Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 76: back to the palace

It is early winter.

After the turmoil outside the city ended, the people around Burning Smoke City returned one after another, slowly restoring the previous order.

Zuo Lingquan and others stayed temporarily in the small blessed land of the Burning Mist Sect. With the identity of Shangguan Lingye, the Burning Mist Sect did not dare to neglect, and let the entire hot spring lake out to heal Shangguan Lingye.

Shangguan Lingye's meridian Qi Palace was damaged by the shock, and he didn't look any different on the outside, but it would take a lot of time to recover as before.

During these days, Zuo Lingquan did not bother Shangguan Lingye anymore, and practiced his techniques seriously to prepare for the battle of the Nine Sect Alliance.

There are not many techniques taught by Shangguan Lingye, except for the 'Rain Seeking Technique' and 'Mist Dissolving Technique', which are essential small techniques for water cultivators, and only taught two powerful techniques.

One is the 'Flying Frost Technique', which is equivalent to the 'Fire Ring Technique' in the Water Technique, but the flames turn into ice thorns, breaking through the ground and stabbing the surrounding enemies. The range and power depend on their own cultivation. It is said that the strong can Frozen for thousands of miles, the disadvantage is the same as the ring of fire, it only works on targets on the ground.

Another is the signature stunt of the Iron Arrow Mansion's 'greedy wolf'; the greedy wolf symbolizes strong rule. This technique was created by the ancestors of Shangguan. It is the pinnacle of the imperial art. It can condense the five elements into entities, manipulate and change at will. Thousands. The ancestor of Shangguan condensed a metal dragon in the sky above Qihuang Valley, using this technique; Zuo Lingquan is definitely not as capable as the ancestor, but as long as he learns it, the effect is also not small.

As for the realm, Zuo Lingquan has already reached the sixth level of Linggu, and it is a bit urgent to force the seventh level, so apart from practicing magic, he did not improve his realm in his spare time, but helped Qingwan practice.

As for how to cultivate, it is self-evident.

But it is obviously impossible to repair Wanwan for two months at a time. He and Wanwan can stand it, and neither can the house.

After all, Qingwan didn't officially confirm the relationship, so she still had to act like a teacher, especially since Shangguan Lingye and Tang Jingshen were in front of them, they didn't dare to let go at all. Every time they practiced they had to ensure safety before they started, and they gave Zuo Lingquan restrictions. Time, two people can't be missing for too long, to prevent Tang Jing from thinking about it.

In addition to training, Qingwan went to the Burning Smoke Sect to study, learning some wind, wood and thunder techniques, as well as the basics of refining.

Ever since she learned that the initiator of the tiankeng was Wu Zunyi, her second uncle, Wu Qingwan felt a sense of frustration in her heart that she was 'shame for the Wu family'.

After all, the second uncle even dared to break up with the Eight Lords, but she could only be licked and licked by the younger generation. If she didn't learn some crafts on her body, how would she be embarrassed to recognize her relatives in the future.

But refining tools is more difficult than cultivation. They are all built on the treasures of heaven and earth, and they are also very talented. Wu Qingwan had no chance to get in touch with her in Xihuang Valley before, but even with the support of heaven and earth treasures, after two months, she has not been able to make a qualified magic weapon.

The only thing that can be used is probably a glowing white tail, but this is what Zuo Lingquan instigated her to do. She knows that it is not a good thing, and she does not dare to take it out.

Tang Jingxing was rather boring during this time. Eating, sleeping, and playing in a ball is all training, so you don’t have to worry about it at all. After two months, you will reach the sixth level of Linggu before you know it. If there is no accident, you will soon be able to overtake Zuo Lingquan. Shangguan Lingye looks like this talent. of shame.

Maybe it was too easy to get, but Tang Jingxuan didn't feel anything special, and he was most concerned about his relationship with Zuo Lingquan.

Because he was worried about attracting the ancestors of Shangguan again, he was discovered by Shangguan Lingye. Zuo Lingquan was very honest these days. Except for hand in hand, he didn't make any extravagant actions.

Tang Jingxuan was actually not greedy in her heart, but not bullying her when it was time to bully her was considered depriving her of her right to be bullied.

With Tang Jing's character in the sea of ​​​​fire, he did not forget to hold his own money box. If he didn't come, he would suffer. This resentment was naturally vented on Shangguan ancestors, and he secretly taunted Shangguan ancestors in the house for half an hour every day.

The ancestors of Shangguan may also be autistic, and have never responded to Tang Jingxing again.

As the sun sets, the time flickers to mid-October.

After Shangguan Lingye had almost recuperated, he rode the painting boat and took the three on the return journey.

The boat belonged to Shangguan Lingye, so naturally he didn't feel bad about the godly money that drove the boat, so he drove back at full speed and returned to the Great Yanjing City in about two days.

There was only one compartment in the painting boat, Shangguan Lingye replenished his spiritual energy in it, while Tang Jingxun and Wu Qingwan stayed in the cabin.

Although the cabin was not small enough to accommodate three people, but with Shangguan Lingye in front of him, Zuo Lingquan was not very easy to get together, so he sat alone on the bow of the deck and meditated.

It's early winter, the earth is a little more desolate, and the sky is even colder.

Zuo Lingquan sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, the round dumplings squatted between his legs in a daze, the wind in the sky was very noisy, and the white fluff on the dumplings' heads were blown into partial points.

The reason why the dumplings didn't stay in the cabin was because Shangguan Lingye was in front of him these days, and the dried fish came to him with his mouth open. He fed too much, and raised a whole body of Chinese New Year fat. He was disliked by Tang Jingxuan and a little unhappy.

The journey was very boring. One person and one bird sat outside relatively silently. It took some time for the group to recover a little bit. Looking at the sea of ​​clouds ahead, he raised his small wings and pointed:


Zuo Lingquan calmed down, opened his eyes, and glanced forward at the end of his field of vision. There was a Xianjia ferry sailing between the sea of ​​clouds.

The painting boat was on the channel opened by Coveryue Forest, and it was so fast that it was not uncommon to catch up with other ferries from behind.

Zuo Lingquan glanced slightly and recognized from the sect emblem that it was the ferry of Taohuatan, one of the nine sects.

The painting boat is concealed with blinds, and it is difficult to detect it when it is flying far away in the air.

Zuo Lingquan quickly caught up with the ferry from behind, a mile away from each other.

Zuo Lingquan heard from Grandma Shangguan that Venerable Peach Blossom had a bad relationship with the ancestors of Shangguan, so he naturally wanted to see the situation on the boat. Unfortunately, the other party's boat also had a cover formation, so he could only see the vague outlines of the people on the boat. Couldn't see anything.

The two sides quickly passed by, Zuo Lingquan withdrew his gaze, rubbed the dumpling who was still looking back, and prepared to continue to meditate.

In the cabin at the rear, it seemed that the movement was also detected. The cabin door opened, and Wu Qingwan, who was dressed like snow, came out, and looked back with her head:

"Has a ship passed by?"

"Yeah, it seems to be a boat from Taohuatan."


Wu Qingwan withdrew her gaze, did not return to the cabin, but walked to Zuo Lingquan and sat down, pursed her lips, and hesitated.

The dumpling still likes a soft place. Seeing this, they jumped onto Wu Qingwan's large chest and let out a "chi~".

Seeing Wu Qingwan's face, Zuo Lingquan knew that she had something to say and asked:

"What's up?"

Wu Qingwan tickled the hair by her ear, and after pondering for a while, said:

"After you go back, you and Jiang Yi will get married; don't drag it on, the whole family will not know about your relationship with me."

There are only five people in the family. In fact, it is already now. Only Jiang Yi is the master and servant.

Zuo Lingquan nodded at this suggestion:

"This time I'm going to stay in the capital for a long time. I'll go back and discuss it with Jiang Yi. She promised me to arrange the marriage as soon as possible."

Wu Qingwan nodded slightly, and after deliberating for a long time, she sighed softly:

"You two get married, and things can be discussed. Then I don't need to pretend to be a teacher or auntie, and I can be tougher in front of Jingxun. Otherwise, Jingxuan is now a 'Qingwan girl', and I'm embarrassed to talk back. ; Obviously I did that first, even if I recognize Jiang Yi as my sister, if I repay the debt, how can I mess with it, I'm the youngest..."

Zuo Lingquan was a little funny: "Wanwan is the biggest one in my eyes."


Wu Qingwan blinked, feeling that she meant something else, she frowned and said:

"What's the biggest?"

Danzi is very spiritual, and rubbed his head on the large pillow:



Zuo Lingquan couldn't help laughing, but before he could laugh out loud, Wu Qingwan twisted his waist ruthlessly, gasping for breath in pain, and said quickly:

"There is no size, they are all the same size, I am the second last, and the dumpling is the smallest."

Wu Qingwan was too lazy to deal with these nonsense anymore, and stuffed the dumplings back into Zuo Lingquan's arms, got up and walked into the cabin...—

The Nine Sects Association is equivalent to the imperial examinations for the entire nine sects of young cultivators. The elders of the nine sects begin to select candidates on the Winter Solstice, and the competition among the cultivators started as early as last year.

As the date of the winter solstice approached, all the cultivators who were watching the fun at the finale arrived. Even if only a very small number of people came over half of the Yuyao Continent, it would be hard to count them together.

Although the location is in the Tiehe Valley, Linyuan City, a few hundred kilometers away, is already overcrowded, as are the surrounding counties and counties. It can be said that there are more practitioners on the street than ordinary people.

The Dayan Dynasty was only a dynasty within the Nine Sects. For the Dayan Dynasty, most of these monks came from outside the country, and their identities, backgrounds, and morals were unknown, and the security pressure was extremely high.

The Iron Arrow Mansion is nearby, and Venerable Lord Linyuan is on it. No monk dares to cause trouble, but there are countless trivial things.

Jiang Yi, as the acting class head of the Demon Hunting Division, has been in a big fight these days, and she has lost her temper after being tossed about by those extraordinary cases.

For example, a certain cultivator was so moved that he went to a secular brothel to spend the night. Afterwards, he earned ten white jade baht and went with the wind. As a result, the prostitute in the brothel did not know him and was regarded as a prostitute.

There are also monks in the fairyland who went to the fortune-telling booth on a whim. The fortune-teller said that he could live to be eighty years old, and he was already one hundred and sixty-six, so the newspaper official said that the fortune-teller fooled the people and cheated money.

Especially in the recent nine sect alliances, the monks gathered around Linyuan City, the probability of strange things coming out of the vast sea of ​​people is too high, and even immortals are jumped by immortals.

Originally, they were all trivial matters, but the case files of the Demon Hunting Division involving mortals had to be read by the imperial concubine.

Jiang Yi looked at these messes, and felt that everyone was numb.

It was already night, and the dead leaves in the palace of the concubine were withered, sparsely populated, and stained with a touch of loneliness.

In the Tianji Temple, Jiang Yi, who was busy with business, walked towards the Canyang Pool with a white cat that had grown fat for a whole circle, sighed a long time, and looked tired.

Leng Zhu has already boiled a little, and walks listlessly beside him, feeding the cat with dried fish, saying in pieces:

"Princess, we won't stay here forever, will we?"

"No, the concubine should be back in a few days."

"The princess has said this many times. It's been more than two months after a few days, and the people from the Demon Suppression Division have directly called the princess the 'Three Saints' in private..."

Jiang Yi's eyes were also helpless: "The concubine can give opportunities, it is because they trust me, and they must be cherished. Besides, what can I do? We can't just give up the pick, how can we both cultivate in the Canyang Pool? "

Leng Zhu also knew that there was no white bath in the world, so he stopped complaining, and followed Jiang Yi to the outside of the bedroom.

Shangguan Lingye could have been sleepless for a long time. In the past, in his spare time, he also dozed off in the main hall and never went back to the dormitory to sleep. During these days, Jiang Yi and Leng Zhu stayed in the phoenix bed and slept a few times.

Canyang Pond is on the side of the sleeping hall. It looks like a large-scale bath. The pillars outside the palace are decorated with exquisite incantations. The water mist is shrouded in it. The pool is made of white jade, and the bottom is faintly glowing. With a rosy red light, just standing by the pool can feel a rush of heat.

Canyang Pond has the effect of removing impurities and improving physical fitness. It is the best place to practice for monks in the Qi-refining realm.

Jiang Yi put the white cat on the ground, let it play by itself, and then entered the empty Canyang Pond. The red skirt slipped off her body, revealing the carp among the flowers and the thin brocade pants.

Leng Zhu also took off his palace skirt, revealing a slender and slender figure. Standing behind him, he helped Jiang Yi untie the tether of his apron. After folding the clothes and placing them in the tray, Jiang Yi had already plunged into the pool. , start the backstroke.

Two bulging jade mountains floated over the water...


Leng Zhu lowered his head and glanced at his chest, with a hint of envy in his eyes. Standing by the sink, pinching his nose, he was about to jump down and accompany him to wash together. Suddenly, a voice came from outside:


After the work was over, the maids went to rest individually. In the past, Shangguan Lingye didn't need anyone to wait on him, and there was no one around the dormitory.

Jiang Yi surfaced and looked outside suspiciously:

"Why did the cat come back? Is there something wrong with me?"

"I went to see."

Seeing this, Leng Zhu stopped jumping, picked up his clothes and walked to the outside of the bath.

It's just that she just turned around the screen and hadn't put the apron over her head, when she bumped into the arms of a very tall person, and bumped into a full bosom...! ! ——

A little earlier.

After a long journey, the painting boat finally arrived at Linyuan City and descended slowly in the Palace of the Concubine. Because it was getting dark, there was no palace maid in the square outside the main hall to greet him.

The four got off the boat together, Wu Qingwan didn't want to destroy Jiang Yi's long-awaited reunion, and said:

"Go pick up Jiang Yi, Jingxuan and I will go back first."

Tang Jingxuan took the dumpling, who didn't recognize her mother a bit, from Shangguan Lingye's shoulder, and went out of the palace together with Wu Qingwan.

The home is just outside the city wall, just a few steps away. After Zuo Lingquan watched the two go away, he looked at Shangguan Lingye next to him:

"Senior, where is Jiang Yi?"

"In Canyang Pool, I asked Li Nu to take you there."

After two months of training, Shangguan Lingye has recovered most of his body, and his expression is as dignified as usual, just like a concubine returning from a trip, leading his guards to the main hall. The golden slim phoenix skirt outlines the waistline and hip line, and walks swayingly.

Zuo Lingquan followed, and it was not easy to stare at Shangguan Lingye's **** waist and buttocks. He raised his eyes and looked at the roof of the main hall. There were only a few statues of auspicious beasts at the top of the palace under the moonlight, but above the roof, there seemed to be In a small case, a pair of men and women are sitting, enjoying the wine.

Shangguan Lingye also looked up, his footsteps involuntarily slowed down, and he tilted his head and said;

"want to drink?"

Zuo Lingquan smiled: "My lady can call me anytime she wants to drink, but I just came back today, so I'm afraid I won't be able to drink."

"Little Bie is better than a newlywed, understand."

Shangguan Lingye walked up the white stone steps, looked at the empty main hall, and said:

"I have nothing to do every night. You can come over anytime. It's interesting to chat with you. It's more interesting than being in a daze alone."


Although Zuo Lingquan did not pay much attention to etiquette, he was not particularly presumptuous. He glanced at the Dayan Imperial City not far away and asked:

"I'm a man. If I run to the Empress's palace every night, will I let the imperial court..."

Shangguan Lingye stopped, turned to face Zuo Lingquan, his eyes were clear and majestic:

"Besides drinking, what else do you want to do to this palace?"

Zuo Lingquan bowed his hands in a salute: "Just drinking, how can the younger generation have unreasonable thoughts."

"That's it, the Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning. Are you worried that the Dayan Royal Family suspects that you have stolen their grandmother?"

"Uh... Junior dare not."


Shangguan Lingye didn't tease Zuo Lingquan anymore, raised his hand, and the white cat ran over from the Thousand Steps Gallery and squatted in front of him obediently.

"Junior farewell first."


Shangguan Lingye turned around and entered the main hall.

After Zuo Lingquan bowed his hands and said goodbye, he followed the white cat across the corridor and came to the vicinity of the dormitory.

At night, the lights around the dormitory were turned off, only the Canyang Pool was still brightly lit, and there was a faint sound of 'crashing'. ?

Zuo Lingquan was going to give Jiang Yi a surprise, but Jiang Yi also gave him a surprise.

He subconsciously slowed down and came to the steps outside Canyang Pond; the white cat barked, wanting to remind the two women inside, and he quickly "shhh".

The white cat was very smart, and didn't bother Zuo Lingquan, so he turned around and went to find his master.

"I went to see……"

Small words came from the palace.

Zuo Lingquan silently opened the door and entered the large, steaming bath. He was about to take a peek, but when he raised his eyes, he saw a girl turned around the screen and was covering her face with gloves on her bellyband.

It was very hot in Canyang Pond, and the white mist filled the line of sight, but at such a close distance, you could still see clearly.

Leng Zhu has a very slender figure, his skin can be broken by blowing bullets, and his legs are straight and slender like two jade pillars. Although the scale of Yingying's grip is not very large, it is better than delicate.

thinning hair...

Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, and the naked Leng Zhu slammed into his arms.


Gently muffled.

Leng Zhu didn't know whether to be shocked or frightened, and froze in place for a while.

Zuo Lingquan looked down and didn't know whether to hug him or back away, and in the end he didn't move at all.

Leng Zhu did not shout in panic as he expected, but pulled down his belly pocket and looked at it.

After realizing that he was in front of him who was thinking about the concubine, Leng Zhu's face quickly turned red, biting his lower lip in embarrassment, silently covering the place that should not be seen with his hands, squatted down, Holding himself tightly, he looked down at the ground.

Jiang Yi's hearing is not bad, she obviously sensed the movement behind the screen, and hurriedly got into the water, frowning at the screen:

"Leng Zhu, what's wrong?"

"No... nothing..."

Leng Zhu's heart is like a shy and breathless, but he doesn't dare to embrace Zuo Lingquan's good deeds, so he can only mutter a word to cover up.

Jiang Yi knew what happened after hearing this shy tone, her face changed slightly, and she said a little embarrassedly:

"Zuo Lingquan?!"

Zuo Lingquan took out a robe, squatted down and put it on Leng Zhu, and said with a smile:

"How did the princess know it was me?"

"Yeah~! You... gulu gulu..."

Jiang Yi went straight to the bottom of the pool, not knowing what she was talking about. Anyway, her tone was quite intense.

Leng Zhu stood up wrapped in his robe, his face was as red as blood, and he didn't dare to look at Zuo Lingquan, for fear of being punished by Jiang Yi to stand up, act like a loyal servant girl, and said, "My concubine, the princess is bathing, don't come in. ", then ran back to the screen and handed the skirt to Jiang Yi...

I just turned the day and night upside down before writing this chapter. It wasn't very well written. I originally wanted to post it tomorrow, but I've asked for leave twice this month, and I still posted it. This chapter may have to be refined tomorrow.

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