Too Early

Chapter 892: Cultivation of celestial can be thrown

Li Yidao’s brows were slightly wrinkled, but the chariot stopped. He sang: “In the Jinxu Temple, Li Wei.”

"Oh, it’s Li Dao, the younger rude, the younger generation is the Western Principal disciple Qian Ming, who came to ask about the life of the teacher. Li Dao is why."

Jin Xudian and others flew to the early teachings, and the momentum was embarrassing. The discerning people knew that they would never come to teach the tea in the early days.

Although Li Dao Tao will not say the real reason for coming, but he did not cover his emotions, he sighed coldly: "It is too unreasonable to teach too early, and we are here to ask for justice."

When Qian Mingyi listened to the words of Li Dao Tao, his eyes showed a happy color. In fact, he risked his life and left the sect. It was also a helpless move. The catastrophe has lasted for such a long time, but the former ally agreed with them. The cabinet still didn't have any news. They also sent a letter to Xiaoyunge. But it was like a stone cow. It didn't get a half-letter letter. It has been here, and the Western Puppets have also understood that this is supposed to be too early. I’ve gotten together, maybe I’ve already discussed with the early teachers how to deal with them.

The Antarctic teaches that while trying to fight against the robbery, it is also necessary to distracted to consider the aftermath. These days are very embarrassing, but it is precisely because the Western Preachers have been paying attention to the movement of the early teaching. Let them observe the actions of Jin Xudian.

Now, Li Dao’s unreserved expression of dissatisfaction with the early teachings in front of Qian Ming, how can we not let Qian Ming happy? If you talk about it well, it is possible that Jin Xudian is the difficult turning point for the Western Puppet to escape the door.

At the moment, Qian Ming immediately stood in the position of the Li Dao Taoist, and the people who taught at the beginning of the day were not things.

"I don't know the people of Li Dao, the bad teachings of the early days. We also have deep feelings in the Western Puppets. They taught Huang Long that they were arrogant when we came to the robbery. When we robbed us, we will come to us. Destroy!"

"What? They dare to do this?" Li Weidao really did not know these things. After listening to this, he was pretending to be surprised. He secretly calculated how to use the Western Pole to calculate the general ledger with the beginning of the Tai Chi.

Qian Ming was exhausted and deliberately pretended to have a sad look: "How dare the younger generations deceive the predecessors, the Western Preachers are in a critical situation. If they are not too preaching, the younger generations will not venture to go out for help."

Qin Haoxuan helped Qinghong Pity to hide in the shadow of Li'an Taoist people, and he could see Qian Ming's embarrassing attitude, and his mouth sneered.

"Predecessors, ask the predecessors to save the West Pole!" Qian Ming suddenly squatted in front of Li Dao Dao, a stream of tears screamed out, coupled with his wolverine look, it is really very poor.

Li Weidao looked at him quietly and did not answer immediately.

Qian Ming wiped his tears and squatted on the ground. He said: "If the predecessors can help the Western Preachers to repel the attack of the Taichu religion, the Western Puppets are willing to dedicate the seventy percent of the Fuyuan to the Jinxu Temple!"

Seventy percent? !

Li Weidao’s face flashed a wave of volatility, and after 70% of the robbery, the temptation was still very big for Jin Xudian. Li Wei replied with a slight thought, and replied: “Well, too early to teach deceiving too much, If we don't think about Jinxi Temple, we should consider it for the sake of the Taoist people. In order to cultivate the morality between the immortals, we should also help you."

Qian Ming’s heart plucked out ridicule, thinking that if there is no such a good fortune, Jin Xudian may shoot?

Although I was uncomfortable in my heart, Qian Ming said with respect and respectfulness: "The younger generations of the Westerners teach the people, some Jinxu Hall is great!"

The Li Yidao people waved their hands very generously and said: "In this way, I first sent some sorcerers to the sects, and then we will be a master in the sects. I will set up an ambush around your sects. When you robbed, it is too early. When the rate is attacked, we are attacked inside and out, killing them all one by one!"

Good and toxic policy!

Qin Haoxuan face with frost, a pair of cold eyes sweeping through the sinister smile Li Lidao and Qian Ming, the heart of the killing.

After Li Landao and Qian Ming discussed it well, they set off again and returned to Jinxu Temple. Qin Haoxuan and Qinghong Pity listened to their plan clearly and followed them back to Jinxu Temple.

The night falls, and the Li Dao people finally returned to their rooms on how to arrange the Qinghong pity to go back to the door and how to arrange the manpower to help the Western Puppets to destroy the Taichu.

Finally, when Li Andao was alone, Qin Haoxuan rushed out to Qinghong, who had been crying all day, and he knew that it would not be a thing to continue to stop.

"Qinghong? How did you appear?" Li Andao looked at the sudden emergence of Qinghong Pity, and his heart was faintly unpredictable.

Qinghong has a red eyes and a red tear on his face. His voice is hoarse and his voice is hoarse. He asked: "Twenty years ago, you told me that my family was being slain, Master, this is really?"

Listening to the words of Qinghong, the heart of Li Andao sank, and he looked at Qinghong Pity with no expression, without saying a word! This thing... but top secret! Only when she can succeed in her teaching, can she know the secret! It’s not so good to know this early!

Qinghong pity looked at the look of Li'an Taoist, and his face gradually showed a painful expression. She gently opened her mouth and seemed to say to herself, and she seemed to question Li Andao: "They are my family, dead. In the people, there are my parents, my grandmother with my hair, and my younger brother who is less than one year old! How can you... Do you still have humanity? Kill a group of mortals and demons who have no power to fight back. the difference!"

At the end of the question, the voice of Qinghong's pity seems to be directly ejected from the chest, with full of hate, full of anger, full of physical and mental pain and despair!

Qin Haoxuan, still in the shadow, listened to the question of Qinghong's pity and hoarseness, and his heart burst into pain.

The people of Li Andao tried to keep themselves calm. It looked like a human figure carved out of ice. It tried to show that there was no fluctuation in the pain caused by Qinghong’s pity. He spoke and brought a touch of voice. Indifference: "Master is for you, that is called broken dust."

Qinghong pity looked at Li's Taoist people in pain. The tears fell like a dyke. She seemed to be in a foggy child. She was confused and repeated the words of Li'an Taoist: "A broken dust?"

"Yes, the dust-breaking edge is the rule of our Jinxu Temple for tens of thousands of years. This is one of the reasons why our Jinxu Temple can become a great mission for many people. Many of the great missions also have such rules. Many sects cannot become a million-year sect. The reason for one of the great teachings is that they don’t know such rules.” The people of Li Andao are talking about these cruel words in the preaching of the disciples.

"Rules?" Qinghong pity a chuckle, in the dusty memory, pictures of parents and relatives appeared in front of her eyes, she thought that the forgotten face appeared again so vivid.

Qinghong has remembered that his father had beaten her over her shoulders, and she ran fast on the ground, running tirelessly, only for her daughter's happy smile; she remembered that her mother sewed beautiful clothes for her overnight before the new year. She remembered her little brother’s hand and remembered that her grandmother told her about the vague legends on the bedside...

The picture that has not been remembered for more than two decades, today, at this moment, when these memories that were forcibly sealed by her reappeared, she knew that she remembered that she remembered everything.

But the loved one in memory, but because of her, because of her talent, was annihilated...

How can Li'an people know the thoughts of Qinghong's pity? He looked at the quiet Qinghong pity and continued: "It is the rules, Qinghong, you think about it, if your parents are still there, then you will never be able to cut off these concerns, with the mundane world. How can you calm down and concentrate on cultivation? How can you have such an achievement today? Therefore, you must break the dust and then you can go further. When you have higher achievements in the future, you will understand that Master is right for you. Attentive!"

Qin Haoxuan, who was hidden in the shadow of the Lean Dao, clenched his fist and was angry at the shameless robber logic of Li Andao.

"Cultivating immortals must cut off the concerns of secular loved ones? Even if the tribes are destroyed or for her good? If Xiuxian is really so indifferent, I would rather not cultivate the immortals, I would rather accompany my parents!" Qin Haoxuan looked at "I am For you, "Lian Dao, I only feel that the anger of my heart is coming up.

Although the strange Qinghong pity will actually hide in the secret of the shadow, but the Li Andao people did not ask much, just pity to Qinghong: "Qinghong, since you have already returned then don't mess Going, peace of mind stay in the martial art, waiting to form a double monk with Liu Chengfeng. As for Qin Haoxuan, he is not a good person, but it is a fancy to your talent and the reputation of our Jinxu Temple. No, listening to Master's words, and dealing with his weak kind, you will not be good! Don't you want to get a higher position in the cultivation of the world?"

Qinghong pity looked at the Li'an Taoist. He only felt that the Master who had taught him for more than 20 years was so strange. She shook her head and took a step back.

The people of Li'an Road saw Qinghong's pity, and the face was cold. When they reached out, they would catch her. At the moment when the people of Li'an Road were about to start, an extremely cold breath suddenly appeared, just like the millennium ice. The half body of the Li'an Taoist was frozen.

The people of Li Andao were shocked. He was completely unaware that there was a third person in this room. What made him even more frightened was that the sudden cold like the abyss reminded him of the display of the Kowloon Seal in Jinxu Temple a few days ago. Qin Hao Xuan of Dafa!

When Qin Haoxuan appeared in the moment, Li Andao ignited the anger, it really is this kid, it is really a ghost!

The aura of Li'an Dao is like a tumultuous ocean. It is imposing and can be pushed to the sea. The ice of his body begins to break with the aura of the body, and the people of Li'an are going to break the ice. A force that seems to destroy the heavens and the earth is coming out!

Ps: The role of Li Andao, in my opinion... I initially wrote him as a negative character, but I looked back... He shouldn’t be like this... I want to write him like him... There are five more... at eight o'clock in the evening.

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