Too Early

Chapter 802: 3 years into the country

All the exercises in the natural hall of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred .

Inside the jade, the words are very subtle. Qin Haoxuan saw the tail from the beginning, only to feel that he was carrying the gentle and clean atmosphere contained in this practice.

He sat cross-legged, his eyes narrowed and he began to cultivate. When he began to cultivate, the scattered aura slowly approached him, and then the speed became faster and faster, and the tide of the waves formed on his head!

Once the cultivator is immersed in cultivation, he will not know the spring, autumn, winter and summer, and the time will become blurred.

It took him a year to cultivate this scorpion, and it was only a small success.

During the year, the elders of the elders also came to see him, and he told him a lot of complicated and exquisite Taoism, which made him very useful.

Qin Haoxuan carefully counted, he has been in this hail for three years, and the natural sacred ancestors left the scorpio, which has been refining most of the scorpio, which seems to be simple, cultivated, but one As soon as the word progresses, the people who are not strong and strong will be able to refine!

It is also no wonder that the female predecessors who are in prison will say that this method is the most suitable for the disciple of the natural church.

With this method, Qin Haoxuan’s mind was also solved. That is to find the proper method for the disciples of Nature Hall. The disciples of Nature Hall are mostly weak. Although Qin Haoxuan has obtained a lot of exquisite exercises, the content is too mysterious. Hard to understand, always not suitable for them.

This scorpio is not the same. Not only does Qin Haoxuan cultivate himself, but if he has the help of God, he thinks that the disciples who are passed to the Nature Hall are equally beneficial!

"Qin brother."

Qin Haoxuan heard someone calling him. He looked up and saw that Murong Chao was outside the door.

Murong Chao’s calm posture is even more so. However, Qin Haoxuan did not understand the deep thoughts in his eyes.

"Qin brother, why do you have to sit on this prison, if you want to go out, no one will not agree." Murong said with a low voice. "It has been so many years, can't you go out?"

Qin Haoxuan smiled and said: "It is two hundred years to say that two hundred years, you should not persuade. What about you? How many years have you been doing?"

Murong Chao looked at Qin Haoxuan's smile. Without this Qin Haoxuan, he had always been good. However, Qin Haoxuan appeared in front of him every time, Murong Chao would feel that he was crushed by a beggar, Qin Haoxuan was in, he could never get out of the limelight in front of Xu Yu.

Murong Chao’s heart was surging, but the face was still quiet. He had seen Qin Haoxuan’s strength and heard about Qin Haoxuan’s work outside the martial art. Therefore, even if he hated Qin Haoxuan in his heart, there is no way to do it now. Just tearing his face with him, because he has no chance of winning against Qin Haoxuan.

"I have also been good. I used to be a brother of Guyuntang, and I have done a few things for Gu Yuntang in the past few years. Now I am the deacon of Guyuntang."

Qin Haoxuan remembered that Gu Yunzi was also in prison and asked: "How is the ancient church master?"

Murong Chao’s heart was moving. He was going to look at the ancient Yunzi, and then look at Qin Haoxuan by the way, but now he listened to Qin Haoxuan and asked if he knew that he did not specifically visit him.

How did Murong Chao come to see Qin Haoxuan? He can't wait for Qin Haoxuan to be here for 500 years and a thousand years! Never come out, never appear in front of him!

No matter how dark and crazy the heart is, Murong Chao’s face is still with a smile on his face. He said to Qin Haoxuan: "Master has always been good. He should have come out of Zhang Yang’s blow."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and thought that Murong Chao was also a gray species. Although it was not purple, it was a relief to Gu Yunzi.

The two said a few more words, Murong Chao retired.

Qin Haoxuan sighed slightly, I don’t know why, talking to Murong Chao, I didn’t even have a good time talking to Li Jing.

After half a year, Qin Haoxuan finally completed the cultivation of the scorpio recorded in the jade, and now his meridians are more tough under the nourishment of the scorpio, and the progress of the cultivation is also very gratifying, and this scorpio is assisting him. Daoist genius Dafa is simply like a fish.

Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly and felt that with this, he could relax in the enemy's enemies in the future. He would not be as embarrassed as he was before, and the small stone Xiaojin was injured.

Qin Haoxuan heard the voice of someone outside, and he looked up and saw the sentence and the blue smoke.

Blue smoke saw Qin Haoxuan’s eyes as unobtrusive, and she immediately went to the door and asked from the small window on the door: “Qin Haoxuan, you, how are you?”

Qin Haoxuan warmed his heart and smiled and said: "I am very good, but you are, I am very worried."

The voice of the punishment was passed down: "With me, don't worry about it."

Listening to the normal laughter of the sentence, Qin Haoxuan gave up a little.

Then he remembered the blue smoke mother's business and then asked: "Have your mother found it?"

The blue smoke was red and a happy face said: "My mother is not dead."

"Looking for a fight?!" Qin Haoxuan asked in surprise.

The blue smoke looks a little small, and then I don’t say a complete sentence: "No... that..."

The sentence laughed and said: "No, this uncle has carefully calculated a conclusion, her mother also escaped from the fall of the valley, and escaped to return to the sea."

Qin Haoxuan "Oh" gave a cry.

Exalted: "I haven't finished yet. You don't know, the blue smoke mothers have gathered a large team of their martial art after returning to the sea, and returned to us, directly attacking the past! ”

Qin Haoxuan looked at the blue smoke in surprise, and the blue smoke licked his lips and said: "That, my mother's temper is very hot."

When Qin Haoxuan remembered seeing the blue smoke for the first time, the blue smoke was also a very arrogant look, so he paused and asked: "So, what is the result?"

The criminal tone is very strange and said with great interest: "You don't know, Pu Guang's Guardian Mountain squad has been shattered by a group of people from the wilderness sea! There is a great momentum to directly break up the Puguang teaching! Her mother I was looking for my daughter everywhere in Puguang. Because I didn’t find it, I went crazy and killed the mountain..."

"Hey!" Blue smoke is not full of punishment to describe the tone of the matter, glaring at him.

After a penalty, then said: "In short, her mother is very brave, and even the two elders of the family have been killed. If it is not the general education of the Puguang religion, the three major teachings, the three Supreme Masters As well as an ancient faction, they joined forces to repel the people on the other side of the sea. Puguang teaches that it must have been removed from the cultivation of the immortal world."

Qin Haoxuan widened his eyes and asked: "The blue smoke mother has nothing to do?"

Blue smoke moved Qin Haoxuan to care about her mother now, laughing: "Nothing, my mother and the people in the wilderness have returned."

The punishment shouted: "The focus of your concern is wrong?! A Supreme Master in your state of China is about to be defeated!"

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and said: "This Puguang teaches that when I was at the time of the magical spring, I was disrespectful to the teachings. When the blue smoke mother took the evidence to find the door, it also hurt people. This kind of sect is not worthy of me. care."

The prisoner screamed and whispered a word: "The color makes you faint..."

Qin Haoxuan did not hear clearly: "What do you say?"

The sentence immediately said: "I said that her mother is okay, but before returning to the sea, she still left a sentence saying that she will return, her daughter's business is not finished, and the injury to her is not finished. She won’t stop here."

"In this battle, the overall strength of Puguang teaches to be damaged. Most of the sects of the sects of the sects are directly crushed. The elders in the fairyland and the main guards in the lobby are both killed and injured. It has to be said that the sea is ruined. The people on the side are indeed powerful. And in a few years, Puguang teaches to experience the ups and downs of the ancient school, but everyone said that they should be resistant, not only will the defeat be defeated, even It’s hard to say whether the name of the great teacher can stay."

Qin Haoxuan silently.

He calmed down and said to the blue smoke: "Why don't you meet your mother?"

Blue smoke tears swirled in her eyes, but did not cry She tried to calm her voice: "My mother thought I was dead, if I appeared, I couldn't live a few I have really died in ten years. So, isn’t she going to be sad twice? I can’t bear it.”

As soon as this sentence came out, Qin Haoxuan was silent with the punishment.

Qin Haoxuan said: "No matter what, your mother is fine. What about the nature hall? How is the nature hall?"

He still can't let go of nature.

Exalted: "I am here, rest assured, all the little nephews are honest and diligent. I see, after a few years, the natural hall is the first lobby of the early education, hahaha..."

Qin Haoxuan also laughed. For more than three years, he knew that the punishment really came out of Luo Maoxun’s death.

The criminal took a shot and said to Qin Haoxuan: "Well, there are so many things, you stay inside, we all wait for you to come out."

Qin Haoxuan nodded: "Well, you are also good outside, waiting for me to go out."

When the blue smoke heard their conversation, the body was stiff, she knew that she had to go out with the punishment, but her eyes could not be separated from Qin Haoxuan.

This walk may be a farewell. There are thousands of reluctance in her heart, and there are thousands of sorrows, but there is no way to say it.

What should she say?

She couldn't say anything, she could only look at him more, and look at him more.

Qin Haoxuan was stared at by the blue smoke, and his heart was hurt.

How can he not understand the blue smoke eyes, this kind of deep feeling like the sea, he can not ignore.

Qin Haoxuan was thinking, maybe he would go out two hundred years later, and the blue smoke would really be turned into a yellow loess...

In the seemingly eternal gaze of the blue smoke, he only thought of that possibility, and he felt that the pain in his heart was more and more unbearable.

Qin Haoxuan frowned and said: "Wait a minute!"

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