Too Early

Chapter 793: The last generation of the teacher

Zhou Tiansheng said with anger: "As long as I am here, my son is there!"

Sun Wei and other law-abiding stunned look at all this, what should Zhou Tiansheng do? !

"go with!"

A violent thunder, the tumbling dragon in the black cloud shouted, and the mountain-like body smashed into the four halls.


Under the opportunity of the four church owners, all of them vomited blood and flew out!

One face is like gold paper, and the lips are purple, and their souls are shocked! Soft on the ground, breathing weak, but did not die as Zhou Tiansheng said.

Zhou Tiansheng stunned, and then said strangely: "Hey, I didn't expect the four lobby owners to be stronger than I thought. You can survive, it is your luck."

Qin Haoxuan looked at the four owners who fell to the ground, and the next drop of tears in the corner of the eye quietly fell to the ground and disappeared.

He has a strong ups and downs in his body, and he is motivated by his genius!

The prisoner hides in the distance and sees Qin Haoxuan’s movements, his heart is huge, he is crazy!

The criminal is desperate to run up to stop Qin Haoxuan, Zhou Tiansheng is laughing, he waved his hand, a white light will be him, his son and Qin Haoxuan wrapped, no one can enter this battle!

Everyone was knocked down by Zhou Tiansheng, no one can stop him from killing Qin Haoxuan!

"Ha ha ha!" Zhou Tiansheng's crazy laughter swayed in the ears of everyone. "Qin Haoxuan! You are a sinner who has taught in the early centuries! You have fallen into my son, it is a misconduct! Your pro-disciple has turned into a **** demon. The sect is for the teacher's mistakes! You condone your disciples, delaying punishment for him, is not law enforcement! You are a church owner, knowing the law and breaking the law, sin plus one! Today I am going to kill the early education!"

The violent dragon once again appeared from the dark waves rolling in the dark clouds!

Qin Haoxuan’s aura rose sharply, and the fairy tree exudes Yingying’s white light in the darkness, just like the last hope of the world!

When he began to urge the demons to disintegrate Dafa, his speed would rise to the extreme. When Zhou Tiansheng urged his fruit, his own protective cover was the weakest!

Then he has the opportunity to come to Zhou Tiansheng in an instant, with the help of the devil to break down the power of Dafa, break through his protection, and send the dragon scale sword into his heart, as long as he can kill him, he will be able to protect the nature!

When things got to this point, Qin Haoxuan knew that... only one party died on the two sides, and this matter can stop.

Just when Qin Haoxuan began to exercise, the cloud peak suddenly suddenly shines!

Shenxia breaks through the sky, scatters the dark clouds of the Huangdi Peak, and directly smashes the giant dragon that is still tumbling!

The splendid light of the sky is like a real wind, and it is scattered from the cloud peak to the beginning of the early education! The sky is full of clouds, but still can not see the sky, because a whole piece of sky is covered by the fairy light!

The leisurely fairy music floats from the peaks of the clouds, and it is very pleasant to hear, and the whole body is comfortable. The fairy music contains the mysterious Taoism, and it is laid out, and everyone is yearning for it!

A bridge that is entirely made of golden road flowers, directly connected from the cloud peak to the Huangdi Peak, Xiangyun lingering, Caifeng Qingming, Baihe flying under the bridge.

Hua Yizhen! At the beginning of the last generation, teach! Unblocking!

Hua Yizhen came from the bridge. He was covered in a soft white light, and he could not see the look.

A few golden lights were laid down from the bridge of the gods and landed on all the hands-on people.

Everyone was shocked. Looking down, the golden chain directly locked their genius, and dozens of golden chains fell from the bridge, making them stiff in place, and they couldn’t move at half!

"What are you doing? Is it too chaotic to teach in the early days? Is this the beginning of your seat, and you are so guardian?"

"Abandoning the same body and ignoring each other, but they are mutually disabled?! Do not guard the law but go to the inner court to fight with the inner church?! I am a little bit guilty, I will kill it!! See the rules as nothing, kill the same door! You have actually done it?! Huang Long? This is the early education under his control?"

The old voice came from the white light of the group. Like the roar of the gongs and drums on the nine days, the heavens and the earth were trembled. Every word was with an unparalleled pressure, and the people on the Huangdi Peak felt the pain in their eardrums. Knock the words directly into your mind!

Questioning a sentence, it is like the most embarrassing mountain stands in the hearts of everyone!

No one dared to speak, and no one knew how to answer the question of his ancestors. Everyone was deeply immersed in his head and kneeled on the ground with the most humble attitude!

"Who is Qin Haoxuan?" Hua Yizhen did not think anyone could give him the answer, ask again.

Zhou Tiansheng heard this sentence, desperation and defeat suddenly emerged from his eyes, his heart was cold.

Several of the church owners looked at Qin Haoxuan, Qin Haoxuan deeply bowed his head to Huayi, and said: "Diko, natural master, Qin Haoxuan."

The voice of the ancestors is like a nine-day upload, with a majesty that cannot be disobeyed: "That's good for you, what the **** is going on!"

Zhou Tiansheng's face suddenly gloomy!

Qin Haoxuan took a deep breath and said with sorrow: "In the early years, there have always been blood demon swearing. The disciple casts a **** demon, but finds that it is the son of Zhou Tiansheng Zhou Hufa. The blood demon has already had a fairy tree. For the sake of even the scourge of nature, a disciple of the Nature Hall is also transformed into a blood demon!"

Zhou Tiansheng heard this, and a red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. His face was covered with clouds and rain and rain!

"The disciple wants the canon to dispose of the son of Zhou Hufa, but Zhou Hufa fights each other and even threatens. Even if the Taishi religion is destroyed, he must also tell his son to take it away, and even destroy the natural hall and disciples before leaving! Disciples and the church If the major is not as good as the Zhou Hu Law, this situation will be caused. Please ask the ancestors to punish!"

Zhou Tiansheng is crazy!

He wants to break away from this golden chain with his own nine fruits, only to find that he can't shake it with all his strength!

He looked up in horror, and the soft palace of the ancestors was surrounded by a soft white light.

The old ancestral robbery returned, frozen for hundreds of years, even after the unsealing, repaired to take a step forward again, half a foot has bought the Taoist palace!

It has reached the peak of the peak of Xianyingdao!

How can a fruitful environment with nine roads in his district be shaken!

Others have also discovered the Taoist palace built by the light and shadow, but all of them have a tumultuous mood and surprise! This is the blessing of the early teaching!

After listening to what Qin Haoxuan said, the old ancestor used his sullen old voice: "Good! Good! Very good! Very good!"

Hua Yizhen looked at Zhou Xiaomu, and Zhou Xiaomu, who was kneeling on the ground, had a pair of sights with China.

The two sides were silent for a while, and Huayi threw a sentence: "Children... What do you think?"

Zhou Xiaomu squatted and smashed three heads toward the locked Zhou Tian. He also slammed three heads to Qin Haoxuan. Finally, he slammed into a real person with tears in his eyes and asked: "Zu Shi... can you re-enter Xiaomu? At the beginning..."

Hua Yi slowly moved his head.

"Disciple... Can you enter Yingling Mountain after death in this life..."

Hua Yizhen slowly shook his head.

"Haha...haha..." Zhou Xiaomu cried in heaven: "Dr....there is deserved sin! I also hope that the seniors let go of my father...all things, Xiaomu bears it! Father, Xiaomu will no longer give you shame!"

Complete the words! Zhou Xiaomu raised his hand and printed it on his forehead. The whole body was broken and turned into a body.


Zhou Hufa issued an unfortunate mourning.

His sorrowful roar, like a desperate beast, sent out the last scream in his life, tearing his heart, crying and crying!

His eyes are red and **** tears! Cry!

His eyes were cracked, and he looked straight at the scattered body of his son. It seemed that there was only flesh and blood in the world!

He twisted his face and desperately wanted to get together, but because his body was imprisoned, he couldn’t move half a minute!

The original smooth face suddenly produced countless wrinkles, like the old man who was withered, blood and tears ran across the wrinkles on his face, and the black hair suddenly turned gray!

Such a hot Congo, a man who has lived for hundreds of years, has a strong heart and is the first among the six guardians, but... now he is in the direction of his son in the white light, Crying like a child!

Sun Wei and others can't bear to look again, they all bow their heads and sigh...

The whole ancestors were shrouded in white light. No one knows what expression he saw in this scene. All the golden chains were taken back in an instant. Only Zhou Tiansheng was still a golden lock, and he was firmly in place.

The old voice was uploaded from the bridge of God: "Throw him into jail, face the wall for a hundred years, non-sectarian catastrophe can not be out!"

After handling this matter, the ancestors said to Qin Haoxuan: "This seat has just been unsealed, there are other things to do, all things, children... you can do it yourself."

The voice did not fall, the bridge disappeared, and the white light retreated.

The clear blue sky is reflected in the top of everyone's head. Qin Haoxuan's formation fails, the ice dragon dissipates, and the temperature is gradually rising.

Everyone looked at Qin Haoxuan and waited for him to make a decision.

Luo Maoxun no longer cried, but also wiped his tears. He finally said the heart that was stuck in his heart for a few Although he died without regret.

He kneels in front of Qin Haoxuan and slowly closes his eyes. He said to himself in his heart: "It is a redemption."

The punishment rushed out, blocking in front of Luo Maoxun, and it was a smashing atmosphere!

Luo Maoxun said to the faint sentence: "Uncle Shi, don't block it, I will do it myself and redeem myself."

The head of the sentence did not return to answer him. A pair of eyes stared at Qin Haoxuan: "You have cultivated it by me. Your life is mine. I am not allowed to die. No one can take your away." Life, you can't do it yourself!"

Luo Maoxun slammed three heads in the sentence, and his eyes were thick and sorrowful: "Uncle Shi, I have been listening to you, but this time, let the disciples do the Lord!"

His voice is very light, and even a little floating, with the suffocating and desperate moments of death.

The prisoner closed his eyes, and a line of tears left, and his head was opened.

The men of the Natural Hall were all crying and crying, and they couldn’t say a word.

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