The operation room was full of blood.

In the operating room, blood was gushing.

A lot of it splashed on the ceiling, and the shrill screams faintly came through the poorly soundproofed operating room door. The family members outside and other ghosts waiting for surgery shuddered inexplicably.

"That... Nurse Zhang, my husband..."

Although the woman who was abused felt comfortable all over her body after hearing the screams, she couldn't help but ask a question because she was kind-hearted.

The 600-kilogram nurse Zhang stood at the door very diligently and patiently comforted:

"Don't worry, this family member... As a woman, I understand your current mood."

"But this operation is just a minor operation..."

"It's just to remove the appendix!"

"It's impossible for him to chop your husband into pieces..."

As soon as the nurse Zhang finished speaking, a large amount of blood splashed on the soundproof glass behind her.

The family member who was talking to nurse Zhang was shocked!

"Hey, this, this... Nurse, is the amount of bleeding slightly increased?"

Nurse Zhang glanced back and replied calmly:

"Hey... It's normal to bleed during surgery!"

"Don't worry, our hospital has hired the most professional psychologist."

The family member was slightly relieved.

But soon the female ghost realized something and stood up suddenly:


"But...but this is surgery!"

Nurse Zhang showed a confused look:

"Is there any difference?"

Family member: "..."


The door was opened, and Zhao Yi came out covered in blood.

Less than ten minutes before and after.

"Doctor Zhao...are you done with the operation?"

Zhao Yi wiped the blood on his face and showed the most gentle smile in the world.

"Yes, the operation was very successful."

The female ghost asked anxiously:

"Where is my husband?"

Zhao Yi seemed to remember something when she heard it, and reached into her purse:

"Your husband is here."

The ghosts looked closely.

In Zhao Yi's hand, a bloody appendix lay quietly.

"How is it? I cut it beautifully!"

Zhao Yi showed a kind smile.

Seeing the complete appendix, the female ghost's heart sank.

She glanced at the operating room, which was covered with blood and flesh, and trembled:

"What about the rest... that part?"

Zhao Yi suddenly realized.


"I thought the rest was useless, so I just disposed of it."

Female ghost: "..."

I asked you to remove the appendix, not to remove a person!

How can you remove a person during appendectomy?

She took the appendix from Zhao Yi's hand, feeling mixed emotions.

To be fair, she hoped her husband would die.

If it was just domestic violence, she could still bear it.

But she really couldn't stand this beast beating her son, and even using her son's school money to buy alcohol!

She couldn't stand touching her child!

But now it's good, Zhao Yi took the first step and helped her do what she needed to do.

For a moment, she didn't even know whether to thank Zhao Yi or Zhao Yi.

Then, she suddenly thought of something, immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello... Is this the insurance company that will pay for the death?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I want to ask, my husband died not long ago, is it too late for me to buy him accident insurance now?"

"Is that so... Well, that's a pity."

After hanging up the phone, she said to Zhao Yi:

"Anyway, thank you, Doctor Zhao."

Zhao Yi shook hands with her and replied:

"Take money from people and help them get rid of disasters... No, treating diseases is the duty of every doctor, this is what I should do!"

The woman took her husband's appendix and left happily.

Zhao Yi looked at the ghosts waiting for surgery outside the door, trembling with fear, and asked with a smile:

"Who is the next little cutie?"


The ghosts fled in all directions!

The corridor, which was originally quite lively, was suddenly empty.

"Congratulations, Doctor Zhao, you have passed the hospital's assessment. This is your work ID card. With this card, you are a working person in Guxuan Town, and the ghosts in the town will treat you as one of their own."

"In addition, according to the dean, your salary is about 5,000 ghost money per month, paid in the middle of each month."

Nurse Zhang very considerately handed Zhao Yi a work card.

Zhao Yi hung it on his chest.


Happy player Zhao Yi completes world mission: Find a job]

[Mission reward: 5,000 ghost coins per month // a decent identity (in Guxuan Town)]

Zhao Yi glanced at the big world mission behind, which was quite difficult, so he could put it aside for the time being.

He came to his office, played with his phone until the evening, and ordered a takeaway.

After opening the door, the takeaway boy turned out to be Fang Bai!

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows and said:

"You found a job too?"

Fang Bai smiled.


"This job is easy, you can't take more than a dozen orders a day, and you can brag and chat with a bunch of ghosts."

He took out the food and handed it to Zhao Yi.

"The Demonic Tide will be held in the middle of the month. Have you signed up?"

Fang Bai casually mentioned this, and Zhao Yi replied:

"I have signed up, but I don't know how many people from the guild will go this time."

Fang Bai was packing up the delivery box while complaining:

"Forget it, the registration fee is 50,000 points. How can ordinary newcomers afford so much?"

Zhao Yi asked curiously:

"Won't the guild reimburse you?"

Fang Bai spread his hands.

"I can lend it, but I won't help reimburse you."

"Anyway... I can pay it back if I'm very blue!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and continued to deliver food. Zhao Yi thought of Liu Ruoqing, the charming and seductive woman, and was thoughtful.

This woman must have something to ask of him.

Otherwise, she wouldn't give him 50,000 points for nothing.

Is it related to the Red Devil?

Intuition told Zhao Yi that Liu Ruoqing definitely didn't look for him to deal with the Red Devil in her body.

The Red Devil and her are very integrated and will not be out of control.

She is testing herself.

Fifty thousand points may not be much for them, but for newcomers, it is definitely an astronomical figure.

For example, Zhao Yi himself extorted more than ten thousand points from fellow players in the dungeon.

By the way, game transactions are mandatory.

For example, Zhao Yi told other players that as long as they gave him 5,000 points, Zhao Yi would lead them through the game.

Then as long as these players gave Zhao Yi 5,000 points, Zhao Yi must lead them through the game.

Even if one player failed to pass the game and died halfway, Zhao Yi would be severely punished!

For example, the transaction was blocked, or after the dungeon was over, Zhao Yi's dungeon score was greatly reduced.

After dinner, it was soon time to get off work. Zhao Yi refused the dean's offer to work overtime and prepared to return to the guild's residence.

As soon as he left the hospital, the warehouse ghost sent a message.

"Mr. Zhao, I have found some of Sun Baibai's whereabouts..."

"The buyer of the grocery store has also been found, but the boss said he wants to meet with you..."

PS: First update, there will be two more updates today.

Thank you for the gifts from all the brothers and sisters, I really appreciate it!

By the way, there is no need to spend money to send gifts for this book.

As long as there are still people reading the book, the author will not starve to death.

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