Too Early

Chapter 836: The robbery has just passed the man-made disaster

Huang Long’s words are like broken gold and jade, and a sentence bursts out. It seems to be able to strike the mountain and crack the ground.

"Take your tears! Take away your crying! The martyrs at the beginning are still watching us! Looking at us! After the last two strikes, you are qualified to cry! Otherwise, even if you die, you will not see The ancestors under Jiuquan! There are two final blows. Do you have confidence?"

"Yes! Oath and coexistence in the beginning!"

"Oath and coexistence with the early education!"

The screams shook the sky and shattered the sorrowful winds.

All the disciples of the early teachings wiped their tears and returned to their position. They were determined to be determined. Everyone was like a sword that was unsheathed. Even though he knew that the front was an almost invincible behemoth, there was no fear.

Xia Yunzi stood beside Huanglong, who was in the same place, slightly draping, his brows locked, and his voice hoarse to Huang Longdao: "Teaching, our disciples have not recovered to the point where they can fight, this second hit. Robbery, I am afraid, I am afraid I can’t resist it..."

Huang Long stood up and heard the words of Xia Yunzi, but he had a deep breath like the sea. Standing on the top of the Huangdi Peak, like a top pillar, it would never fall.

At this time, a purple-gold dragon rose suddenly from the East of the early education.

The purple-gold dragon is transformed into a huge purple dragon, shaking his head and swaying, roaring and moving, infecting most of the sky in the east, and facing the robbery cloud of the red blood of the head of the early teaching.


Xianglong State was founded 5,000 years ago, and the early teachings kept them for 5,000 years. It can be said that there is no early education, and Xianglongguo has long since disappeared!

Every natural disaster and man-made disaster of Xianglongguo is solved by the disciples of the early sects. When the drought is dry, the clouds are raining. When the waters are flooded, the rivers are led into the sea. When the strong enemy is invincible, it is also the disciples who sent the disciples for them. Fight.

Xianglongguo can maintain the 5,000-year-old weather and prosperity, because the early education has always been behind them and is fully supported.

The current emperor of Xianglong State stood above the altar, carrying the sword of the country, facing the direction of the early teaching, solemnly and sincerely fell to the ground, and the civil and military officials behind him also stumbled.

"Hey, rate all the people of Longguo, pray for God to be sympathetic to the people, and bless the beginning of the age!"

"I want to be sympathetic to the people of the world, and bless the beginning of the age!"

The snoring sounded from all directions.

If someone stands in the sky above Xianglong State at this time, it will be shockingly present. On the entire territory of the Xianglong Kingdom, every Xianglong country's people are all devoutly worshipping in the direction of the early teaching.

The sacred light and shadows linger from these mortal bodies, converge into a cloud of clouds, condensed in the air. The pure dragon gas is condensed from the Xianglong National Palace, roaring out and shaking the clouds.

This is really true and one heart!

The robbery cloud of the peak of the early education was banging, the blood was red like the sea, but it was like a fire, and it was covered in the head of everyone.

The fire of heaven!

The heat of the skyfire reached the peak of the summit, and everyone stood in their own position to resist the unbearable burning heat.

The rumbling sound rang from the top of everyone's head, and the hot magma was tumbling.

No, the flame of fire is more plentiful than the eternal magma, and the flame seems to burn the sky above the head!


The thick skyfire finally reached its limit and crashed.

Tianhuo has just emerged. At the beginning, the two mountain rafts that have been lingering for thousands of years are steamed cleanly. The burning scent burns everyone's face red, the skin is very painful, and the whole body seems to be burning. It is totally unbearable.

The clothes of a dozen disciples were ignited in an instant, mourning to roll on the ground and die in the pain of burning with hot flames.

Qin Haoxuan screamed and screamed, and he sang the ice ice fairy tree. At the same time, he ran wildly from the body of the Kowloon Ice Law, and the wind chilled into the sky, filling the entire early teaching.

However, between the two, all the chills were steamed cleanly - Qin Haoxuan was hit hard and his face was like platinum paper.

There seems to be only an endless burning in the heavens and the earth, and the whole early teaching is as terrible as a deep lava.

On the peak of the cloud, the sun is shining, and the ancestors rise to the sky!

A spiritual law that seems to break the sky instantly comes out. The purple dragon in the distance growls and the pray of the people is in front.

Bihai Taotian!

Hua people did not use any formations, just relying on the dragons of the Xianglong Kingdom and the people to petition to the spirit of sincerity and sincerity, and then attaching their own cultivation to play a fundamental spiritual method of the Taishi religion, Bihai Taotian !

The vast shadow of the Daogong Palace flashes the light of the gong, the old ancestors fly and dance, and the whole body shines.

The turbulent spiritual method is like the boundless blue sea of ​​the ocean. The wind blows up the huge waves and surrounds the skyfire group that is under the head and instantly extinguishes. The fog rises into the sky, and the unbearable heat waves of the whole world slowly recede, replaced by the coolness of the sea.

When the old ancestor was attacked by the spiritual law and the skyfire, the shock of the ancestors shook open, and the swan, which fell like an empty sky, fell.

"Old ancestors!"

"Shi Bo!"

Dozens of people were flying in the air, trying to pick up the ancestors, but the energy that was shocked by them was fierce. Qin Haoxuan was not close to his ancestors, and he was backflushed by the energy fluctuations, and he was only three feet away on the ground. It is stable and stable.

In the end, Huang Long broke through and the ancestors took over, and then landed steadily.

"Shi Bo!"

The old ancestor’s mouth was bleeding, his eyes were a little confused, and the huge shadow of the palace behind him became blurred.

Qin Haoxuan frowned deeply, and the Taoist palace was too difficult to pass.

In this year, the cultivation of each disciple in the early days of the Taichao was an explosion of the explosion, and the advancement of the big step, the ancestors and all the disciples made countless contributions to the anti-robbery, so horrible robbery, experienced For a year, my ancestors still did not finish the half-step, still staying at the entrance to the palace...

The second hit of the robbery, they are next!

At this point, everyone's eyes are all concentrated in the sky, and the heart is uneasy.

The first hit, the thunder of the Thunder, was one hundred and fifty-seven elders who fought down with their lives.

The second strike, the robbery of the skyfire, is the ancestor of the half-entry palace and the dragon of the Xianglong kings, together with the sincerity of all the people of Xianglong.

The third hit? What is the third hit?

“Is it a hurricane?”

"Or is it hail?"

"It may also be that all natural disasters are mixed together..."

Many people are speculating, and they are imagining in their hearts. If these things, then how should they deal with them?

"Look! The robbers are gone!"


really! The robbery clouds in the sky, like the 100,000 mountains, are gradually dissipating, and the long blue sky that has not been seen for a whole year has revealed a corner.

“Don't the day have passed? There is no third day of robbery?”

Many disciples in the early days taught an unbelievable joy on their faces.


Qin Haoxuan frowned, and the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more intense. He suddenly turned his head to see Huanglong. Huanglong was also a gloomy face, like the enemy.

The robbery clouds in the sky are still floating, and the silks are scattered to the sides, and there is a breeze. The robbery clouds dissipate like ordinary clouds after the breeze blows the fruit. Seeing the clear sky in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, but an unbearable terrorist pressure is coming!

Qin Haoxuan only felt that the hair on his body had stood up, and it seemed that there was something big and ruined.


The extremely horrible force just appeared, Huang Long flew to the air, like the undefeated God of War, the two words that seemed to be able to break into the sky, shocked everyone's heart.

The joy that just came to my heart was completely replaced by the heavyness of the mountain. No one slacked, and all returned to their position in an instant.

The mysterious turtle array is the first layer, and the guardian mountain array is the second layer. The constant aura is like a rushing river flowing into these arrays.

Huang Long stood in the main line of the Huangdi Peak, and the ancestors stood up to the second eye, and everyone was in place.

The robbery cloud is getting faster and faster. It was only a slight movement. Now it is like a rout. The wind is raging and the clouds are dissipating, as if to make way for something that can't be parried!

Qin Haoxuan was cold and his body was tight, and his eyes were staring at the sky.

Soon, a black spot is falling, and the overwhelming power can be felt millions of miles away.

"what is that!"


Unpredictable fear is too torturous. Even though all the disciples in the early days have been honed for a year, they still can’t help but tremble at this moment.

The black spots are getting bigger and bigger, the degree of landing is getting faster and faster, and the entire Taichu religion has been covered far away from the nine heavens. The night is just a moment!

That is not a black spot, it is a star!

The sharpness brought a spark of sparks, and when the stars and fires fell, they could flatten a mountain at the beginning.

"That is a star..."

The surface of the huge star is a thick layer of black gas, swirling around, like a devil with a strong dead air.

The last blow turned out to be a star falling from the sky! The horrible power is tremulous and seems completely unstoppable. It is stronger than any previous robbery.

The heart of everyone in the beginning of the church has sunk at this moment.


Huang Long’s voice is still calm and powerful, like a banner, clearly telling everyone: no matter what the early education is, you must never back down and fight hard!

The hurricane emerged from the side of Huanglong, and the white head has been dancing with the wind. He is like an ancient war **** standing tall in the air, and his body is full of spirits. The tall, unseen fairy tree shines behind him. The light and shadow of the Dao Gong Palace is looming.

Huanglong has a single hand-held sword, and the blade is full of brilliance. There is a layer of esoteric and incomprehensible runes that flow on it. The sword is sharp and unmatched. It can easily smash the light of the jade from the top of the sword. The lightning bolted around and creaked.

A horrible force spread out from him, with infinite warfare.


The roaring sounds from all directions in the early teachings, and countless spiritual methods frantically poured into the mysterious tortoise. The pale green tortoises are scattered with the radiant glow in the complete darkness. If they bear the blue sky, they will be calm and steady.

The faucet that stretched out from the giant tortoise stood up, stretched into the air, and smashed straight toward the huge star. The faucet shattered the boundless star like the hardest iron!

The scattered pieces were as tall as a hill, and they crashed down with a burst of air.

Huang Long’s face was calm and fearless. The sword in his hand was shining brightly. Like the sun shining in the sun, he held the sword with his hands and slammed into the huge pieces of the sky.

The sword whistling out, incomparable, invincible, with a wave of energy like a horrible wave of energy, the sharp gas with a squeaky purple electric light instantly spread over the sky of the early Taichung, knocking a stone of the same size as a mountain Only one person is left.

After Huang Long took out the sword, he slammed down from the air in a fierce collision, but he stabilized his body shape.


Like an adult-sized stone, it has already passed through the dragons of Huanglong, but it is still infinitely powerful, and it still smashes the entire Xuangui array instantly!

The stars on the mysterious tortoise's array of light scattered out with the fragmentation of the array, and instantly extinguished.

The tremendous pressure finally came to the top of everyone!

In the early days, the brilliance of the teachings was sudden, and countless fairy trees went all the way. The glory of Yingying alternately shines. Numerous runes converge from the fairy trees of all people to the guardian mountain array. They gather the aura of the whole body, and resist the pressure of destroying the earth.

"Ah--" The screams of heartbreaking lungs are one after another, and the thick **** smell is filled in an instant.

Dozens of disciples were shattered on the spot by the horror of the horror and turned into a piece of blood fog. They drifted with the winds of the four scorpions and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The disciples of the early teachings were all red eyes but still clenched their teeth!


The huge stars have been weakened by the power of the mysterious tortoise, but they are still as terrifying as the sky, and the shaking of the mountain guards is shaken.

The will to survive, so that the whole spirits of the beginning of the beginning to gather together into a grand stream of magic, radiant, invincible, to the sky and the ground to the incomparably huge stars.


The huge impact force shook everyone's five internal organs, the heart was unstable, and spit blood. The fairy trees of more than a dozen elders broke open on the spot. Although they were not broken, they also shaken the foundation of their practice.

The broken sound came from the top of the head, and the stars that were lingering in the darkness were crushed by their last blow, turning into the light of the sky and disappearing into the heavens and the earth.

Shoushan Dazhen suffered this heavy hit a few want to break.

"Little gold!"

Qin Haoxuan squatted on one knee, and many skins on the body cracked under the impact of the impact, and the blood blew out, and the two words that were thrown out shocked the blood in his throat. His words were actually The blood spurted out.

Xiaojin is more than ever squatting, his hands are a few strokes, thousands of monkeys are as fast as a gust of wind, and all over the entire early childhood, some monkeys carry serious injuries into the sky, and the remaining monkeys are madly repaired. Broken array.

After the day of the robbery, everyone did not have a trace of joy. The early teachings were filled with a layer of fierce sorrow. No one spoke, and all of them had begun to be busy with healing, to save people, to repair the array, without any slack.

Because... the man-made disaster is coming!

In the early days of teaching, he has been waiting for a long time for the three parties.

After the third day of the robbery, the screaming and killing of the sound of the sky, the nesting and moving, like the sky, the general rush to the early education.

"Brothers are rushing! It will kill the Taichu teaching!"

"kill them!"

"Take the baby all!"


The forces of the three parties, scattered, cruel, and Western Christianity, each occupying a side, the number of people is too numerous to come. Everyone has a greedy color in their eyes, and they are mutually guarded against each other, like a mad dog rushing to the early education!

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