Too Early

Chapter 921: Its 1 its 2 its 34

Shangguan Lingfeng agreed to nod and nod, if he is only a person, then this thing directly standing in Huanglong is convenient!

can! Shangguan or Xiaozhang teaches, both bear the rise and fall of a sect! They must not be half-hearted!

"Every teacher teaches, this time please also cooperate with me Yunyunge for the heavens!" 裴 真 真 冲 冲 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多 诸多

Shangguan Lingfeng also went forward, listening to the arrangement of the real people, while secretly sneer in the heart, so many sects were arranged by the command, but when they really fight... there are several who will really take their own old Ben is desperate? This is not a demon! I am afraid that when you really do, you will still be able to contribute! Others can scream and scream, if they are too early to lose... naturally embraced! If you are too resistant to fight at the beginning, no one will take the initiative to go ahead and consume yourself.

Huanglong real man manipulated the chaotic emptiness boat and flew back to the beginning of the early days. When people just entered the territory of the beginning, they swung their hands and swallowed the Baidaoling method to close the gate of the Taichu Mountain. At the same time, the whole array of the early Taishou entered the level of the anti-magic warning, but only then At the level of the day of the robbery!

In the early days of the early education, the high-level keenly discovered the speed of the return of the teacher, and the action of returning to the first time in the teaching, and quickly drove the flying sword to the Huangdi Peak.

"Teaching, Qin Elder is not the one to bring back the Wanjiao ceremony after a few days to come back? How, how come back in advance?" Chi refining the face of the condensation asked the curiosity of everyone.

Su Baihua, Xia Yunzi and others are also face to face, faintly feel that too early is afraid of what is going to happen again.

At this time, Huang Longzhen, on the way back, learned all the whole incident through Qin Haoxuan, and immediately retelled everything with a very fast speech rate.

Although the cultivation of the red smelt is getting higher and higher, the temper has not become peaceful with the enhancement of cultivation, but it has become more and more fierce.

"Yunyunge, this gang of bastards! The bishop of the League has confused himself! I have heard that Shengrui is a personal thing, and now it seems that it is!"

Although Qin Haoxuan was disappointed with the attitude of Shengrui, he did not agree with the evaluation of Chi Shuizi. Shengrui is definitely a rare genius. The technique of Xianhua is not inferior to his own Taoist Dafa. Demonization!

Su Baihua's thoughtful thoughts did not entangle the unfair treatment of Qin Haoxuan. Instead, he looked at the worried Huanglong real person and said: "Teach this cloud, and elders, so they cut their faces. I can’t stand this breath...”

"Then what can they do? Is it necessary for me to start a teaching campaign at the beginning?" Even the silent Sun Wei, who was silent on weekdays, couldn’t help but grit his teeth.

"They are afraid of being dare." Zhang madly said coldly: "How does the teacher think?"

Everyone looked at Huanglong one by one, and even saw that the real person was nodding to recognize the speech of Zhang’s elders.

The lobby of the time has become very quiet. Although everyone is resentful, it is not something, but after all, it is a million-year-old teaching. If Qin Haoxuan has a good deed, then there is nothing to say, fight with them!

Yes, now there is no loss at the beginning, and the battle of Jinyun, almost no one has much confidence in his heart.

that! But the bishop of the lord of five thousand years at the beginning! That is the 10,000-year-old teaching that has survived the tens of thousands of years of teaching! The gap between the bottoms is too big!

Really fight, can you have a chance to win? It is the red smelt, this moment is like the bottom of the pot of cooking pots - black into a piece!

"Afraid?" Huang Long asked the feelings of the people in the quiet hall.

Qin Haoxuan nodded and replied softly: "Nature is afraid, but it is a great mission. The foundation is really different from our early days."

Everyone nodded, acknowledging that fear is not shameful! Admit to fear, but not to dare to fight.

"Knowing that the fear is very good, I will tell you the whole thing at the beginning." Huang Long said with a smile: "This is something that was encountered at the beginning, fearing it is more dangerous than teaching."

Qin Haoxuan stared at Huanglong real person. At this moment, the teacher actually laughed out!

"Teaching, this is to fight?" Chi refining a word asked all the voices of the people present.

According to the rules of Xiu Xianjie, this time is to take most of the resources to go to the Supreme Masters, request to reconcile from it, to avoid any threat to the martial art.

Usually, no major education will be willing to come forward. After all, to collect the benefits, the second is to tell your Majesty's great mission, who is the real master of this world!

But nowadays, the real person who teaches the real person does not have the resources to ask for the reconciliation of the Supreme Master.

"Nature is to fight, otherwise..." Huang Long’s real smile suddenly revealed the sharpness of the voice. The voice was sharp and warlike: "Why is this seat smashing the claws of the Qifeng Taoist? Can't you open?"

Huang Long caused a word in the hall to attract people to cool down. No one thought that it would be just to pick up Qin Haoxuan. How could it become a deliberate search for people?

Qin Haoxuan was even more surprised. On weekdays, everyone said that they were daring and always took risks and scared things.

Now, look at the things that you do on weekdays, where you have the courage to teach real people!

One shot is the meaning of gambling!

"Is it strange? Actually, what's so strange?" Huang Long really looked at everyone calmly. He said slowly, "In the early 5,000 years, how many resources did we offer to Jinyun in the past 5,000 years? If there is one Grant resources, I am too early today, should we be more prosperous? Lost the resources, how many ancestors we have, and suffer from lack of resources and the life is exhausted? This is one of them!"

"In the past 5,000 years, I have contributed so much resources. After the robbery, the people or the bishops can help out? This is the second!"

"By the West Pole, his ally has not been out of force, to take me and other resources! This is the third!"

"Today's bishop's attitude towards Hao Xuan is an idea for me at the beginning! I was too arrogant at the beginning to annihilate the West Pole! The limelight was no longer two! The clouds are too early for me to have a jealous heart! This is the third !"

"Now I am at the beginning of the first consecutive battle, winning the wind, the resources are rich, and everyone is improving for the festival. The fighting heart and the will to fight, but with the increase of resources and the cultivation of the growth, has long been worse than the West. It’s better to go to the day of the robbery. In the long run, I am in the beginning of peace, and I will be indulged. I am afraid that I will not be able to support it. This is the fourth!”

"In my life, I have never been able to accommodate two tigers. I am too early, now Daxing, climbing up, showing a rising poem. And Jinyun, bullying the same way, although the resources are strong, but there is no ambition, but it is the tiger of the next year! If I don’t fight this time, I am afraid that when the war disappears in the future, it will be destroyed by the clouds! Now is the time when I was the most elite in the beginning!"

"In the future, it will be weakened by Jinyun a little bit, and finally it will be destroyed. It is better to take this opportunity to let go! Win, then dominate the party! Set the Taichu in the position of the lord! As for the defeat?" Huang Long looked around and slammed the voice, " Can I be defeated at the beginning?"

"No!" The first **** roar of Chilizi, then the whole hall was swayed by the roaring!

Qin Haoxuan looked at Huanglong, and he only saw him in the book! I haven’t thought, I’m going to teach a real person, I’m a generation!

True! Teaching is for the beginning of development! It is also to eliminate security risks for the beginning! It can even be said that the teacher is famous! You can teach the real person to challenge the heart of the cloud, I am afraid that it will not be born in these two days!

"Everyone is going to go!" Huang Long waved his hand, and everyone dispersed immediately. The only hall in the hall was Huang Longzhen and Qin Haoxuan.

"How? Do you disagree with my approach?" Huang Long did not use this seat, but used me to talk to Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan silenced for a while and finally said: "I am still too tender."

"You are not enough, you are not as crazy as this." Huang Long said: "In the early days, these years have developed too fast. Now it is too late to hide the edge. Jinyunge is afraid to stare at us, the magic island. Are you sure that they are completely ignorant? Or do you use the hands of the demons to weaken the power of each other? Then let me take the pot too early?"

Qin Haoxuan felt cold and cold, and he never thought of such a deep level!

"When Yunyun can become a ally, do you really have their hands and feet clean? How can there be no sectarian development for so many years? Where did the thriving sects go? They are all gone!"

Huang Long sneer: "This seat does not believe! Every time is so smart! Do not believe that a flourishing sect will suddenly turn sharply! Waiting for the yin ~ ~ not as good as a face! Life and death without complaints!"

Qin Haoxuan clasped his fists deeply and taught him that he was giving classes to himself.

"I understand it." Huang Long sighed and said: "This time in Jinyun, if you don't go to this seat, how are you?"

"Self-explosive martyrdom!"

"Nothing to do" Huang Long stepped on the **** of Qin Haoxuan in the first two steps. He hated the iron and did not become a steel trainer: "Who will not commit suicide! I have taught you for so many years, why not open it!"

"Looking for an excuse close to Shengrui? Sudden attack and hijacking?" Qin Haoxuan tempted to ask questions.

"You are not stupid."

"But if they are threatened by their early disciples?"

"..." Huang Long is trying to lift his legs and swear.

Qin Haoxuan said quickly: "I cut him a finger!"

Huang Long closed his legs, and his face showed a happy smile: "They are the future heirs of Jin Yun, they are! They will not dare to hurt other gates in the early days. If you dare to do it, then..."

"I will kill people!"

"You stupid thing..."

"The disciple is not stupid! I have to kill myself. I will tell everyone by action. Only threatening others at first! Others will threaten me too early! Only then, when I am too young, my disciples will go out and walk, and they will know that I am not too excited at first!"

Huang Long looked at Qin Haoxuan with a sigh of relief, and finally smiled and shook his head again and again: "The old man is really old..."

"Teaching..." Qin Haoxuan tempted and asked: "In fact, there are five of them? You are afraid that there will be no more in the coming days. I want to fight for it. I will lay down the mountains for the beginning, fearing that once I am degraded, it is too early..."

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