Chi Yiyin stared at the conductor with wide eyes for a long time, but couldn't get back to his senses.

Reason told him that some of what the conductor said might indeed happen.

After all, whether it is Li Sijun or his own personal research, they are all fresh in his mind. As long as he guesses based on his past behavior and personality, he can get a possible future.

But emotionally, he instinctively denied it.

Like a child seeing the sea and starry sky for the first time, trying to avoid his shock by denial.

Li Sijun...he really treats, probably not.

That is just a dangerous enemy, a temporary companion, a person who walks along the way. Other than that, there is no other identity.

But another voice asked Chi Yiyin deep in his heart—is this really the case?

Chi Yiyin's heart was beating faster than ever before, so he couldn't help raising his hand, and gently pressed the position of the heart, trying to suppress its pounding sound.

The conductor looked at Chi Yiyin inexplicably, as if wondering why this distinguished guest was standing in the corridor.

According to the code of conduct, he politely reminded Chi Yiyin, and asked him if he needed any help according to the established procedures.

Chi Yiyin blinked her eyes lightly, and it took a while to recover.

He looked back at the half-open box door behind him, but he didn't see Li Sijun's figure, it seemed that the other party was still busy preparing a place to sleep tonight.

However, this made Chi Yiyin breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Sijun didn't notice his gaffe like this... It's okay, it's okay.

Chi Yiyin forced all the weird feelings and emotions just now into the bottom of her heart, and then cleaned up her emotions, returning to the calm and gentle appearance before, and then walked into the red bird's box.

But he didn't see, just after he left the corridor, a slender figure appeared behind the box door.

Li Sijun folded his arms and leaned leisurely on the wall behind the door, cleverly hiding his figure and shadow, so that Chi Yiyin did not discover his existence.

However, he himself kept staring at Chi Yiyin from the reflection repeatedly refracted by the car window, and the smile on his lips could not be suppressed no matter what.

His little believer, are you shy?

For expressing love to the gods.

The conductor discovered Li Sijun's existence, and just about to say hello, Li Sijun waved his hand to signal him to be quiet, so that Chi Yiyin would not realize that he had seen everything.

If a shy little believer knows that his appearance is seen by the gods, will he become angry and alienate him instead?

Li Sijun didn't want to see that kind of situation.

Douyi Douyin is cute, but if it is overdone, it will be bad.

Li Sijun smiled and looked in the direction of Chi Yiyin.

Such a lovely voice, how can he not be tempted?

Chi Yiyin didn't know what happened in the corridor.

After he walked into Red Bird's compartment, he closed the door behind him, not intending to let the conductor standing in the corridor hear their conversation.

For the staff on these trains, Chi Yiyin has always been on guard, especially these train staff who have the same face and are all-pervasive.

As for the next plan discussed with the red bird, Chi Yiyin did not intend to disclose it to the enemy.

The red bird's box is not the same as Chi Yiyin's, but it is luxurious and exquisite, and everything is properly arranged, as if they are really guests traveling on a luxury tourist train.

Even the most guarded person can't refuse to pounce on a soft bed after a long exhaustion.

When Chi Yiyin came in, he saw the red bird laying on the soft mattress with a happy expression on his face, he almost sank into the soft goose down quilt.

Seeing Chi Yiyin, Hongniao reluctantly got up.

But the way he looked at the bed was like looking at an inseparable lover, and he didn't want to be separated from him every second.

"You should try the mattress."

When Red Bird sat down in front of Chi Yiyin, she turned her head frequently, wanting to just lie on the bed and talk to Chi Yiyin regardless of her appearance.

"Although there is nothing else on the train, it has really put a lot of effort into these arrangements."

Chi Yiyin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "The temporary residence area didn't break your will, but you're ready to surrender just because of a mattress here?"

Red Bird shrugged, sank into the soft sofa with a relaxed expression.

"That's because when I was in the temporary residence area, everything was under my control, and I knew all the information, so there was no need to feel any sense of crisis."

"But it's different here."

The experience of distress in Tangjia City and the underground city had a great impact on Red Bird. Even though he tried hard to adapt and change, he still felt a little emotional.

"Only those who have been hungry know how uncomfortable it is to be hungry. Those who can eat food every day cannot understand the suffering."

"Only when you are in danger do you know how rare it is to be safe."


The red bird was silent for a moment, its brows and eyes drooping.

He hasn't forgotten those people in the restaurant, and the loneliness after losing his companions made him feel terrified even if he just looked at them.

The mental devastation was more difficult for Red Bird than the physical exhaustion.

But he still tried his best to keep his spirits up, and quickly cheered up, smiling again and discussing the next solution with Chi Yiyin.

Both the train conductor and the conductors are repeatedly reminding the precautions at night, such unusual attention makes Red Bird vigilant.

He was almost certain that something would happen during the night.

"They say they must abide by the rules, but the problem is that the rules they themselves give are contradictory. They also say that they are not allowed to go out, and they also say that the conductor's rounds are on time, and they deliberately emphasize that it is five o'clock. Neither the front nor the back."

Red Bird frowned: "Could there be something else knocking on the door? Pretending to be a conductor?"

"The most important thing is, if there are still those corpses at night... the damage is inside, and it is impossible to prevent."

Thinking of what might happen after ten o'clock, Red Bird felt a headache and pressed his temple, not wanting to face it.

"Other players can't take it lightly."

Chi Yiyin said lightly: "The system's reminders to everyone are independent. People who are not in the same group cannot know the content of other people's reminders. We cannot determine the extent to which other people have obtained information."

Apart from them, does anyone else know the information about the God-making Field?

Even the title of "candidate" alone is enough for many players to analyze useful information.

There will only be one new god.

If those players knew about the God-making Field, they would most likely find that in the end of this large-scale test, only one player and one team would win.

But the fate of others is an unknown confusion.

And with the consistent style of the game field, the option of death is not ruled out.

Under such pressure, what will those players do, whether they will liquidate others in advance to reduce the difficulty of being selected...

Hard to say.

Chi Yiyin is not stingy about planning for the worst situation, he must consider the possibility of night attack.

In this way, the worst situation is to be attacked from both sides and be attacked from both sides.

—The corpse monster in the box.

And the players outside the box who are preparing to reduce competitors.

If such a situation really happened, no matter if he ran out or stayed in the box obediently, he would face a terrible crisis.

Jingcha and Chi Yiyin are fine. After all, Jingcha is a fighting school, and Chi Yiyin has Li Sijun by his side. Any danger he encounters can be easily resolved with a wave of his hand.

But the problem is that there is another rule on the train: the box must correspond to the code.

After nightfall, the most dangerous time after ten o'clock, the door of the box was locked, and they couldn't take care of each other.

If by then, Red Bird or Tong Yao were in danger, no one else could help.

Hearing Chi Yiyin's worry, Red Bird waved his hand. Although he didn't know how to protect himself, he comforted Chi Yiyin not to worry too much.

"Soldiers come to block, we will talk about it later."

The red bird looked indifferent: "As you said before, Brother Chi, the game field is preparing for assessment and selection, not massacre. Since it has set up such a dilemma, there must still be people who can escape the danger." method, not to block all roads.”

He even brought Chi Yiyin a cup of hot tea with a smile, put it in Chi Yiyin's hand, patted him with a smile, and said calmly: "If this situation really happens by then, I will see for myself Do it, don't worry."

Chi Yiyin looked down, just in time to see the scratch on Hongniao's wrist.

The red bird didn't care too much: "Maybe it was drawn somewhere when it was in the underground city."

He covered his wound and continued to talk about what happened at night.

Chi Yiyin was also naturally taken away from the topic, and then put the small wound on Red Bird's hand aside.

Among all the boxes, the most anxious one was Jingcha.

No matter how luxurious and exquisite the decoration in the box was, it could not arouse his interest.

Since returning to his box, he has been pacing back and forth in the room, frowning, almost stepping out the hole in the wool carpet.

What Chi Yiyin was worried about was also what Jingcha was worried about.

When he was in Tangjia City, Red Bird was tortured for five days and five nights in the High Tower Prison. The harsh torture almost caused him to collapse physically and mentally, and he still hasn't shaken off his mental shadow until now.

As a companion, Jingcha can see clearly.

Some behaviors of the red bird are different from before.

He was originally the most sensible person, no matter what happened, he would collect information rationally and think carefully about the countermeasures.

But after leaving Tangjia City, Red Bird was always easily scared.

Even if there was the sound of leaves behind him or the wind blowing, the red bird would turn around immediately.

There was panic in his eyes.

He is like a stressed rabbit. Everything around him seems so dangerous, and there will be no safe place anymore.

It will never be safe again.

Jingcha saw these things in her eyes, and her heart ached.

He is a fighter, always carefree. But as his companion, his observation and concern for Red Bird are naturally far more than for other people.

However, there was nothing he could do.

Jingcha once vowed secretly that she would never let Hongniao be alone again and fall into a situation like prison torture.

However, even if the decoration of the box is so luxurious and beautiful, is it another kind of prison?

Once the box door was closed and midnight fell, no matter what happened to Red Bird in the box, there was nothing he could do to help Red Bird.

This cognition made Jingcha very upset, and she didn't know how to solve Hongniao's predicament.

It was also because all his attention was on Red Bird that he forgot Chi Yiyin's advice to him.

— Check the room.

Just when Jingcha was full of upset and unable to vent, he didn't see that there was a very thin gap between the doors of the wardrobe behind him.

If you are not careful, you will miss it.

Behind the gap, a pair of eyes looked out silently, through the sporadic light, staring blankly at every move of Jingcha.

That ray of light also illuminated the situation in the closet.

In the closet, where a few bathrobes and a change of clothes were scattered, it should have been spacious and empty, but now it seems overcrowded, and all of them are occupied by monsters entangled here.

Thin flesh-colored vines passed through the gaps of every cabinet, even the gaps that could only allow ants to pass through were filled with vines, and continued to spread downward and deeper.

Until it quietly occupied the entire box.

As for Tong Yao...

Tong Yao, who was worried about her physical and mental condition by everyone, just returned to her box and saw the bed that looked so warm and soft, an indescribable tiredness and drowsiness surged up and occupied her mind.

She was holding on to the door frame, but she couldn't even stand still, her upper and lower eyelids were constantly fighting, and she would close her eyes and fall asleep with her head thrown back at any time.


Tong Yao is like a person who hasn't rested for several days. His body and brain have reached the limit of their tolerance, and they can no longer hold on.

This was the only thought left in her mind, and everything else seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Whether it's reality, the game field, Chu Yueli or the sea of ​​clouds train...

Even if the world is destroyed in the next second, she can't restrain her desire for sleep now.

Tong Yao staggered towards the bed. In the short distance of less than two meters, she had sprained her feet seven or eight times, and she couldn't even stand still.

And when she fell headfirst into the soft mattress, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep in less than a second.

There was a soft and steady breathing sound.

Even if thunder is ringing in her ears now, it can't drag her back from her dreamland.

However, Tong Yao got the sleep he longed for, but could not get rest.

It is not a dark sea of ​​relaxed consciousness, nor can it give people a sense of security like returning to the embrace of a mother.

After Tong Yao closed his eyes, he saw another light, just a little bit, a little up from a dark distance.

Under her feet, a path of light was paved.

It seemed to be guiding her, telling him silently: Come here—come to me.

There was obviously no sound, but Tong Yao felt that the calling from his ear was so familiar, as if he had heard it there before.

She tried hard to recall in doubt, and then suddenly realized.

Isn't that... Skye's voice?

Not Skye, who went mad later on the train.

But at the beginning, when Skye still had the nickname "Sage Sky" in the game field, she heard it when she met him by chance.

Gentle, firm, powerful.

It seems that no matter how excessive things he does, he will be tolerated by Skye. No matter what kind of person they are, they will receive his wholehearted kindness and help.

Skye, what happened next?

He disappeared in the playground for three years, and no one knows where he went or what happened.

Until Chi Yiyin told her that among the companions who entered the new world, there was a new companion named Skye.

But when Tong Yao met Skye again, he was shocked to find that he had changed.

There is no light in the eyes, and there is no smile on the face, as if the sun has disappeared from the sky, and there is no hope and light.

Even though Skye was still polite and polite, Tong Yao was still shivering from the freezing temperature when shaking hands.

She has a feeling.

The saint she once knew and admired was dead.

sky... People who yearn for the sky end up dying under the sky.

What is left now is just a confused body that has lost all ideals and persistence.

Tong Yao didn't tell Chi Yiyin about her sadness.

Tears won't help clear the playground.

However, she still pays more attention to Skye, and always confirms his situation and status.

However, in the bar car, when she tried to find a way for her companions, Chu Yueli hurt Skye.

Even though his sanity was still muddled, Tong Yao's breathing became short and he seemed a little angry.

Guilt and anger fought repeatedly in her mind, and her rationality was destroyed.

In the darkness, she did not realize that her eyes had turned blood red.

The red glass bead, which looks like an inorganic substance, is like a burning flame under the light that shines on it.

Tong Yao didn't realize what was wrong with the darkness in front of him at all, nor did he realize how weird it was for a person who had been forever to reappear in his dream.

She staggered towards the road covered with light spots, towards the direction where the calling sound came from.

Then, she saw an indelible scene in this life.

In the deepest part of the darkness, countless corpses piled up into mountains, every corpse was drenched in blood, and the expression on the pale face was ferocious and painful, frozen at the last moment of death.

And their eyes were wide open, as if they were dying.

those faces...

Tong Yao knew it.

Players who died because the alliance was torn apart.

People who disappeared after failing to attack the core of the game field.

According to legend, the players who built the Tower of Babel leading to the gods and the sky.

as well as…

Someone who had a brief encounter with Tong Yao.

Those players who died in the past dungeons and thought they would never meet again, all appeared in front of Tong Yao again in this way at this time.

The eyes that stared at her silently seemed to be questioning her.

—Why, don't you save me?

"Do you want to save them? My companion."

Just as Tong Yao looked down at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​corpses in a trance, he suddenly heard a voice from above.

That voice is so soft, as if it is the Father and God who can contain everything.

All wishes will be granted and all mistakes forgiven. Here, the soul full of grief can find true peace.

Tong Yao looked up, and saw a vague figure standing on top of the mountain of corpses.

The man stood against the light, leaving only a silhouette in Tong Yao's field of vision, making her unable to see his appearance clearly.

But inexplicably, Tong Yao felt that it was Skye.

—Sky who was supposed to be with Chu Yueli and got separated in the carriage.

When thinking of Chu Yueli, Tong Yao also recalled Chi Yiyin's face and his instructions.

She blinked her eyes slowly, as if she remembered something, and looked around blankly.

For the first time, the eyes regained clarity.

Tong Yao vaguely felt that something was wrong, why would a lost person appear in his dream if he didn't want to find a way to get back to his companion?

Especially with such a terrifying background.

After Tong Yao saw the death of those corpses, he shook his shoulders and hesitated.

Therefore, there was no time to answer the question of the person who seemed to be Skye.

The man asked again patiently.

But Tong Yao paused for a moment, his original rationality came back online, and he asked the other party's identity and name.

The man chuckled and asked: "We have met before, we have exchanged each other's names, and we even ended up as companions..."

"I came to see you again, ask your wish, and give you all the help. But, have you forgotten your companion?"

Tong Yao has no companions.

As a desperate person, she has such lofty aspirations and ideals that she can avoid danger whenever she can. She knew this, so she naturally didn't want to delay others.

But when the man said this, Tong Yao's memory changed accordingly.

She has a companion, Skye who has the name of a saint. They were born and died together, through all the crises together, and passed the test to enter the new world.

Tong Yao's memories are being rewritten and replaced. It should have been Chi Yiyin's incident, but it was replaced by Skye one by one.

The figure of Chi Yiyin in the memory dissipated, and that handsome face with a gentle smile also fluctuated like water ripples, gradually changing into Skye's appearance.

Obviously it was Chi Yiyin who invited her to enter the new world, but now in her cognition, it was Skye who invited her, and they entered the darkness full of corpses together.

There is nothing to doubt.

There was a voice in her head: Go forward, your companion is waiting for you, don't keep him waiting too long.

What is there to worry about? He is the saint Sky, the one who saved you in Gushu Town, the benefactor who gave you the qualification to enter the new world, there is no reason not to trust him.

Tong Yao seemed to be bewitched, his blood-red eyes stared blankly at the direction of that person, and then step by step, he stepped across the river of blood all over the ground, stepped on layers of corpses, and walked towards that person.

She stretched out her hand, her body was instinctively waiting for someone to grab her.

Just like what someone did in the past when they rescued her in Ancient Tree Town.

But this time, no one held her hand.

The memories that do not belong to that person are not his after all.

Tong Yao seemed to have sensed something in the depths of her soul, her subconscious was struggling, and her brain sent a warning to her, trying to make her distinguish clearly what was in front of her eyes.

Having already stepped onto the corpse mountain, Tong Yao, who was about to take the initiative to walk into the gallows at the top of the corpse mountain, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The person who had been watching Tong Yao with a gentle smile also slowly lost his smile.

"Why don't you move forward?"

The man asked, "What are you waiting for?"

Tong Yao opened her dull eyes and moved her lips, but with a hoarse voice, she asked the question that she was most concerned about and that also caused her confusion and fatigue.

"Where's Chu Yueli?"

"I saw him hurt you. But what about him?"

"Why isn't he here? What did you do to him?"

The man suddenly lost his smile.

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