Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 15: grandma's taste

"Isn't it shameful? One side respected the Lord, the guardian of the younger generation was caught by the guardian. You are the first from ancient times to the present."

"How does this deity know that he is so alert, how did he find me?"

"Don't stare from a distance, lean in front of others, you're arrogant in the building, who doesn't he look at you?"

"Twist... Who said that? Where did I twist..."

In the willow forest by the lake, the young woman with the flower hairpin looked slightly annoyed, muttered to herself silently, and looked down at her slender waist and plump buttocks.

After pondering a little, I felt that Zuo Lingquan found out that he might have been wandering around Zuo Lingquan too much, and they were all familiar.

After thinking for a while, the woman with the flower hairpin raised her eyes and looked at the lake shore—a young swordsman in a robe, holding a stack of miscellaneous books, and the two girls chatting and laughing toward the waterside pavilion:

"Young Master Zuo, how do you buy these things that are cultivating chicks? I bought them before, it was completely scribbled, take this stuff seriously, not to mention being a fairy, you have to walk too arrogantly without being three miles away from the mountain gate. kill people..."

"Walking like a dumpling?"

"Yes, yes, swaying left and right, taking eight-figure steps..."


The birds walking behind him paused.


The young woman with the flower hairpin took a few glances, and did not follow her where she left. She wandered alone by the Chunchao Lake to relieve the annoyance of "the ancestors came out of the mountains and achieved nothing".

After pacing back and forth for a long time, the anxiety of the young woman with the flower hairpin did not disappear, but she found that there was a cruise ship sailing far away on the lake.

The young woman with the flower hairpin knew that Zuo Lingquan's trip was related to the Qu family's qin, and after a little pondering, her figure moved with the wind, floated silently across the lake, and came to the cruise ship.


The scale of the cruise ship is quite large, and there are ethereal piano sounds wafting out of the boat building. The boat is full of children of noble families near Spring Tide Lake, elders and deacons of small sects, and people from the rich and powerful families of Xianjia have never seen it. .

The young woman with the flower hairpin walked slowly into the ship building, and after looking at it a little, through the floor of the corridor, she sensed that in the hall above, there were a few monks sitting, changing cups, and saying compliments:

"...Sir, today's song is really wonderful. Several people who showed up in the Yuchan Palace saw the expressions on their faces, and they were all dumbfounded and ashamed..."

"It's overrated, Qianqiu Yuefu's accomplishments in qin music are the best in the world. This old man performed on stage and made Qianqiu Yuefu treat him with a straight face. It's far from being ashamed..."

"It's hard to say Qianqiu Yuefu. Those 'people' who were born in other sects must be ashamed. This time even people from the Dongzhou Nanmeng came over. I heard from the ancestors that there used to be Xiangyang City there, and they were very good at Qinqu. Also quite accomplished..."

"Oh, the old story of Chen Zhi's rotten millet. Three thousand years ago, Dongzhou's heritage was not inferior to Huajunzhou, but now it is only a wealthy family with some background, and the things left by the ancestors have long been forgotten..."

"Ha ha……"


The young woman with the flower hairpin frowned, and judging from the names of several people, it should be Mr. Sanzhu, the young master of the Qu family, the housekeeper of the Qu family, and the head of a small family nearby.

They flattered each other without any nourishment and didn't mean to snoop, but the young woman with the flower hairpin had nothing to do and didn't leave. After listening to this for half an hour, Mr. Sanzhu, who was sitting on it, suddenly asked:

"Qingxiao Crane Weeping is a famous qin in ancient times. The old man has also inquired about it in many ways. He only knows that after the decline of Xuanwutai in Beizhou, this qin has been handed over several times, and finally fell into the hands of an expert on the top of the mountain; something happened to Dongzhou three thousand years ago. Many masters have surrendered to the devil to steal pills in the past, and that master was among them, but his whereabouts are unknown, and there is no news about the qin, where did Young Master Qu get this qin?"

The battle of pill stealing is the dividing line between ancient times and today's spiritual practice. At that time, not only was Yuyao Continent interrupted, but many monks from other continents were also killed and injured. The two played a role in the battle of stealing pills.

Because the situation is so tragic, the ritual of saving the dead has lasted for more than a hundred years. It is difficult to count which righteous people sacrificed their lives at that time. Those who can leave their names are the children of the big sects that still exist; After the death of the sect, or the master hermit who does not show the mountains and dew, no one really remembers it.

The young woman with the flower hairpin recalled, but did not remember this character, and listened to the answer of the young master of the Qu family:

"Hehe, hehe... It's also a coincidence. My father likes to collect these things. He visited the Taoist ancestral home a few decades ago. When passing by Tianmen Gorge, he came across an old shop, and went in for a stroll, and found this picture. Qin, the strings are gone, I don’t know who replaced it with ordinary silk; the shopkeeper doesn’t know the goods, but my father’s eyesight is not bad.

"Really? This luck is really envious of others. The old man has been begging for his whole life, but he has never found a decent piano..."


The young woman with the flower hairpin frowned slightly, and felt that the origin was a common scene of 'going out for a stroll and picking up ancient immortal soldiers'. There were many rumors about the cultivation path, but very few had such luck, and they might not be able to meet one in a hundred years.

The young woman with the flower hairpin knew that Xie Qiutao wanted this violin, but she could not do the evil deeds of tyranny against her conscience.

If you want to get the qin justifiably, the best starting point is of course the unreasonable origin of the Qu family's acquisition of this qin. If the Qu family robbed the qin by killing people and stealing treasures, then she would eat black, even if she killed the people and captured it easily Booty too.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, the young woman with the flower hairpin silently entered a study on the second floor of the ship building and waited quietly.

After waiting for about half an hour, the banquet in the living room was over, and several VIPs were sent to their respective rooms to rest. The young master of the Qu family, Qu Xiangwen, dressed in brocade robes, led the housekeeper to the study, and said along the way:

"...I heard that the disciple of the East Continent Valkyrie arrived at the Jade Chan Palace, and she is still a fairy. I don't know if there is a Taoist companion..."

The old housekeeper behind him, Qu Xiangwen's confidant and guard, shook his head in response:

"Young master, don't think about this. I heard that the direct descendant of the Valkyrie came over, and everyone who wants to climb the family has been lined up from Qianqiu Yuefu to Thunder Cliff. The rich and powerful families of Xianjia think it's a toad who wants to eat swan meat. It's a joke to mention this..."

"Hey, about marriage, no one can say for sure. Fairies from wealthy families like to be born, and it's not uncommon for them to be born. Besides, the wealthy families of the fairy family are also accumulated from generation to generation. Our Qu family does not have enough knowledge now, and we will accumulate thousands of children. For a hundred years, it is not impossible to be among the top immortals; to be the direct descendant of the Valkyrie, the eyesight must be good, maybe you will see my potential... By the way, I don't seem to have heard of the East Continent Valkyrie. companion……"


The old butler took a deep breath, raised his hand quickly, and stopped the young master who had been drunk:

"Young master, wake up the bar first. As long as your words are heard by those who have a heart, even if our Qu family escapes disaster, the name of 'nouveau riche' will be confirmed. There are not many people who are the direct descendants of the Valkyrie. If you can climb high, you still put your mind on... ah, it sounds bad, do you deserve it?"

"I do not deserve."

Qu Xiangwen really drank a little too much, and he just made a few random words because of his drunkenness. How dare he really think about such an unrealistic thing.

Not to mention that he is the young master of an aristocratic family, even if he is the strongest ten people in the world, I am afraid that he would not dare to love the female Hades in Dongzhou.

Because even if they get married by luck, the Valkyrie of Dongzhou can still be called 'Xianggong' like a little daughter-in-law?

In the eyes of all cultivators, no one in the world can be called a 'xianggong' by the Valkyrie; even if the Valkyrie is moved, it is most likely that the Valkyrie said, "Kneel down!" When a man trembled, he whispered:

"I'm an immortal hero anyway, give me a face, can I go home and kneel again?".

The dignified giant on the mountain is well behaved, who wants to try this kind of inhuman treatment?

In Qu Xiangwen's view, those who can generate this kind of thinking are probably all the five elements and their destiny are all 'born and courageous'; they dare to put it into practice and try to conquer the Valkyrie, and they can be worthy of a 'peerless mental retardation'; It is impossible for someone like the Continent Valkyrie to be embraced by a Continent Overlord.

After being reminded by the old housekeeper, Qu Xiangwen felt a little floating, so he asked the housekeeper to greet the guests first, enter the study, and stay alone for a while to dispel the alcohol.

There are four treasures of the study and many ornaments in the study, and there is also a piano table on the inside.

Qu Xiangwen walked to the piano platform and sat down, and took out an ancient yellow lyre from the Linglong Pavilion. Although the body of the piano is full of historic sites and looks very old, the wood is like topaz, and it has a sense of transparency in the candlelight. If you look closely, you can even see the golden threads flowing in the wood.

Through inquiries from various parties, the Qu family knew the origin of this qin and understood that what was flowing in it was the remnant breath of the crane that failed to soar, or it could be said to be a 'tool spirit'.

It's a pity that the age of 'Qingxiao Crane Weeping' is too long ago. It appeared before the end of life. Although the spirit is still there, it has dissipated and little is left. Now it can only be regarded as a rare fairy-quality guqin. , it is impossible to expect it to exert other special effects.

Of course, if it weren't for this, the Qu family would not dare to take out such heavy weapons.

Through secret inquiries from the elders in the family, Qu Xiangwen knew that the ancient overlord of Beishouzhou, Xuanwutai, had a pipa 'round the hall thunder' that supported the facade. Tiangong Temple, known as the "Sound Town Outside the Territory".

The weight of 'Lei Dian Lei' is comparable to that of the 'San Qing bell' in the hands of the Taoist ancestral headmaster, and the Qianqiu Yuefu has been handed down from generation to generation. Only the ancestors can hold the 'Kui Drum'. They are all in the wild and ancient times. , something used to deal with descending demons.

"Qingxiao Crane Weeping" on the piano stage, if there is such a weight, Qu Xiangwen should not mention it and show it off. I am afraid that the first time he gets it, he will pay tribute to several overlords of Huajunzhou, so as not to provoke the annihilation of the clan. disaster.

Although the artifact spirit has long since disappeared, it is a rare treasure that has left a name in history.

Qu Xiangwen sat in front of the piano platform and felt that his own momentum was different. The meaning was probably - Shi Xianjun used a fairy instrument, and I also used a fairy instrument, so I and Shi Xianjun were also standing. on the same level.

Qu Xiangwen didn't know how to play the piano, but he fiddled with it a few times as he was so excited.


The deep and rich tune echoed in the study, the sound was not loud, but it disturbed people's minds.

It was also at this moment that Qu Xiangwen was in a trance, his eyes were dull, and there was no more movement in front of him.

"This thing is something you can play around? Cow chews peony..."

A soft voice sounded from the corner of the room, and then water-like lines appeared. The voice of a beautiful woman with a flower hairpin slowly emerged from the corner of the wall.

Qu Xiangwen sat cross-legged behind the piano platform, staring blankly ahead, but did not respond.

The beautiful woman with the flower hairpin came to the tea table next to her and sat down. Instead of touching the rare ancient famous qin, she asked:

"Where did you get this piano from?"

Like a dream, Qu Xiangwen said:

"My father dug up the grave."


The young woman with the flower hairpin was stunned for a moment, inexplicably:

"What grave to dig?"

"My father is a loose cultivator, and he knows Feng Shui. He likes to search for treasures everywhere to find opportunities. Once, he stumbled into the deserted bone beach and found a large tomb. My father called it 'The Mausoleum of the Immortal King'. There are many things in it. This qin is one of them. ……in……"

Qu Xiangwen said here, his eyes moved, and there was a struggle in his eyes, and there were signs of awakening.

When this happens, it means that what to say is extremely important to Qu Xiangwen, and subconsciously reminds himself to keep his mouth shut and try to break free from the uncontrollable situation.

Qu Xiangwen is the head of the Qu family, and the cultivation base of You Huang is at the peak. He cannot control the technique of the soul, but he already has a certain resistance to the technique of the soul. Continuing hypnosis will definitely start the snake.

Seeing this, the young woman with the flower hairpin did not interfere, and her figure disappeared in the study in an instant.


The strings rang again.

Qu Xiangwen blinked a few times, and after looking around the study room, he didn't notice anything unusual. He looked down at Guqin in front of him again, and said in surprise:

"As expected of an immortal musical instrument, it's really powerful..."


In the veranda outside the study.

The young woman with the flower hairpin listened a little, and after seeing that Qu Xiangwen didn't notice anything unusual, she walked away with the wind and returned to the lakeside on Hongma Street.

"Desolate Bone Beach... Immortal King Mausoleum..."

The young woman with the flower hairpin remembered that the Barren Bone Beach was an ancient battlefield in Huajunzhou, a barren land, but the Mausoleum of the Immortal King had never heard of it.

The Li He Qu family was able to start a family in just three hundred years, and they were able to keep this secret subconsciously tight-lipped, which means that not only had they discovered the burial place of their ancestors, but there were still unknown things hidden behind them...

The young woman with the flower hairpin pondered for a moment and felt that she could check this matter. She raised her hand and took out a paper bird from her sleeve and placed it in the palm of her hand.

As soon as I thought about it, the paper bird in my palm came to life, transformed into a little sparrow, and flew to the boundless night outside the Spring Tide Lake...


The lakeside waterside pavilion has an elegant environment, surrounded by evergreen bamboos to block the nearby buildings, you can hear the hustle and bustle on the street from a distance, and you can also see the cruise ships on the spring tide lake.

Two pillars protrude into the lake water to support the terrace, there is a roof for shade above, lanterns are hung at the corners of the eaves, the terrace is covered with carpets, there are tea cases, and tea and snacks are placed.

Zuo Lingquan was wearing a robe of a son, holding a fishing rod bought from Duobaotan, and sat cross-legged on the edge of the terrace as a fisherman.

The dumpling waiting for the crab to be hooked was a little impatient. Behind Zuo Lingquan, he rolled from left to right, and then from right to left, and hummed to the tune of the pipa:

"Clang clang ~..."


Xie Qiutao sat in front of him holding the iron pipa, playing the tune earnestly, with a sheet of music just bought from Bafangzhai on his knees.

Tang Jingxuan was sitting next to the tea table in the back, holding two stacked books in his hand. .

Perhaps out of fear of being discovered, Tang Jing glanced at Xie Qiutao before quietly turning a page, not even looking for the dumplings who didn't sleep at night and wanted to eat crabs.

Zuo Lingquan stared at the fish float on the surface of the water seriously, showing a little sense of fascination. He was still thinking about what the female cultivator with a beautiful **** was doing, but it was a pity that the ancestor didn't say it, and he couldn't figure out why.

After waiting for a long time, the crab didn't take the bait. Zuo Lingquan put his eyes on the round-faced little girl next to him. Seeing her earnestly practicing the song, he opened his mouth and said:

"Qiutao, you didn't come to perform for the Mid-Autumn Festival, right? I see that you don't care about Qingxiaohe Weeping very much."

Xie Qiutao slowed down playing the pipa and sighed faintly:

"Shangxin is useless. What the Xie family's unworthy descendants sold can't be robbed by future generations, so they have to redeem it with money. I still owe a lot of debt to senior Shangguan, where can I afford it?"

Zuo Lingquan knew that there was no upper limit on the price of Xianpin musical instruments, so he could only laugh at this:

"Let's see the situation the day after tomorrow. If the Qu family makes a rude remark, let me find a chance to get angry, and maybe I will get the piano back."

Xie Qiutao hurriedly shook his head: "Don't, Hua Junzhou, these wealthy families, pay the most attention to tolerance. You can do it in the occasions where you should do it, but in elegant occasions such as chess games and playing music, whoever uses force to judge the level will be regarded as a hometown by them. The barbarian who came down. You have finally gained a big reputation, but you can't be looked down upon any more."

"Hey, I don't know anything other than practicing swordsmanship. If I want to talk about poetry and songs, I seem to remember some, but not all of them, um... The luminous cup of wine and wine, the dark clouds are pressing down on the city and it is about to destroy... No, I want to hold the pipa and cover it. face... not right..."

Xie Qiutao blinked his eyes, wanted to laugh but felt it was inappropriate, and said softly:

"These things are all leisurely and elegant. Zuo Gongzi really thinks about this, it is a waste of talent. The Mid-Autumn Festival will watch me perform. I am an orthodox heir of Xuanwutai. Teaching the same platform to talk about Taoism, there is only a Qianqiu Yuefu, I can handle it."


Zuo Lingquan hesitated.

The dumpling rolled between the two, but raised his head and looked at Tao Tao, who was full of confidence. After a few voices, he should be asking - Tao Tao, do you want to play cotton in public?

Xie Qiutao understood the meaning of the dumpling, her eyes sank, she raised her hand and flicked, and the dumpling rolled down from the edge of the terrace.


an exclamation.

Zuo Lingquan wanted to pick up the dumplings, but when he saw the dumplings that were about to fall into the water, they flew up with their small wings, landed behind Xie Qiutao, and squeezed Xie Qiutao down angrily.

Zuo Lingquan almost forgot that the dumplings were not free chickens, he could fly by himself, so he closed his hands angrily, watching the dumplings push Qiu Tao's **** with some amusing.

so soft...

Zuo Lingquan blinked, realizing that he was looking in the wrong place, and looked away again.

Jing Xing, who was behind him, pondered the book in his hand, and wanted to propose Zuo Lingquan to go back to the house and try the moves written in the book.

After all, she spent thirty white jade beads to buy it, and she used her private money.

However, Xie Qiutao was in front of him, and he must be misunderstood when he asked the man to go back to the house, so he was embarrassed.

When Tang Jingxun was hesitating about how to speak, the incompetent and furious dumpling suddenly paused, stuck his head out from behind Qiu Tao's butt, looked at the lake, raised his wings and pointed:


The three followed the direction of the wings, but they saw a large cruise ship on the lake in the Tianshui line, heading for the mouth of Chunchao Lake.

Tang Jing was not sure why: "What the hell? Is there something?"


The dumplings were a little excited, and spread their wings and kept gesturing.

Zuo Lingquan understood the body language - compared to the size of Ling Ye's chest, which means 'like the smell of a wet nurse'!

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were looked carefully at the lake, the distance was no less than ten miles. With his extraordinary perception, he could vaguely see that the boat was full of Yingyingyanyan, but he couldn't tell who it was.

When Zuo Lingquan left Yuyaozhou, he knew that Lingye would come to visit the friend of Tiecu Mansion, but Lingye did not tell him when he would come and the route of the visit, but only said that he would be notified when they met. The purpose is naturally to let him not expect someone to protect the road behind his back.

Today's buttocks female cultivator, isn't it Ling Ye?

It's not like, if it's Ling Ye, no matter how well you pretend to be, you can recognize it at a glance...

Zuo Lingquan was not sure, after thinking for a while, he got up and said:

"I'll go check the situation."





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