Too Early

Chapter 811: Teach 1 robbery too early

Li Jing sneered aloud: "For Qin Haoxuan to fight for the time of Islam? Flower Hall Lord, do you regard the whole Taichu teaching as a play? How is his Qin Haoxuan worthy of the whole Taichu teaching for his danger?"

Li Jing looked at Li Jing coldly. It seems that Li Jing, who is like a nine-day god, is in his eyes, but he is also the humblest ants. His voice seems to come from the ice and hell, with a sultry cold.

"He Qin Haoxuan is natural! In recent years, there are so many more secret laws and cheats in the four halls. You will not know if you come from? Where do most of the elixir that the ancestors need to unblock? Has it been? For thousands of years, no one has ever fallen into the Valley, but he can do it. He did it. He not only came out but also brought out the ancestors of our sect! You have forgotten everything he did for the early teaching. Now? Qin Haoxuan is in a difficult situation, but you have fallen to the ground and want to put him to death, and what is he?"

The question of the sentence of a sentence falls in the ears of the listeners, and they look pale and they all bow their heads.

"I have already washed the dust, I am no longer the former. I am a purple species, the darling of Heaven, I did not put him in my heart, what I said, the words are all for the beginning of the teaching, no A little selfishness, please also teach the Mingjian."

Li Jing’s words, Lang Lang Ming Yue Gao Li sky, and as Qing Qingquan slipped through the mountains, without a little bit of emotion, with a breath of detachment, is standing on the shoulders of Da Yi, getting a lot of elders standing on his side more It is dignified.

Everyone who doesn't know that Qin Haoxuan has made great contributions to the beginning of the ages. If it is other things, it really depends on this effort.

can! It’s too early to teach! If it is not arranged early, the whole beginning will be destroyed once! If it is really the moment, more than Qin Haoxuan will die, no one can survive in the beginning!

Too early people! When you do your best for the beginning!

The elders are confident, if they are now in the position of Qin Haoxuan, and know that there is such a quarrel, they will definitely say that there is no need to argue again! Completely open the mountain squad! I can die! Not too early to die!

The elders are also convinced! If Qin Haoxuan knows, he will definitely choose this way!

A pair of eyes looked straight at Huanglong, and the words seemed to be pulled out directly from the chest, with the deepest feelings: "Teaching! The mountain guardian array can never be opened now! The situation is that we can cope! Qin Haoxuan I must be doing my best, he will surely believe that we are waiting for him! Why can't we complete the sect power to wait for him once?! He believes us! We can't believe him? At the beginning! Here is the beginning! There is no disciple at the beginning! What is it too early!"

The sentence of the sentence is like a bell, and it sounds through the entire Huangdi Peak. The thick voice shook the chest! All the whispers in the hall stopped at this moment!

Quiet, dead and quiet!


A chuckle from Li Jing's mouth, with a hint of sarcasm, like a pebble into the water, for the silence of the entire hall to bring out bursts.

"The current situation is that it can be reluctantly dealt with. That is because the robbery has not yet fallen! Can you guarantee that the fallen robbers can really be resolved? The disciples are still worried that there is no big mountain, that is above nine days. In the next moment, the robbery will be flattened too early!!"

In the last sentence, Li Jing raised his voice, such as the golden dragon shouting, and directly knocked into the heart of Huanglong, and also knocked into the hearts of everyone in the hall. After all, no one has greeted the 5,000-year robbing! Everyone can only get a glimpse of the appearance from the various literatures.

"Teaching, do you want to take the whole Taichao to change the life of Qin Haoxuan? Can you guarantee that Qin Haoxuan will come back alive? Please think twice!"

"Yeah, teach, please open the mountain squad! Can't be a gamble for the lives of thousands of disciples!"

"Teaching! We have been teaching in the early days of cultivation of the immortal world for thousands of years. It is the countless ancestral ancestors who have been fighting hard. Please open the Guardian Mountain!"


Several hair-haired elders who stood by Li Jing’s side were all out together, and they used words to force Huang Long.

Su Baihua couldn't stand it anymore. She stood by the penalty and said with a red eye to the teacher: "Teaching! My apprentice Xu Yu is going back to teach! Xu Yu is also a purple species, she is very early. You won't know the importance? Let's wait, please wait!"

Xia Yunzi saw his own frowning disciple mad, and thought about it, and also handed it to Huanglong Road: "Teaching, please wait a second, that is Hao Xuan... The flower owner said yes! Hao Xuan I always believe that I am too early! Can I not believe in Haoxuan once in the first place? Go to teach! Think twice!"


The opposite side of Huanglong is clearly divided into two opposing people. They don’t say a word, they are solemn and solemn. He looks into the distance, and his expression is deeply hidden.

The heavy responsibility of the early teachings fell on him, and all the ancestors in the early morning of Yingling Mountain were watching him!

Five thousand years of robbery! The people who cultivated the immortals have a big robbery! The sects where Xiu Xian is located have the same number of robs! Everything in heaven and earth must not last forever!

Thunderclouds above nine days have been scattered all over the Taichu, and thunder and lightning roared, such as tens of thousands of celestial soldiers are ringing the drums! Dark red seems to be stained with blood and the thunder cloud is full of heads, and all the people underneath are shaking!

The pressure on the heavens and the earth is getting stronger and stronger, and the sky is filled with thunderclouds. It seems to have the same weight as the top of the early education!

The world is discolored, people are worried, everyone is waiting for him to make a decision!

If he is only Huanglong, he must be dead, such as Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu.

However, he is not just Huanglong, he is still the master of the entire early education!

Huang Long has a calm and calm face, but his heart is rolling with the waves of the sky.

Qin Haoxuan went to the space crack of Wanying battlefield to save Xu Yu. It has been a year and a half. Where are they, how is it, no one knows.


How long?

Completely unknown, completely uncalculated!

But the thunderclouds at the top of the scene told them that you don't have time, and the thunder may fall in the next moment!

The elders who asked Huang Long to open the Guardian Mountain Array to see Huang Long did not say a word. They stood on the side of Li Jing’s side and sighed. They shook their heads with sorrow and anger. They couldn’t help but say, “The ancestors of the ancestors bless us to teach us too early!”

It seems that the electric mine is the same immediately!


It seems that thousands of ancient beasts roar at the same time, Thunderclouds violently tumbling, the whole sky is like boiling sea water, wind and waves, tsunami in general, banging!

The world is shaking!

Everyone's ears were shocked by this loud noise, and some people stood up and sat down directly on the ground!

A dark purple lightning glides over the sky, straight down to the Yellow Emperor Peak!

"I come!"

In order to cope with the catastrophe, the ancient Yunzi face from the prison has changed. The whole person seems to wind out the hall and jump to the air. A golden spirit method takes the mysterious and complicated Taoist runes from his right hand. Out, like a dragon, five feet in length, shaking his head and screaming, and heading for the lightning of the carrier's thunder!

Intense sparks bloom in the air!

The sinister color is too dare to look straight! The impact of the spell and the lightning seems to tear their eardrums!

It’s terrible to hear a few horrible screams in the hall!

After Gu Yunzi took the robbery and shattered it, the whole person was thrown to the ground by the hurricane brought by the robbery!


After the ancient Yunzi landed, the figure was three steps backwards!

Every step has a deep footprint on the millennium glazed stone in front of the temple!

The simple and honest Dafa appeared from the glazed stone instantly, and the golden runes were rotated on the glazed stone, but still did not resist the impulse brought by the ancient Yunzi!

When the last step was stabilized, Gu Yunzi’s legs fell into the glazed stone, and the pale face was slightly restored. Before everyone came to help him, he would hide the uncontrollable trembling right hand because of the pain. In the sleeves!

Huang Long has seen everything in Gu Yunzi.

His face is getting more and more serious, watching the thundercloud above nine days, gloomy!

The landing of the robbery is determined by the size of the energy. The power of the first robbery is definitely the weakest.

However, it is such a weakest day of robbery that they will shake back the three masters of their ancient Yuntang church!

Shake the mountain guardian in front of the Huangdifeng Temple! !

Break the glazed mountain guards that have been tempered by countless ancestors for thousands of years! ! !

The horrible and fierce power that Tianlei carries. Everyone has widened his eyes and was amazed! The fear of Tianwei and the fear of death have reached the peak at this moment!


Li Jing is out of the box, his face is a foremost decision!

"Teaching! This is just the first day of robbery, the power is already like this! Do you still want to take the second day of robbery?! You can't wait any longer! Waiting for the early education will be an accident!"

Li Jing has a deep tone and a great sorrow: "For the early education, I can sacrifice anything now! If I am outside, I will teach you to open a sect of the mountain, but will not resent the early teaching, but will laugh three times." I feel that you are doing the right thing! If you don’t open it for the disciples, the disciple will try to send a letter back to let you focus on the overall situation.

Li Jing said that the sentimental righteousness, through the eardrum, vibrate!

Almost everyone was silent. Only the red refining son had to speak, but he was preempted by punishment. Shen Sheng said: "Teaching! Now outside is Qin Haoxuan! You really want to listen to them and keep Qin Haoxuan in the sect. Is it outside?!"

Li Jing turned to look at him, his voice was loud, with the supreme momentum: "Flower Hall Lord! Shut up! Could you want to teach thousands of disciples at the beginning, for thousands of years, all of them are buried by Qin Haoxuan?!"

Li Jing’s questioning voice resounded throughout the hall!

"Li Jing, I am **** your mother!" The fingertips were black, and there was blood flashing in his eyes. He stared straight at Li Jing and said with a louder voice: "You **** up again, it is so cold." The heart of nature? Are you **** too young children? If there is no Qin Haoxuan, no one will abolish you once, you are just the most common purple species, how can there be today's cultivation?! How could there be a madness with Zhang The ability?! Are you afraid of the old Qin? Or you are born to be born!"

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