The corpses were piled up in a cart, and the corpses were piled up in a dark tunnel.

A long dark tunnel.

The cart piled up the players' corpses, like garbage, and slowly pushed them to the crematorium.

The smell of burnt and meat formed a strange smell that filled the room.

The tunnel led to all directions.

They came to the crematorium and unloaded all the corpses.

Then they began to pick out the relatively intact corpses, roughly inspected them, and threw them back on the cart.

"The other corpses have been burned, and we will send these on the cart later... As usual, keep it secret, and I will give you 10% of the money after I get it."

A man in black with a four-toothed ghost face said so.

The cremator did not respond.

But the two people present knew that the cremator had agreed.

They had done this business more than once. If something really happened, the cremator would not be able to escape.

The two pulled the cart and left the crematorium again, and went to the other side along the passage.

On the way, Zhao Yi felt that his silver gun was stuck on the side of the cart, so he put his hand into his pants and adjusted his balls.

The two people pulling the cart in front seemed to hear the movement and looked back.

It would be fine if he didn't look, but he shuddered when he saw it.

"Old Wang... Do you feel that... the position of these corpses seems to have changed..."

On the other side, Old Wang, who looked much more burly, cursed:

"Old Xu, look at your little achievement!"

"My distant cousin Uncle Wang's family Xiao Hei is braver than you!"

"These people have been dead for a long time, you are afraid of nothing!"

Old Xu carefully glanced at the corpses on the cart and memorized their general postures.

"Who is Xiao Hei? The son of your uncle Wang's third wife?"

"No, he's the dog he keeps."

"Nie Ma!"


The two men, cursing, came to a bright room.

There was a doctor inside, wearing medical rubber gloves, preparing tools.

"Today's time will be tight."

"You only have thirty minutes."

"After thirty minutes, we must drag the body to the crematorium and burn it!"

The doctor laid out a row of scalpels, a little nervous.

Half an hour.

How many intact kidneys and organs can he cut off?

A body was lifted off the car and placed on a simple operating table. The doctor took a deep breath and began to prepare to cut the kidney.

Five minutes later, his face was livid.

"Change the body, the organs of this body are all cut."

The two calculated the time and didn't say much, and lifted another one for him.

Two minutes later.


"I'm too nervous... There's not enough time."

Old Xu and Old Wang looked at each other and brought up another body.

"It's okay... Just stay calm, it's profitable to cut out one organ..."

"The price of kidneys has increased recently, one can be sold for 500,000 yuan, and there are still more than 20 minutes, take your time."

The doctor took a deep breath.

Sweat oozed from his forehead.

It slid down the tip of his nose and fell on the body.

He picked up the scalpel and slowly cut open the skin of the body.

It went smoothly.


Why is this body bleeding?

The doctor was shocked by the situation in front of him. Before he could speak, he heard the corpse cursing:

"You are such a novice in technique, and you even cut kidneys..."

"Do you have any medical knowledge?"

"Have you practiced the stability of your fingers and wrists seriously?"

"The No. 12 blade is used to cut the ENT department, do you understand?"

"And your fucking knife holding technique, the grasping style... You fucking use the grasping style to hold the knife to cut the blood vessels and nerves connected to the internal organs, I really want to slap you in the face!"

"Spit it out, didn't you fail when you were studying medicine in school?"

Zhao Yi thought of the time when he helped to teach students in the hospital.

One by one, the novice picked his feet.

Seeing that the corpse in front of him suddenly sat up, not only the three people in the room were stunned, but also the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck! Is my brother Zhao dead?"

"Nah... He's been causing trouble for thousands of years. The ancients didn't lie to me!"

"He knows too much about anatomy..."

The strange atmosphere was silent for about three seconds. Just as the two were about to draw their guns, Zhao Yi had already pointed the "Defeater" at them.

A gentle smile on his face.


"Try to move again?"

Old Wang and Old Xu looked at the black muzzle of the shotgun in Zhao Yi's hand and couldn't help swallowing.

Hands raised high.

Eyes full of shock.

The two wanted

I don't understand how Zhao Yi managed to avoid the deadly poisonous gas...

If you inhale just 1ml of that poisonous gas, it can kill a giant elephant!

The room was filled with poisonous fog for an hour.

Why is Zhao Yi still alive?

"Go to the operating table."

Zhao Yi looked at the doctor with a smile.

The doctor's eyes were glaring, and he couldn't hold the scalpel steadily, but he didn't want to accept his fate, so he suddenly turned and ran towards the door!

He could escape from this room in just three steps!

Unfortunately, people are not as fast as bullets after all.


A very slight sound.

In silencer mode, the sound of this shotgun was not as loud as the sound of the doctor's head being smashed.

Looking at the headless body falling to the ground, Lao Xu and Lao Wang felt their legs trembling...

"You want to sell your internal organs for money, right?"

Zhao Yi easily lifted the 150-pound doctor with one hand and threw him on the operating table.


Before they could finish their words, Zhao Yi selected a suitable blade and blade from the scalpel beside them, assembled them, and sterilized them with the candlelight on the table.

Then he came to the headless body of the doctor and smiled at the two of them.

"Why not make a deal."

"I'll do his job."

"I'll do it 10,000 times better than him."

"And I don't want a penny, so you can make a fortune."

The two looked at each other and saw the greed and hesitation in each other's eyes.

The next moment, the scalpel on Zhao Yi's fingertips danced like a butterfly, agile and elegant, and the wonderful technique like that of an art master made the two of them stare at it, and even forgot that Zhao Yi was their enemy.

Three minutes.

Zhao Yi completely removed all the organs from the doctor's body, packed them in a special bag prepared early in the morning, and handed them to the two.

"Of course, as a deal... you also need to help me do something."


Looking at the transparent bags filled with bright red internal organs in front of them, the two's hands trembled slightly.

The heart was also trembling.

Do you want to take it?

These... are millions!

Old Xu clenched his fists, swallowed his saliva, resisted the urge to take the bag directly, looked up at Zhao Yi's eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

"There will be a lot of corpses in the next game... If you can always ensure the efficiency of cutting like today, after the second game is over, we can help you leave here!"

Zhao Yi heard the smile on his face and became more and more unbridled, which made the two of them tremble with fear...

"Leave here?"

"Who told you... I want to leave here?"

/�0 tw

PS: The third update.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for your gifts! (Just give it as a token of your appreciation, don't spend money specifically.)

Continue to work on the detailed outline later, and I won't write the fourth update today.

Good night brothers!

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