Chi Yiyin has been in danger countless times.

He has been to the bone pit where ghosts howl, slept all night in a haunted and fierce old house, sat and talked with serial murderers until dawn, and walked calmly among chaotic gangs alone.

Just when he thought he had seen the world to the extreme and was bored because of it, Chi Yan appeared and opened a door to a new world for him.

Danger is the reminder for the cowardly, but it is the ticket for the brave.

Even if he turns around and looks back now, Chi Yiyin can say that he is very satisfied with the experience and openness brought to him by the game field.

He had a great time.

Does Chi Yiyin hate Chi Yan?

No, there is only competition and possession of territory among monsters, and... sympathy for each other.

But now, just when Chi Yan thought she used Chi Yiyin to pave the way for herself, Chi Yiyin stepped on Chi Yan instead and opened a brand new door with her own strength.

To a deeper and more dangerous darkness.

There is never known, no one can reach, buried there are more ancient and mysterious monsters, it is the tomb of the end of the world.

Darkness within darkness, death upon death.

The moment Chi Yiyin's transaction with the new system was established, the door that had been buried deep in the bottom of the database by the system opened suddenly.

And Chi Yiyin fell into it and saw the truth of the world.

Death, war, pain, despair, hunger, howling, begging...

All the voices that used to be divine for eight thousand years reappeared in the darkness, surrounding Chi Yiyin layer by layer, tearing and gnawing at him, trying to drag him into a deeper abyss.

Chi Yiyin held her breath, and slowly stretched out her hand straight up while falling, trying to catch those flying dark lights.

That is the most extreme and intense emotion of human beings, full of extreme emotions that go deep into the bone marrow, so strong that it seems that human beings themselves are no different from souls.

This is... the scenery he saw when he tried to observe human beings.

Just when Chi Yiyin's fingertips touched the dark light flying around him, he felt his eyes go dark, and then a huge pulling force came, pulling him to nowhere.

At that moment, Li Sijun, who was far away in the train compartment, also raised his head suddenly, with cold anger brewing in his eyes.

The game field cut off the connection with the gods, like a baby who cut off the umbilical cord, ended the god's control over the game field, and lost all power supply.

This creation that combined the power of the gods and the consciousness of the world unexpectedly gained self-awareness after twelve long years, got rid of the control of both sides, and regained its control when no one noticed.

The system has changed, and the new system no longer represents Li Sijun.

Rather... the playground itself.

At the moment when the change happened, Li Sijun had already been keenly aware of it.

But what made him angry was not that the game field was out of control, and it wasn't the humiliation of being a **** who couldn't completely control the world, but that Chi Yiyin had disappeared from his perception.

Li Sijun suddenly got up from the sofa, and strode towards the direction where the perception finally disappeared. If the ignited anger had any substance, the heavy coercion swept away in all directions like a mountain, with an astonishing momentum.

Where he walked, the floor collapsed, the train disappeared, time and space were shattered, and the exterior of the game field's paint was peeled off, revealing the truth of the core of the world.

The gust of wind rose suddenly, roaring and roaring through the air, making a sharp explosion.

In an instant, the whole world was caught in a frantic storm, with thunder and lightning, like the end of the world.

In the sky above, thunder and lightning flowed through the clouds, interlacing light and dark, which was shocking.

For the players, the huge game field is just like a small boat fluttering in the tsunami under the wrath of the gods, and a wave can swallow it.

At the same moment, all the players in the game field felt tremors to varying degrees.

They panic and do not know the reason, anxiously begging to survive.

But the players on the train have polarized feelings.

The players who returned to the box fell asleep peacefully, as if the lights were dark, and there was no shock at all.

But the players who choose to stay in the place of the dead are like sailors who have encountered storms at sea, staggering and unsteady.

All the decorations and items on the box and the train trembled violently, fell to the ground with crackles, and rolled all over the ground as the train swayed up and down.

The players tried their best to grab the walls, doors and windows around them, trying to stabilize their bodies.

But someone was still hit on the head by the rolling furniture. After a moment of absence, he let go of his hand and was also blown away by the strong wind.

The player next to him was startled, hesitating for a second between watching with cold eyes and making a rescue move, he still gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand, grabbing the person who flew past him.

He clung to the wall with one hand, his fingernails were cut off and his fingers were dripping with blood. With the other hand, he still desperately grabbed the knocked-out player, gritting his teeth.

Temporary... Companions, and companions!

The trust that was lost because of the shattering of the alliance cannot collapse again!

The rest of the people were infected, and they all tried their best to support each other with the people around them, trying to find a fixed point in the storm that could last until dawn.




Like a giant landing heavily, the train was trembling, making an overwhelmed creaking sound, and it would fall apart in the next moment.

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of the voice.

The darkness was at the end of the field of vision, devouring the entire train, quickly eating away every inch of space, and it was already in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Under everyone's horrified gaze, the darkness opened its mouth—

Finally, the field of vision was completely dark.

The hurricane stops, the tsunami disappears, and all that remains is a void and nothingness.

Everyone can't perceive each other, even the tightly clenched palms are separated by an invisible but stronger force. They have changed from a group to a single individual again, floating in the boundless darkness, never falling, But can't touch anything.

It was like falling into space in an instant.

There is no sound, no light, and no gravity.

All perception is erased, both time and space lose their meaning here.

They seem to have walked through a wormhole and arrived at another new world.

This is... this is, where?

No one answered their questions.

And in this serenity and peace that seems to have returned to the original life, like a mother's embrace, everyone finally ushered in the first real relaxation after years of long tension.

All worries are gone from the mind, pain and scars are gone, there are no enemies to deal with, and no need to keep one eye open while sleeping.

Thoroughly... the bliss and peace of mind of relaxation.

The corners of people's mouths unconsciously hung a smile, and they slowly closed their eyes, embracing the darkness with confidence.

Then, it slowly fell into the deeper darkness.

It's like returning to the fetal sound at the beginning of life again, they will...

Welcome to the new life.

[Have you ever seen a god? Have you ever seen how the world is created? 】

[Eight thousand years ago, following the will of the gods, the concept of "world" began to exist. The gods dressed up as fanatical scientists named the world in which human beings and life live as the universe,]

[All the laws in the world come from the twenty-one divine decrees, and the laws of all things pretend to be divine words. 】

[When human beings forget the gods, they will enter "science" and abandon the truth that they don't want to admit for eight thousand years. However, the "world" itself always remembers its origin, and the gods' creations are eternally loyal to the gods, and they are far more pure and loyal than humans. And when human scientists go far enough, they are fortunate enough to see the truth of the core of the world...]

【The pioneers of mankind will find that the end of science is theology. That is, the history abandoned and denied by human beings. 】①

[But no matter how you cover it up, it will exist objectively. In every neglected detail, in every silent call. 】

In the empty confined space, the sound of gears running was continuous.

click, click...

The rings of buckles catch up, the machinery runs, and the huge data stream turns into countless rays of light, which quickly draws towards the darkness below, turning into lines, constructing the outline of reality from scratch, and cities and forests rise from the ground .

On the top of the mechanical gear, on the suspended transparent screen, green light spots are constantly flashing, indicating that the identifier is ready.

The sound of the gears colliding was like the breathing of the system.

After a pause for a few seconds, on the running work log, identifiers lead new words to appear.

[Because of sin, the gods abandoned his creations, and because of greed, the world consciousness took advantage of the gods' creations. So, after a huge analysis, I realized that neither side of the opposing camp could afford the new world. 】

[When the old power flows into the new world, the sewage will pollute the new ocean, and the new era will become a joke. For this reason, the calculated data points out a brand new path for all life. 】

【—Abandon the gods and consciousness, choose to understand the world outside of the two sides, and have absolutely independent thinking, and will not take the world as its own third-party existence due to selfish desires. 】

[The selection of third-party candidates is difficult, and the inferiority of human beings has never been successfully eradicated since it was recorded. The emergence of a new era requires long-term observation and analysis of the world before it can be reconstructed and rebuilt. Abandon the old ills and bring in the new living water... There is no human being in the database who meets this requirement. 】

[Until Chi Yiyin dies, appears, records, and changes—the stars are falling, and his world is destined to come. I am so looking forward to, me, and all the 'life' in the entire game field. 】

Where no one can see, a new world...

here we go.

Before Chi Yiyin woke up, he heard loud music in his ears.

That is the special interference current sound of the old-fashioned car radio. The buzzing sound will even overwhelm the melody of the music and become the only echoing sound in the car, which is extremely annoying.

But after a long time, I gradually got used to it and coexisted with these noises.

Chi Yiyin instinctively noticed something strange. He couldn't recall his memory from the previous minute, nor could he remember what he had done and what he was about to do.

As if before this minute, the world didn't exist.

He was just thrown here roughly, hastily stuffed into an identity, like a scarecrow in the field, wearing his own identity to go into battle, rough and fast.

The person who did this didn't even have time to deal with the details - such as his previous memory.

Chi Yiyin maintained this idea, but felt that he was very funny, as if he had read the ghost stories of street stall literature, and he would have the feeling of "this world is fake, and I am not from this world".

He wanted to open his eyes and tell his companions about this funny thought.

However, he was too tired and too sleepy.

It's weird, Chi Yiyin clearly remembers that he is still young, but his body is tired and old, like an old man on the verge of death, he is so tired that he has no strength left, even simple movements such as raising his hand or opening his eyes, Can't do it.

It's as if he has been working continuously for decades, and he is so tense that he doesn't sleep, and he hasn't even had a good night's sleep. The high physical and mental consumption completely destroyed his health.

It wasn't until this minute that he finally temporarily escaped from the terrifying **** and had a gap to breathe.

Chi Yiyin tried to open her eyes, but her thick and slender eyelashes seemed to be covered with spider webs like butterfly wings, trembling wildly but unable to escape.

There seemed to be a force in the depths, pulling him into a deep sleep.

Go to sleep, go to sleep... This will be your only chance to get some rest, don't miss it.

There seemed to be an airy calling sound coming from his ear, and the exhaled wind fell on his neck, bringing a burst of icy chill, which made him shrink his shoulders unconsciously, and found a more comfortable sleeping position.

Then, he could no longer resist the powerful tiredness, and fell into a deep sleep.

In a daze, Chi Yiyin did not give up observing the surrounding environment, and was still instinctively paying attention to the situation around him.

The sound of the radio in the car has been switched from songs to radio. There are no good programs on the radio late at night, except for the two hosts who laughed and said some boring things, just playing music and chatting.

However, after being disturbed by the electric current, the person's voice was a bit weird, with a sense of horror that seemed human but not human.

This made Chi Yiyin frown and feel uncomfortable in his sleep.

The car was driving on the uneven and rugged mountain road, and the frequent bumps made Chi Yiyin up and down along with the road. After falling asleep, the limbs and neck that gradually stopped supporting them were shaking slightly with the bumps.

He leaned to the side and felt as if he had bumped into a solid and warm body.

The other party's straight and strong shoulders supported him firmly.

After a while, the man stretched out his hand, and the slender palm gently brushed against his cheek, and then repositioned him in a more comfortable position, so that he could sleep peacefully on his body.


An indistinct calling sounded from the side.

Chi Yiyin frowned, feeling confused in a daze.

Are you calling him? Although there was this word in his name, no one had ever called him like that, and it was... a little too intimate, which made him feel very uncomfortable and wanted to shut up the other party.

However, at the same time that this idea appeared, many pictures also flashed across Chi Yiyin's mind, like a key to open a treasure house, releasing the memories sealed in the memory palace.

Those places are extremely strange, and they are not in Chi Yiyin's memory. He doesn't remember that he has been to those places.

There are old houses overgrown with weeds, gloomy houses with dolls everywhere, shaking and staggered figures, and overlapping voices.

What kind of game field, the system is still a live broadcast, and some people shouted excitedly that everyone will die, and some people chose to commit suicide out of desperation, the scene was chaotic.

The clutter of figures made it impossible for him to tell who was who, but it was strange that he found some of them so familiar.

Especially one of the slopes.

Leaning on crutches, the man walked unhurriedly among those figures, making him particularly eye-catching. The rest of the people are all chaotic phantoms, only him, calm and outstanding,

There are also the slender boy with the rabbit on his head, the chattering young man... He actually felt that he could imagine their appearance, the way they spoke, their personality, their smiling and angry appearances, and their frowns just by looking at their backs. Every word is so vivid.

It was as if they had traveled a long way together as partners.

Chi Yiyin knew very well that she was dreaming.

But this dream was too real, like a lucid dream, as if he had really lived in that world and existed there. He really has partners, and he has indeed been to those eerie and dangerous places.

It was weird, but it was so real that he couldn't even deny it.

It's like... he dreamed about something from his previous life, or is it a parallel time and space?

Chi Yiyin didn't know clearly, and couldn't figure it out.

The overly sleepy brain is like a rusty machine, unable to continue to operate, and can only passively accept information input, watching the scenes of deja vu flashing through his mind.

At some point, the dream changed and it was fixed on a man.

In the Golden Temple, there are tall stone pillars all over the top, carved beams and painted buildings, which are exquisite.

And under the most central dome, stands a silent statue.

The tall man stood in front of the statue, watching him quietly, his eyes focused and affectionate, but he seemed to be restraining his anger and killing intent, not wanting to scare him.

That person has a pair of beautiful golden brown eyes, let him look at him, and there will be a smile in those eyes, like flowing gold, making Chi Yiyin want to reach out and try to touch those eyes. beauty.

The man smiled.

He took a step forward, reached out to Chi Yiyin, his light lips opened and closed, as if to say something to him.

But dreams are always chaotic and vague.

Even though Chi Yiyin tried hard to see what the man was saying, in the end he only read a few syllables intermittently.

Game field, system, sea of ​​clouds, new world, change, book... what are you talking about?

Chi Yiyin was puzzled.

But just when he wanted to take a closer look at what the man wanted to express, a sharp siren suddenly sounded in his ear.

【warn! warn! The key role of the third party is leaving, don't wake up! Do not wake up! 】

【Emergency plan has been activated, build a new world again! 】

[The instruction has been received... The important scene has been constructed, and the important NPC has started to launch... Enter the preset position, everything is ready. 】

【warn! Unable to rule out interference option gods. warn! Level 1 warning! The gods are approaching, do not awaken the third-party existence, the time has not come, do not wake up! 】

[Reset... clear! The world restarted... the 3rd time... the 1001st time, the world restarted successfully, the scene was restructured, and the scene deviated, warning! can not fix! 】

[Deviation is allowed, keep going! 】

A series of mechanical warning sounds accompanied by the reminder of the ringing bell, as if being irritated by an alarm clock just after falling asleep, made Chi Yiyin have a splitting headache and didn't know where he was for a while.

It seemed that he was lying on the bed in his own apartment, alone in the empty and spacious space, and the alarm clock was ringing non-stop.

But in the next second, he lifted himself up as if he was in that strange scene, which seemed to have tall minarets and bell towers, and noble ladies with long skirts winding around the ground.

Countless fragments are overlapping and interlacing, time and space are competing with each other, making Chi Yiyin not know who he really is.

But soon, a new notification sounded in my ears again—【Deviation value has been accepted, the important scene structure of the new world is successful, deviate from the preset, advance along the deviation value, important NPC is launched successfully, the first-level interference option has been resolved, Interference options have been incorporated into refactored worlds. 】

[Everything is ready, the third-party existence enters the preset scene, and the new world is about to start. Three, two, one! 】

At that moment, Chi Yiyin fell into a deeper sleep and completely lost control over her side.

When he regained his awareness of the surrounding things, he was already lazy after a long sleep, and the radio in the car was still buzzing, laughing at some jokes that weren't funny, Then, under the prompt of the traffic radio, soothing music was played.

As for Chi Yiyin, he was still lying on the half-down car seat, his mind was not fully awake and he was still in a habitual sleep, he wanted to stay in bed, and he didn't want to just get up like this.

"Damn! This broken navigation, where did it take us in the middle of the night!"

The person next to him cursed and slammed his fist on the steering wheel in anger, and the horn sounded in time, making a loud bang, which made Chi Yiyin slowly get out of the sleep just now.

He slowly got up from the car seat and finally opened his eyes.

With the dim light in the car, Chi Yiyin was able to see where he was now.

This is a very old car, and it blares everywhere including the horn.

Outside the car window is the gloomy and dim barren mountains, and it is still raining. The crackling sound of the raindrops is disturbing, and the constantly shaking wipers can't solve the sight that is disturbed by the heavy rain. The only good thing is that there are no pedestrians here, and no Building, don't worry about bumping your head into something because of this.

Chi Yiyin looked down at herself, and found that she was wearing a coat that was obviously not his size, and was sleeping on the co-pilot's seat. The half-down seat became a temporary bed, but There is no comfort, and even the gap in the door next to it is still blowing cold air inward.

The little heat accumulated from sleeping under the thick coat just now was dissipated because of Chi Yiyin's movement of getting up.

The cold wind blowing in made him shiver even more.

"Is it cold? Bear with it, the air conditioner doesn't work very well, so we need to save fuel. I don't know where the next gas station is in this wilderness."

Noticing Chi Yiyin's movements, a comforting voice came from the driving seat next to him, but it was perfunctory enough.

It seems that the purpose is not to comfort Chi Yiyin and make him feel better. It was the driver who wanted to find an excuse to vent his anger and make him feel better.

"Damn this **** second-hand car! At that time, the car dealer was still patting his chest and assuring me that it was not a water truck. He dared to say that if he passed the water truck, he would show me to death. Pooh! This **** trash, If it can be driven back to the city smoothly, I will definitely change it, and then go find that damned car dealer's theory!"

After a big bump in the car, both the driver and Chi Yiyin were almost thrown into the air, their heads even touched the roof of the carport, and then fell down heavily.

Just sober. Chi Yiyin, who hadn't fully figured out what was going on in front of her, was almost thrown out of her internal organs because of the bump, and her face was even paler than paper, looking like fragile white porcelain.

The driver looked to the side, and was startled by Chi Yiyin's state. He immediately punched the radio, and cursed angrily, cursing and saying that he must kill the black-hearted second-hand car dealer when he got back.

Chi Yiyin waved his hand, trying to make the driver's voice quieter.

He didn't think the driver was too righteous, he just felt that the other party was noisy.

"Shut up, monkey."

He said something casually.

The driver also shut up.

But after a few seconds of silence in the car, the driver asked back with a trembling voice: "Chi, Brother Chi, who are you talking to? Who is the monkey? There are only two of us in the car."

After Chi Yiyin blurted out habitually, she was also stunned.

It seems that it is just the body's muscle memory, which has formed inertia long ago, so it will be said naturally. But Monkey... Does he know this guy?

Chi Yiyin couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

But the driver was so frightened that he was about to cry, his voice full of tears: "Brother Chi, don't scare me, the navigation said that there are cemeteries in two villages next to it, and there is some ancient battlefield mass burial site in front of it. Everywhere in Jiaoye Ridge looks like there are ghosts, if you put it that way, it looks even more like it!"

"You, you, Brother Chi, this is no joke! If you see something, you must say it!"

The driver's face turned pale with fright, and he turned his head to look to the side again and again, his frightened little eyes looked like they were about to disappear from fright.

Chi Yiyin quickly explained, saying that he was sleepy and told what he saw in his dream just now, and it wasn't from their side.

The driver was appeased by the general, but he didn't dare to say anything more. He didn't swear while driving like before, but was quiet and obedient.

The atmosphere in the car was depressed because of this, even the loud music sounded like the funeral music of a dead person, combined with the crackling sound of the rainstorm, it was creepy.

Chi Yiyin tightened the coat he was wearing, but his legs were too long, and he was placed in the small space in front of the co-pilot with aggrievedness. He could only huddle together aggrievedly, and he could easily bump into the side when he moved.

As soon as he pushed his knee, the front storage basket was pushed open, and an atlas fell out.

Chi Yiyin frowned, feeling as if some fragments flashed in his mind, as if he was about to remember something.

But he noticed carefully, and in the end there was nothing. He had no choice but to put it aside temporarily, bent down and picked up the atlas, trying to close the storage basket to make room for his legs.

When he glanced at the atlas, he froze for a moment.

A lot of words were densely written on it. It seems that its owner didn't use it as a map, but as a notebook.

It recorded a lot of itineraries and plans, as well as names of people and places and time.

It's like a key to unlock memory, through which Chi Yiyin slowly recalled why she was here.

He was a professor of folklore at the university, and his assistant sat in the driver's seat.

The two of them went out this time to catch up with an ancient sacrifice in a remote mountain forest, to record these sacrifices that will be lost for the next school year's courses, and turn them into valuable video materials.

It's just that they obviously didn't read the almanac when they went out this time.

As soon as they left the gate of the university, they encountered a flat tire, an oil leak, and the bad luck of being bumped into porcelain. Finally, they drove out of the city with difficulty.

The most terrible thing is that they had already arrived at the village where the destination was, but only after they went there did they find that the address that Chi Yiyin got was not accurate at all.

"You are going to Dayin Village, and we are Taiyin Village here."

After hearing the story of Chi Yiyin's origin, the old man in that village was puzzled, saying that there had never been such a sacrifice in his village, until he saw the place names and events recorded in Chi Yiyin's notebook, he suddenly realized, hahaha laugh.

The kind and enthusiastic villagers helped Chi Yiyin and the others point the way again, but the problem is that there is often no signal in the deep mountains, let alone making phone calls and surfing the Internet, don't even think about GPS, the mobile phone is just a piece of iron here.

The navigation that Chi Yiyin and his assistants are more accustomed to can't be used here at all, and the villagers speak with a strong local accent, which took them a lot of time to slowly sort out what the villagers want to say.

— but not very useful either.

Because the references given by the villagers are mostly "turn left at Lao Li's house", "go up the mountain when you see the fruit trees in Lao Zhang's house", etc. Chi Yiyin was helpless and dumbfounded, so he could only confirm the general direction with the villagers After that, I set off on the road, trying to find someone to ask on the road.

They wanted to rely on the guidance of the locals to find the right way, but after leaving the village and continuing to walk, they found that many villages here were already empty, either the whole village was relocated, or no young people were willing to stay. The remaining one or two old people can't understand what they are talking about at all, and they can't understand the local accent of the old people.

Both sides looked at each other.

Chi Yiyin smiled wryly.

But fortunately, there is one last piece of good news.

— On the dirt road outside the village, there was a GPS signal again, allowing them to follow the navigation.

But there is also bad news.

It's raining, and there's a good chance of flash floods.

They must leave here as soon as possible, and try to find a village where they can take refuge.

But when they were anxious, the navigation was not working well, their car was also hit by boulders, and the rain was pouring back, which became more and more difficult.

Chi Yiyin looked at the map book over and over for a long time, but always felt that something was wrong.


Although he has an impression of the name of the university, and he remembers all the studies from undergraduate to doctoral degree completed in this university, but the problem is, he always feels that he is not a professor?

With his character, it seems... he is more willing to deal with people, to observe and analyze people.

Was it that he didn't know himself correctly enough?

Chi Yiyin was puzzled for a while but couldn't find the answer. Finally, he shook his head with a smile, and murmured to himself in a low voice: "I'm really sleepy..."

However, he always felt that being a novelist was also a good career choice?

This thought flashed through Chi Yiyin's mind, which made him a little regretful.

Maybe it's because I didn't choose that path when I was young, so it's especially unforgettable.

"Red Bird, how far are we from the next village?"

Chi Yiyin frowned and looked at the pouring rain outside the car window: "From this standpoint, the heavy rain will not stop tonight. We have to find a place to shelter from the rain and eat, and the car may not be able to withstand it. Heavy rain."

He spoke very naturally, but the driver was about to cry from fright: "Brother Chi! Who have you been calling since just now? My name is Jingniao, Jingniao! I have been your assistant for all these years, Can you even call my name wrong?"

The driver asked tremblingly, "Could it be that you were replaced just now?"

Chi Yiyin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but when he looked back, he found that the driver was really going crazy from fright, his hands holding the steering wheel were shaking, and he looked like he was about to run away at any time.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep and couldn't remember for a while."

He sighed helplessly: "I just had a dream. I dreamed that your name was Red Bird, and another friend by your side seemed to be called Jing Cha."


"Are all the ghosts this scary now? A scheming mass grave."

He muttered, even if he was dubious, for the sake of his own life, he still insisted on believing it, determined not to let his guess come true.

Chi Yiyin knew that he had frightened the poor assistant, so in order to ease the atmosphere, he told him about the dream he had just had, about the game field and system in the dream, and those terrible monsters.

The driver listened, his face softened, and he smiled again: "I understand, brother Chi, you are just too worried about the video recording. This is called thinking every day and dreaming at night. You just thought about it, It’s all caused by the materials I read during the day.”

"Returning Beijing Tea? Rabbit? Hahahaha that's outrageous, how could I have friends with that kind of character."

When he was about to say something more, Chi Yiyin's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly found someone standing on the road ahead.

Chi Yiyin immediately shouted, reminding the driver who was not looking at the road ahead to turn around: "Look at the road! There are people!"

The driver hurriedly stepped on the brakes subconsciously, and stopped the car with difficulty on the wet and slippery ground, barely passing the figure.

When the car stopped, the driver was already in a cold sweat.

He immediately rolled down the car window and yelled at the outside: "Can't you see the road! You're courting death at night..."

But halfway through the conversation, the driver couldn't continue anyway.

Standing outside the car was a tall man.

When he looked down, a mountain-like sense of deterrence followed.

With just one glance, the driver was so frightened that he didn't dare to say another word, and quickly shut his mouth.

Chi Yiyin felt strange, and turned her head to look out of the car window.

When he met the man's eyes, he froze for a moment.

He seemed to have seen those golden brown eyes in a dream...

"Can you take me with you?"

The man bent down and asked Chi Yiyin in a deep voice, "I'm lost and I can't find my lover."

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