The whole family had a feeling that they couldn't explain. At that moment, they even had the idea of ​​staying away from Zhao Yi! This guy is too dangerous! When others take action, there should be a warning in advance, and there should be a reasonable suppression and release of emotions. Even if it is to pee, you have to take off your pants and show your gun in advance, right? Hey, Zhao Yi just peed in his pants without making a sound. I'll tell you after I'm done peeing. Who can stand this? God knows who will do something he is not satisfied with next, and talk happily, and suddenly his head will explode! The old lady Qin Xiufang looked at Zhao Yi with some complex eyes, remembering the news she received at the guild headquarters. There was a hint of murderous intent in her eyes, but she quickly suppressed it.

In front of everyone, Zhao Yi walked to a human head and picked up a ghost candle.

From the moment the ghost candle was pulled out of the human brain, it began to slowly drop blood-red candle tears!

The timer has begun.

Seeing Zhao Yi opening the door to go out, Bai Shuiji pondered for a moment and hurriedly stepped forward to draw a candle.

"I'll go with you!"

She took a deep breath.

Although she knew that the outside world would be dangerous, Bai Shuiji didn't want to hide in the carriage.

She firmly believed that it was safest to follow Zhao Yi!

Wen Long also picked up a candle at this time.

"Let's go out and explore the three of us. The remaining can distribute them yourself." He said so.

The lovely lady attendant opened the door for them, and a piercing cold wind immediately blew in, making everyone in the car shiver!

The world outside... is extremely dark.

Without the ghost candle, they can't even see the world one meter away.

Now with the ghost candle, the field of vision barely extends to about ten meters.

Even so, the weird environment makes people shiver.

"Brother Zhao, what do you think about this mission?"

Bai Shuiji followed behind Zhao Yi, not knowing what he should do now.

Zhao Yi looked around and said:

"Didn't you get any clues in the car?"


What clues?

Bai Shuiji recalled carefully.

She was just playing a rubber band skipping game with a bunch of little ghosts, and finally won with her cleverness. The little ghosts spared her organs, but it seemed... there were no special clues.


Wen Long on the side coughed dryly and glanced at Bai Shuiji, indicating that she actually knew some clues.

Bai Shuiji turned her head and looked at Wen Long curiously.

"Does your throat hurt?"

Wen Long: "..."

He seemed a little depressed because he failed to show off, but still said:

"I do know a useful clue... It seems that we have to go to a... some control console."

Zhao Yi corrected:

"It's the control room."

"There is a full map of the train station inside... The train station in our chaotic world is an abandoned station after who knows how many years, and many places have collapsed and changed."

"Moye Village is not a small village, there are many people, so the train station is not small. Our ghost candle can only burn for an hour. In order not to waste time, we must find the map first."

The little ghost girl in the sixth carriage left him some key information.

In addition to the map, there is also the morning newspaper of Moye Village.

Maybe there is something recorded on it.

The road was thick with black fog, and occasionally some inexplicable shadows could be seen swaying in the distance, flashing by in a flash.

They were tense and carefully avoided, groping for the exit on the station platform.

This place was no different from when they entered.

"But now that we have found the map, what can we do?"

Bai Shuiji tried to learn something from Zhao Yi, constantly speculating on Zhao Yi's intentions.

The clown game and the butcher game made her full of trust in Zhao Yi.

"I think the way to complete the task should be outside the station."

It was Wen Long who spoke.

He looked around carefully, as if he was afraid that something would suddenly rush out of the darkness!

Zhao Yi added:

"The task requires us to resolve the resentment. Since we want to resolve the resentment, we must first understand what resentment there is in the train and where the resentment comes from."

"Only by understanding what happened here that year and understanding the conflict relationship can we complete the task."

"I have asked several ghosts inside the carriage, and they seem to

They are all afraid of something and dare not mention what happened in the past. "

"This means that in a corner of the train, there is an invisible and very terrifying existence watching them and us! "

"So, we have no way to understand the situation from inside the train. We can only look for clues outside... such as recordings, such as notes, notebooks, newspapers, or ghosts' own narrations, etc..."

Zhao Yi simply explained the idea, and the two of them felt enlightened and clear.

Until this time, Zhao Yi's attention was still partially on the message left by the little ghost girl in the sixth carriage.

-It will always stare at you.

Who is this 'it'?

Is it a hidden ghost in the train?

If so, where is it hiding?

If not, what is watching them?

Going up the corridor, they returned to the station.

The station in the copy is complete.

It is a little bigger than they thought.

Some ghosts wandered in it. They didn't seem to be very aggressive. After seeing the ghost candles in the hands of Zhao Yi and the other two, they continued to wander around as if nothing had happened.

We came to the control desk, which was a large office basically enclosed by glass. There was a sturdy security ghost outside the door, with huge eyes like copper bells, holding a one-meter-long baton, staring at the front!

Its body happened to be covered by the wall at the corner, so when everyone came to its side, they found it!

Wen Long and Bai Shuiji were close and were almost scared away!

[Security ghost: extremely dangerous! ]

[Weakness: no weakness! ]

[Note: Don’t look at it with its eyes open, it is actually sleeping. Unless it is hit and hurt, it will not be forced to wake up. Most ghosts nearby are very afraid of it! If you are discovered by it... run away! The faster the better!!! ]

Zhao Yi looked at the news about the security ghost and smiled brightly.

Seeing Zhao Yi smile, Bai Shuiji’s heart skipped a beat.

What does this guy... want to do again?

“Be careful!”

“This ghost is very fierce and may attack us! "

Seeing Zhao Yi walking towards the security ghost, Wen Long reminded him.

Although he regarded Zhao Yi as his competitor, after all, they were all in the same boat now, and people like Zhao Yi would definitely be a capable helper, and he did not want Zhao Yi to get into trouble.

Zhao Yi replied casually:

"No, he won't."

Bai Shuiji followed Zhao Yi carefully and asked:

"How do you know?"

Zhao Yi raised his hand and plucked a nose hair of the security ghost:

"Look, it fell asleep."


As soon as Zhao Yi finished speaking, the security ghost sneezed violently, and Bai Shuiji and Wen Long were so scared that they rolled and crawled back several meters away. They only tiptoed back when they confirmed that the security ghost was still motionless.

Seeing that Zhao Yi's face was not red and his heart was not beating, Wen Long could not help but say:

"How dare you be so bold? "

Zhao Yi looked at the terrifying ghost in front of him seriously:

"Don't talk nonsense, I have been timid since I was a child, so I am so cautious."

Wen Long almost choked on his own saliva.

How can you be cautious!

How can you pull out someone's nose hair just by raising your hand?!

Sighing, Wen Long came to the door of the control room.

Tried to open the door.

Failed to open the door.

The door was locked.

He turned his head and said to Zhao Yi:

"Zhao Yi, the door is locked...Fuck!"

"What the hell are you doing? !"

Wen Long looked at Zhao Yi in astonishment. This guy was actually...crazy to pull the clothes of the ghost security guard!

"Can't you see, I'm taking off its clothes! "

Zhao Yi said loudly and excitedly.

Wen Long panicked.

He hurriedly took a few steps back, ready to run away at any time.

Zhao Yi was a heavy-handed guy. He was really not afraid that the evil ghost in front of him would wake up!

Bai Shuiji was dumbfounded.

At first, she tried to make herself stronger by learning Zhao Yi's thinking logic.

But now she suddenly realized... she seemed to be completely unable to understand what Zhao Yi was thinking.

Zhao Yi became more and more excited as he stripped, his eyes shining, and threw the ghost candle aside. After stripping the ghost security guard's clothes, he stripped his pants. In just one minute, the ghost security guard was left with only a pair of flowered shorts.

There was also a sparrow embroidered on it.

Seeing that Zhao Yi had no intention of stopping, Bai Shuiji hugged Zhao Yi's waist and dragged him back, saying in a panic:

"Brother! Brother! Okay! Let's not strip anymore! Let's let it go!"

"We still have business to do! "

Although it is a ghost, the sparrow must be very sensitive. Zhao Yi hit so hard that she was really afraid that the ghost security guard would wake up!

Zhao Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead, picked up the ghost candle beside him and panted:

"Okay, today

Let it go first!"

Wen Long, who was not far away, ran over carefully, looked at the security uniform on the ground, and said with a smile:

"We only need the key, you don't have to take off all its clothes!"

Zhao Yi smiled, his eyes shining, and kicked the security uniform to Wen Long's feet.

"Put it on."

Wen Long's expression was slightly stiff.


"Put it on."

Zhao Yi took out the key from the security uniform.

"Put it on!"

"From now are a ghost security guard!"


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