Too Early

Chapter 860: Yu Xiong’s endless road

Ps: Wrong, I inserted the less-discarded chapter into the 859 chapter. WwΔW. 『ksnhuge『ge. La changed the original 859 chapter to the 860 chapter.

Li Jing said the second time, the sound did not fall, only heard a broken sound, he felt his neck cool!

Li Jingyan opened his eyes and saw only the whirlwind, his head rolled a few rolls on the ground!

The speed of Qin Haoxuan’s sword is too fast, and it’s not dead until his head is landing!

In the eyes of Li Jing, the incredible surprise and the sudden surge of fear are scared!

He thought that according to his performance for so many days, the kind of remorse, the kind of great understanding, can touch everyone, and let Qin Haoxuan not kill him!

Li Jingqian never thought that Wan Haoxuan would eventually kill him!

Understand the unbelievable eyes of Li Jing, Qin Haoxuan looked up at him and said in a very light voice: "You played very well, very good, no flaws. But I just don't believe you."

Li Jing’s eyes screamed with great grievances. He couldn’t say a word now, and he could feel that he was about to die completely, but the terrible vicious light in his eyes expressed everything.

He hated Qin Haoxuan!

He did not expect Qin Haoxuan to tear him down, but he did not expect it to die in the hands of Qin Haoxuan!

The performance of Li Jing for so many days is actually intentional, and every detail has been repeatedly scrutinized by him.

He wants to go to the country of the Western Preachers as an emperor, and it is indeed not well-intentioned.

Although Li Jing was removed from the purple species, he personally participated in the whole process of transplanting the genus, and all of them were memorized!

If you don't have a fairy, you can't cultivate it, but as long as he becomes the emperor of that country, you can find another fairy to transplant to your body in the same way!

At that time, he will be able to revisit other sects, or simply be a mess!

As an emperor of a country, he was able to choose a genius for excuses for the selection of disciples for the early education. This is Li Jing’s plan for the future.

He wants to make a comeback according to his own ideas. When he has a strong strength, he will destroy the Taichu religion, Ling Chi Qin Haoxuan!

However, what Li Jing did not think was that Qin Haoxuan was not touched by his performance for so many days. A sword killed him and made all his fantasies become a bubble!

With an incomparable grievance, Li Jing did not even close his eyes.

Li Jing is dead, just like this... a generation of purple species... Li Jing, who had the opportunity to become a generation of heroes at the beginning, died in the hands of Qin Haoxuan.

In just a few decades, there was a gray species in the beginning, and a purple species died in the hands of Qin Haoxuan!

Qin Haoxuan did not look at him more, but went to the mixed Tissot and continued to fly toward Xianglong.

Not yet to the palace of Xianglongguo, Qin Haoxuan saw an extremely long team in midair. The ninth and five-year-old robes wearing Minghuang stood in front of the team, and the Wenwu Baiguan officially welcomed!

This battle is very large, and it can be seen that those people, whether emperors or civil and military officials, have made this welcoming look, and they are very skilled.

This is no wonder.

At the beginning of the teachings of the early days of the robbery, the emperor of Xianglongguo once prayed with the people of the country to go up to heaven, to be united, to listen to the heavens, to gather the true spirit, to help the early teachings to pass a great Cataclysm.

Therefore, after the day of the robbery, the early education will always send disciples from time to time to send some good things to the palace of Xianglongguo.

Every time the priests came to the school, whether it was the new introductory disciple of Xian Miaojing or the elders with high points, the emperors of Xianglong State were grandly received, and did not dare to be scornful.

Because these immortals are not different in their eyes, they are all immortals, just as the emperor and the civilians are not in the eyes of the immortal, they are all mortal.

Qin Haoxuan had a mixed Tissot and landed in midair. The Emperor of Xianglong State led a hundred officials to welcome him. Qin Haoxuan did not pass through them to the main hall.

After the seat, the emperor ran around all the way, standing outside the three feet of Qin Haoxuan, respectfully bowed his head and listened.

Qin Haoxuan's faint opening: "Do you know the fire country next door?"

Although the emperor couldn’t touch his mind, why did Daxian ask this, but he still respectfully answered: "Know know."

"When we were too early to teach the ravages, the Antarctic cults of the raging country used to bring people to attack us. Now they are also stalking the West. Now, after the robbery, the early teaching will bring people. They will completely annihilate their sects. At that time, there will be no gods in the country of the fire. If you are interested, you can take the soldiers and fight down the country."

When the emperor heard it, the eyes brushed up at once, and my heavens opened up the territory!

The emperor quickly squatted on the ground, nodding nodded, excited to Qin Haoxuan: "Thank you on the fairy, thank you on the fairy, we will certainly be under the leadership of Shangxian to fight the fire country! Xianglong state has the protection of the immortal It is a great fortune of our people!"

"Well, since you are interested, you should prepare for the war. It is best to find a few messengers to say hello to the fire country and say to them, they say that their goddess will soon be unable to hold back. First, persuade the royals of the fierce fire country to let them give up the throne, so as not to be ruined. Of course, if they are stubborn and refuse to give up, then the early church will support you to fight this war."

The emperor of Xianglongguo had no surprises, and it was a gimmick!

Qin Haoxuan conveyed the news, knew their wishes, and left a few words, the task has been completed, and directly fled by the shuttle.

Emperor Xianglong’s emperor has been watching Qin Haoxuan go away, disappearing into the sky, with a silly smile on his face: “Great, great, with the support of the gods, Xianglong will be in me. In the era, lay a strong country similar to Xianglongguo! I will definitely remember the history of Qing Dynasty and become a hero of future generations!"

When Qin Haoxuan returned to the early education, he received a letter from Qinghong Pity, saying that she had already completed the breakthrough and can now set off.

I thought that this time I went out and didn't know how long I would stay outside. Qin Haoxuan went to find the red temper.

After seeing the red scorpion, Qin Haoxuan said to him: "I may leave the early teaching for a while, and the natural church does not have a church owner now. You will have to bother to help me look at it."

After listening to Qin Haoxuan’s words, the red singer snorted: “If I don’t look at it, your natural hall is gone, is this still used by you?”

Qin Haoxuan listened to a smile, and knew that the red sculpt would be placed on the heart, and then he went to the mountain gate to find Qinghong Pity.

On the way to the mountain gate, Qin Haoxuan was secretly thinking: "There are seven or eight million sects in the small fairy burial mound. Some of them are just the dying of the dying of the dynasty. There is no collection of fate. If you can bring one of the blessings back to the early education..."

Thinking of this, Qin Haoxuan had an excitement in his eyes: "If you can do that, the early education has got so many resources. Although it can't be said that it can make the early education easy to pass through in the fight against the Wannian, it will definitely increase the odds of many achievements. ""

"And such a good place, there will definitely be a lot of elixir medicine, I have to help the ancestors to get some more, I hope the ancestors can support the opening of the road to Feixian."

In fact, Qin Haoxuan has been worried about the ancestors who are still in the fairy valley. However, as the ancestors said, everyone has his own chances. No matter how dangerous, he has to look for it. Qin Haoxuan is worried or not. Ways to intervene in the path of the ancestors.

When I came to the mountain gate, Qin Haoxuan saw the Qinghong pity standing next to the stone gate, and the Qinghong pity was white, and it was plain and elegant, adding a gentle beauty to her.


After Qin Haoxuan finished, he would take out the mixed Tissot, and the two would carry it up. The road was led by Qinghong, and headed for Xiaoxian Tomb.

"I didn't expect it."

Qinghong politely sighed softly, like the breeze of the summer morning, refreshing and warm.

Qin Haoxuan asked with a smile: "What did you think?"

Qinghong pity eyes lifted lightly, and the inside of the waves flowed, like the same Wang Qingquan, she slightly opened her lips, sounded like a jade drop: "When I first saw you, I really didn't think you had anything extraordinary, but I have experienced so many things with you before, I know that you are very good. But I still haven't thought that you can grow so strong, and it is not inferior to me, even in many places. ”

Qinghong was very pitiful, showing a smile with doubts: "You don't forget, I am a colored fairy. After the colored fairy condenses the fairy wheel, the colored fairy wheel is condensed. The colored fairy wheel has more power than the colorless fairy."

Qin Haoxuan also smiled and said: "In fact, from the very beginning of my journey to the cultivation of immortals, many people have said that colorless and weak species can never compare with colored celestial species. But I believe from beginning to end that the efforts of the day after tomorrow are more natural than the innate talent. More fearful. As long as the road is strong, and the nature is preserved, the road to repairing the fairy is no longer difficult, and it can always go. The colored fairy does have advantages in many places, but this does not explain colorless weak Not strong."

Obviously, Qinghong Pity was the first to hear such a theory, and could not help but stunned. She looked at the quiet and standing but naturally had a strong and confident Qin Haoxuan, a tender heart in her eyes.

Xiaoxianfen is really far from the beginning of the teaching, and the rare flying magic weapon of the Tissot flies for nearly 20 days before reaching that position.

That piece of heaven and earth, all of them are smog, only from the outside, I can’t see the inside, but the feeling of sinister infiltration is clearly scattered from the white mist to the square, which is even more like that. Mysterious and terrible.

"It's there." The mixed Tissot has slowed down, Qinghong's face is Suning, but the eyes are full of strange colors. "This piece of heaven and earth has only a special moment, it will appear from the void, usually can not see. ""

Qin Haoxuan noticed that before the fog that covered the sky, there was already a team of 10,000-year-old disciples guarding them. They all wore robes with sun and moon patterns, and the colors of the sun on their robes. It is reddish.

"That is the 10,000-year-old Catholic Red Sun faction. I agreed to join them before." Qinghong Pity also noticed, whispered to Qin Haoxuan.

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