The class was over.


The class was over.

During the break, Zhao Yi did not leave in a hurry, but grabbed a child who was about to go out to pee and asked with a smile:

"What's your name?"

"My name is Little Spicy Chicken."

"Very good, Little Spicy Chicken, the teacher wants to ask you something..."

"Teacher, you say."

Zhao Yi said:

"What are the rules of the Miracle Orphanage?"

When Little Spicy Chicken heard this, he trembled all over and his face turned pale:


He blushed and wanted to say something, but in the end he just kept his lips tightly closed.

Then, no matter what Zhao Yi asked him about the rules of the orphanage, he said nothing.

I asked several children in the orphanage in a row.

Their performances were almost the same.

These children were very afraid of the rules of the orphanage.

It was like a sheep meeting a tiger.

Zhao Yi looked at the time and went to Class 3 for his second class.

This was an anatomy class.

The lame and blind old man appeared outside the classroom.

He came very abruptly.

This time, the anatomy class chose no longer little white rabbits, but... monkeys.

Compared to the rabbits that didn't make much noise, the monkeys seemed much noisier.

They seemed to know their fate and groaned and screamed in the cage.

These monkeys were not in good spirits.

From their twisted shapes and blood stains in the cage, it can be inferred that these monkeys had suffered inhuman torture before they were sent here.

Zhao Yi opened the cage door.

These monkeys did not try to run outside.

Their limbs were all broken.

Zhao Yi dragged out a monkey and laid it flat on the podium.

Then he said to the lame and blind old man at the door:

"For the smooth progress of this class, please help me prepare disinfectant alcohol and shaving knives... By the way, the blade must be sharp and smooth, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely no rust stains..."

He arranged a lot of trivial things for the lame and blind old man.

But the old man did not respond.

He just did what Zhao Yi arranged.

When the old man was preparing the things Zhao Yi told him, the bored children in the classroom began to doubt Zhao Yi:

"Teacher, you are not trying to delay time, are you?"

"Yes, teacher! If you waste one minute of yourself, you waste sixty minutes of everyone!"

"Teacher, you are not scared, are you?"

"Hehe, if the teacher does not teach well, he will be punished, okay?"

Zhao Yi supported his hands on the podium and looked at these eager children calmly.

Their expressions and breath were changing.

It was the same as the situation of Class 1 just now.

"Do you understand what anatomy is?"

Zhao Yi suddenly spoke.

His expression was serious.

The classroom suddenly became quiet.

Zhao Yi glanced at the children and said calmly;

"In your eyes, dissection is just holding a sharp or blunt knife to kill a living creature, separate its flesh and skin, and spread its blood everywhere?"

The children were silent for a moment, and suddenly a little hand was raised:

"Isn't it?"

The speaker was Wen Ruochen, the study committee member of Class 3.

She looked weak and wore a red tie on her chest.

She had a weird smile on her face that didn't match her age.

Zhao Yi shook his head slightly:

"You... your understanding of 'dissection' is too superficial."

"You haven't even started..."

"But fortunately you met me."

"A teacher who will really teach you something."

"Classmates... please remember this moment today."

He paused, and a meaningful smile passed across the corner of his mouth.

"It may be the lesson you learn the most in your life..."

The children present were frightened by Zhao Yi's aura, and their doubts were dispelled a little. They began to look forward to the anatomy course Zhao Yi would bring to them...

After a few minutes, the blind and lame old man appeared again.

He had prepared what Zhao Yi had told him to do.

After handing it to Zhao Yi, he left the classroom.

Then Zhao Yi lit a candle and put it aside.

Took up the razor blade and roasted it on the candle.

"Then our course begins..."

"Today, I will teach you the skill of... butchering a cow."

"Anatomy, as a profound subject, is not just about dissecting the surface of things."

"The blade cuts through flesh and blood, and the

Nerves... are just the beginning of anatomy."

"The purpose of our dissection is not to satisfy our inner morbid demands, but to pursue the truth and truth hidden behind the appearance of things!"

"When you use dissection as a way to vent your inner morbid demands... I can only tell you that you have become a stupid and lowly wretch! "

Zhao Yi shaved the monkey's hair quickly while talking non-stop.

His technique was agile and there was an indescribable charm in it.

After the shaving was finished, a scalpel appeared in his hand.

It was extremely sharp.

The evil smile on Zhao Yi's cheek was hidden on the mirror-like blade of the scalpel.

Then, his temperament suddenly changed.

His expression was serious and profound.

Like a group of shining stars in the night.

Like a boulder under a clear spring.

Like a rock pine blooming on a stone wall.

The scalpel, in Zhao Yi's hand, bloomed into a beautiful stamen...

Every movement made the children under the podium obsessed.

The suspicion in their eyes had dissipated. Completely clean!

At this moment, only shock and admiration remained!

Under Zhao Yi's smooth operation, the monkey's bones, blood vessels, neural networks, and muscles were completely dissected...

This is not something that humans can accomplish.

But for Zhao Yi, who has mastered the blood-based talent skill of "butchering cattle", it is just a piece of cake.

The whole process... only lasted fifteen minutes.

Zhao Yi deliberately slowed down the speed so that these little guys can see clearly.

When the dissection was finally over, they were still immersed in the shock that Zhao Yi had brought them just now!

Zhao Yi placed different tissues in different positions and said to the stunned children under the podium:

"Do you see it clearly?"

"This is dissection!"

"What did we get through this dissection method?"

A child raised his hand excitedly.

"Very good, Xiaolongbao, you tell me."

The child stood up very happily and said excitedly:

"We got happiness! "


Zhao Yi flicked out a piece of chalk.

It hit Xiao Longbao's forehead.

He fell down on the spot and fainted, with bees flying on his forehead.

"Wrong, who else wants to answer this question?"

At this time, another child raised his hand.

It was Wen Ruochen, the study committee member.

She looked at Zhao Yi with many little stars in her eyes.

"Xiao Wen, you tell me."

Seeing Zhao Yi's name, Wen Ruochen stood up, took a deep breath and said:

"Through dissection, we can find out the abuse it suffered during its lifetime, the specific location of the injury, and the lesions it had, etc..."

Zhao Yi's eyes flashed.

"Very good."

"It's a little bit of it."

He stretched out his hand to signal Wen Ruochen to sit down.

Take the other half of the chalk and write two big words on the blackboard.

-Cause and effect.

"This is the ultimate in anatomy. "

Zhao Yi turned around, and his voice sounded particularly powerful in the empty classroom.

"The science of butchering cattle believes that everything a creature has experienced will leave a mark on it."

"From its birth to its death."

"All kinds of causes and effects will remain in its flesh and blood, its bone marrow..."

"Learning anatomy is to obtain this kind of cause and effect, to obtain the harvest that others have obtained after a lifetime of hard work."

"This is the greatness of anatomy!"

"Do you understand? "

The children in the classroom looked confused.

Seemingly understood but not quite.

But this is not important!

What is important is... at this moment, they suddenly felt that Zhao Yi was so cool!

Damn it!

Although I don't want to admit it,

but this teacher looks so knowledgeable!

So elegant!

I like him so much!

[Congratulations, Xiaowen's favorability towards you has increased to 'respect'!]

[Congratulations, Xiaolang's favorability towards you has increased to 'like'!]


System messages kept coming.

The first day has not ended yet, and Zhao Yi has completed three of the main tasks of the first task. One tenth.

But as the progress of the main task one increased, Zhao Yi's feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger!

He glanced at the children in the audience, without showing any expression.

What was the problem...?

Ten minutes before the end of get out of class, Zhao Yi stopped telling these children about the mysterious anatomy.

If you really want to talk about the things in the butchering skills, you can't finish it even if you talk for ten days and ten nights.

The most important thing is that it is basically impossible for descendants who are not of the red bloodline to really learn the advanced knowledge of butchering.

During self-study, some of the children in the front row, who have become Zhao Yi's little fans,

The children started to chat with Zhao Yi.

During the chat, he began to ask some children about their parents.

"My parents were hit and killed while driving... "

"My mother was killed by a pressure cooker while cooking for me..."

"Tsk... What's your story? My father died of a heart attack while smoking!"

"Does smoking cause a heart attack?"

"That's not the case. I stuffed a firecracker into my father's cigarette when he wasn't paying attention. When he lit a cigarette, the firecracker exploded, scaring him and causing a heart attack..."

Xiao Tao was beaming with joy and excitedly told everyone.

"Don't you always think I'm humorous?"

"I inherited my humorous gene from my father."

"When he was dying, he was twitching and singing to me: Yaoyao, Chekenao!"

"But he died too quickly, so he didn't sing the second half."

Zhao Yi glanced at Xiao Tao.

He sighed in his heart.

He is a filial son.

People say that raising a son is a way to prepare for old age.

Now let's see, it is indeed true.

If you raise such a filial son, it would be a miracle if he can live to old age!

At this time, Wen Ruochen suddenly said:

"You lied!"

"Last time you said that your father was killed by the explosion when he smoked a gas tank as a cigarette after drinking."

Xiao Tao snorted:

"I won't tell you anymore."

"It seems that what you said is true!"

He returned to his seat and began to sleep on his stomach.

Zhao Yi, who saw this scene, suddenly lowered his head slightly.

This seemingly ordinary scene solved a certain doubt of Zhao Yi.

"So this is it..."

"No wonder I always feel that something is wrong..."

"So next... the most important thing is to find the information of these children..."

PS: poop, cook, eat, wash dishes.

xdm, I thought of a way to deal with the dog downstairs!

I pretended to be friendly with it, cut a few slices of meat from home, cut a slit in the middle, put some croton powder in it, and then used batter to seal the opening of the meat slices and feed it to it!

If it eats a few more slices, it will poop at home!

It will be beaten!


This trick is called "borrowing beans to beat the dog"!

I am really a genius!

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