Too Early

Chapter 884: 1 foot under the small platform

Talking to a young girl, her face is fascinating and beautiful, her long black hair is hanging behind her like a waterfall, wearing a red robes, adding a bit of beauty to her, this woman The repairs were followed by a few disciples of Jin Xudian who were sent to serve her.

Qinghong pity glanced at her, and with a bit of pride in the tone: "My Qinghong pity is close to who is my own thing, can you still manage the people of Jinhuangge? My master has nothing to do with me, you? What is it?"

The woman was irritated in an instant, and looked at Qinghong’s pitiful eyes even worse. He sneered: "You are a woman who does not obey the woman. My brother can see that you are your blessing. Just rely on your temper, even if you marry. Our Jinhuangge also needs to be polished and polished!"

Qinghong’s face sank, and the woman turned to look at Qin Haoxuan. A pair of narrow and long phoenixes were full of contempt: “And you, the little door, the thing, look for your position, stay away from her. Otherwise, don't blame us Jinhuangge for your unkindness."

Qin Haoxuan sighed in the heart, since Qinghong pity asked for help, he was already unable to stay out of it!

Although, in this way, it will help yourself.

But if you let Qinghong pity marry someone you don't like, Qin Haoxuan will look down on himself. When his friend is in trouble, he will not lend a helping hand.

now? I came across this to find something? Qin Haoxuan had already prepared himself psychologically. He held the boxing hand and kept the proper etiquette: "In the beginning, Qin Haoxuan. In the course taught by the teacher, there is no such thing as making friends with other people. When I was a mortal, I knew better that only the villain would climb the dignitaries and trample on the civilians."

The woman on the ground laughed and looked at Qin Haoxuan as if she were looking at the ants. She whispered her mouth: "Tai Shi Jiao? Qin Haoxuan? I have never heard of it."

Qin Haoxuan smiled faintly and said: "It doesn't matter. You will remember this name in the future. People who haven't heard of this name now will remember it later."

"Wait! You just said that the villain will climb the privilege? What do you mean?" The woman's face changed sharply and pointed to Qin Haoxuan and shouted: "You give me a clear idea! Otherwise..."

Qinghong pity face cream, cold channel: "Li Ruoyao! Give me a shut up! In my place of Jinxu Temple, it seems that you can't take the lead? You can manage yourself."

After Qinghong’s voice was finished, he mobilized the crane and ignored Li Ruoyao, who was in a hurry on the ground, but went to another place in Jinxu Temple.

Li Ruoyao was not mad at Qinghong's words, and a gorgeous face was distorted. She said to the people around her with a sinful voice: "Come up, you must teach these two men for my brother!"

The two people riding on the crane soon came to an open halfway up the mountain. There was a huge platform on the mountainside. A few simple but powerful energy arrays were distributed on both sides of the ring. There were several disciples on the huge platform. Using the spiritual method to learn from each other, there are also higher-ranking brothers and sisters who are guiding their younger brothers and sisters.

When Qin Haoxuan saw this son, his eyes lit up and turned his head to Qinghong. "This table is somewhat similar to the martial art of the faucet."

Qinghong politely nodded and said: "This is a place for the disciples in the door. It is a place for professors to practice. I think that you can build a place like this when you are too early, so that the disciples of the early education can understand in the battle. Your own shortcomings. But you must make the rules well, and you should not be reduced to a revenge tool between disciples. If the disciples in the door are in the ring, it will not be good."

Qinghong pity saw Qin Haoxuan very interested in this table, so he took him to the crane and approached the stage to start watching the fighting on the stage.

The Jinxu Temple of Taishang himself saw Qinghong Pity, and they showed great enthusiasm. The teachers and sisters who were familiar with Qinghong’s pity also came to her side, talking and laughing.

"Sister, sister, you can also guide us."

Qinghong smiled and nodded. He fell to the ground and flew to the stage. It looked like a touch of green smoke. It was silent, and a galaxy waved out. The white spirit was like a galaxy hanging upside down. The light and fast force slammed open, and the towering ancient trees beside the ring were shaking under the sudden power.

"Good! The sister is so powerful!"

"The sister is the best!"

"This is the most difficult thing for the Galaxy. I haven't touched the door for three years. You have already used it so skillfully! It is a kind of colored fairy, and the talent is absolutely!"

Qinghong pity came out with a spiritual law, and won the praise and applause of everyone.

At this time, Li Ruoyao also rushed over, this is good to see Qinghong pity use the spiritual method, accompanied by Li Ruoyao's disciple of Jin Xudian, because Li Ruoyao has a bad speech on Qinghong, the heart has already had anger, see this In one scene, when the eyes turned, he said: "Li Daoyou, our Qinghong sisters have already revealed their hands. You also go up to open their eyes to the disciples of our Jinxu Temple. Let us look at the spiritual laws of your teachings?"

Li Ruoyao snorted and chuckled, as a flying swallow, flew over the table, his body swung rapidly, his hands in the air, and a magical method was instantly displayed. In an instant, it seemed that the cosmic stars had fallen here. The dazzling brilliance is one after another, overwhelming, as if the entire platform is completely shrouded, so that the people onlookers feel that if Li Ruoyao is fighting against the platform, her spiritual method will be avoided.

"Wow! So beautiful."

"It seems that the stars are flashing."

Some of the female masters of Jinxu Temple were attracted by Li Ruoyao's lingering spiritual method. Only Qin Haoxuan smiled softly in numerous praises.

Her spiritual method is gorgeous and gorgeous, but it is not practical. It is a very stupid way to disperse the spirit of a good attack into thousands of irrelevant pieces, just to pursue visual beauty. .

In the battle of life and death, where will the opponents go to see if your spiritual law is beautiful? Everyone is pursuing a blow.

If such a pursuit of gorgeous Li Ruoyao and Qinghong Pity fight, Qinghong Pity can play three Li Ruo Yao alone.

Looking at the admiration of the onlookers, Li Ruoyao was full of pride, and even looked at Qinghong Pity in a provocative way. Qin Haoxuan sneered out, and Li Ruoyao heard it was very harsh.

"Hey, the disciples at the beginning, what are you laughing at?"

Qin Haoxuan was too lazy to make a living and made a gentle applause to show his praise.

Li Ruoyao saw Qin Haoxuan’s applause, and his heart was even more uncomfortable. He was also a great-teacher disciple. He was shown in one hand, and the other’s applause was full of perfunctory, or the praise of the superiors to the next! The action looked in her eyes, reminding him of training his puppy. When the puppy did a good job, he gave the praise.

insult! Li Ruoyao is very clear that he is a disciple of the big religion. It should not be so annoying. Since he saw the attitude of Qinghong Pity to Qin Haoxuan, he has been very unfair to his brother!

"What is your attitude? Look down on me to teach?" Li Ruoyao pointed to Qin Haoxuan: "Then you come to fight with me! Let me see and see you too early."

When Li Ruoyao said this, the original Jinxudian disciples were all excited. They shouted: "Yes, play a dozen!"

"Go, are you still afraid of this woman?"

Qin Haoxuan gently shook his head and waved his hand, and the matter of arrogance, he encountered too much, if you can... still not good.

"How? Don't you dare?" Li Ruoyao used words to stimulate.

Qin Haoxuan nodded with a fist: "Don't dare, can you win?"

I don’t dare to say two things. If you win, you can hear it. When you hear everyone’s ears, like a big adult, you look like a child. Li Ruo Yao’s face is even dull. Some regret that he shouldn’t have been so anxious. It’s just... now it’s just like this, you can only bite Qin Haoxuan with your scalp, and your face will really be back.

"How? Is it waste at the beginning?" Li Ruoyao's eyes turned white, and the tone of yin and yang said: "You haven't seen any market in the beginning?"

Qin Haoxuan seriously thought about the other party's words and nodded again. If it was in the past... the other party said that it was too unbearable at the beginning, and he was afraid that he would really go into battle and beat people down, but after years of experience... Qin Haoxuan is very clear Almost no one has seen Supreme Masters in the beginning... I have never seen anything in the world! should know your shortcomings, and then you can work harder.

Qin Haoxuan's honest nod, very calm, that attitude makes people look at it as if they have never seen the world, clearly like the appearance of not wanting to see with children.

This response makes Li Ruoyao even more embarrassing!

How can I get this kid to go on stage? Li Ruoyao has a headache! But she still can't step down at this time, she walked down the stage...the face was lost even bigger.

Qin Haoxuan looked at Li Ruo Yao, who was on the stage, and thought that the child was too pitiful. If he didn't help her, he was afraid to cry.

Ok! If so, help her! Qin Haoxuan stepped onto the platform and planned to wait until the other side's spiritual law appeared. He turned back down the platform and said a few words that were so powerful and admirable.

Qin Haoxuan has not yet stood firm on the ring, Li Ruoyao still shot!

Li Ruoyao is like a red demon charm, spinning at a rapid speed, his hands are vigorously drawn in the air, and the stars of the sky appear again.

Qin Haoxuan brows slightly, this spirit is different from the previous one! Just the spirit of the pursuit of good looks! This spiritual method is poisonous in good looks! Silent yin! This thunder is vicious! If it is hit seems to be just a shock! However, the sinister thunder enters the human meridians through vibration, and secretly leaves a dark injury. It will only break out when it is advanced, and people will break through the failure, resulting in damage to the road base!

This is an extremely sinister spiritual law! In the past few years, Qin Haoxuan has seen a lot of secrets and spiritual methods. At a glance, he can see the problems, and his heart is full of anger.

It’s just a matter of arrogance, it doesn’t matter if you lose to you! But this is so vicious! that……

Qin Haoxuan is free to flash behind, as a meteor, to the extreme, the onlookers only see the leftovers left in the ring, and have not waited for the gorgeous spiritual attack, the real body has already arrived in front of Li Ruoyao.


Qin Haoxuan did not use the spiritual method, and immediately slammed into the face of Li Ruoyao, and flew out the woman who was arrogant to the extreme.

One foot! Li Ruoyao only felt the iron plate to face, she didn't even have time to react, just felt the sour pain of the facial features together, she didn't even know what she was hit.

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