The old man was buried in a graveyard, and the old man was buried in a graveyard.

"Deacon, the data has been completely backed up. Next, do we need to let L675 interact with other contained objects?"

Mingze looked at some of the less valuable data reports in his hand for a long time, and replied without looking up:

"Let the green staff interact with him."

"I'll take a look at the other contained objects first, and then make a decision."

The staff executed the order, and soon a green staff entered Zhao Yi's room again.

His code was C-098.

This time, the green staff learned a lot.

He still brought a recording paper and a pen.

But this time, he sat in a position with his back to the monitoring.

In this way, the people in the monitoring room can see the information they want to see in the first time.

Even if Zhao Yi wants to destroy this information after the interaction, it will be useless.

After the position was set, the staff member in charge of this interaction waited patiently for Zhao Yi to blow dry his hair, and then asked:

"Mr. Zhao, can I bother you for a while and ask you something?"

Zhao Yi opened a bottle of Baishuishan mineral water, sat down in front of C-098 naturally, and smiled:

"Excuse me."

"I will tell you everything I know."

C-098 nodded:

"I want to ask you... What did you encounter after you entered the L381 slide just now?"

Zhao Yi said in a heavy tone:

"At the end of that slide is a sea."

C-098 wrote quickly, and his tone was very surprised:


Zhao Yi's expression was somewhat inexplicably shadowed.

"That's right."

"An endless ocean, very cold inside... It took me a long time to sink to the bottom of the sea, but I didn't expect to see it at the bottom of the sea..."

He paused here intentionally.

But C-098's curiosity had been completely aroused by Zhao Yi's tone and expression. As if he were there, he asked nervously:

"What did you see?"

Zhao kept looking at C-098, and said in a grim tone:

"I saw a huge...yellow block!"

C-098 took a breath.

"Is it...the legendary Yellow Lord?"

Zhao Yi:

"No, it's a huge sponge."



He stared at the data on his record board carefully, and then began to doubt his life.

What kind of things did he record?

"Well...Mr. Zhao, are there any other discoveries?"

Zhao Yi shrugged.


C-098 sighed.

Although he didn't know whether Zhao Yi was deliberately concealing it, he had no way to tell, and he couldn't question Zhao Yi in person.

The white members who were rude to Zhao Yi before have become sliced ​​works of art.

He didn't think he had the ability to get entangled with Zhao Yi.

"Okay... Then Mr. Zhao Yi, I came to you. In fact, in addition to statistics, I also want to hear your story..."

"Just like the stories you told my colleagues before..."

Zhao Yi's face gradually changed when he heard this.

C-098 immediately prepared to run away after noticing that there was something wrong with Zhao Yi's expression, and asked:

"What's wrong, Mr. Zhao?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

Zhao Yi was silent, looking up at C-098, and some solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"You mentioned telling stories, which suddenly reminded me of a dream that I had repeatedly a few days ago."

C-098 hurriedly asked after hearing this:

"What dream?"

Zhao Yi leaned back and leaned on the chair, looking at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, looking at the pinhole camera aimed at him.

"It was a very strange dream..."

"I dreamed that I appeared in a slaughterhouse..."

"There were human corpses hanging upside down on the iron hooks around, they were hung like pork, and seemed to be sold to someone..."

"There was a pig-headed man, he was very strong, wearing a black apron stained with blood and minced meat."

"This pig-headed man kept staring at me and asked me if I took its butcher knife..."

"And every time I dreamed, it would get closer to me..."

"I was very scared..."

"I always have a terrible premonition that I will really meet it somewhere in the future..."

C-098 quickly recorded these messages on the recording board, and these messages became

The information was successfully transmitted to the monitoring room through the camera.

The monitoring personnel became alert when they saw the information on the recording board!

The green members may not be so sensitive to the name Oink and the pig-headed man...

But after they personally experienced the pig-headed man riot, they were naturally very impressed!

In order to seal Oink, the Silent Shelter paid a very heavy price!

And according to some members of the [Black Boots Team] who were responsible for sheltering Oink, Oink's strength was less than half before he got his butcher knife...

Even so, this pig-headed man almost destroyed the Silent Shelter!

Although in the end, they relied on the power of that eye to seal the pig-headed man again, but the price paid was something Mingze could not bear a second time!

Once the pig-headed man riots again...

Even if Mingze is not killed by the pig-headed man, he will be directly eliminated by people inside the church!

After C-098 recorded these things, Zhao Yi refused to communicate with him in this regard.

So C-098 had to leave the room.

After it left, Zhao Yi turned off the lights, lay down on the bed and began to rest.

But the people in the monitoring room felt that they could not sleep today...


The existence that made them deeply terrified.

A monster that seemed to be born purely for killing, with no mercy for all the living things around him!

"Deacon... Although you are the general manager of the Silent Shelter, there is one thing we must remind you again and again!"

"There are three objects in the Silent Shelter that must not be interacted with, and Oink is one of them. The last time... No one wants to see it again!"

"I believe you think so too, so..."

A purple staff member warned Mingze, who was staring at the monitoring screen in silence, in a heavy tone.

This man is a lunatic.

The last pig-headed man riot was because Mingze allowed a dangerous half-step great evil-level object to interact with Oink.

Unexpectedly, Oink tore the opponent apart with his bare hands and ate him, breaking through the shackles on his body with the help of the opponent's power...

"Dare to talk to me like this, have you forgotten your identity?"

Mingze narrowed his eyes, murderous.

He didn't like people holding on to his mistakes.

What's more, these guys...are his subordinates!

The purple staff in the room looked at each other and did not give in.

"Deacon...we are of course clear about our identities!"

"But if you insist on making any dangerous moves like last time, all of us purple members can vote unanimously to completely reject your decision!"

"This is the power granted by the church!"

When mentioning the church, Mingze slowly gritted his teeth, his gloomy look gradually subsided, and he smiled:

"Don't worry, everyone..."

"After the last accident, I won't be so reckless this time..."


Thanks for reading.

Today is another day of acting as a manure machine!


Sleep well!

Good night!

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