The two sides of the border have been in chaos, and the two sides have been in chaos.

Zhao Yi stayed in the secret room and opened the message that Lao Wu sent him.

The content was very complicated, but it could be seen that it had been slightly organized.

Lao Wu also left him some words:

[The meme of "bloody weapons" was obtained from a mysterious organization. The boss behind the Abalone Game had discussed some conditions with them a few years ago and repeatedly squeezed the bargaining chips for the transaction. ]

[What makes people curious is... they don't seem to mind how much their products can sell for. They were a little absent-minded throughout the meeting. ]

[I am not a core member, and I don't know much about the transaction, nor about the meme. ]

[All I know is that the organization seems to have picked up some unknown giant lizard fragments in some ruins and obtained this meme from them. ]

[They said that according to their years of research and archaeology, the owner of this giant lizard fragment is a creature that cannot be killed at all. ]

[But it died in the end...]


Zhao Yi read the information sent over and over again.

His eyes were focused.

He became more and more certain...

The giant lizard that provided this meme... came from the Foundation.

"The giant lizard is contained and protected..."

"Does the death of the giant lizard mean... that the Foundation has also perished?"

"If so, what else... could destroy such an extremely large organization?"

"Could it be those indescribable darkness..."

Endless thoughts flew in Zhao Yi's mind.

Many speculations emerged in his mind one by one, but none of them could be confirmed.

There are too many horrors and mysteries in the world.

What mortals come into contact with is ultimately just the tip of the iceberg.

On the next day, the players were sent to the edge of the maze while unconscious.

When they all woke up, the loudspeaker outside the maze made a noisy sound:

"Congratulations to everyone for coming to the second game alive."

"This level of the game is called 'Prisoner Maze'."

"You are currently at the periphery of a giant maze. You all have a piece of paper and a pen in your hands to facilitate your recording of the map."

"You need to enter the center of the maze within 12 hours. There is a completely transparent safe room there."

"It is worth mentioning that there are 200 of you in total, but the prisoner maze can only accommodate 21 people."

"Five minutes after the timer starts counting, there will be 'bloody weapons' entering the maze from all corners outside the maze. They will look for you and kill you at all costs!"

"The 21 people who survive will be eligible to enter the third and final game!"

"Now... the game begins!"

As soon as the loudspeaker finished speaking, the players rushed into the huge maze!

They entered from two hundred different entrances and began to grope towards the middle!

No one knows how big this maze is, nor do they know which of the countless forks ahead is the real one...

At this time, Zhao Yi also headed towards the maze according to the route and time given by Lao Wu.

Although there are no surveillance cameras inside the maze, the positions where the players first enter the maze are recorded.

Lao Wu told Zhao Yi Luo Qili's initial position and the map of the maze, and the latter followed the map engraved in his mind and quickly went to Luo Qili's position.

After the two teamed up, they could have simple exchanges in the game system.

However, the number of words for daily exchanges is limited, and they are basically reserved for key information.

Luo Qili waited in place for five minutes, but the maze was too big, and it would take some time for Zhao Yi to rush over, but the frozen corpse lying in the transparent coffin behind him had already opened his eyes!

Seeing this situation, Luo Qili had to flee into the maze!

Zhao Yi had shared with her the horror of the bloody weapon last night, especially that it would evolve every time it was killed. This ability, which was almost like a bug, was simply devastating!

If you don't fight back, you'll get beaten.

Fighting back won't help much, as the opponent's self-healing ability is too IMBA (abnormal).

If you kill it, it will be quiet for a while... The problem is that after the quiet, it will be more difficult to deal with...

Five minutes have passed.

Outside the maze, the lids of the coffins were suddenly knocked off!

Murderous aura gushed out from the coffins!

One after another, corpses with strange purple eyes sat up. After just a moment of adaptation, they suddenly chased towards the depths of the maze!

On the way, a player saw

When she saw the bloody weapon full of murderous aura, she had to stop and fight with the opponent!


A slim and agile girl took out an RPG from somewhere and directly sent the opponent the brightest star in the night sky!

However, after the fireworks, the opponent still rushed towards the girl with half of his body blown up!

"What the hell is this?"

The girl screamed and hurriedly fled to the back!

The bloody weapon with a blown up body had only a little skin left on its head, but it was still like nothing happened, and it was chasing the girl all the way!

She thought it was a zombie, but now... she found out that she was wrong!

Countless bloody weapons were put into the maze to tear the players participating in the prisoner maze game to pieces!


A middle-aged man screamed, and his arm was torn off by the bloody weapon and swallowed into his stomach!

Then, a sharp bloody hand pierced his chest and abdomen, pulling him down alive!

Luo Qili was fleeing all the way, looking back from time to time.

Although the walls of the maze were all vines and flowers, there was a high-strength alloy as the core inside, and the players could not break it by force!

And there was an arc visible to the naked eye on it.

Who knows what the voltage was on it?

Climbing over and destroying the wall has become a delusion, and the players have to find a way honestly.

That terrible bloody weapon seemed to have Luo Qili's location. No matter how Luo Qili dodged or how she ran around in the intricate maze, the opponent could always track her accurately!

This thing seemed to have unlimited physical strength, but the players' physical strength was limited. In a chase of about three minutes, Luo Qili clearly felt her physical strength decline!

"No... If I continue like this, I won't be able to hold on until Zhao Yi comes... I have to find a way to kill it first!"

Luo Qili panted and quickly covered the slightly narrow corridor with sharp threads, waiting for the bloody weapon to fall into the trap!


The bloody weapon appeared at the corner, and when it saw Luo Qili standing still, its face was filled with extreme excitement, and it went straight to Luo Qili!


The thread drew blood flowers in the air!

The bloody weapon immediately turned into a pile of broken corpses...

Just when Luo Qili relaxed a little, she suddenly saw that the broken corpses on the ground... were actually patching together and healing at a speed visible to the naked eye...

She was stunned for a moment, and uttered a word:


PS: There is still one chapter, don't wait, it's late, go to bed early!

Thank you for reading!

Good night brothers!

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