Too Early

Chapter 914: 1 sen 1 magic and unparalleled

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Just after the words were finished, Qin Haoxuan moved! Not just Qin Haoxuan! Shengrui is also moving! Before pretending to be shaken by confidence, it was to deceive the magic of Shengrui, and moved at the same time as Qin Haoxuan moved!

The dragon scale sword sends out the whistling of the mad dragon, and the raging sword seems to break through the heavens and the earth, with the sly killing intention, directly smashing the magical prince in front of the shadow into two halves!

The sword of Shengrui in the hands of Shengrui will smash the other magical beside the shadow into two sections!

One person and one sword! Shadow's men are not just dead! The body has become four!

The film is very smart and powerful! Just... underestimated the arrogance and determination of Tianjiao!

Shengrui can die! But never surrender! Qin Haoxuan is also true! Even the entire Xiu Xianjie is like this!

There was a big surprise on the face of the film. He didn’t think that he had reached this point. This man even dared to do it!

And the strength of the hands-on people is so strong, the power of a sword actually killed a magical round of three rounds of the fairy wheel!


Shadow's eyes suddenly turned into blood red, and they saw that they had to hope for success in preparation for hundreds of years. Even if they died in battle, they must not let the plan leak.

Qin Haoxuan rushed forward with the people who followed him all the way, trying to break through a hole, but he just took the pace, and the three layers of dark black light rushed down and completely sealed them. The way to go.

Not only that, but hundreds of magical screams screamed, waving their sharp claws, carrying the magic of the sky and madly killing them!

That's it! Qin Haoxuan's chest is full of enthusiasm, it is not convenient to keep the cards at this time! God knows! Give me a drive! moment! In the mind of Qin Haoxuan, hundreds of gods and swords will be condensed! But what he expected was that he could not start!

In the envelope of the entire black array, Qin Haoxuan’s knowledge was completely suppressed and could not be released! It seems that this group of monsters really cost a lot of minds. They know that the cultivators are powerful and powerful. When all the big squads are made, they depict such a ruling method!

Realizing this, Qin Haoxuan gnawed his teeth and sacrificed the highest level of his practice in the Great Wall of Kowloon. Five ice dragons came out and built a few feet thick ice wall in front of everyone, and they will go crazy. Trapped outside.

Qin Haoxuan poured all the spiritual power onto the dragon scale sword. The supreme power seemed to be Wang Yang's general accumulation in a sword light. Qin Haoxuan shouted, the cross sword broke out, and the endless energy shook the void. The layer of dark black is actually opened by him, and the land under their feet is also splitting a few inches in the force that can break the mountain!


The formation method of the magical prince is really strange. After Qin Haoxuan forcibly broke the first weight, he was immediately smothered by the power of the array. The whole body spurted out blood, like a reinforced iron body, but it was faintly shattered. a feeling of!

Qin Haoxuan spit out a blood, his heart is dark! Are the people in Jinyun Pavilion blind? So many demons still can't see?

Shangguan Zi looked at Qin Haoxuan's **** clothes and the bloodstains that had not been dried in his mouth. The eyes flashed a rare decisive decision: "Hao Xuan brother, you are here with us, it is difficult to escape from the sky! You are now speed Leave quickly, don't care about us! Can go one is one!"

Qin Haoxuan gave Shangguan Zi a bitter smile, and the words are good! If it's just your own! The hope of escape will increase a lot! Just... I’m afraid it’s too far away! Ten magical moments and twenty magical moments... are the essential differences!

Fifty magicians and twenty magical moments, that is the difference between heaven and earth!

More than one hundred! Where are you going? Unless Huang Long is a real person!

Qin Haoxuan sighed, trouble! Dead! It is impossible to put this group of people into the dragon scale sword. The shock of the violent vibration alone may kill these people!

Qin Haoxuan, who is stalking his hands, sighed in his heart: "Hey, mixed Tissot appeared to be repaired when he annihilated the Western Pole, and the boat of the void stayed in the early education, and the person who built the new void was used as a reference. What’s even worse is that the rules of the heavens and the earth in this whole place have been changed by the people of Jinyunge, and the strong people of Xianyingdao’s environment can’t get in!”

Oh shit!

Qin Haoxuan thought before, if the practice of releasing zombies at the moment of life and death, with the failure of the original attempt, thoroughly understand the foundation of the 10,000-year-old teaching, it is really a cow! This place has a large array, and it is actually hard to give birth to the power of the fairy-hearted fruit to completely suppress it!

Almost all of the cards were abolished! Qin Haoxuan glanced at Shengrui next to him and heard the genius of the Yunyun Pavilion saying: "My cards are suppressed by the rules of the world..."

Qin Haoxuan even gave birth to a lazy person, or it was too late to give birth. The power of the magical force suppressed his whole body bones and creaking. If the dragon is golden, it is already broken.

"Pick it..."

Shengrui made a reluctant idea, and the whole body was soaring, and the swordsmanship was madly scattered around, and several of the monsters were forced to retreat.

Qin Haoxuan sighed heavily in his heart, and his hands were not idle. The dragon's dragon's dragon spirit has been stimulated. Qin Haoxuan, with his years of experience in the battle, even let hundreds, even the magic of the blessing Hou can't be close!

However, as time went by, Qin Haoxuan had more and more wounds. The Kowloon Ice Law consumed most of his aura, and now he can only protect those people.

A fierce light flashed through, Qin Haoxuan used an instinct to sacrifice an ice wall in front of him, and then took out the dragon scale sword in his hand, and another magical prince was smashed!

Now Qin Haoxuan almost uses a wound on his body to change the life of a demon!

Shadow increased the energy of the array, and everyone in the battle was not breathing well. Qin Haoxuan felt even worse. Both of them and Shengrui almost resisted most of the pressure of the array, but also dealt with those speeds to the extreme. The magical prince, after a while, formed a pool of blood under his body, and his face became pale because of excessive blood loss.

"Hao Xuan brother, let's go, don't worry about us! You have so much blood, you will die!" Shangguan Zi repeatedly coughed blood and screamed.

Qin Haoxuan smashed a magical sorrow that came over, and then gently gasped, not touching the blood on his face. He said to Shangguan Zi: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, stick to it, then stick to it!"

Shangguan Zi looked at the action of Qin Haoxuan’s killing, and she didn’t understand what she was. She didn’t know what Qin Haoxuan insisted on. Now everyone is completely in trouble. Under the magical array, there is no news, although it can still be adhered to, but now There will always be exhaustion, then by that time...

It’s not just Shangguan Zi who doesn’t understand, the magical priests who kill them, and the leader of the magical princes don’t understand what Qin Haoxuan is still insisting on. In their view, it’s only a matter of time to control these cultivators.

I understand very well that Qin Haoxuan does not seem to understand the same. He is struggling to kill, and the people around him can't help but smile. Is Qin Haoxuan really thinking that he can kill so many magical princes and break through the law with his own power?

Qin Haoxuan's eyes were condensed, his complexion was condensed, his action of killing was getting faster and faster, his body almost turned into a streamer, and he began a crazy massacre. In the hands of Qin Haoxuan, the whistling sound of the dragon scale sword is like a sickle, and one after another, the magic prince fell to his feet. His body was covered with blood, and he could not see what he was. The whole person was cold. The sly killing parcel is like killing God from the abyss!

I don’t know how many demons I killed, and the dead corpses on the ground. When the shadows were also anxious, Qin Haoxuan suddenly yelled: "Enough!"

Qin Haoxuan fiercely sucked, the magic blood of the dead body on the ground instantly entered Qin Haoxuan's body, and then he screamed in his body, and the faint magic immediately emanate from him, and then became more and more thick!


Demonizing this martial art is one of the Taoist geniuses.

Any creature can be demonized, like a simplified version of the Devil's disintegration, which can strengthen the body and greatly increase the combat power, but it will not die after using the demons to disintegrate Dafa. To use the magical method, the first condition is to absorb enough magic blood. Qin Haoxuan did not use this technique before, because there is not so much magic blood for him to absorb, but this time, different Hundreds of magical princes perfectly solved the problem of insufficient blood!

Although it is also damaged after the magic, but now Qin Haoxuan has completely ignored!

Almost at the same time!

Shengrui has a large number of auras to form a fairy drum fairy clock! A glimpse of the fairy sound rolled into his body!

If Qin Haoxuan is demonized! Then Sheng Rui's is Xianhua!

When Qin Haoxuan insisted on Juli, he also insisted on it! Make your own cards a little bit fit here! Let the magic fairy that needs a lot of energy, there is enough power to display! Let yourself be a fairy in a short time!

After the demonized Qin Haoxuan, the whole body became dark, his eyes were red and bloody, and he overflowed with a strong magic. The whole body swelled rapidly, and tiny blood drops appeared from the body. His nails became very Slender, overall more like a monster than a human!

After the immortalization of Shengrui, the whole body blooms with holy white light, and the blue silk has long hair and no wind, just like a fairy!

Qin Haoxuan, who has been soaring in strength, exudes a general pressure of 100,000 mountains. He is screaming, and the low-lying magical priest will be directly shocked by seven bloodshed, and the whole body will be broken, and he will fall to the ground!

Shengrui is proud of the world, one eye is in the past, and several monsters are bursting open!

The dragon scale sword is also wrapped with a layer of faint magic, but it is even more sharp and unparalleled. With Qin Haoxuan's every spiritual sway, a large number of magic princes are smashed into blood fog!

When the sword is released, it is also the devil's fall!

Seeing that Qin Haoxuan and Sheng Sheng really want to bring this group of people out, the face of the shadow becomes horrible, the mouth screams, the attack of the magical prince is more ferocious, and at the same time, there are countless magic objects coming from all directions!

Ps: Two things, the first thing, ten more postponed tomorrow. The second thing, because today's manuscript is completely rewritten, the previous written here seems to be no longer applicable, the waist injury has not healed, the manuscript is completely rewritten, the difficulty is much higher than imagined. Today is three more, tomorrow is twelve! I owe it, never will not return!

{Old iron, please remember the new August 1 Chinese website}

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