is it by you?" The small stone once again opened the ridicule: "I said Lao Qin, I hope this kid, the emperor feels very unreliable. It is better than... you beg the emperor... the emperor..."

"Huang Your sister! You are just a broken stone. You are a fart compared to the genius Laozi..."

Qin Haoxuan put a small stone back into his clothes to prevent the two sides from continuing to quarrel and said: "Right, I also slaughtered a Western Pole... Ah! Right! The old man only looked at the things he had taught before. I forgot the West African gangsters... Should I go back and talk about it?"

"The people of the West Pole? You gave it to the slaughter? How can you get a lot of trouble every time you go out? Are you a catastrophe?" The penalty was shaking his head again and again.

Qin Haoxuan smiled bitterly. Who wants to find something wrong, but who can think of the blue smoke that has been cultivated in the fairyland? When the art is displayed, can there be such a big movement? If you know this early, it is better to take her back to the beginning of the divination!

"Oh! Let's not mention the unhappy thing." The sentence said: "I told you about your natural church. In the past few years, your natural hall has developed in my hands, but it is much stronger than you were." Soon... The whole nature hall can be traversed in the beginning! It is a matter of time before the four halls."

Qin Haoxuan smiled and knew that there was no big mess in the natural hall. He had always had the choice to listen to the sentence. He took out the water token and gave it to the sentence. He said, "You are so powerful, since it is so powerful, hurry up. Let's do something about Kaishui House."

After receiving the token from the Shuifu House, I saw that I had already arrived at the room of Qin Haoxuan. I then pointed to the futon in front and said to Qin Haoxuan: "I will help you see the injury."

Qin Haoxuan thought about it, although he has already paid attention, but he can tell what the sentence can say.

So on the punishment: "Well, come in."

Qin Haoxuan sat on the group, and used his aura to carefully examine Qin Haoxuan three times, then he closed his hands... frowning and meditating for a while, and finally said: "Well... I have to go to the water house."

Qin Haoxuan looked at him and forced him to calm down. He did not dismantle him. He smiled very hard and said: "Then go, use snacks."

The prisoner went out and poked his head out of the door. He said with concern: "Do you want to make it yourself? I may need some time to figure out how to get you hurt..."

Qin Haoxuan spit out his tongue: "It's not that complicated, I made it myself..."

The punishment "cut": "If you can make a decision, then I will be relieved. I will go back and think about it..."

"Right..." Qin Haoxuan shouted, and he will still be lifted out of the stunned Xiaojin from the mixed Tissot.

The calmness of the face of the sentence became tense for the first time. Two steps approached and said: "What is going on?"

Qin Haoxuan sighed: "We were avoiding a 35-year-old elder in a fairy wheel, and Xiao Jin was injured by him..."

The sentence slightly checked Xiao Jin’s injury, and then intercepted Qin Haoxuan’s words and patted his chest: “The injury is not heavy, and Xiaojin’s foundation is good. After Xiaojin’s cure, let’s go back and ambush the old things that hurt Xiaojin. The have to find it back."

Qin Haoxuan took out some of the weak stones and handed them to the sentence: "It was also hurt, you can help me."

"I see this broken stone is very spiritual... Is it like a wounded look? There is still a piece of meditation stone in the room of this uncle. Although this stone is not good for sale, the uncle can still accept it."

Where the small stone had been so blatantly ridiculous, it immediately counterattacked and made a fierce swearing saying: "If you dare to sit on this stone emperor, this stone emperor will let you burst and die!"

The punishment made a frightened look, holding a stone as heavy as a hill, but it was as effortless as holding a feather. He exaggeratedly said to the small stone: "Hey, this stone is interesting, dare to threaten the uncle. !"

Qin Haoxuan saw that the two of them had blown up and felt troubled, so they began to rush their punishments out: "Then go out quickly, I have to close the door! I am also an injured patient... During the not Let people bother me."

The blame is called: "Hey, hey, I am also loyal, I can make a knife for my friend, or you will be killed by this group of things! Now I am still rushing me!!"

Although muttering on his mouth, the sentence quickly left Qin Haoxuan's room, allowing him to retreat.

The disciples of the Natural Hall all gathered at the door of Qin Haoxuan’s house, and they heard the noise inside, and all smiled.

In the past few years, although the development of the Nature Hall has become better and better under the leadership of the sentence, I always feel that something is missing.

Now that the lord is back, listening to the noise that is familiar and reminiscent of them, the disciples of the natural church know that less is this kind of excitement and popularity!

It’s good, the kind of lively days are back!

After the punishment came out, look at the people around them and wave their hands to them. They said, "What are you doing here? Why do you want to go, do you know the main retreat in Qintang? Nothing less!" ”

When the disciples of the Natural Hall heard this, they would naturally not let go in front of Qin Haoxuan’s door, and they would walk away from the prison for a long distance.

"How is the injury suffered by the owner?"

"Yes, yeah, is it serious?"

"Does the owner return this time?"

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