Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 15: Unable to be a doctor

Zuo Lingquan was wrapped in pink petals, clinging to Sister Yingying's back, and smashed into the ground with the ground escape technique.

After more than ten feet into the ground, the dark red poisonous fog raging behind was completely isolated by the land.

Although this place is a barren mountain, the underground structure is extremely delicate, and there are a large number of special rocks forming a barrier, which isolates the breath of the ground.

After Zuo Lingquan passed through the rock formations, he felt that there were breath fluctuations from the depths of the ground.

Cui Yingying used her technique to clear the way, her familiar and charming cheeks lost three points of blood, but her expression was as usual, solemn and dignified, like a strong aunt who was protecting the younger generation.

Cui Yingying slowed down when she noticed the chaotic atmosphere in the ground. The first sentence she said was not a reminder of the situation below, but a slightly displeased exhortation:

"You stinky boy, why do you dare to move your feet on any occasion? A group of juniors were watching from below. How do you want me to explain to the juniors?"

Zuo Lingquan paid attention to the underground situation, did not perceive a particularly strong demonic energy, and breathed a sigh of relief:

"I saw that Sister Yingying was beaten by a snake, so I didn't pay attention to anything else and rushed up..."

"What do you mean by being beaten?"

Cui Yingying's eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and she looked back at Zuo Lingquan:

"A black snake that has run out of oil, what can you do to the deity? The monster that you can put down with one sword, the deity can't take care of? It's obviously your own diligence..."

Zuo Lingquan nodded: "Yes, yes, it's me who is courteous."

"What's your tone?" Cui Yingying stared.

"Haha..." Zuo Lingquan put on a bit of a smile, and while sneaking into the ground, he hugged Sister Yingying's shoulder and said softly:

"Sister Yingying is a pharmacist, and the martial arts around you are not dead, so you shouldn't let you take the lead... I ran out to help out to play my role, not because I felt that Sister Yingying couldn't beat her. Afterwards, I touched Sister Yingying's face, pure and innocent. The spring breeze is a little smug, and I forgot the occasion..."

When Cui Yingying heard this, the displeasure in her eyes subsided slightly.

She just knew that Zuo Lingquan was in front of her, and Zuo Lingquan jumped out with a sword to show the dashing and heroic appearance of a mysterious snake. She looked very cheerful, but naturally she couldn't say these feelings in front of Zuo Lingquan.

Cui Yingying couldn't pretend she didn't notice that she was being hugged by her shoulders, she squeezed gently with her shoulders:

"Be honest, your skin is itchy again, right? I haven't cleaned you up from what happened just now..."

"This place is quite weird. I'm a little scared in my heart, so hold onto Sister Yingying more steadfastly."

"You're scared?"


Zuo Lingquan made a nervous look.


Cui Yingying didn't know what to say, no one went to the ground again, she didn't bother to care about it, and took Zuo Lingquan to break through the formation and came to the underground space.

Zuo Lingquan originally thought that the underground was a natural karst cave, mine or something, but after breaking through the rock from the ceiling of the underground space, the scene he saw surprised him.

The underground space is very large. From the top, it is a square platform. On the platform, you can see the ancient patterns of time and time.

In the middle of the platform is an old snake-coiled well. The mouth of the well is three feet in diameter. The spiritual energy is so strong that it can be seen by the naked eye.

The platform was not clean. The densely packed snakes were all twisted and knotted. The small ones were only **** long and the large ones were nearly 10 feet long.

The edge of the platform is surrounded by a river channel, which is filled with snake skins, snake scales and other debris, as well as some human and beast bones. There is no odor, but a strange fragrance. The stone walls of the underground space are full of holes. There are also countless snakes hanging, which are extremely terrifying under the green light, and I don't know where to go.

Zuo Lingquan hovered in mid-air, took his hand off Sister Yingying's shoulder, frowned and glanced around:

"Is this the lair of the big snake above?"

Cui Yingying carefully observed the pattern on the platform and shook her head:

"No, this is the place where the black snakes practice and reproduce. It is an altar. The hole in the wall leads to the monster's lair; the larger snakes and monsters have all run away, and the rest are ordinary small snakes, even monsters. No, I only know how to mate... mate..."

Cui Yingying said that the expression here is a bit strange, and looked elsewhere.

Zuo Lingquan looked at the stone platform carefully, only to find that tens of thousands of snakes were entangled together, obviously doing something that conforms to the nature of heaven.

There are old people in the world, and seeing snakes mating is unlucky, Zuo Lingquan moved his eyes to the surrounding area and smelled it with his nose:

"What does it taste like? It's quite fragrant."

Cui Yingying also smelled it, then her eyes changed, and she raised her hand to cover Zuo Lingquan's mouth and nose:

"Are you going to die? You dare to smell it in the demon clan's lair. This is the body fluid secreted by the lustful snake. It is extremely poisonous. Hurry up and stick to the heart lake of Qifu, don't let the poisonous gas attack your mind and confuse your mind. I don't have time to detoxify you. ."?

Zuo Lingquan didn't feel the poison. After all, ordinary snakes can survive here, how could it be possible to poison him to death.

But seeing that Sister Yingying was so serious, he hurriedly mobilized the true energy in his body, suppressing the inexplicable heat in his heart, and asked:

"What should I do with this place?"


Cui Yingying flew to somewhere on the edge of the platform and gestured to the three corpses below:

"This should be the few monks who disappeared in Camel Peak Mountain a few days ago. The snakes here have eaten human flesh, and they will become demons in the future.

Zuo Lingquan looked at the bottom of the river, and he could see that the three corpses were still wearing robes and protective gear. One of them was wearing a Taoist ancestral waist badge, but his body had become bones, and there were snakes coming in and out from the seven orifices; the limbs of the corpses were nailed to the stone The edge of the table is probably thrown here to feed the snakes.

Zuo Lingquan frowned, and said nothing more, raised his hand, and burned the snake cave with fire.

Cui Yingying's expression was not normal, and the dark red marks on her hands were a little darker, so she hid in her sleeves and did not help, but just stood by the side to be vigilant.


Although Zuo Lingquan is not good at fire techniques, he has already refined the fire of his life, and the momentum of his spells is still terrifying.

As he started, there were several vicious auras from the depths of the cave full of holes on the stone wall.

Zuo Lingquan sensed killing intent and looked at the cave on the stone wall:

"It seems that there are still monsters in the ground that haven't escaped."

Cui Yingying glanced at the stone wall and said solemnly:

"It's pointless to kill these little snakes, and there are snake demons hiding in their lair. If you want to kill them, you must kill them and find them."

Cui Yingying followed the direction of the breath to find the trace of the monster, but when she moved, even if she tried her best to maintain her natural appearance, her movements were still three-pointed rigid.

Zuo Lingquan was not injured. Seeing this, he was slightly startled, so he hurriedly came to him and took Cui Yingying's hand to check, but saw that her body was cold and biting, and a chill was raging in the meridians, causing a layer of skin to form on the surface. Thin cream.

Cui Yingying quickly put away her hand and frowned, "I said I'm fine... Kill the little demon first."

Zuo Lingquan felt that Sister Yingying was forcibly supporting him in front of him, and the snake venom of the jade-rank demon, even with her butt, knew that it was not something that could be solved easily.

Seeing that Sister Yingying couldn't hold back the snake's venom, Zuo Lingquan didn't have the heart to chase the little demon, so he quickly picked her up and flew to the ground.

"What are you doing with me? I'm really fine."

Cui Yingying got out of her arms and made an appearance of "everything is under the control of the deity". She wanted to continue to hunt down the monsters, but Zuo Lingquan was disobedient, forcibly hugged her and quickly came to the surface.

At this time, on the surface of the earth, Jing Xun washed the entire mountain with flames. The snake body of Xuanyin Snake Ancestor was roasted to give off its fragrance. Shangguan Baxue and others had been driven dozens of miles by the fire and snake venom. out.

Danzi was helping Jingxing set fire to the mountain, while Qiu Tao was standing on the ground, sensing the situation underground.

The two broke through the ground, Xie Qiutao ran over quickly, and found that Sister Yingying's face was frosty and snowy, and there was indeed a thin frost on her cheeks, and the coldness was so heavy that it was difficult to get close. Her face changed:

"Sister Yingying, are you poisoned?"

"It's just a little poison, it's harmless."

"Is this too small?"

On the other side, the dumplings that were grilling the big snake saw that Nanny Yingying was about to freeze into popsicles, so she flew over and landed in Cui Yingying's arms to warm her hands.

Zuo Lingquan didn't know about Sister Yingying's injury, so he didn't dare to be careless, and flew down beside Jingxing:

"Jingxu, can the ancestor come over now?"

Although the distance was relatively far, Cui Yingying heard it clearly and was about to say, "Don't call her, I said I'm fine."

But before he spoke, Jing Xun, who was fanning the flames, had already responded:

"The dead mother said that Sister Yingying is fine, don't worry."

"Oh, all right……"


How am I all right?

Didn't you see that I was frozen like this?

Cui Yingying was very angry at this remark, and what was even more annoyed was that Zuo Lingquan was relieved after hearing the words of Shangguan's ancestor!

Outsiders say I'm fine, do you think I'm fine?

Are you such a man?

But these words were hard to say, and Cui Yingying was a little aggrieved when she stood there.

Fortunately, the ancestors of Shangguan are just angry and arrogant girlfriends, and they really don't care.

Tang Jingxuan negotiated a few words in her heart, and then continued:

"My mother-in-law asked you and Qiu Tao to go underground and cut the roots first, and I'll just take care of Sister Yingying."

With the ancestor present, Zuo Lingquan was not worried about the safety of Jingxong and Yingying. He nodded immediately, took out a lot of medicinal pills prepared in Linglong Pavilion, put them in Jingxun's arms, and then went with Qiu Tao. Re-dive into the snake cave.

Cui Yingying wanted to follow, but the cold poison raging in her body really needed time to resolve, so she didn't try to be brave, she just reminded:

"Zuo Lingquan, the depth of the ground is unknown. Remember not to chase deeply. No one can protect you when I'm not around."

"Understood, I have always acted steadily."

"Sister Yingying, don't worry, if Young Master Zuo is not stable, I will help him to be stable."



Cui Yingying didn't believe Zuo Lingquan at all, but she was quite relieved about Qiu Tao, who was 'the first to escape'.

When the two of them disappeared from the surface, Cui Yingying's calm look dissipated immediately, showing a bit of fatigue, and her body shook twice.

Tang Jingxuan ran over with a pile of medicinal pills, and supported Sister Yingying's body with one hand. She found that her soft and boneless waist was almost freezing, and said nervously:

"Sister Yingying, you..."

"Don't worry, you just need to rest."

Cui Yingying was still able to support her high popularity in front of Zuo Lingquan, but Zuo Lingquan lost her motivation as soon as she left.

She summoned the hanging attic and placed it on top of the scorched mountain in the mountains. She walked slowly through the door, but her pace became slower and slower. When she got outside the bedroom on the third floor, she stopped and closed her eyes.

Tang Jingxuan was not a doctor, so she was naturally anxious when she saw this scene. She carried Sister Yingying, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, into the bedroom and asked in her heart:

"Dead mother-in-law, what do you care about? Sister Yingying is frozen like this. Why don't you come and treat her injuries?"

The ancestor of Shangguan responded indifferently: "She likes to die to save face and suffer, and the deity may not ask me to help. Besides, it's just a little bit of snake venom, she can bear it, and nothing will happen."

Jing You put the frozen sister Yingying on the bed and covered it with a quilt:

"Then how should I take care of it? I can't just watch it, right?"

"The mysterious snake is from yin to cold, and the poisoned person will damage the essence, qi and blood; your body is different from ordinary people, and when it reaches yang, it's enough to hold her to warm her body, and then give her some medicinal herbs to replenish qi and strengthen her vitality, It will be back to normal soon.”

Jing You heard the words and did as she said, lying on the bed, hugging Sister Yingying, who was round and jade-like, in her arms, the cold feeling made her shrink her neck.

Jing Xun glanced at Sister Yingying who was close at hand, saw her frown slightly stretched, secretly relieved, thinking about it and muttering in her heart:

"This matter should come from Xiao Zuo. It feels weird for two women to hug."

"He thinks beautifully."


"The deity means that his five elements are hydrophilic and his physique is yin. Holding it will only make him colder, so he can't do it."


Jing Ying nodded suspiciously. Healing is the most important thing. He didn't think much about this kind of thing.

"What medicine should I take now? I'm afraid the healing pill is useless..."

Jingyou has been walking on the cultivation path for so long. He can recognize ordinary medicinal herbs and know how to use them. However, the realm of Venerable Peach Blossom is too high, and most of the medicinal herbs are 'jelly beans', which have little effect, so I don't know how to feed them. what.

The ancestor of Shangguan was silent for a while, and he should be looking through Jingxing's eyes, and then said:

"Reinforce Yuan Dan is fine. There are also Yang Yuan Dan, Sheng Yuan Dan, etc. As long as the words 'Yuan and Yang' are included, they are all medicinal pills for nourishing essence and strengthening Yuan."


Tang Jingxuan rummaged through a pile of pill boxes and asked again:

"How much do you have to eat?"

"She has a strong physique, she works hard, and she feeds as much as she has."


Tang Jingxun nodded slightly, picked out the medicinal pill, and fed it into Venerable Peach Blossom's mouth. After feeding two pills, she picked up a beautifully decorated pill box and looked at it carefully:

"Longyang Dan... Is this thing edible?"

" can feed her if you want."

"Why do I want to feed her? I'm asking for your idea. Do you dare to feed her if you don't let me eat?"

"People in the practice must have their own opinions, and everything is decided by the deity. After that, you and Ling Ye will be jealous, and the deity will let you back, do you listen?"


Tang Jingshen was too lazy to talk to the mother-in-law any more. She really couldn't eat it anyway, and the mother-in-law would definitely not let her feed her indiscriminately. Thinking about it, she opened the pill box...—

At the same time, underground.

The monstrous fire swept through the snake cave, turning the huge platform into purgatory. The entrenched poisonous snakes had already been turned into fly ash, and even the surrounding waterways were dried, revealing the snake scales and bones on the bottom.

Xie Qiutao carried the iron pipa on his back and fell into the underground space with the dumplings. Zuo Lingquan walked in front, vigilant against the surrounding.

The smoke was billowing in the underground space, and the smell was not pungent, but carried the aroma of roasted snakes; the dumplings had just been greedy and hungry by the roasted snakes. Unburned snakes to fill their stomachs.

Unfortunately, Zuo Lingquan immediately hugged the dumpling back and shook his head:

"These snakes have eaten human flesh, they are not clean and cannot be eaten."


The dumplings are a bit innocent. They spread out their small wings, which means that big crabs can't be eaten, big snakes can't be eaten, and small snakes can't be eaten. Isn't the bird coming for nothing?

Zuo Lingquan took out a small dried fish to feed the dumplings, and was about to perceive the surrounding caves when he suddenly heard Qiu Tao from his side:

"It's delicious, no wonder the dumplings are so greedy."

The strange fragrance in the snake cave came from the river around the platform. At this time, the river was steamed dry, and the fragrance even overwhelmed the burnt smell.

Just as Zuo Lingquan wanted to smell it, he remembered the reminder from Venerable Tao Hua, and quickly covered Qiu Tao's mouth and nose:

"Don't smell it, it's poisonous."


Xie Qiutao was stunned by the big hand covering her mouth, and quickly turned away, her face slightly red:

"What kind of poison can there be in a place where ordinary snakes and mice can survive? Zuo Gongzi, don't scare people."

Zuo Lingquan also thought the same way, but Sister Yingying told him to be cautious, and after signaling Qiu Tao not to smell indiscriminately, together they surveyed the riddled cave on the stone wall.

The size of the hole varies, the small one is only as thick as a finger, and the large one can be dozens of feet in diameter. Judging from the scratches on the stone walls in the cave, snakes should often enter and exit these holes.

Zuo Lingquan carefully felt that the demonic energy that appeared when the snake cave was on fire had disappeared. It was not easy to find the snake demon hidden deep in the ground.

Xie Qiutao's perception range is similar to Zuo Lingquan's, there are monster footprints everywhere, but there is no clue to pursue. She thought for a while, then looked at the dumpling who was still looking back at the roast snake:

"Tuan'er, where is the snake demon? Take us there."

The dumpling opened the bird's beak, signaling to reward him first, and after the dried fish had eaten his mouth, he carefully observed the stone cave surrounding the snake cave, "jijiji..." gestured with his wings.

Zuo Lingquan observed, it should be said that there are many monsters in the snake cave, and I want to find a big one.

Judging from the size of the cave, it is difficult to count the monsters hidden in the snake, but there are not many monsters in the snake cave.

Zuo Lingquan came over to cut the grass and roots, naturally he had to do his best to kill it, and after a little consideration, he said:

"Kill the biggest one, and it doesn't matter if you miss some small fish and shrimp."


After the group got the order, they began to search for the largest snake demon around!

The result came out quickly, and the dumpling pointed his wings to a hole in the northwest.

Xie Qiutao turned around and saw that the entrance of the cave was about as tall as a person, and the inside was quite clean. It seemed that no monsters had moved around for many years. She wondered:

"Is there a big monster hidden in here?"


The dumpling nodded as if pecking at rice, and walked inside with the two of them.

After Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao looked at each other, out of trust in the perception of the dumplings, they walked into the cave together...

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