Too Early

Chapter 928: Hao Xuan debuted in the first defeat

The people in the early days understandd that this second one, they are wanting to practice on the red.

The red-skilled character is fierce. This is a very well-known thing in the early days. Now I heard Chen’s words and I looked at the past with some worry.

Sure enough, the red-faced face was stiff, but he quickly turned his eyes and shook his head. He said coldly: "Isn't it just pretending to lose one? OK, what is the last one?"

Chen Hao lowered his head and brought a bigger smile to his mouth, but his eyes flashed with a sinister radiance. After he looked up, his eyes fell straight on Huanglong.

The last one turned out to want Huanglong to lose one!

At the beginning of the scene, everyone's face became very ugly, and the red temper would suddenly rush from there, but was stopped by Qin Haoxuan!

Deceiving too much!

All people's anger was ignited by Chen Hao's eyes, and the angry and distorted faces showed that as long as Huang Long had a word, they dared to fight with Yun Yunge!

However, compared with the anger of everyone, Huang Long was very calm, and he even smiled at Chen Hao.

Looking at Huang Xiao’s smiling face, Chen Hao, who had been wary of the early-stage teachings of all the people, also slowed down his heart and took a deep breath. He once again said with a smile: “If the teaching of the early teachings, Huang Long’s real person can lose to If we are in the Yunyun Pavilion, then the face of our Yunyun Pavilion will be enough!"

by! This animal is really dare to say!

The red-eyed eyes are red, and if Qin Haoxuan is not stopped, he has already rushed to tear the laughing hypocrite like a fox!

Su Baihua's face is even more ugly, his hands clenched, staring at Chen Hao like everyone else, just waiting to teach a word, they can start to destroy these two animals on the site of the early education!

Who knows, Huang Long is completely angered, but some indifferent shrugs, one said easily: "Yes, let me pretend to lose a game is no problem, but my appearance fee is very expensive. If the last one let I am going to lose, then what you sent from the Yunyun Pavilion, we are only 10% in the early days."

Li Feng, who was as serious as a dull puppet, frowned when he heard this, and blurted out and said: "Why?"

Huang Long’s leisurely smile, Li Feng with a stunned eye with his eyes: “I’m Huanglong.”

When this was said, the left and right protection of Jinyunge could not be said anything.

Li Feng's face was gloomy, and with his serious face, Li Feng's whole person exudes a shocking chill.

Still looking at the joyful Chen Yu, he laughed twice and said to the crowd: "This matter is very important. Please allow us to go back and ask."

After listening to the description of the left and right protection methods, the real people thought for a long time, and finally hated and said: "Yes, I promised their request."

Li Feng brows and sings out: "Teaching, that's..."

When the Qing dynasty waved to stop Li Feng’s words, he sighed: “We must first consider the face of the martial art. Others can be put back. If we lose face now, how can we rule so many sects? If they feel that we are weak, we may not even have a tribute."

Even if Li Feng still wants to say something, he can’t say it at this time.

Chen Hao paused and said: "Teaching, the people who taught at the beginning of the school said that before we hit, we must send the resources to them first."

The face is hidden in a soft light, the 裴 裴 真, can not see the look, just for a long time, only spit out two words: "Agree."

On the second day, after receiving a large number of abundant resources from Jinyunge, Qin Haoxuan stood up in a very arrogant manner and provoked the entire Jinyun Pavilion.

Qin Haoxuan flashed from the early teachings like a meteor. No one in the audience saw his figure. He only felt that the wind was suddenly rising. The original one was empty, and he had a black hair and a strong face. A tall and straight man!

The wind raged and roared. The black hair of Qin Haoxuan and the robes of the whole body were not blown up. The aura of the heavens and the earth was swiftly rushed toward him at a speed visible to the naked eye. The scales of the dragon scales were high. The scorching sun in the air is glaring, and the ghost shadows of several golden dragons radiate the astonishing power of the mountains and the invisible pressure. The invisible pressure is shot by Qin Haoxuan in all directions, making this piece of heaven and earth tremble slightly, not to mention some repairs. For the low monk, I feel that my blood is not smooth!

Qin Haoxuan's gas field is too strong, the dragon scale sword directly points to the direction of the Yunyun Pavilion, his eyebrows condense, the whole body is calm and sturdy, and the scorpion is like the war of the ancient war gods!

"Teacher Qin Haoxuan at the beginning, challenge the Yunyun Pavilion, who dares to fight!"

Not a big voice, with a chill of chills, listening to the siege of the disciples in the early siege, but like a thunder!

Qin Haoxuan’s style and proud tone have made the so-called genius disciples in the Yunyunge chariots frightened, no one dares to fight!

"Too early education is too mad? I dare to challenge the Yunyun Pavilion with such a means!"

"Hot blood! Jinyun Pavilion also has a day to be treated like this!"

“It’s always unexpected to teach things in the beginning!”

"For the first time in a hundred years, I have seen someone who really wants to provoke the authority of the lord!"

"Cut, look at it, this kid will definitely be recognized by the people of Jinyunge."

"Hey! This can be said. This Qin Haoxuan's combat power is also very powerful. Haven't you heard of it? In the past few days, he took the family's successors directly from Jinxu Temple!"

"Yes! Look at Qin Haoxuan's momentum of his whole person, too strong! Just like his gas field, it means he is definitely a master!"

"I agree with me to agree and tell you secretly. According to the gossip I know, this Qin Haoxuan is quite fierce. It is said that it is more powerful than the Huanglong of that year. It is a murderous and unscrupulous! This time, I see 霄People in Yunge may not be able to win."


Just as the onlookers were excited, the Yunyun Pavilion was an embarrassing silence.

Listening to the innumerable arguments sounded from all directions, the real people sitting in the chariot of the Yunyun Pavilion, the outsiders could not see his expression completely.

In fact, this battle, the only side of the Yunyun Pavilion is to know him and the left and right guardian, and the rest are completely kept in the dark, all thinking of this real battle.

It is precisely because no one in the Yunyun Pavilion knows the inside story, so now the glory of the glory of the glory days of the glory of the glory of the glory of the day, one of them has not bowed to the brain!

In the heart of the Qing dynasty, the anger of the people is extremely extreme, and a pair of disciples who hate the iron and do not become steel are looking at the past.

Noticing the sight of the teacher, these people's heads are lower.

裴清真人: "..."

Qin Haoxuan's performance is too strong. The dragon scale sword in his hand seems to have his own fighting intentions. It is similar to the sound of the dragon screaming, and even the many beasts present in the field are trembled and unable to retreat.

Unbearable, the Qingzhen people took a shot of their own seats and angered: "No one dares to fight? Ah!"

The singer of the face was smothered with his eyes and swept the Shengrui next to him. Shengrui sighed in his heart. If it was for another time, he would definitely take the initiative to fight! Can... Qin Haoxuan! I am sorry for him on the day, what face is there today?

Thinking of this, Shengrui will be lower and lower, and will not dare to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

Looking at the performance of Shengrui, the face of the singer’s real face flashed a deep disappointment!

Song Hu, who was also afraid of Qin Lixuan in the middle of the sky, occasionally saw the disappointment in the eyes of the Qing Dynasty. He felt a move in his heart, and he took a step forward with a decisive move.

When the Qing dynasty looked at the Song Hu in front of him, he did not expect that even Shengrui was afraid and did not dare to fight. It was also a colored fairy, but the disciple who was less qualified than Shengrui Have this courage?

Song Hu is a four-round cultivation of the fairy wheel. He is also a gentleman with a long body. He looks at himself very high on a weekday. Today, the battle with Qin Haoxuan is an opportunity for him to surpass Shengrui. How can you not grasp? !

Of course, if he is also with Shengrui, he has seen Qin Haoxuan’s shot, dare to play and say another!

"Okay!" Anyway, seeing Song Hu, who took the initiative to fight, is still very pleased with the real people. He also appreciated the eyes of Song Hu. "Play well!"

Song Hu, who was inspired by the teachings, was excited at the moment. The whole person had to walk with his head on his head. He glanced at Shengrui with a slight provocation and raised his voice: "Teaching Rest assured, the disciple will be willing to beg for this uninformed guy, for us, Yunyun Ge Yangwei!"

The 裴清真 nodded and motioned him to go.

Shengrui’s heart sighs secretly. This Qin Haoxuan is not an ordinary cultivator, it is a true Tianjiao! It is that I personally shot, and only 50% grasp it to defeat it! Song Hu is afraid to lose face to Xiaoyun!

Song Hu heard people say Qin Haoxuan’s fighting power, and once asked Shengrui, the evaluation he got there was extremely high. He knew that this war was very difficult, but Shengrui did not play, he would not leave the station again... The cloud really has to be laughed at.

When Song Huyi appeared, it caused the surprise of the onlookers.

"Hey? How is Song Hu? As Shengrui's disciple, Shengrui? How do you let Song Hu play this time?"

"霄云阁This is... Can't you see Qin Haoxuan?"

"Song Hu is also very strong. You forgot the last trial. He did not lose three of them to the same person. Even though he was weaker than Shengrui, he was also a young disciple of Jinyunge. The leader in the middle!"


Song Hu did not listen to the opinions of the people, nor did he salute with Qin Haoxuan. The two men rushed up as soon as they looked at them, and the colorful and magical spirits covered the whole world in an instant!

"Wow! This is Song Hu's famous spiritual dance! He can control five different spiritual methods at the same time, and he has never seen anyone escape from his dance!"

"Hey, Qin Haoxuan is really fierce this time."

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