Too Early

Chapter 808: Xianwang Avenue construction cycle

The remaining group of followers of the demon, see Li Gong so brave, one by one scared to escape, Qin Haoxuan also wants to chase and kill, all these things are killed.

At this moment, the accident suddenly occurred, a black time and space crack in the head of Qin Haoxuan without warning, opened a strong, incredible suction from the black hole!

Suddenly flying sand, stone, all things on the ground were sucked in!

Qin Haoxuan first sacrificed the spirit of the law to block, but thought of Xu Yu, and then gave up the resistance, along with the sand on the ground was inhaled this is not a **** hole.

When being absorbed into it, Qin Haoxuan smiled a bit, no wonder Xu Yu would fall. This place was still very safe. At the very least, there should never be such unpredictable cracks in time and space.

Now that this time and space crack has already rioted, a black hole like this that can **** people in will appear at any time, which is hard to prevent.

Li Gong is desperate to stabilize himself, and does not want to be sucked away, but it does not seem to have the suction of giant power, but also screams and is absorbed into it!

After Qin Haoxuan entered, he found that he had not come for many years. This independent space has already changed a lot, and it has changed a lot. It is more dangerous than when he first came in.

In the past, the rich and peaceful aura took action in the restlessness. The fairy tomb that was originally seen as soon as I came in was far away. Qin Haoxuan looked at the fairy king tomb and felt that the tomb of the fairy king seemed to be on the horizon. same.

Several huge reincarnations with golden light are changing and intertwined.

Destruction, chaos, reconstruction. The three processes of reincarnation are complete, but they do not reach the balance they deserve.

The process of destruction is more than reconstruction, and the space of chaos exists, but the number is small.

Li Gong was completely stunned by the scene in front of him. He has never seen such a strange scene!

The aura is so full that it seems to overflow, and there is a strange elixir everywhere. Although the space they are in now is not stable, it is very tough. He looks far away, and the golden light that surrounds the sky from the far side. Scattered out.

Although knowing that these are big opportunities, Li Gong did not dare to move because he saw a stone higher than people being sucked into this place. He didn’t know what it touched, and it turned into a pile. Stone powder!

He only knows that he is completely harder than the stone. If it is turbulent, it might be like a stone.

Qin Haoxuan slowly scanned this place and carefully observed the working methods. He did not know whether the king would be resurrected after the reincarnation was completed. He only knew... if the reconstruction of this space failed, then this The king of the king will really die completely!

When I came here, I listened to the ancient powers in order to deceive the rules of the heavens and the earth, use everything, and even capture an independent space, eager to resurrect in this battle after thousands of years.

So big handwriting, today's peerless!

Qin Haoxuan just sighed a little, and opened the sky, and he was familiar with the place, flying with the monk of the Western Puppet.

It is indeed more dangerous, all kinds of ancient animals are not intercepted, but Qin Haoxuan has never been hard to kill, always adopting the strategy of escape.

Despite this, on the way forward, he was injured by a huge human face spider sprayed with poisonous spider silk.

This made him move forward more carefully.

Three days later, he accidentally strayed into a ruined array. When the formation completely shrouded the two, Qin Haoxuan browed and took Li Gong to the death gate of the formation. He died in Li Gong. For a moment, the door is open!

Qin Haoxuan took back the ghost screaming of Li Gongyuan’s resentment, and the blast generally came out of the door.

Sure enough, it’s still useful to take this shackle along the way and forget to kill him. And after the ghost screamed Li Gong’s grievances, much of the information about the Western Puppets entered the mind of Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan is now anxious to find Xu Yu. He roughly looked at the information of the Western Pole. He continued to move forward. This time, he paid more attention to the observation and avoidance of the law.

These large arrays of the former King of the Kings are far from being able to deal with them now.

After nine days of travel, Qin Haoxuan finally noticed an anomaly.

In the far-reaching place, there is a soft white light flashing from this place, and the surrounding aura is awkward. Qin Haoxuan’s heart slams, and he immediately releases the ghost whistle and looks at it with the ghosts.

Sure enough, Xu Yu!

Xu Yu was completely protected by a gourd magic weapon taught in the early days. The whole person was in a coma, but there was no danger to his life.

Qin Haoxuan’s tight heart was finally able to be put down a little. He looked at Xu Yu’s direction with a firm eye and then thought about how to rescue Xu Yu.

Xu Yu entered too far, and in a few large arrays, Qin Haoxuan did not dare to move, for fear of triggering the formation, Xu Yu sent to destroy.

He frowned and thought that in order not to let those formations hurt Xu Yu, he only entered the Tomb of the King of the King, and led the formation from the tomb, and pushed Xu Yu out.

There is a way! Qin Haoxuan’s mouth was a bit of a smile, and he began to fly in the direction of the Tomb of the King.

The road was difficult, and there were even a few zombies in the middle, but because he had a shadow corpse doll, the shadow corpse doll is the future corpse king. Although it is still small, as long as it is full, waving its small arm can also The red-haired zombie green-haired zombies who fly all over the sky are scared back three hundred miles.

Qin Haoxuan used his cover to cover this independent space. Some of the secrets set by Xian Wang, Qin Haoxuan did not slack off for a month, but still thousands of miles away from the Tomb of the King.

Qin Haoxuan took pressure and looked calm, and continued to fly forward.

Suddenly, Qin Haoxuan’s fairy glory was in front of him, and Qin Haoxuan was caught off guard. The pressure on his body increased sharply, and he immediately stepped back a few steps.

In a halo, in front of him, there is an image of a fairy king!

The black hair hangs shoulders, the eyebrows are like mountains, the eyes are like the moon, the gods are like jade, the white robes are fluttering with the wind, only to be far away!

Qin Haoxuan held his breath, his body was stiff, standing there with pressure like a giant mountain, but his eyes were not looking at the fairy king in the halo.

For a long time, Qin Haoxuan, who had a cold sweat, realized that this image was just a touch of will left by the king of life! There is no life.

But still can't be underestimated! He did not dare to move, and he did not dare to approach the tomb again, urging the formation, because he understood that as soon as he moved, this will will immediately kill Xu Yu!

Xian Wang’s eyes have been watching Qin Haoxuan.

Under the watchful eyes of such a pair of eyes, Qin Haoxuan only felt that he was like a dust in the world of red and dust, so small and small, so weak!

Qin Haoxuan sighed in his heart, and the pure Yang Xian Wang was so powerful that it was so strong.

Time has passed for tens of thousands of years. Although this space is independent, it has also experienced part of the reincarnation. It is reasonable to say that any power left by the king will dissipate with time until it disappears completely.

But just a touch of will, the remaining power above is comparable to the Taoist palace!

How powerful is it to create such a world! Qin Haoxuan can't help but be fascinated by such a strong person.

Qin Haoxuan and Xian Wang have been watching this for more than 20 days, but he feels that his life has gone through more than two hundred years!

The hair he dropped was white.

Time is infinitely magnified in the same tremendous pressure of this mountain. Qin Haoxuan is difficult to support from the predicament of this pressure, but it also has a rare and rare feeling. After all, few people in the world can have the opportunity to look at the king.

After more than 20 days, Qin Haoxuan was able to clearly feel that he had received a little recognition. He felt that he should be able to communicate with the will of the immortal king.

So he put his own knowledge of the gods into the mind of the king.

The fascinating king of the vast sea of ​​stars is raging, and Qin Haoxuan’s cold sweat on his forehead, he feels that his gods are crushed by the king!

However, Qin Haoxuan clenched his teeth and resisted this pressure. His forehead was violent and his body was The whole person was like fishing out of the water!

Qin Haoxuan’s knowledge has always been strong. Although he is facing the pressure of the giant mountains, he has not retreated, and he can even feel that it is slowly progressing and becoming stronger.

"Pure Yang Xianwang, Qin Haoxuan has no intention of offending, just want to take people who have entered this place."

Qin Haoxuan said at a moment when the pressure was slightly reduced.


The four words are like the jade that fell above nine days, and it seems to come from the end of the long river of history, with endless vicissitudes and lingering fairy tales, blooming in the ears of Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan was shocked, but he did not understand it. He could only say in a more sincere tone: "Xian Wang, we just want to leave this place immediately, and will not bother you any more. Please let us go."


Still these four words, nothing has changed.

Qin Haoxuan frowned, and then said: "Xian Wang, I am low, I am afraid I can not participate in your reincarnation, please let me leave the disciples who have entered this place."


These four words are still there, and there is no slight change in the sound.

Qin Haoxuan no longer speaks, he is thinking silently.

Reconstruction, reincarnation.

reconstruction? Reincarnation?

Is it that the king of the king wants me to participate in the reconstruction of his method, and then I can get the recognition of the entire round of the law?

Thinking about it, there is no other way.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the reconstruction method on his right hand side and took a deep breath and tried to participate in the reconstruction.

When he moved the first step, he saw that the will left by the king did not have any movements. Qin Haoxuan was relieved to invest in the reconstruction.

Because Qin Haoxuan himself took the breath of Xianwang Avenue, the reconstructed array accepted him without any ruthlessness, without a trace of rejection.

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