Too Early

Chapter 789: Fairy blood demon is real

Just when Qin Haoxuan was in a stalemate with the sentence, a **** light rose from the north! A fairy tree with flowing blood is appearing in the blood, like a meteor. It is almost impossible to capture the naked eye, as if to escape! &1t;/

"Ah! God, the blood demon in the fairyland!!!" &1t;/

Everyone was shocked. &1t;/

Qin Haoxuan, who has been forced by everyone, screams, his voice is like the arrogance of the ancient animals, and he has just released his grief, helplessness and hatred! &1t;/

The surrounding frost was shaken by this sound. Qin Haoxuan’s hands swayed in the cold and instantly traversed between him and the sentence. The sentence was frozen in an instant, and he quickly went out to come to Luo Maoxun’s side to protect him. The upper layer of glare. &1t;/

Qin Haoxuan because of sudden forced exercise, the body has long been unable to bear, "wow" spit out a blood! &1t;/

However, he did not control himself at all, but hurriedly urged the Kowloon Ice Law, and the fourth dragon rose up to the sky, rushing toward the fairy tales of the fairy tree that wanted to escape. &1t;/

Just as the dragon had to touch him, a golden rune with a brilliance of brilliance emerged on that blood demon. Although the dragon was turned into a powder, the blood demon escaped the dragon. Attack, continue to flee! &1t;/

"Fu Bao! Just the blood demon turned out to be Fu Bao?!" &1t; /

"Mom, how can this **** have a treasure!" &1t;/

Everyone looks at each other! &1t;/

Such a treasure of Fubao, even if it is a high-level fairy tree elders are not necessarily there, who gave the blood demon Fubao? Who is that fairy tree blood demon? ! &1t;/

"The blood demon is not only a fairyland, but also a Fubao. Who gave it to him?!" &1t;/

Qin Haoxuan suddenly sacrificed the wing of freedom, with a faster degree of the fairy tree **** demon, the dragon scale sword shot, directly cut the person's front road, kicked the blood demon back to the kilometer! &1t;/

At this time, the red smelt had arrived, and the hands of one of the blood demons hit a dozen, the blood demon was taken by the palm of the hand, the silk was scattered, and the wolf was extremely embarrassed. &1t;/

He had just stabilized his mind, and Qin Haoxuan came to his eyes again, and he kicked him off the sky and landed in front of everyone. &1t;/

After the fairy tales of the fairy tales landed, the ground was pulled out of a large pit a few hundred meters deep. Everyone looked at him, and it was awesome. This person turned out to be Zhou Xiaomu! &1t;/

Zhou Xiaomu... Zhou Tiansheng, the son of Zhou Hufa! &1t;/

Zhou Xiaomu draped his head, and his face was still carrying two big footprints. The corner of his mouth was just the blood that had just solidified. He trembled on the ground, no more than the Luo Maoxun around him. The tears and tears flowed out, constantly Zhou Tiansheng looked at the past. &1t;/

"How come? It turned out to be the biological son of Zhou Hufa!" &1t;/

"I really didn't think about it. What the **** is going on?" &1t;/

"No wonder, the blood demon in the fairyland, and the repair of such a high father, oh..." &1t;

Everyone started talking. &1t;/

Zhou Xiaosheng, who has always had a good relationship with Zhou Tiansheng, looked at Zhou Xiaomu, who was crying on the ground, and they were very good at Zhou Xiaomu. But they never thought about it. The blood demon who had been so chaotic for a long time had one of him. ! &1t;/

Sun Wei, the only female guardian of the Eight Great Laws, frowned. She remembered that Zhou Xiaomu had not succeeded in the impact of Xianmiao for decades because of poor qualifications, unstable foundations, and unreliable morality. Everyone thinks he is going to be awkward. &1t;/

But one day, this week Xiaomu broke through without warning, and achieved the fairyland! &1t;/

At that time, they were a little surprised by how to protect the law. How could a cultivator like Zhou Xiaomu make a fairy tree? &1t;/

They later came to the conclusion that Zhou Tiansheng had found a treasure for him and helped him succeed. &1t;/

Zhou Tiansheng can say that his son is 100% love, even unprincipled love. &1t;/

His own qualifications are good, and his heart is strong. Although he usually loves his son too much, there are no words for outsiders. In order to prevent his son from dying, he will find the treasures of heaven and earth. Everyone is not surprised at all. &1t;/

But what I never expected was this... he would have turned his son into a blood demon! This is too crazy! &1t;/

How many disciples in the sect died under the blood demon! I am afraid that this week, Zhou Xiaomu has been a fairyland for a long time, it has become a blood demon for a long time! &1t;/

It turned out that Zhou Xiaomu was the deepest blood demon hidden in the early teachings! &1t;/

Sun Wei sighed softly: "Oh!" &1t;/

The other guardians face each other and don't know what to say. Zhou Tiansheng is the one who has the highest level of care and the most care for the children. I am afraid that this is not good today. &1t;/

The other church owners and elders were not as peaceful as they thought. &1t;/

They look at Zhou Xiaomu's eyes for infinite resentment and disgust! &1t;/

The blood demon in the fairyland! This will make the disciples lose too many disciples! &1t;/

Chi refining son never looked down on what Zhou Shengsheng did. Now think about it, this old fox has been interfering with Qin Haoxuan's casting! &1t;/

"Hey, what are you afraid of your own elixir being frozen? I see that it is true that my son is frozen. Is it true that the last time my brother cast a spell, the blood demon has not been forced out, there is such a The magical protection of the magical powers of the magical powers, how can it be forced out!" Chi refinery looked at Zhou Tiansheng's eyes is countless contempt. &1t;/

Zhou Tiansheng stood in front of his son, his face muscles trembled fiercely, as if he was struggling and as if he was patient! All the expressions end up in a cold, one piece! He shot cold in his eyes and looked at everyone coldly! &1t;/

Su Baihua, they are also thinking, just Zhou Tiansheng is still shouting, let Qin Haoxuan stop casting, it is afraid that his son is frozen! &1t;/

Gu Yunzi looked at the blood demon in the fairyland, slowly nodded, and said with a hoarse voice: "This is the next time, we Gudangtang also found this blood when looking for blood demon, this blood The demon has the cultivation of the fairyland."&1t;/

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes are dark and dark. He looks straight at Zhou Tiansheng and says: “Weeking Law? How do you explain it?” &1t;/

Zhou Tiansheng looked at Qin Haoxuan’s eyes as a crazy killing. Hearing Qin Haoxuan’s question, he was only gloomy and did not answer. &1t;/

There are elders standing in the crowd and slowly saying: "Zhou Xiaomu did not break through for a long time more than ten years ago, and Shouyuan will do it. We all thought he was going to die, but in the end he actually survived, and broke through, I am afraid ......"&1t;/

Qin Haoxuan looked at Zhou Xiaomu, who was stunned on the ground, forcibly suppressing anger: "A decade ago?!" &1t;

Zhou Xiaomu was scared by Qin Haoxuan's words, his face was looming, his face was black and tears. He looked at his father and cried and said to everyone: "I became a blood demon." But I have never killed anyone, it is him!"&1t;/

Zhou Xiaomu pointed to Luo Maoxun and shouted: "It's all him! Everyone is killing him! I blame him!" &1t;/

Zhou Xiaomu was too scared. He was shaking all over the body. He shook his head violently and cried: "I just want to survive, I just don't want to die!" &1t;/

He cried so badly that he couldn't breathe. &1t;/

In the face of such accusations, Luo Maoxun is still lying on the ground, without saying a word! &1t;/

Zhou Tiansheng has seen his son being bullied to this point! &1t;/

As a father, seeing the kind of distress that his son is now, all turned into a raging anger! Now, he can't wait to immediately crampize Qin Haoxuan's suede and smash the bones! &1t;/

Everyone looked at Zhou Xiaomu and watched him cry so badly, how to hate it, but he still couldn’t bear it, and he said that he didn’t kill...&1t;/

Gu Yunzi looked at Zhou Xiaomu and said faintly: "Is there anyone who has eaten this? You don't have to say this. I have a spell that can be tested. How is the truth? We will know if we check it." &1t;/

After that, Gu Yunzi went to Zhou Xiaomu, Zhou Tiansheng suddenly blocked in front of the ancient Yunzi, single-handedly with the ancient Yunzi, his eyes flashed with a killing slogan: "My son is the elder of the early education! He can Lying? Is he a fairyland going to fall into a waste of Xianmiao? Ah?"&1t;/

The prison stood out, and his hands wiped the frozen ice cubes that had condensed on his face. He had always been able to speak, not to mention that at this time, a string of words seemed to have been licked out of his mouth like beans. &1t;/

"Check it out, check what happened?! Don't forget, just who is clamoring for Qin Haoxuan to kill his apprentice! Just now I want to end this spell, it is really weird! It turned out that I was afraid of being yourself. The son is also a blood demon, still so big!" &1t; /

The more the sentence is, the more slippery it is. All the words have not spit out of the brain: "I see, your son is the biggest murderer! Everyone is killed by your son! Maybe our disciples of Nature Hall are brought bad by your son. Otherwise, what is your guilty conscience? From the very beginning, it prevented Qin Haoxuan from casting spells. During the casting process, he repeatedly requested to stop. How can you still argue now?"&1t;/

The sentence said that he even believed in himself! Not to mention the crowds! &1t;/

Just after Zhou Xiaomu smashed together, he began to suspect that Luo Maoxun’s people all turned their backs and looked at Zhou Xiaomu with doubtful eyes. &1t;/

Zhou Tiansheng’s eyes are full of bloodshot eyes and full of anger! &1t;/

Sure enough, there is no good thing around Qin Haoxuan, he wants to kill Qin Haoxuan, but also to destroy the nature hall! ! ! &1t;/

His son is the elder of the fairyland, the pillar of the early education, can he be pointed to the nose by the waste of the natural church? ! &1t;/

Qin Haoxuan sees Zhou Tiansheng's eyes on the wrong eyes, and the face is full of anger and resentment, he knows that Zhou Tiansheng must have known that his son is a blood demon! &1t;/

He immediately took the punishment behind him and then faced Zhou Tiansheng and said: "You must let the ancient master test it. If your son has not eaten, then we will give your son an innocence. If your son has eaten, then , we will follow the rules of the Taichu religion!"&1t;/

After Qin Haoxuan finished, he wanted to cross Zhou Tiansheng and grab his son. &1t;/

Zhou Tiansheng screamed like a tiger, and it was magnificent and deafening! He stood in front of his son like a mountain, and looked madly: "I see who dares to move him!" &1t;/

"Today I don't just want to clean up my natural hall portal! The portal of the beginning! I also cleaned up today!" Qin Haoxuan brushed out his own fairy tree! &1t;/

Three hundred feet of fairy trees appeared in front of Everyone was shocked! &1t;/

"Xianshujing?! Qin Haoxuan, is he not a weak species? How can he achieve a fairyland in such a short period of time?!" &1t;/

" see it well! That's three hundred feet! Three hundred feet!" &1t;/

"Is he really a weak species? How can a weak species make a fairyland! Zhang mad purple is only five hundred feet!" &1t;/

"Nature Hall for many years, the highest cultivation is only the fairy seedlings, even the perfection can not be reached! But now, you see their cousin, turned out to be three hundred feet high fairy tree!"...&1t;/

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