Too Early

Chapter 784: Blood shadow reproduces natural injury

Nowadays, Qin Haoxuan has not been able to practice the great consummation, and he can feel the mighty power. He thinks that even if it is only a difficult one, it is already very difficult. If it is really able to completely destroy the three disasters and six hardships If the cultivation is complete, it will not be able to achieve the immortal king. It is not difficult to achieve the fruit of the immortal.

After Qin Haoxuan dismissed the curse on his body, he felt relaxed, so he remembered the jade slip that he had before in the sinister poisonous valley.

He took the jade slip out and observed it carefully. He discovered that the corpse that had been chilled out turned out to be a cold-hearted person, and this jade is a lifelong record of the people of Tianhan.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the content of Jade Jane seriously. It was even more pleasant to discover that there are many spiritual methods recorded here. He can use his ice scented trees in his body without practicing, but if those spiritual methods are After he has completed his cultivation, he will use the ice sensation to promote his display, and the power will be even stronger!

The other part is the more subtle and spiritual method. For example, "Small Zhoutian chilling body protection method", "Hail 遁", "Kowloon Ice Law", etc. These are all necessary to spend a lot of time to practice before they can be activated.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the jade in his hand, and thought about the fact that he had not yet cultivated to the perfect consummation of "skins". He decided to put the jade in a simple way and cultivated the "skinny" that he had already cultivated into a small success. Say goodbye.

After all, the "three disasters and six difficult spells" are indeed very powerful, even if it is only the weakest of them, the power that can be demonstrated is very horrible when it is cultivated to the stage of great perfection.

If you are against the enemy, you can make this spell, it will be great.

Qin Haoxuan sighed softly, thinking, they have already returned to the natural hall, but because of the retreat, they have not yet had a good look at the disciples of the natural hall, and they don’t know how Luo Maoxun’s kid is, under the guidance of the punishment. It should be able to make great progress, and the group of Ma Dingshan who had been with him at the Tomb of the King of the Kings did not know whether they had relaxed in the past few years.

Qin Haoxuan closed his eyes and felt that the retreat time should not be very long. When he leaves the customs, he will go to see the gangs and see how much they have improved in the past few years when he went out!

He had just wanted to make an aura, telling everyone that he had to close again, and the door was ringing.

Qin Haoxuan brows and sighs: "Come in."

The person who came is a disciple of the Nature Hall, called Li Wenyuan.

After Li Wenyuan came in, he fell to the ground and bowed his head. He said with a short breath: "The lord, we are naturally...the dead."

"Blood demon?" Qin Haoxuan stood up fiercely, staring at Li Wenyuan who was lying on the ground with a pair of eyes.

"Mr. Zhou Yue brother... was killed by the blood demon..."

Qin Haoxuan’s face suddenly went down, and Zhou Yue of the 41st leaf of Xian Miao! The blood demon has been around for so long, why haven’t caught it yet! Is the law enforcement team really eating dry food now? Is there any other inside story? Otherwise... no reason! I haven't caught it for so long!

This week... Qin Haoxuan heard it!

Before the last sentence, it was a visit. In fact, it was once blown when I came to eat and drink. Natural Hall now has a few disciples of more than forty leaves of Xian Miaojing, and this one has Zhou Yue!

But now! Someone told him that this week is dead! It’s easy for Nature Hall to have these good seedlings now, is it easy?

Qin Haoxuan felt that his heart was pumping pain. He suppressed his anger and said: "For so many years, the blood demon has not yet caught it!!"

Although Qin Haoxuan has already suppressed his anger, but his strong body is like a murderous murderous, Li Wenyuan is still a sly, he shook his head quickly: "The early teaching has never stopped the blood demon murder, but it I have never caught the blood demon."

"Who is responsible for capturing the blood demon now?"

"It is the ancient Yunzi of the ancient Yuntang."

Qin Haoxuan raised his hand and held his forehead. Who is the person who chose this... Although Gu Yunzi did his best for the beginning of the day, today’s ancient churchlors have no longer had the spirit of the day, and the position of the church owner should actually be replaced. The ancient church owner should retreat and retreat. It is really not suitable for the church owner, and it is even more unsuitable for the chief executor of the blood demon.

"Hey... you go ahead..."

After Li Wenyuan went out, Qin Haoxuan stood up and walked up. The body flew like a blast to the place where the ancient Yuntang was. His speed was too fast and the wind was too strong. The grass in front of him fell to the sides and made way for him.

Gu Yunzi saw Qin Haoxuan coming over, his face with a bit of awkward surprise: "The Qin Tang Lord is so hot and eager to come, but what is the matter?"

Qin Haoxuan pressed the fire of the body and held the boxing hand: "The ancient church owner, we are naturally dead, can you know?"

The ancient Yunzi’s face changed and he sank at random. He asked in a deep voice: “Blood demon?”

Qin Haoxuan’s face was gloomy and slowly nodded, and the disciple of Nature Hall died! For so many years, the blood demon is still in the early days of teaching! He wants to ask the other person loudly. Are you all eating dry food? Still intentionally cover up!

But... Qin Haoxuan must endure, he knows that Gu Yunzi’s heart has not been adjusted yet... and he is afraid to do his best.

Just... this effort... can't satisfy him!

The ancient Yunzi face became very ugly, and there was a lot of helplessness in the hatred of the sky. He slowly spit out a breath and said to Qin Haoxuan: "Hao Xuan... It’s really not that we don't try our best."

A sound of Hao Xuan, not the Qin Tang master, tells the helplessness of the ancient Yunzi.

Qin Haoxuan sat on the opposite side of Gu Yunzi's knees. The voice shook with a bit. It was because of anger and uncontrollable trembling. He tried to keep his tone calm, because after all, he killed the other disciples who were like parents!

"The old master, I am not asking for sin. I just want to know, what have I traced? We are naturally dead..."

Gu Yunzi sighed. He could feel the anger of the natural lord across the street. He even admired that such a young man had such a good effort, and he was still able to suppress his anger and talk to himself calmly.

If it is replaced by me... Gu Yunzi sighs again, every time his disciple’s disciples die, it seems to be a big fire? It’s not twice as often that the other church’s heads are on the streets.

"The blood demon is extremely fast. We set a number of traps, but all of them escaped."

After Gu Yunzi finished speaking, he pressed the volume down: "I personally estimate that it should be a fairyland!"

Fairyland! Qin Haoxuan body shocked! If it is really a fairyland, this is far more trouble than imagined!

The fairy trees are already elders! In the early days, the pillars of the sects of the injured sects existed. If this blood demon is really a fairyland, then things are very troublesome.

Most of the disciples in the early days of teaching, in the face of a **** demon in a fairyland, are simply the lambs to be slaughtered. There is no counter-attack. What is more troublesome is that the blood demon in this fairyland may have been taught in the early days. For a certain position, he knows how to evade inspection.

A blood demon in a fairyland... Qin Haoxuan frowned, if this is the case... will the blood demon in this fairy tree be caught, what kind of storm will it be taught at the beginning?

Qin Haoxuan began to exude a faint killing in the body. He asked the body a little before him: "The ancient master, is there any other discovery?"

Gu Yunzi thought for a moment: "Because the blood demon is extremely chilly, I used to teach a snow fall in the early days, and I wanted to force this blood demon out, but it also failed. I was forced to teach at the beginning. The pressure of others has to end this battle."

Qin Haoxuan banged his knees with irritability: "Why didn't you force it out at the time? If you seized the blood demon at the time, I will not lose a disciple of the 41st leaf world today!"

Gu Yunzi sighed and sighed his head. "At that time, the heavy snow covered every corner of the early teaching. After two days, it was sure to force the blood demon, but the loss of the early teaching was too great. It’s those medicine fields and crops that can’t be ruined first, and so many people are forced to withdraw the law. What can I do?”

Qin Haoxuan frowned, all the elixir of the early teachings died, and the loss was too great. No one could hold this responsibility, and it was really helpless to remove the heavy snow.

It’s just that...Qin Haoxuan’s ten fingers are slightly harvested into a fist, so he indulges the blood demon, and the foundation of the early education will be destroyed sooner or later!

"The old master, the thing that catches the blood demon... Can you let me come?"

When Gu Yunzi saw Qin Haoxuan’s speech, his eyes were cold and cold. The heart was trembled. He wanted to advise the other party. Do not be too extreme in doing things. As long as the layout is slow, the blood demon can still catch Arrived.

But... Gu Yunzi knows very well that the young cousin in front of him has no patience! The man in his natural hall is dead! Someone died after he returned! According to his hard personality, can you bear it? That is strange!

"Also..." Gu Yunzi smacked his head: "What is the need of Qin Tang, you can always find me. Just... I don't know how Qin Tang intends to do it?"

Qin Haoxuan got up very simply, and rushed to the ancient Yunzi to hold a fist and said: "I will go back and think about it. I want to ask the ancient church owner a lot of help and bother."

After Qin Haoxuan finished, after bidding farewell to Gu Yunzi, he returned to his room in a gust of wind.

He took out the jade slip that was put into the mixed Tissot and began to practice the Kowloon Ice Law on the jade.

Just listening to the ancient Yunzi said that once the snow and ice array was set up, he already thought of this spiritual method.

The power of the nine ice dragons in the Kowloon Ice Law Dafa is ten times stronger than the snow ice and ice array, and it is dozens of times colder! Although this spiritual method can't be cultivated successfully in a short time, he can cultivate the essence of it first, and then use the array method and the ice fairy tree in his body to exert the power of this spiritual method!

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes flashed in a decisive manner. This time, he must kill the blood demon who has endangered the early education for so many years, to comfort those who have died in his hands!

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