The first time, the last time.

Yang Linlin felt cold in her heart.

She had received the roster and thought she was only one step away from surviving this Hell-difficulty dungeon. However, at this moment, she suddenly realized... she had imagined the Hell-difficulty dungeon to be too simple!

How to survive the seventh day is the real difficulty of this dungeon!

Yang Linlin exhaled and smiled bitterly.

She was such a little fool.

How could a dungeon of this difficulty be passed so easily?

Fortunately, today was only the first day, and they still had a lot of time.

Judging from the current situation, as long as she followed Zhao Yi, she would have a great chance of surviving!

After a series of dangers just now, Yang Linlin had clearly realized that in this trip... Zhao Yi was the real big daddy!

If you hold on to Zhao Yi's thigh, you may not only pass the level, but you may also get a good score!

You know, a high score is extremely important in the game of 'Hell'!

In the early stage, you need 3 S-level scores or above to open the intermediate dungeon store!

Without a score, no matter how many points you have, you can't buy the goods in the intermediate store!

After thinking about this, Yang Linlin relaxed a lot.

In the future, soldiers will block you, and earth and water will flood you!

She continued to carefully observe the shadows that might appear around her, holding a pistol tightly in her hand.

This pistol is not as powerful as the 'Defeater' she gave to Zhao Yi, but having something in her hand can make her feel more at ease!

The stars are dim and the moon is fading.

A faint mist suddenly rises from nowhere.

Gradually thickening.

The vision, which was not bright in the dark night, is weakened again!

Yang Linlin sensed something was wrong and immediately said to Zhao Yi in the computer room:

"Zhao's foggy!"

Zhao Yi raised his head, and countless data flashed in his eyes, and then all of them were deleted in a very short time.

He quickly turned off the computer, reset the keyboard and mouse, walked out of the computer room, looked at the fog outside, and grabbed Yang Linlin's hand!


Yang Linlin was pulled by him and ran directly into the white fog!

At this time, the fog was already quite thick, and the sight of the two was limited to a range of about 20 meters, and it was constantly shrinking!

The most terrifying thing is that this mysterious fog is constantly devouring Yang Linlin's spirit value!

She felt dizzy in her head, suddenly woke up, and quickly bit her tongue. The severe pain and the taste of blood in her mouth made her barely able to maintain her sanity!

Live broadcast room:

: Damn! This fog has the taste of Silent Hill!

: Could it be that a triangular-headed man with a big knife will appear in a flash?

: This fog is terrifying just for devouring people's spiritual value, okay? It will drop by five or six points in a minute. No one can resist it!

: Why doesn't Zhao Yi's spiritual value drop at all? This guy is really wrong!


"SAN drops so fast?"

Looking at Yang Linlin's increasingly hollow eyes, Zhao Yi made a quick decision and ran towards the tall water tower in the distance!

He wanted to go back to the dormitory, but now it was too late.

The first floor of the water tower was locked by an iron door.

Fortunately, Yang Linlin gave Zhao Yi a shotgun, and he shot at the door handle of the water tower!

Entering the first floor of the water tower, Zhao Yi slammed the door shut, and moved some dusty wooden boxes inside to block the door!

Fortunately, the fog did not penetrate in.

Zhao Yi stood up and looked outside through the cat's eye.

The thicker the fog, the narrower the range of vision has been!

At the same time, data related to the thick fog also appeared in front of Zhao Yi.

[Fog: High-level danger]

[Note: There are many strange things in it. If you don't want to run into them, it's best to find a shelter and hide quickly. ]

Sure enough, there are unimaginable dangers in these fogs!

Without the influence of the ghost fog, Yang Linlin's spirit began to recover. Her face was still pale, but her eyes had become bright.

"Thank you, you saved my life again."

Yang Linlin looked at Zhao Yi gratefully, but found that Zhao Yi pointed a gun at her!

Before she understood what was going on, she heard Zhao Yi say:

"Come out."

"I'll say this once."

Yang Linlin was stunned for a moment, and then she heard a rustling sound coming from the darkness behind her!

She turned around in surprise and found that behind the pile of debris behind her, there was a dishevelled man!


The man raised his hands and smiled:

"Don't... don't kill me, I'm not a bad guy!"

[People: Low-level danger]

[Note: Congratulations, you actually found a living person in a strange school! But there is no reward. ]

Zhao Yi slowly took back the gun in his hand and asked:

"Who are you?"

The man smiled bitterly:

"It's a long story. It's not safe here. Something scary will come in soon. I'll take you to the basement first."

Zhao Yi nodded.

The man moved a large brick under his feet, and there was light underneath!

The two followed the man to the basement. The man carefully restored the entrance and checked it repeatedly several times before he exhaled.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Li Sheng. I am a mysterious incident investigator of the former A City Police Department. This is my ID."

Li Sheng handed his ID to Zhao Yi, and they exchanged simple messages.

"Are you here alone?"

Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows and ran his fingers across the corner of the lamp cabinet.

Rubbed it.

No ash.

Li Sheng sat on the worn sofa and sighed.

"Not really. About three months ago, we targeted Shishan High School... The students and teachers there mysteriously disappeared one after another, as if they had evaporated from the face of the earth. The police in City A dispatched a large number of personnel to investigate, but found nothing. So the mayor had to find us under pressure from public opinion from all sides."

"After some preparation, I brought a special mobile team to this school to participate in the investigation, but I didn't expect to encounter strange things..."

Li Sheng slowly told his experience.

It turned out that the mobile team they came to investigate had a total of 27 people, but it happened that fog had appeared in the school that day. Li Sheng and his men were attacked by terrible unknown creatures in the fog. They were fully armed and almost wiped out without even seeing the other side!

In the end, the seriously injured Li Sheng took the remaining six team members and fled into a dormitory building, and was spared.

After the fog dissipated, they found that they could not get out of the school at all.

Outside the school gate, it was all terrifying fog!

The remaining seven of them could only survive in the strange school!

"Excuse me, where are the six teammates with you?"

As soon as Zhao Yi finished speaking, he saw Li Sheng's face turn ugly.


Zhao Yi asked again:

"According to you, you stayed in the school for at least three months. What did you eat?"

Li Sheng's face became even uglier.

"Can you not talk about this?"

Zhao Yi was thoughtful.

At this time, a strange sound sounded above their heads.


It was like a machine that had been placed for decades was running again, making a hoarse and mocking friction sound.

Then, there were dense and chaotic footsteps.

The three held their breath, not daring to breathe, and listened carefully to the footsteps above their heads.

It was hard for them to imagine what kind of creature would make such a numbing footsteps when walking.

It wandered back and forth for a long time and finally left.

"I just discovered a shelter here not long ago, otherwise I would have died long ago!"

Li Sheng lowered his voice and came to the two of them.

At this time, a message suddenly popped up in their system.

[Player Zhentao was assimilated into a dungeon monster because of his low spirit value. ]

[Player Lu Bai was attacked by an unknown creature and died. ]

[Congratulations to players Zhao Yi and Yang Linlin for triggering the hidden mission - Investigate the truth behind Shishan High School! ]

[Task reward: S score*1. ]

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