Top Horror Novelist

Chapter 121: (1)

The panic of the people in the market made it difficult to pass through.

Fortunately, Chi Yiyin didn't take the usual path.

Since everyone is crowded on the ground, there is still space above for people to leave.

Chi Yiyin only glanced at it, then decisively jumped onto the booth and the shed with his long legs. Relying on the length and lightness of his legs, he crossed the "fortress" that was blocked by water in a few jumps, and landed lightly He slightly bent his knees to relieve the pressure, then straightened up and strode towards the place where the scream was first heard.

At this time, although he wasted some time with Li Sijun, he was the first to arrive at the scene.

Others, whether they wanted to stay away or came to support, blocked the gate in the market not far away, screaming and shoving.

Chi Wanwan didn't come to the scene with Chi Yiyin, she successfully received Chi Yiyin's hand gesture to her halfway, she lifted her skirt tacitly and changed direction, and went to the alley.

Chi Wanwan, one of the bosses of level C level dungeons, although she still looks like a bright girl, she herself died long ago in the flames of Luchuan University in reality. As the incarnation of obsession and hatred She is far more powerful than she appears.

Chi Yiyin not only regards her as a student in his math class, but also as a companion during the journey. Regarding the division of labor and cooperation, he arranges it reasonably and clearly, and gives Chi Wanwan the greatest respect.

Chi Wanwan was also very happy with Chi Yiyin's trust, thinking that there might be a murderer hiding in the alley, she was so happy that her eyes sparkled.

—What could be happier than making a murderer miserable?

When Chi Yiyin glanced at the alley from the corner of her eye, she saw the corner of Chi Wanwan's goose-yellow dress flying out of the darkness like a butterfly.

"That kid...looks happy."

Ma Yuze appeared behind Chi Yiyin silently.

She wore a horse riding outfit similar to Chi Yiyin's. With her long hair coiled up high and a whip tied around her waist, she looked heroic and valiant, perfectly blending into the market of this small town, even the most staid people Also acknowledge her excellence.

Chi Yiyin tilted her head when she heard the words, seeing Ma Yuze following the direction Chi Wanwan left, her eyes were filled with emotion and nostalgia, as if she was thinking of the past.

He smiled: "If only we help blindly, and the people being helped don't try to stand up, no matter how much we pay, it will be in vain. Fortunately, every night is worth being helped."]

"Yuze, human evil will not disappear with the passage of time. No matter in the past, present or future, there will always be darkness behind the light. Death and rebirth, oppression and resistance."

Chi Yiyin withdrew his gaze and looked down at the land in front of him.

"Even this seemingly happy and peaceful town has murders, doesn't it?"

Ma Yuze followed suit.

The dead man was a groom,

The rough and worn clothes on his body showed his identity. When he fell down, he knocked over the street vendor next to him, and the grapes spilled on the ground, and the bright red juice was squeezed out, like blood flowing all over the ground.

The groom's eyes were wide open, his face was ferocious, his mouth was desperately opened, his hands pinched his neck tightly, until his nails were embedded in his own flesh, but he was already out of breath.

Chi Yiyin carefully walked around the grape juice on the ground, squatted down beside the groom, and took a closer look.

Very strange death.

There is no visible trauma on the groom's body. Some places that look like bleeding wounds from a distance are not blood at all, but the clothes are stained with grape juice that has been crushed. At first glance, it is a wound, but after opening it, you will find that the skin and flesh are intact.

Chi Yiyin put on his equestrian gloves, and glanced at the situation of the groom. The more he checked, the more he frowned.

Not only was there no did a mobile phone fall out of the groom's pocket?

This was so weird that Chi Yiyin had to look up and ask Ma Yuze if the whole city and the market were his hallucinations.

In this era when horse-drawn carriages are still used as the main means of transportation, letters are used for communication, and newspapers are used for news, why are there mobile phones?

What kind of weird tech tree development is this?

"Yuze, tell me, am I hallucinating from the dungeon effect?"

Chi Yiyin asked seriously: "Are we seeing the same world? For example, there is fresh cow dung and horse dung on the ground behind you, and there is a boy selling newspapers not far away."

Ma Yuze blinked and was amused: "Don't worry, sir, you are indeed in this town. It's just..."

Her gaze slowly turned to Chi Yiyin's hand, and she was also shocked by the phone that shouldn't be here.

The development trend of science and technology that cannot be explained by basic logic, even seems to be mixed up.

Not far away is a small river, and Chi Yiyin can still see the slowly turning waterwheel in the canal, using it as power.

The items sold in the market, the clothes and transportation methods of pedestrians...all of these tell the era of the town, which should be the period of the first industrial development, and it is still in the cognition of simple mechanical structures.

The speed of development is almost exponential, which means that it takes a long time to go from crawling to walking upright. At least, there should be no mobile phones that will appear after the third development.

Chi Yiyin took a general look and found that the function model of the mobile phone was similar to the reality, but it was very different from what the players received after entering the game field.

This vetoed one of his guesses, proving that the groom was not one of the players who entered the instance.

What the hell...

"Go away! Who are you?"

There was a sudden exclamation from the crowd, and there was a constant bang bang sound, like the sound of a stick hitting flesh.

Chi Yiyin maintained a half-squatting posture and turned around to look around, and saw that the market that was still congested just now was suddenly unblocked.

But this is not as smooth as the opening of the canal, it is more like the panic of a weak herbivore when it sees a carnivore.

People ran around under the sticks, screaming in pain when they were hit, their expressions twisted, but they didn't even dare to say a word, as if they would be slaughtered if they took a step too slowly.

And as the crowd dispersed, Chi Yiyin could clearly see the source of the voice.

Several men with big arms and round waists in uniforms walked into the market with sticks, and all the people who stood in front of them were brutally opened by them, forcing a way out.

As long as anyone ran a little slower, he would be beaten up and covered with a stick for no reason.

There were some people who wanted to get closer to help before, but now they all turned around and ran away when they saw this situation.

The uniformed men were content with the situation.

Until they saw Chi Yiyin who looked calm and calm at the scene of the death.

The faces of the men turned dark immediately, and when they strode forward, they wanted to swing their sticks at Chi Yiyin.

Ma Yuze's eyes sharpened, and she had already put her palm on the horsewhip around her waist. As long as the other party made a move, she would immediately stand in front of Chi Yiyin.

But a well-knit palm stretched out, seemingly leisurely but powerfully grasping the stick that subdued the man Gao Yang.


The man in uniform was taken aback, and just as he was about to turn his head to see who was behind him, he was punched mercilessly in the face head-on.

Immediately, the nosebleed spurted wildly, and the subdued man yelled crazily in pain.

But the hand that was holding him only used a little force to **** the stick backhand, and then swung it like hitting a baseball, hitting the uniformed man who was clutching his nose and screaming hard.


The muffled sound of the stick hitting the flesh, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, made one's teeth sore.

The other uniformed men froze in place, moving their heads dully, seeing that the beaten uniformed man was really like a ball, drawing a perfect parabola in the air, and then...

It fell **** the wall of the house not far away.

The man was like a chicken with its neck strangled, its screams shattered in its throat, and then slowly slid down the wall.

The men in uniform were stunned, and then trembled in unison, feeling the pain they felt, feeling that the stick was not hitting their colleagues, but themselves.

Chi Yiyin squinted her eyes and looked up at the light.

I saw Li Sijun holding a stick, smiling lightly and slowly raising his hand, putting the long stick halfway on his shoulder, his expression was still calm and relaxed, as if he really just played a game of baseball just now.

— rather than a person.

Chi Yiyin raised her eyebrows: "Are you...helping me?"

Li Sijun smiled and nodded, taking it for granted: "You're welcome, remember to owe me a cup of coffee later."

Chi Yiyin: "I didn't say I wanted to thank you."

But even so, Chi Yiyin stood up and asked Li Sijun why he came here.

"Actually, I didn't want to come here."

Li Sijun shrugged his shoulders and walked over slowly with his long legs. The thin gold chain of his pocket watch dangled gently between his vest and his suit. It was not as elegant as if he was in a market, but like a king's game in the court.

"Looking at Yinyin from a distance is also a good view. There is no need to come over."

Besides, at that time, Li Sijun was still sitting on the bench, unable to recover from Chi Yiyin's proactive approach for a long time.

Until someone was found approaching Chi Yiyin.

Until I saw someone holding up a stick, trying to beat Chi Yiyin.

Li Sijun was angry.

Hurting the believers of the gods is no different from provoking the gods!

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared behind the subdued man. The anger in his chest made him want to erase the existence of these people, from body to soul, and become dust forever.

If Li Sijun hadn't met Chi Yiyin's eyes inadvertently, seeing that he was still terribly calm, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes, it wasn't like seeing an enemy, but looking at a few things delivered to the door , then Li Sijun will really kill these men in uniform.

Thoroughly, there will be no powder left.

But even if Li Sijun kept his hand, the man in uniform who dared to do it was still seriously injured, howling crazily like a pig, which attracted several other people to rush over regardless of the scene of death, trying to wade across the small river to the other bank, and take them away. I was almost taken back by my companion who couldn't get out of the wall.

But judging from their overly fat bodies, these people are not regular exercisers. They may have been in the office all year round, which made their jumping into the river extremely clumsy.

Like a farce.

When Chi Yiyin looked up, he was also amused.

"Supposed to be the sheriff here?"

He sneered: "Even the farmers who sell fruits and vegetables are stronger and stronger than them. I don't know what their security management is about."

But Chi Yiyin just glanced at it, then looked away disinterestedly, and looked at the dead body under his feet again.

Judging from the groom's expression, he seemed to be suffocated to death, so he would instinctively reach out and grab his throat when he couldn't breathe, trying to give himself a little oxygen.

When people face the threat of death, the survival instinct of the body is activated, and they will do anything under the control of the brain to keep them alive.

But most of them do not have the knowledge of self-help, so the action of survival has become a suggestive action of psychological comfort.

Like scratching your throat.

The groom's hands were clenched tightly, and even after death, the muscles became stiff due to excessive force, and they could not be broken apart.

Like holding a rope.

But in fact, there was nothing on his neck or around him that could strangle people.

Chi Yiyin looked intently and slowly frowned.

No, there is no need to actually strangle the groom, but the groom himself thinks he is going to be strangled, and suffocates to death...

There was no injury to the whole body, and the preliminarily speculated cause of death seemed so outrageous, and he even carried a mobile phone that should not belong to this era.

Chi Yiyin glanced at the mobile phone in his hand, pondered for a while, then quickly and flexibly wrapped the mobile phone into the equestrian glove, took off the glove, and put it in his pocket naturally.

If he hadn't been staring at Chi Yiyin all the time, he wouldn't even have noticed what he did in those two seconds just now.

The smile on Li Sijun's lips remained unchanged, as if he hadn't seen anything, he walked towards Chi Yiyin.

"It seems that you are going to be regarded as a murder suspect."

Li Sijun said to Chi Yiyin leisurely: "Those people are not very friendly when they look at you."

Chi Yiyin glanced back, and the men in uniform were picking up their hapless companions like buckling bricks. Accompanied by the sound of killing a pig, the guy who was photographed mercilessly by Li Sijun was being shot They retreated back with the clumsy, trying to carry him across the river.

But as it turns out, that only caused the second, third, ... damage.

When he saw the unlucky guy being knocked on the head by the stones beside the river bed for the sixth time, even Ma Yuze couldn't help laughing, clenched his fists to his lips and laughed.

Hateful is hateful, but unlucky is also really unlucky.

Finally, when one of the men in uniform slipped and fell into the small river, and even the unlucky guy fell into the river, Ma Yuze laughed heartily.

Even Chi Yiyin curled his lips, his smile was relaxed and genuine.

The sun shone on his silver-gray hair, and the brilliant light made him look holy and clear like a god.

Li Sijun was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but hold his breath.

Hearing the laughter, those men in uniform pointed at Chi Yiyin viciously: "Wait, don't run!"

Ma Yuze smiled and apologized to Chi Yiyin, saying that his laughter attracted them.

Chi Yiyin shook her head, and said with a smile: "It's not our fault, it's because they are too funny, aren't they?"

But when he turned his head, he put on a smirk when facing Li Sijun: "One of the reasons why I was regarded as a suspect should be you, Li Sijun."

Li Sijun nodded happily, and responded: "Another reason should be your smile, Yinyin."

The system was terrified, afraid that Li Sijun would say that he wanted to pick out the eyes of those NPCs.

It silently prayed to the electronic priest, hoping that his boss would remember that the playground was also his.

—What should the boss do if he suddenly dislikes his own business?

Of course, try to stop it.

...At least until one of the migrant workers can find the next one.

The system's prayers worked.

Because Chi Yiyin was beside him, Li Sijun didn't do anything to those men in uniform.

When Chi Yiyin's life safety was not threatened, Li Sijun looked like a gentleman with outstanding temperament, so innocent that he had no offensive power. Instead, he chatted with Chi Yiyin with a smile and talked about things in the market.

Although the clumsy movement of the men in uniform, or "murder" of the wounded, was slow enough for an eighty-year-old man with handicapped legs to run away, it was clear that Chi Yiyin had no intention of leaving.

Instead, after he had plenty of time to inspect the dead body, he stood there, unhurriedly unfolding the newspaper he snatched from Li Sijun, while reading the latest news, chatting with Li Sijun casually , while slowly waiting for those uniformed men to go ashore.

— Judging from the other party's posture like a pig climbing a mountain, Chi Yiyin and the others even have time to have lunch.

"...if that's what's going on with sheriffs around here, then I think, I know why there's a serial killing going on here."

Ma Yuze said speechlessly: "I'm afraid everyone will feel that there is no challenge."

Chi Yiyin shook his head and chuckled.

At this time, the long-lost system notification sound finally reappeared.

[Congratulations to the survivor Chi Yiyin! You have successfully obtained 60 points of "The Sheriff's Hatred", and the achievement will be triggered as soon as you enter the instance, and you will be given a cemetery of "Siris Cemetery"! The cemetery comes with funeral services, congratulations! If you die in the instance, you don't need to be thrown into a mass grave. 】

[Congratulations to the survivor Chi Yiyin! You have successfully triggered the mission "Death of the Groom". Although the dungeon has not officially opened, but since you are already in the mission, the live broadcast room will open after a countdown of three seconds, three...]

Chi Yiyin: "..."

This is the first time I have received such a unique gift, congratulations... The system is really too humanized.

Thinking like this, he raised his eyes and glanced at Li Sijun, and suddenly felt that the distortion of the system could be understood.

— After all, even the master is so distorted, the system is not normal, but it is normal.

Li Sijun didn't let go of this glance: "What are you looking at me for?"

Chi Yiyin paused with the hand holding the newspaper, and said, "I was given a cemetery as a gift."

Li Sijun pondered: "So, you want to invite me to be buried with you?"

Chi Yiyin shook her hand and looked at Li Sijun in astonishment.

Then he realized——Li Sijun was serious, he wasn't joking!

Chi Yiyin was silent for a few seconds, speechless, and then slowly opened his mouth and asked sincerely: "I don't mind giving you this cemetery as a gift, you can die yourself at any time. Oh yes, there is also a gift from the funeral service I'll forget it, at most I will celebrate you when you die."

Li Sijun curled his lips into a smile.

Immediately, the system heard his sincere emotion: [It is really a novel experience to receive a gift from a believer for the first time. 】

The system fainted: […]

Well, the cemetery I sent was given to my boss. To be honest, I think it was me who should have died in the tomb.

It really wants to ask Li Sijun sincerely, the countless gold, silver and jewels offered by the kings and dignitaries in the past in order to beg for some miracles and privileges, and even all the precious things that are unmatched in the eyes of ordinary people are not gifts in your heart , only the cemetery that Chi Yiyin gave you is a gift, right?

Oh, that's wrong—only the ones from Chi Yiyin are gifts.

But the system didn't dare, cowardly, for fear of being directly stuffed into the cemetery by Li Sijun.

And in the live broadcast hall, the live broadcast of the A-level dungeon [City of Deathstroke] was also officially started as Chi Yiyin's live broadcast room was triggered.

When the players in the live broadcast hall saw the unique logo of A-level, they were stunned for a long time before they realized it, and then they scrambled into the live broadcast room.

In addition, those high-level players who have heard from Red Bird that they are going to enter the [City of Deathstroke] have also been waiting in the live broadcast hall for several hours, and finally waited for a live broadcast room before their patience ran out. on.

But to their surprise, it was not Jingcha's live broadcast room that opened, but Chi Yiyin, who was not yet qualified in their eyes.

High level player: "...?"

Weird thing!

Sensitive people already have a bad premonition, and feel that although this dungeon has just started, it has already made them feel enough danger.

What kind of situation is it that the first live broadcast room is opened a few hours after the dungeon logo has appeared in the live broadcast hall?

Even among the eleven players who entered the dungeon, only one opened it, and Jingcha Red Bird and others, who were originally optimistic, have not moved until now...

In the black market and secret posts, high-level players and intelligence dealers quickly exchanged the information they had with each other, discussing what might appear in the dungeon.

But no matter how they asked, they were all destined to return disappointed.

“[City of Deathstroke] there are very few recorded and broadcast materials, let alone intelligence—there is a desert of intelligence, no matter if you go to any intelligence dealer, or even the darkest black market intermediary, you will not get more information."

The intelligence dealer shook his head again and again: "The level in reality is invisible, but the level gap in the game field always exists. If you don't reach that level, if you don't cross that line, you won't be able to get what's behind that door—[Death knell City] is the new world.”

"A world I'm not entitled to enter and peer into."

No matter how many people in the black market the high-level players asked, they were all declined with a sigh.

No matter how much they ask for.

"It's not about the money."

A black market intermediary couldn't help revealing: "You are not the first to be interested in [City of Deathstroke], nor will you be the last. There is news about this dungeon that has been fired at a very high price, you Do you think I will let go of such a good opportunity to make money? I have tried a long time ago, but failed."

Most players in the game field cannot touch the existence of the black market. They are confined to the tranquility of the temporary residence area, and rarely contact the black market actively.

Except for one case.


The money you have can't plug the gap of desire.

Some players will actively or passively go to black market intermediaries, and buy the qualifications to stay in the temporary residence area from them at a low price or even for free.

Most of these vacant apartments were paid by their owners for one and a half years of residence rights, but died in the dungeon and could not come back.

There are obviously vacant apartments, but people can only look helplessly and cannot enter, and cannot obtain the corresponding permissions of the apartment, which makes players and intermediaries act at the same time.

Intermediaries use non-compliant means to obtain the permission codes of these apartments or materials, and then sell them to players in need at a low price.

They are unwilling to enter the dungeon to earn the supplies they need to stay in the temporary residence area. The dangers and monsters in the dungeon frighten them out of their wits.

Therefore, they would rather do the dirty work for the intermediary in the temporary residence area than return to the danger of the dungeon.

This allows the intermediaries to have authority over this part of the players that even the players themselves do not know.

The code used to enter the apartment is one-to-one. The door locks in the temporary living area are far from comparable in reality, and the player's own identity code must be used to verify the uniqueness.

And cheap players need to enter their identity codes into the apartment after purchasing the residence rights of these unowned apartments for a few months at a low price, which gives the intermediary people an opportunity to control everything about these players.

Then, resell it to rich players.

— Intermediaries never lose money.

Those seemingly free or low-cost resources are disguised with a harmless appearance, but the price paid by players who actually want to take advantage of them is their lives.

The exploration of [City of Deathstroke] is another way for intermediaries to make money.

As the black market intermediary said, no intermediary or intelligence dealer would be indifferent to the high rewards offered by high-level players in the black market.

If no one knows about this dungeon, how do they get it?


Send a few players into the copy, take it and sell it now.

Of course, no one is willing to take the initiative to enter these difficult dungeons to die, and at this time, the identity codes and information of each player in the hands of intermediaries and intelligence dealers come in handy.

They directly reported the codes of the players they selected to the system, and without the players' knowledge, sent these players who had accidentally leaked their identity codes into the high-difficulty dungeon.

Then they will stay before the live broadcast, and record as much as possible the situation in the dungeon before the player dies.

If one dies, one will be repaired. Anyway, there is a steady stream of tools.

And as long as a piece of information is sold at a high price, it will be paid back instantly.

All benefits and no harm.

This is not the first time intermediaries have done this.

But against [City of Death Knell]... nothing can be done.

"This is not a dungeon that can be piled up with corpses. No matter how many tools we add, the final result is just a failure."

The black market intermediary looked at the sky-high price offered on the opposite side, and felt so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe, feeling that he had lost a hundred million.

"For myself alone, there are thousands of identity codes smashed into this dungeon. Two or three thousand people died in the dungeon, but the highest progress I got was in the fourth hour of the dungeon. It is It’s like a threshold, no matter what level players are sent in, they will die before the fourth hour.”

That's pretty good.

More "tools", even before the live footage was triggered, there was already a death reminder.

The information on [City of Deathstroke] is also on the black market because it is too scarce, and the price is getting higher and higher.

Regardless of the cost, Red Bird poured in a large amount of points and connections, but only got a little bit.

No matter how much the other high-level players looked at the ocean, they couldn't surpass the progress of the red bird.

"Could it be that we can only wait for the Red Birds to go online..."

A high-level player looked at the live broadcast room where Chi Yiyin was triggered, and sighed: "Two months ago, I had never heard of Chi Yiyin's name, and suddenly he became the partner of Red Bird and the others. The existence of unknown details."

"But now we can only pray that Chi Yiyin can hold on for a while longer."

Another person said sincerely: "The longer he lives, the more information he sends back, the better for us. If Red Bird and the others die...we will have information we can rely on when we enter this instance."

Before no one can clear the copy, many high-level players dare not be the first to eat crabs.

But when Red Bird and others entered in a team, they hoped that Red Bird and others would die instead.

—It is best to die before clearing the level.

In this way, Red Bird and others planted trees, and the players who entered later picked the fruits.

But while the high-level players were staring at the live broadcast intently, on the other hand, the black market intermediaries did not give up squeezing profits from this dungeon.

The viewing price of A-level copies is several times higher than that of C-level and below. High-level players don't care about these few points, but many people are curious and want to watch, but are unwilling to spend money.

So there is a market for black market intermediaries.

Relying on their low prices, players can enter through black market channels.

While the players are smug about their cleverness and frugality, the junkets are also happy.

The ID codes that were included because of this dungeon can finally be replenished in large quantities.

—And after those players exposed their identity codes to them, they should not only give them money, but also say thank you to them.

A good deal with no loss.

Everyone is very happy.

But when the audience poured into the live broadcast room, they were shocked by the dead body that suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Fuck! It was so exciting when I first came in, I was so scared that my water glass broke. ]

[As expected of an A-level dungeon, amazing! I heard from my high-level friend that [City of Deathstroke] is an uncommon dungeon, and it would be nice to have a chance to watch it. ]

[Hope it looks better, otherwise it's a waste of my time. But it doesn't matter if it doesn't look good, anyway, I didn't spend any money, at most it was a bit unlucky. ]

[Hiss, those on the black market... are really bad people, there are such fools every year, and they still feel good about themselves. ]

[Whether they die or not has nothing to do with us, you can watch the anchor with peace of mind. Didn't you notice that the level of the anchor has changed? ]

After a barrage reminder, some people who had been following Chi Yiyin for a long time discovered that in the information introduction revealed in the live broadcast room next to it, in the small words the size of a grain of rice... there has really been a change!

Players can adjust the live broadcast settings through the controller after the live broadcast is turned on, such as whether to disclose the player's personal information, or close the live broadcast, or block it.

Of course, these all require a lot of points.

But obviously, Chi Yiyin didn't cover up anything.

It wasn't that he was reluctant to score points, but that he didn't care about the live broadcast from the beginning to the end, so that his live broadcast room was always initialized.

As a result, the audience could clearly see that Chi Yiyin, who was an F-rank rookie two months ago... is now a B-rank!

[Fuck! Is this too fast? Impossible, absolutely impossible! It took me six years to go from F-level to C-level. Even if the anchor is very talented, it can't be two months, right? ]

[Indeed, it's too fake, the anchor seems to have no brains, does he think anyone will believe this impossible data? ]

[Ah... Is the anchor brother this kind of person? It's disgusting. I'm disappointed in him. Go to hell! ]

[Not necessarily, it may be a big boss who came back wearing skin, or a high-level player who used props to cover up his original identity. If people have gone through A once, is it difficult to do B again? ]

[When you put it that way, I also feel like it, and there have been black market dealers in the live broadcast room before, maybe they are acquaintances who sell skins to the anchor...]

[I'm really curious about who the anchor is, has anyone found the corresponding one on the Tianbang? ]

[No, you haven't thought about it, in fact, the anchor is from rookie to B-level? Either cannon fodder or a god, maybe the anchor is the second **** after twelve years? ]

But this barrage was quickly ridiculed by the siege, and then covered up, no one believed it.

Chi Yiyin was not interested in how the barrage talked about him, nor did he know.

Even if he saw this scene, he just laughed it off.

I can't do it myself, so the whole world can't do it. This kind of thinking is so common that Chi Yiyin doesn't even have the interest to pay attention to it.

Of course, the most important thing is that in Chi Yiyin's view, a hundred stupid people buzzing together will not be able to produce a smart brain, but will take the minimum value down and give it to everyone.

In groups, emotions and perceptions are contagious.

including ignorance.

It's not worth his attention.

"Perhaps stupid people always appear in groups."

When the unlucky man in uniform who was beaten out by Li Sijun was finally transported ashore, Chi Yiyin shrugged his shoulders, looked at the men in uniform who were gesticulating at him and said harsh words to him, and smiled at Li Sijun next to him. emotion.

"Suddenly feel that I can forgive them, what a pity..."

Chi Yiyin tilted her head with a smile and asked: "Their stomachs are so big, besides food digestion residues, do they also have their brains inside?"

In other words - have your brains been eaten by yourself?

Chi Yiyin's words did not control the volume at all, and they were heard clearly by the men in uniform who climbed ashore clumsily, and immediately angered them.

"Do you know who we are? Brats! Dressed like dogs, I didn't expect to be blind!"

One of them pointed at Chi Yiyin and cursed: "You dare to mess with the sheriff!"

Chi Yiyin blinked, thinking it was funny.

Li Sijun's performance was even more obvious, he didn't even care about the people in front of him laughing, his black hair was slightly Yang, against the blood-stained stick casually placed on his shoulder, he was full of arrogance and recklessness.

Compared with the rude but clumsy magistrate, he is the madman who represents violence and crime. He doesn't care about life and death at all, and killing people is nothing but commonplace.

Just like he was having fun just now, he beat out a grown man weighing more than two hundred pounds.

This made the other security officers shrank their necks in fear, looked at the laughing Li Sijun in horror, blushed but dared not speak.

However, because of Li Sijun's recognition of the farce in front of him, Chi Yiyin's attitude towards him softened a little, and his impression gained.

When I am happy because of a joke, it is always pleasant for the people next to me to understand the joke and laugh with me.

Chi Yiyin: At least compared to these sheriffs, Li Sijun is much stronger...and interesting.

However, although the magistrates were afraid of Li Sijun and did not dare to go forward, Chi Yiyin did not take the opportunity to leave, but stood there and waited for them.

The young man with silver-gray hair is wearing a gallant riding suit. The well-fitting tailoring completely outlines his slender waist and long legs. His figure is tall and elegant, like the heir of a certain noble family. Even when he smiles, he has an air of calm , It makes people dare not go forward.

Several sheriffs exchanged a look, a little flinching, worried that they had provoked someone they shouldn't.

But just when they cleared their throats and were about to speak to restore their dignity, and then graciously let Chi Yiyin and the others leave, Chi Yiyin spoke before them.

"It turns out that the sheriffs in our city are just such a group of gutless wimps."

Chi Yiyin smiled and said cursing words: "It seems to be the same with a few pigs, and the pigs eat less than you."

Sheriffs: "..."

"Are you him!"

The magistrate was furious, and he was irrational when he was irritated. He forgot to be afraid, and rushed to Chi Yiyin aggressively.

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