Too Early

Chapter 860: White bone yin and yang

Qin Haoxuan was so far away from this collision that he fell to the ground and slammed his chest!

"What happened?" Qin Haoxuan was still surprised that this banner suddenly attacked him, and another horrible energy fluctuation came from the depths of the palace!

The tall figure of the headless demon, Long Yuechen, flew out like lightning, and the thick fist was shrouded in a black mist of overbearing turmoil, with a hurricane that was extremely strong!

"not good!"

Qin Haoxuan was even more shocked. He didn't think about it. He erected a five-finger ice shield in front of him and turned over.

Long Yuechen’s fists are extremely overbearing. It seems that all the air around him has brought this overbearing boxing style. He came from Qin Haoxuan in all directions, and condensed into a circle when he was close, and hit it!


The ice in front of Qin Haoxuan was instantly hit into powder! Qin Haoxuan blooms with golden brilliance, just like the hard gold fist has been pinched out, five imaginary ice dragons entwined among them, with a cold chill that can instantly freeze people, straight to the dragon moon black air lingering Fist!


The horrible and overbearing impact fluctuations scatter in this huge palace, and the tables and chairs that are closer to them are instantly crushed!


Qin Haoxuan was backed up by this fierce and overbearing crack wave. The skin of the ghost slave was shattered in an instant, and the blood in the battle with the dragon's fist was sharply surging, the blood was unstable, and the spirit was chaotic. Hey, at the same time a spurt of blood "噗"!

fast! Long Yuechen's speed is extremely fast! It’s almost time for Qin Haoxuan to summon his zombie guards, and he will be close to him!

Qin Haoxuan stood firm, rubbed the blood of his mouth with his back, his eyes condensed, and stared carefully at Longyuechen, while observing the surrounding, thinking about whether to release the zombie guard immediately, or to see what other cards are there... I rushed out of the zombies, and the other side has other cards. If I can use the array left by the demon, then I will not even have other cards to escape!

How strong is the demon? That is the name of the magic king for the emperor's fairy king! It is the devil!

Qin Haoxuan has seen the ability of the Tomb of the Immortal King. Naturally, I dare not underestimate the territory of this place! At that time, it was only the edge of the Tomb of the King of the Tomb, so I had to kill myself with death many times. Nowadays, this place is the key location of the reincarnation of the demon!

Longyue Chen was also frozen by the cold ice brought by Qin Haoxuan’s fist. When he saw Qin Haoxuan’s true body, he frowned slightly and said: “It turned out to be a stranger, but when the body of the roadr is so strong, Are they not strong in spirit and weak in body?"

"Hey! It turned out to be a stranger. No wonder the Wraith flag will attack you. I have smelled humanity from the beginning and thought it was my own illusion! Since you dare to come here today, use your flesh and blood to sacrifice the flag. Let's go!"

Long Yuechen is extremely cautious, and he has taken the lead in arranging the body and body of this Fangtiandi before he has made a move!

The raging magical gas blasted from the ground, and rushed to the side of Longyuechen. The black magical tumbling, the black light of the array, the black dragon, the roaring black tiger guarded on both sides of the dragon moon, although It’s not really a dragon tiger, it’s just formed by magic, but the power is still not to be underestimated. It’s already very embarrassing by the momentum of this method!

After doing this, Longyue Chen launched a attack from a bang, and a thick black fairy tree with no height appeared suddenly appeared. Dozens of fruit that exudes a lustrous green light flashed into it, and the extremely strong and gloomy atmosphere instantly covered the hall! The original horrible palace was a bit darker in an instant!

Qin Haoxuan secretly accumulates the power, and the Taoist magical Dafa works in the body! The repair of this Longyuechen is too high, and there are dozens of achievements. Qin Haoxuan did not dare to take a nap and kept staring at him cautiously.

Long Yuechen gave a long drink, and the body instantly ran a turbulent magical power. Numerous black gas erupted from him. At the same time, dozens of hoes larger than the wheel appeared out of thin air, scattered in the hall, each 骷髅They all swallowed the green fire, flashing the sharp light of the sword, and the coldness of the whole hall was three times more!

This scene is very horrible, Qin Haoxuan can feel the ubiquitous ghosts drifting, the wind and the wind, the sultry heart, the scent of the green scent in the gimmicks, like the wild ghosts ready to eat in the dark, even in the Qin Haoxuan, who has grown up in countless battles, has frowned, and the dragon-scale sword in his hand is shaking, and a layer of ice shield is gathered around him!

The smoldering smoldering smoldering is extremely cold, but if the stars fall to the ground, the stone on the ground can be burned instantly!

"These fires seem to be able to directly burn the soul of the people! Can't make these things close!" Qin Haoxuan secretly gritted his teeth.

Dozens of gimmicks that scented with chills screamed out in an instant, crossed over to Qin Haoxuan and formed a vast network of smashing nets. The sound of smashing the air was sharp and harsh, like an awl!

Qin Haoxuan can feel the overbearing power of the sinister and powerful, the wing of freedom, and the rapid retreat. He frowned and looked at the bodyguards of Longyue Chen’s body, knowing that even if the zombies were released, It is sure to be able to attack success. At the moment, Qin Haoxuan rises up and uses the wing of freedom. If the foot is on the blast, he will quickly escape from here!

"This palace is set up by the reincarnation, and the formation inside is definitely extraordinary. It is not something I can break. The possibility of using a zombie to attack success is too small! First run, he can't always start the array, so it consumes too much. Big, can only find another chance!"

Just when Qin Haoxuan fled like a blast, Long Yuechen had already come to the temple. He screamed and flew to the air, and the ten fingers flew. The black light suddenly appeared, flying from the hands of Long Yuechen to four directions. !

Qin Haoxuan flying in midair suddenly felt a sense of oppression!

"Four big devils, out!"

The four orientations instantly vacated and four bodies formed entirely of magical gas. The black waves of the magical madness surged, constantly intertwined in the air, like a silk thread, covering this heaven and earth!

"The devil of the gods!"

With the anger of Long Yuechen, the magic of the sky seems to have surged again with life. This heaven and earth suddenly became extremely dark, and Qin Haoxuan, who was enveloped by the magic of the sky, could not even see his fingers!


Qin Haoxuan’s voice did not fall, and the ghost screamed out of his arm. The boundless ghosts were as vast as the sea, and Qin Haoxuan was surrounded by the group to resist the invasion of the sky.

At the same time, the dazzling golden light like the Donkey Kong smashed out from the ghost whispering, cut through the sky, and shot a glare in the boundless darkness. The holy king of the sacred breath is the natural nemesis of the magic road. Shooting in the direction of the escape of Qin Haoxuan, directly shattering the demon of the power of the Xiannian in this direction, composed of the magic of the four sides, as if the sky of the gods can be overwhelmed!

Qin Haoxuan knew that the formation was broken and could be condensed again. Now I will not waste my time and escape!

The demon gods were broken, but Long Yuechen was not a bit unhappy. The head of the present-day-old head showed a surprise and greed!

"God, this little beast has a ghost king in his hand! That is the ghost king, only the ghost king who can practice it! Even the demon can not refine this thing, refining the ghost king is not just devouring the ghost Yes, it is entirely luck!"

The greed of Long Yuechen’s face is getting heavier and heavier, his eyes are green. “If you have this ghost king, my flag has the chance to become the sacred flag of the old man’s imaginary thoughts. I feel the power of the sacred feelings of the demon, perhaps I have the opportunity to achieve the demon!"

The ensuing wife also saw the ghost king who had just released the ghost of the sky. The voice was unconcealed excitement: "Long Yuechen! That is the ghost king! We must seize this stinky boy, our ascent The road is hopeful!"

My wife’s face is beautiful, but she drags a body that is completely white skeleton. It is strange and terrifying. She squats forward and dances in the air with the fingers of white bones. The wind is everywhere, and there are countless white bones floating on the ground. All the white bones are cross-fused with each other to form the eight-way Tongtian bone column. Each bone column has a width of several feet, and it goes straight into the sky, and Qin Haoxuan in the middle of the air is surrounded.

"White bones yin and yang!"

With Mrs. Yu’s voice slightly sharp and sharp, countless chains made up of bones flew out from the bones, leaving Qin Yuxuan locked without leaving a gap! Each chain has countless bone spurs with a faint green glow. If it is worn by the bone chain, it will be instantly torn!

Qin Haoxuan's face is condensed, and the bone chain of the sky is shot from all directions, avoiding inevitable! Qin Haoxuan hands squeezed, the flash of light flashed!

Numerous spiritual methods, such as "Scorpio" and "Tongtianshu", were slammed into the bone chain from all directions, but they seemed to be on the hard steel. They could only eliminate a small part and could not Inciting the white bones of this sky.

"Ha ha ha..."

My wife’s sharp laughter came: “I said that you should not waste your efforts in a small These bones are all yin and yang bones that I have refining for many years, and they can consume the devouring spirit. You can't beat them any more, haha... you still die, your ghost king, we accept it!"

"A small hair is also dare to introduce us here. It is really looking for death! But if you have a ghost king, our husband and wife will be yours! Haha..."

Long Yuechen's rough voice also followed.

Although Qin Haoxuan could not smash the bone chain, but the speed is as fast as lightning, left flash right, the bone chain of the sky can not lock him.

This is not the way!

Qin Haoxuan saw a bone column and suddenly made a force. The whole body was like a meteor, and it crashed into the past!


The force of the violent impact, shaking the other seven bones are shaking!

There are many white bones, and they are empty! The bone column that seems to be Optimus Prime was actually crushed by Qin Haoxuan!

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