Too Early

Chapter 799: Can the baby wait for 1 night?

He couldn't imagine his father crying, crying because he missed himself!

Qin Haoxuan squinted his eyes and forced the tears coming up. He walked quickly to his father and spoke of everything he was outside. It was fun and safe.

Blue smoke is standing up, went to the kitchen, and smiled with the mother Qin.

After a while, Qin mother put a table of food up.

Although they have not had to eat food at the level of Qin Haoxuan, even the food in Lingtian can not eat, but directly absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

If the mortal food is eaten, it will increase the dirt inside the body.

However, Qin Haoxuan and the blue smoke are all a drooling look, while the wolf screams and eats the food made by Qin mother, and praises Qin mother again and again.

After eating a meal, Qin mother and Qin father were smiling.

I also had enough to eat, and the water was enough. When Qin mother thought of something, she asked Qin Haoxuan: "Son, how come you think about it and come back to see us?"

Qin Haoxuan was silent for a moment, then said: "Hey...mother...I...want to bring you into immortals."

Qin Qin Qin mother looked at each other and his face was full of surprise.

They are honest and honest people who have lived for a lifetime. They have never thought about this.

Qin’s father smiled at Qin Haoxuan’s honesty and said: “But... baby, my fairy with my mother is dead, I can’t cultivate. You have this filial piety, we are content, there is such a son. Let us be blessed."

Those celestial things are still said by the immortals who chose their disciples when they were young.

Qin Haoxuan looked at his parents and said: "But the son still wants to bring you into a fairy. Although I have given you some spiritual fluid before, my mother can live for a long time, but I taught some things in the early days, maybe two I am not born in a hundred years, I am afraid..."

Qin Haoxuan was afraid that when he came out two hundred years later, his mother would be turned into a loess!

Qin Haoxuan snorted: "The son now has a secret method, which can seal the maiden first, and when the son becomes immortal, it will unblock the niece. At that time, the son will join the maiden. Immortal."

Qin Qin Qin mother clenched his hands and looked at each other.

From the actions of his parents, Qin Haoxuan can feel that his parents have no desire for Chengxian. It seems that as long as the two of them are together, it does not matter if they die next time.

But I thought that my parents would leave forever, and Qin Haoxuan felt a pain in his heart and could not stand it.

The parents are his last embarrassment in the red dust, and he is never willing to give up.

Qin Qin Qin mother saw a lot from the eyes of the other party. Qin Qin finally said to Qin Haoxuan: "Well, you baby, come on."

When he heard the blasphemy, Qin Haoxuan hesitated. He said to Qin’s father: "Hey, mother, I can’t guarantee that you will all be alive at the end, maybe... maybe die..."

Qin Qin Qin and the mother were silent for the time of the two counts. The two old hands clasped together. Finally, Qin’s father sighed: "That... baby... can you see this? You can seal us up tomorrow. it is good?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at his parents inexplicably.

Qin’s father looked at Qin’s mother and showed a sly smile on his face. He said to Qin Haoxuan: “Because... once sealed, you may never see your mother again, let’s stay with your mother for another night. Look at her more, talk to her more, your mother is timid... I have not been with me for two hundred years, I am afraid she is afraid."

Qin Haoxuan’s throat whimpered, and he nodded heavily.

He even suspected that he was right, but he really didn't want his parents to die, even if it was dangerous, try it! After entering the beginning, I know the fairy road! Is it necessary to bring parents into immortals?

This must be done anyway, this is the only way for parents to share the path of cultivation with him.

No son is willing to see his parents die.

Late at night, Qin mother came out of a room and said to Qin Haoxuan: "So late, you can go to sleep soon."

Qin Haoxuan and Blue Smoke, both talking to Qin’s father, are all a glimpse.

They didn't need to sleep anymore, but... looking at Qin's eager eyes, they had to walk into the house that was cleaned for them.

This is the place where Qin Haoxuan did not live before leaving home. The things inside are very clean. Even the quilt is full of warmth, indicating that Qin Haoxuan has been away from home for so long, and their parents have been cleaning up for him. s room.

Qin mother sent them a quilt for them. Seeing that they were standing in the middle of the room, they wondered: "What happened?"

Blue smoke immediately smiled and said: "Nothing, mother, don't be busy, there is anything to let... Qin... let me do it..."

Qin mother smiled and put the quilt on the bed and said, "I used to work for him. When he left, I was not comfortable. I finally came back. I am... I want to do something for him. Don't lie on it. Go to bed soon."

Both Blue Smoke and Qin Haoxuan responded to the sound and then walked to the bedside.

The blue smoke first slippers went to bed, Qin Haoxuan looked at his mother's doubtful look, and went to bed.

Qin mother grinned and then blown out the oil lamp and closed the door.

Qin Haoxuan was lying on the bed, smelling the fragrance of the blue smoke, and he was just about to start, and a pair of warm and slender arms hugged him.

Qin Haoxuan has been frozen.

The darkness seems to give the blue smoke a sense of security. She put her face on Qin Haoxuan’s back and can feel his stiffness. Then she gently said: “Let me hug you, two hundred years... two hundred years The time is really too long, I may... I can't wait for you."

Qin Haoxuan sighed in the darkness and slowly relaxed his body. He could feel the tears of blue smoke.

Blue smoke whimpered behind him: "Do you hug me too?"

Qin Haoxuan paused, then slowly turned around and held the blue smoke in his arms.

Blue smoke in his arms, seems to shrink in the safest harbor in the world, long tears on the eyelashes and even tears, laughing at Qin Haoxuan: "It's good, my life is worth."

After that, the blue smoke smiled and slept.

Qin Haoxuan also slowly closed his eyes. He did not know how many years he had not slept, and he fell asleep in the heavy night.

When the next day was bright, Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes. For a moment, the blue smoke in his arms was still asleep. He did not wake her up, but he quietly got up and went outside the house.

Qin Fu was giving the last one to the neighbors and then came back. He woke up Qin Haoxuan and smiled. "Wait for your mother, she gave some meat, chicken, and rice to her home." ”

Qin Haoxuan nodded, his eyes and ears were clear, he could clearly hear the voice of his mother and the folks in the village. Many neighborhoods were asking Qin mother. What happened? How do you give things away?

Qin mother also smiled and replied loudly to them: "My son wants to take us two into a fairy."

The neighbors laughed with Qin Qin and made a joke.

Qin Haoxuan is no longer listening, because he can't bear it.

When Qin mother came back, she and Qin’s father cleaned up the things in the house and the house. The hidden things were hidden, and the points were divided.

Qin Haoxuan helped them to pack some pots and jars, and Qin mother said with a smile: "This way we can use it when we wake up."

Qin’s father buried all the wines he had brewed in the ground, and then looked at him with a smile. Thinking about waiting for him to wake up, these are absolutely delicious.

When I packed it up, there was nothing to clean up. Qin’s father took Qin’s hand and came to Qin Haoxuan. He looked at the other side deeply and smiled and said to Qin Haoxuan: “Come on, baby, we are all ready. All right."

"Don't be afraid... Baby, don't be afraid of his mother... It's sleeping... I can wake up to see me..." Qin father kept tapping the mother's back and doing comfort: "Don't be afraid, don't Fear... good things, this is a good thing... both can be a fairy."

Qin Haoxuan had tears in his eyes, and he never let his tears stay. He used his hands to pull the hands of his old father and mother, and slowly used the spiritual power.

The ice slowly began to extend from the head of the Qin father Qin mother, and their bodies were covered with thick ice.

Qin Haoxuan’s tears finally fell. He said to the ice-blocking parents, “Well, mother, you waited for two hundred years, and the baby would bring you into a fairy, and you will.”

Putting her parents back into the dragon scale sword, the blue smoke has long been awake, but she has not closed her eyes, she does not want to open, although it is already a great satisfaction, but she is still afraid.

Because after she opened her eyes, everything was restored to the original, and she was not the daughter-in-law of Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the blue smoke and did not speak. Instead, she hugged her directly. The small body of the blue smoke was in the arm of Qin Haoxuan. It was very sweet and very sad.

Qin Haoxuan left the house and set up a line of life at the door. The whole house sank into the ground. Then Guanghua flashed, and an empty house exactly like his home appeared on the ground again.

He took a deep look and left.

Qin Haoxuan has always taken the blue smoke back to the nature hall and placed her in her own room.

The blue smoke closed his eyes and clutched the clothes corner of Qin Haoxuan. The tears continued to flow out.

Qin Haoxuan accompanied her for a while and said quietly: "I will find a solution in it, and you should not give up. I hope we can meet again."

After that, he resolutely tore off the robes of the robes and turned away.

The blue smoke finally cried out.

Qin Haoxuan went to the prison, but the punishment was not in the room. He gave a slight meal and knew almost where the punishment went.

In Luo Maoxun's room, all the windows are closed. Qin Haoxuan gently opened the door and saw his arms and knees, like a child sitting on a futon that Luo Maoxun often sat in front of him. He looked a little I don't know what to think.

The whole body of the sentence is shrouded in the darkness, like in recollection, and as if it is escaping.

Qin Haoxuan saw this scene and only felt a pain in his heart, like a sharp knife smashing into his heart.

At this moment, he really understood that the importance of Luo Maoxun in the criminal heart is really as heavy as a mountain.

For so many years, he has been wandering outside, has not managed the natural hall, and has not taught the successor of the natural hall. All the things are handled by one person, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Luo Maoxun is brought out by the penalty!

Qin Haoxuan suddenly remembered the words of the Huangdi Peak, the sentence of his roar, Luo Maoxun is like his son!

The punishment is a demon. It is a demon who always thinks that he can eat one or two cultivators every day. Under his screaming roar is the cruel and bloodthirsty nature.

However, now...

Qin Haoxuan’s throat was tight, and he felt so painful that he could not speak out, but he still had a difficult voice: “He is dead...”

For a long time, a word came from the empty room, as if from the horizon, it looked illusory and erratic.

"I know."

Upon hearing this, Qin Haoxuan’s eyes were red: "You are fine..."


A very light word came, but it was more difficult for Qin Haoxuan to bear than the cry of punishment.

"I'm fine, are you going to jail?"

Qin Haoxuan squeezed a vague "Hm" word.

"Sorry, brother... I am so tired today, I really have no strength to send you."

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and said: "You are good, you must be good."

Qin did not bite, Qin Haoxuan bit his teeth, turned and left!

At the moment he turned around, he heard a very light sentence: "Reassured, when you come back, I will let you see blue smoke."

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