—Have you ever doubted the reality of this world?

Doubting whether it is real or just a lucid dream.

Trapped deep in it, unable to find an exit, everything around is false, perhaps, they are just a string of codes used to deceive eyes and ears.

You are not really you, and the world is not really the world.

Even standing there, it still feels like you are the only one in the world, and the loneliness is like a tsunami, engulfing you.

There should be... There should be such a person, always standing by his side, no matter when he turns around, he can see him.

That is, the world that really belongs to him.

Chi Yiyin was standing at the door of the side room, but no matter what, she couldn't lift her long legs to cross the threshold. His palm landed on the door frame, but his sight was unfocused, just empty.

I don't know where my thoughts are floating.

For a moment, he was in a trance.

I feel that I am not in my body, but upwards, constantly upward...the whole mountain forest and deserted village are under him.

A figure was climbing on a rugged mountain road.

He walked slowly, but firmly enough, and even calmly turned sideways to chat and laugh with the things next to him.

The thing was floating around the man, not a person, but... a ghost.

When the man turned his head, Chi Yiyin also saw that face clearly, it was so familiar that he recognized it at a glance, it was clearly him!

The face that I have seen in the mirror countless times, but it appears on another person, this feeling is extremely strange and weird.

But Chi Yiyin still calmed down and tried to understand what he was talking about from "my" mouth.

That "Chi Yiyin" was asking the ghost around him, asking if it was the same way it walked in its lifetime, and asking about what happened at that time.

One of the words caused Chi Yiyin's vigilance.

The other said, 'You are an authority on folklore, so of course you're going to show me the way, Professor'.

This is... what "he" said to the ghost, and the ghost had no objection to it.

Chi Yiyin was stunned.

"He" is not a professor of folklore, but the ghost next to him?

At that moment, the shell covering him seemed to have cracked a gap, allowing him to glimpse the skylight outside the shell, even his memory was loosened, and a past completely different from his own cognition poured in.

The mansion of the Ma family with barren grass and bones, the ferocious female ghost in red clothes like blood, the lady who introduced herself as Tong Yao with a smile, the frenzied gaze of the young man with a broken leg...

All the clues weave into a gentle and masked gentleman in a suit.

In the gust of wind, the phantom turned around and looked in his direction. The face that was the same as his own had a different sharpness.

The gentleman in the suit said—wake up! Are you being lied to and don't know it?

In an instant, it was like enlightenment.

Chi Yiyin only felt that the dense fog that had been covering her eyes had dispersed, her vision had returned to clarity, and all the doubts and violations had been explained.

It's not that he hates this world, but that the world itself is false. All the mountains, villages, people and things in front of him... are all a hoax!

The created box garden, he is the ant that was put into it, and was recorded and observed by people outside the box garden.

Who is the opponent? What is the purpose?

Out of the corner of Chi Yiyin's eye, he caught a glimpse of red.

He looked subconsciously, and saw a red figure flashing past, the long skirt was as red as blood, and the gold ornaments were crisp and crisp.

The female ghost in the wedding dress stood in the dark corner of the side room, looking straight at him with blood-red eyes.

Wake up, she said, sir, you can't be stuck here.

She said there are more important things waiting for you to do and you can't stop there.


"The next generation, the next generation?"

A rough voice with doubts came from the yard: "What are you doing standing here? If you don't go into the house, this house doesn't like it?"

Chi Yiyin was suddenly pulled back by the sound, trembling all over, covered in cold sweat, and her heart was beating wildly.

He collected himself, turned around and looked aside, and saw the shriveled little old man standing behind him with his hands on his hips, with a bad expression on his face.

The old man snorted and said viciously: "I know you look down on our village. It's so delicate that it's harder to serve than pork. Anyway, there's only this, so get out!"

Chi Yiyin blinked slowly, slowly retreated from the vision just now, and remembered the things around her again.

Yes, he's a professor of folklore, and the rainstorm is here for the night.

Chi Yiyin nodded to the old man, with a gentle smile, which made even the most demanding people find no faults.

The old man wasn't very happy, but he didn't reach out to hit the smiling man. Chi Yiyin's response was impeccable, so he could only shake his hand, turn around and leave.

"If you hear any movement at night, don't be afraid. Don't come running to disturb me."

He said lightly: "The neighbor next door left two cats when they entered the city. They are always making noise next door. It's normal to hear everything."

When the assistant came back with the quilt in the arms of the fifth aunt, he just heard the old man say that, and his face turned pale.

Is the cat in the rainstorm deep in the mountains really a cat?

Fifth Aunt heard it too, but she didn't respond to the old man's words, but when she passed by the old man, her smiling face with the assistant turned cold.

The assistant didn't see the expression of Aunt Wu who was walking beside him, but Chi Yiyin did.

It was the same when I was warming up by the fire in the main room before. The old man only spoke when the fifth aunt left. When the fifth aunt came back, she became dumb and only knew how to smoke. Aunt Fifth didn't make a sound when the old man was talking, and she didn't even want to show up where he was.

Let alone a family, they have the air of an enemy.

But the fifth aunt's emotions were only fleeting, and when she trotted to the side room, she had changed into a smiling face again, enthusiastic and simple, and asked Chi Yiyin to come in quickly, so as not to be splashed by the rain dripping from the eaves wet.

"If it gets wet and windy in this kind of weather, if someone has a headache, he will suffer."

Fifth Aunt quickly tidied up the bed in the side room, swept away all the sundries that had been piled up on the wooden shelf bed that had been unoccupied for a long time, and then talked to Chi Yiyin while wiping the dust.

For Chi Yiyin, who has rarely been willing to listen to her for so many years, she still has a high degree of affection. Even the quilt she asked her assistant to pick up with her is her own home, and it smells like sunshine. Clean and fluffy.

The assistant was quite happy when he saw the quilt.

After all, it is not those old cotton quilts that no one has used. Not to mention damp and cold, there are still many fleas and ticks hidden in the cotton wool. Let alone sleeping well after covering them all night, allergies are mild of.

Because of this, even if Fifth Aunt wiped the dust and made dust float everywhere in the side room, which choked people, he was happy and was not hit by it.

It's just that when he remembered what the old man said when he came here, there was a cat next door, he still walked silently to Chi Yiyin, trying to find some psychological comfort around Chi Yiyin.

"Yeah, it should be okay, right?"

The assistant's voice was full of guilt. It didn't look like he was asking, but he seemed to be consoling and persuading himself: "Wild, wild cats must be very common in the mountains. Don't worry, nothing will happen at night, ha, ha ha."

Chi Yiyin: "... Before you say that, take your hands away."

The assistant tugged on his sleeve so hard that it was almost embedded in the flesh of his arm. No need to look, Chi Yiyin also knew that the place where the assistant grabbed must be green.

The assistant was startled, and quickly let go. He looked to the side, but he didn't dare to look at Chi Yiyin.

On the contrary, it is trying to cover up.

"do not worry."

The fifth aunt noticed the conversation between the two, "Puff!" laughed out loud, and said loudly, "My father-in-law was born by a weasel in his last life, and he never spoke the truth in this life, no matter what he said to you just now. Everything I said was to scare you."

"Then, is there a cat next door?" the assistant checked tremblingly.

Fifth Aunt thought about it for a while, and then nodded: "Indeed."


The others seemed to be passing away.

Chi Yiyin sneered: "Why, you are afraid of cats because you have 'bird' in your name? A folklore assistant is even afraid of cats. Is there anything else you are not afraid of?"

The assistant wanted to cry, but felt that he and the professor had no common language.

—Is that the problem of birds being afraid of cats?

That's an excuse for the feral cat to be something else!

What if everyone thinks it's a stray cat and doesn't care, but it's actually something else?

The assistant swallowed hard.

If it wasn't too rainy outside to make it difficult to walk, Chi Yiyin suspected that he would have run away by now.

"In this room before that, I seemed to see a few paper-stitched people... Huh? Where did they go?"

The assistant hesitated, and finally worked up the courage to ask, but when he wanted to point it out to Aunt Fifth, he was surprised to find that the paper-stitched figure he saw outside the house had disappeared? !

He was shocked.

What followed was a chill that spread all the way up the spine.

The assistant's hand that was about to point to the paper puppet was still hanging in the air, but there was nothing beside the window. There was no paper puppet that had scared him half to death before, and there were no other things that could be mistaken.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

That... that shouldn't be an illusion!

Afraid that he might have read it wrong, he double-checked it. If he hadn't been called away by the fifth aunt to help her bring the quilt, he would have already entered the side room to check it.

With just such a turn around, it disappeared?

how could be?

Fifth Aunt didn't notice the assistant's crazy mood of riding a roller coaster, but she did hear the word paper piercing.

She looked up and thought for a while, and suddenly realized.

"Oh! Yes, there are some paper figurines in this room, did you see that?"

The assistant's voice trembled uncontrollably: "Sure!"

He is not blind!

When it came to sticking people with paper, Fifth Aunt was not as scared as her assistant, she was as calm as if what they were talking about was just a few pieces of paper.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, and even felt a little disgusted: "My father-in-law kept it, old man, that's it, maybe he will die one day, so it's better to prepare in advance."


He was shocked.

Which normal family member would talk about the elder's death so plainly, and even have a bit of anticipation that cannot be concealed, as if they want the other party to die quickly.

Maybe some families are like this, but this is definitely beyond the assistant's normal cognition. Not to mention putting paper **** at home...

Who would keep that kind of thing around!

He cried out silently in his heart, and he felt like crying.

The fifth aunt had a normal expression on her face, and she pointed it out to the two of them: "Here, the tablet and the yellow paper are all ready, and they are placed there, as well as the coffin. Father died tonight, and it will be given to me tomorrow." He carried it out."

The assistant couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he was half a beat slow, but suddenly realized something.

Fifth Aunt was referring to... the other side of the room.

That is to say, in this side room, not only are there paper pricked people, but even the shroud, coffin and paper money for the old man's death have been prepared early, and they are placed in the side room?

The assistant tremblingly followed the direction pointed by Fifth Aunt.


Among the sundries piled up in the corner on the other side, under the messy straw mats and agricultural tools, a corner of the coffin was really exposed.

In addition, there is yellow paper in a plastic bag, and the rough tablet is lying aside. And behind the pile of sundries against the wall are those few pale-faced paper-stitched people!

Their faces made of white paper were painted with two blobs of bright red blush, their rough scribbled eye sockets were randomly dotted black, and they stared straight ahead...

The assistant rolled his eyes and fell limply.

Chi Yiyin grabbed him with sharp eyesight and quick hands, and pulled him to her side, avoiding the fate of falling to the ground.

—The ground was covered with ashes, and there were many small particles like ashes, which stuck to the body and were dirty.

"Fifth Aunt, just leave it like this. It's so wet here, won't it be damaged?"

Chi Yiyin didn't show surprise or boredom, but asked calmly as if chatting: "I think the old man is still in good health, why did he prepare so early? It can be done in a few years."

Fifth Aunt waved her hand: "Isn't that because it's cheap?"

Chi Yiyin: "...?"

He has seen many people hoarding goods, paper, and food because they are cheap.

But it was the first time I saw someone hoarding funeral supplies because they were cheap.

Aren't you afraid of bad luck? After all, the village still cares about this.

"We didn't buy it from Mr. Yin Yang, they were all given to us next door. Look at the huge pile, we just exchanged a few bundles of vegetables. It's cheap! It's a good deal!"

Fifth Aunt looked proud, thinking that she was good at living: "I missed such a good opportunity, where can I find such a cheap one next time? Anyway, my father-in-law is not a good thing, so I can just use it casually, and don't pay attention to anything."

"Besides, these things next door are useless. If I don't want them, they'll throw them away, or I'm doing them a favor."

Chi Yiyin heard something was wrong.

Next door, didn't the whole family move to the city?

Besides, except for the fifth aunt, most people would not prepare such a complete set of funeral supplies at home.

If the family next door didn't have a funeral at home, they shouldn't have prepared so comprehensively.


Chi Yiyin's gaze moved to the side silently, frowning as she looked at the faintly exposed coffin.

The elderly in the village attach great importance to longevity materials. Many people will happily prepare coffins for themselves when they are just getting old, and they love the "home" where they will "live" after death.

Coffins made of good wood and craftsmanship are also rare. Generally, the elderly will not give up the birthday materials prepared for themselves to others.

But the house next door is... a whole set has been left to the Fifth Aunt's house. What was the purpose of preparing these in the first place next door? If a family member dies, what did the one who died use?

Chi Yiyin felt that the coffin was extremely weird, and doubts emerged one after another in his heart.

Maybe it would be the fastest way to directly ask Aunt Fifth, but inexplicably, Chi Yiyin heard the voice deep in her mind, and kept stopping him from acting rashly.

just like…

Instead of sleeping in a villager's house, he was now in dire danger.

Chi Yiyin wanted to understand the reason why he had such an idea, but after thinking about it for a while, touching the memory of the past made his head hurt like a needle.

Fifth Aunt helped them pack out the bed, and she didn't plan to stay any longer.

Partial rooms often do not see sunlight, and debris is piled up. The smell of mold is very strong, and it is so humid that it seems that there is water vapor in the breath. On the contrary, there is a fire in the main room, which is warm and harmonious.

Which side to choose in this weather is clear at a glance.

Seeing the assistant eagerly stretching out her longing little hand, she almost wanted to go with Aunt Fifth.

It's not just because of the temperature, but also because...he really doesn't have the guts to sleep with someone stuck in a coffin paper!

"It's okay, it's okay, nothing will happen."

The assistant repeated it over and over again in a crying voice, as if this would keep him safe.

—Although it is more like self-hypnosis and deception. A bird spirit.

Chi Yiyin glanced at him, then turned his head bored, but instead became interested in the pile of debris, and walked closer to examine it carefully.

Those sundries have been there for some years, and there are traces of being soaked in water.

As soon as Chi Yiyin looked up, he saw the leak in the roof.

It looked like it had been patched with newspaper and adhesive before, but it didn't help, it was leaking everywhere under the heavy rain, and the tick tock had no good place to go.

At least from this point of view, Fifth Aunt is not lying, these things have indeed been piled up here for a long time.

Chi Yiyin shook his head helplessly, and then reached out to take the worn-out blanket covering those sundries aside, and took a closer look at the things underneath.

The assistant turned pale in shock, and rushed over to stop him: "Brother Chi! What are you doing? There's a coffin underneath!"

He looked terrified, his face turned pale, and all the scenes he had seen before flashed in his mind.

The assistant swallowed, and asked tremblingly, "Could it be that you've been haunted by a ghost? Don't you want to go to the coffin to be a dead ghost?"

Chi Yiyin: "..."

Chi Yiyin finally couldn't take it anymore, and it happened that there was no one around, so he kicked the assistant's **** as soon as he stretched out his long legs, and said in a low voice, "Be sober!"

"A folklore assistant, why on earth can you be so afraid?"

Chi Yiyin was puzzled.

There are many folklore studies that deal with beliefs and cultures in various places, and most of them are relics left over from the era of ghosts and gods in the past, so it is inevitable to often go to places where ghosts and gods haunt. Logically speaking, shouldn't you be used to it?

The assistant wanted to cry but had no tears: "Then you should be afraid, you will be afraid of anything. If you smell **** every day, you can't say **** is edible!"

Chi Yiyin: "... I really want to change my assistant."

Doubts flashed through his mind, but the reason given by the assistant still convinced him temporarily.

But he is not ready to give up the action in his hand.

"I want to see the coffin below, no ghosts are forcing me."

Chi Yiyin said helplessly: "What if there is something hidden in the coffin, wouldn't it be much better to find out now than in the middle of the night?"

This reason was too strong, and it directly convinced the assistant, which made him bounce off like a roc spreading its wings, literally flying in the air.

After he found a small corner and carefully hid himself, he smiled at Chi Yiyin and made "please" gestures repeatedly.

Chi Yiyin shook his head.

Fifth Aunt didn't lie to them. The funeral supplies she collected from the neighbors back then were indeed a complete set, with everything missing, and there was no trace of use.

Only that tablet.

It should have been engraved with the name of the deceased person next door. Even after it was sold to the Fifth Aunt, the name on it was tried to be erased, but a vague mark was still left.

The coffin was not, as Chi Yiyin guessed before, a birthday material made of good materials and craftsmanship.

On the contrary, Chi Yiyin tapped it with her fingers, and found that the coffin was thin and soft, and it was made of fast-growing wood that shouldn't be a coffin at all!

This kind of wood, which should have been made into paper and disposable items, could not even be used as furniture. It is brittle and soft, unable to bear weight and easily eaten by insects.

It is almost all the shortcomings that Shoucai should not have, and it has them all. Even in the coffin shop, it is a cheap item that can be sold for money, not at all like it can be prepared for the family.

—Aunt Fifth has no feelings for the old man, but is full of disgust, so she will happily choose.

This made Chi Yiyin frowned, not understanding what was going on.

What is the identity of the dead person next door who needed to use these things?

Instinctively, he took out the handkerchief from his pocket, wrapped it in his hands, and held the two sides of the coffin lid, trying to lift the coffin to see inside.

After all, with such a large space, hiding someone is no problem at all.

What if... there was a dead body inside?

Chi Yiyin frowned, a little cold because of her guess.

But when he tried his best to lift the coffin, but failed twice, he finally couldn't help being astonished.


The coffin is obviously so thin, the fast-growing wood has no weight at all, and the coffin lid is as thin as a layer of paper, but it just can't be opened.

Like a heavy sarcophagus.

Chi Yiyin had to beckon for his assistant to come over and help him open it together.

The assistant was so frightened that he wanted to die, but under Chi Yiyin's calm gaze, he could only bite the bullet and step forward, holding each side with Chi Yiyin, and exerting force with four hands.

But no matter how hard they tried, the coffin didn't budge.

Instead, the paper stick man behind him swayed, causing the assistant to let go and scream in panic.

"Forget it, forget it Brother Chi, maybe it was designed like this in the first place, and it can only be opened when it is really used."

The assistant almost couldn't find where his vocal cords were: "Let's not disturb the people inside, shall we? The dead are the best."


Chi Yiyin: "Have you already agreed that there is a corpse in here? Are you being too proactive?"

He wasn't frightened by the abnormal situation in front of him, and his calm and calm expression was in stark contrast to his assistant.

Chi Yiyin raised his head, jumped over the debris in the middle, and quietly looked at the paper man standing against the wall behind him.

While they were doing these things, the few paper stick people who had scared the assistant half to death before had been standing in the corner, looking straight at them with those dark and lifeless eyes.

Perhaps it was because of the changing angle of light and shadow, no matter where Chi Yiyin went, he always felt that these paper-wrapped people were watching him.

He was not afraid, but did the opposite, looking directly at the paper-stitched people, and looking at them without fear.

The gaze was calm and leisurely, as if he had long been used to such situations, and nothing could frighten him.

He even had extra energy to spare, trying to analyze the reasons behind these paper-stitched people.

Although Chi Yiyin didn't know why he did this, but his instinct was telling him - observe and analyze. The brain cannot have a moment of rest.

As long as he stops running, he will be killed by the beast behind him.

Chi Yiyin frowned, realizing something from an instinct she was completely unfamiliar with.

It was also because of this that his eyes became sharper, full of urgency like a knife.

"Brother Chi?"

When the assistant found that Chi Yiyin had been staring at those paper-wrapped people, he was almost frightened to death: "You, you can't really..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Chi Yiyin suddenly raised his arm and lowered it heavy but swiftly.

"Get out! Don't come in my way!"

"Crack!" A crisp sound echoed in the side room.

Not only the assistant was stunned, but the paper piercer was stunned.

Even the old man who was half-squatting outside the window and peeping was dumbfounded.

But Chi Yiyin didn't think there was anything wrong with his behavior. He sneered, pointed at the paper man whose head had been turned around by the slap, and asked the other two, "Do you want to try it too?"

At that moment, the assistant saw humanized fear in the paper pierced eyes.

The assistant blinked, at a loss as to what was going on.

But the facts have proved that Chi Yiyin's trick of killing chickens and monkeys is very effective, and the medicine will cure the disease.

Immediately, the coffin was not heavy, and the room was not cold anymore. Even when Chi Yiyin tried to lift the coffin, she always felt that the weight in her hand was much lighter than it looked.

Even Chi Yiyin wondered if there was something invisible in the coffin, and the dog-legged fawning help lifted the coffin from the inside, not daring to ask him to use more strength.

After opening the coffin, a rotten and damp smell immediately hit the face.

Chi Yiyin frowned, covering her mouth and nose in disgust.

Because of this action, he temporarily let go of the coffin lid. But the coffin lid seemed to have a mind of its own. Without the support of Chi Yiyin's palm, it was still hanging in the air for a long while, and then realized that he was let go, and quickly fell with gravity .

Even though it was clearly a dead object, the assistant felt that the coffin was wronged no matter how he looked at it.

Coffin: Why did you let me go?

The corners of Chi Yiyin's lips curled up imperceptibly, and then disappeared, as if he had never done anything, and he reached out to catch the falling coffin lid with a natural posture.

There was no flashlight, and there was only a low-wattage incandescent light bulb in the side room, which could not illuminate the inside of the coffin.

Chi Yiyin waved to the assistant, motioning him to turn on the flashlight of the phone.

After photographing it, the two discovered the source of the stench.

— rats dead in coffins, and other messy bugs.

Before anyone fell asleep, the insects, ants, and mice first helped them explore the way, and tried to see if the coffin could sleep comfortably.

The assistant turned around to vomit, but Chi Yiyin smiled instead.

"The previous owner of this coffin...what grudge do you have against you?" He murmured in a low voice, but no one answered him.

Because of the humidity and rats, a big hole had been gnawed out at the bottom of the coffin. The hole has been connected to the dark space below. A lot of corn kernels or food residues were scattered around the hole, as if a mouse had hidden here and ate it secretly.

…or people.

Chi Yiyin bent down and took a rough look at the bottom of the coffin. He wanted to see what was underneath, but unexpectedly found a few inconspicuous small characters engraved in the corner.

"The Tomb of Qin's Yellow Rat Woman".



Chi Yiyin didn't find it funny, but only found it weird.

Qin's family, Huang Shupo... There is only one possibility, and they will be named in this way. Very few people would engrave a nickname on the coffin. The previous owner of this coffin, the one who passed away in the next door, was an old woman surnamed Qin.

And the weasel, the weasel, has great significance to the old woman surnamed Qin, even enough to replace her own original name, and become the epitome of her life in the grand ceremony of death.

Weasels... What Aunt Wu said casually before was related to weasels.

She said, is that old man the reincarnation of a weasel?

Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows, keeping his discovery in his heart, and didn't make it public.

He straightened up slowly, as easily as if he just stretched his waist.

It's just that when he stood up straight, he glanced in the direction of the window, thoughtfully.

Chi Yiyin re-covered the coffin lid in his hand, and piled up other sundries on it at random, and seemingly unintentionally used those iron farm tools to set up a small mechanism.

As long as the coffin lid moves a little, the agricultural tools placed on it will slide down and hit other agricultural tools, and the iron products will make a loud noise when they collide, which is enough to wake up a light sleeper.

But he didn't pile up all the agricultural tools and sundries, but took the iron bar in his hand and turned it upside down, as if he was trying to get used to its weight to see if it was in his hand.

Seeing that Chi Yiyin put down those things on his own initiative, the assistant breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the edge of the bed tiredly, and lazily told Chi Yiyin about tomorrow's plan.

"Brother Chi, we will leave as soon as the rain stops tomorrow, and we won't stay for a minute. I think Aunt Wu and the others don't like Dayin Village, but they are familiar with Dayin Village. Ask us about the route when we leave. This time it is absolutely guaranteed that we will not get lost."

"Then we made a quick decision. We hurriedly finished the recording and invited the gods to sacrifice. I always feel that this place is cold and evil. I don't want to stay here any longer. I just want to go home quickly, take a hot bath, and relax. Get a good night's sleep..."

Chi Yiyin was smiling, and from time to time she said "um" as a response to the assistant.

But at the same time, holding the iron rod in his hand, he walked towards the window in a relaxed and natural way, as if he just wanted to see the scenery outside.

The window of the side room has long been covered with dust, more like a piece of frosted glass, it is difficult to see the things on the other side of the window, it has to be tightly attached to it.

But the yard was quiet, the heavy rain blocked out all sounds, and only sporadic voices could be heard.

When Chi Yiyin didn't talk too much, it became the assistant's one-man show here. Except for the assistant, everyone...or non-humans are holding their breath and not making a sound.

"Brother Chi, what do you think?" the assistant looked up and asked.

But before the smile on his lips could rise, his eyes suddenly widened, his face was full of astonishment.

— Chi Yiyin suddenly raised his hand, and quickly swung the iron rod towards the window, passing through a piece of broken glass at the edge, and pointing straight out of the window.

At that moment, a rough scream sounded from outside the window.

Chi Yiyin raised her eyelashes, raised her eyes slightly, but smiled happily, without any extra ups and downs in her voice.

"Maybe you don't know me very well. I hate voyeurism, and I just want to smash your eyes."

"You got lucky this time. But next time."

He paused, the smile on the corner of his lips slowly deepened, and his voice was so soft: "You try."

Under the dado outside the window, the old man fell down on the muddy and wet ground, covering his eyes, the muscles on his old and wrinkled face were twitching, like countless fleshy worms undulating under his skin.

The blood flowed out from between his fingers, and then slowly flowed on his dry orange-peel-like skin, making his appearance even more terrifying and hideous.

He stared resentfully at the figure reflected in the window, ground his teeth, but finally said nothing. He just turned over silently, ran quickly on three limbs and disappeared into the darkness of the yard, like a wounded beast.

On the window of the main room, a chubby female figure also retreated quietly.

The stove was still crackling and burning, and the stupid young man reached out to touch the flame intently, but instead his blue and white palm passed through the flame.

No burn marks whatsoever.

Fifth Aunt stood in the middle of the room, her face was cloudy and uncertain. She had long since lost the simple enthusiasm she had in front of Chi Yiyin and the other, but was gloomy like a pool of stagnant water with overturned ink, dark and dark, not like normal people The face it should have.

She snorted coldly, her eyes burst out with hatred and pleasure, and the corners of her mouth were not curved like a curve that humans can achieve.

"That old bastard... tsk."

Fifth Aunt raised her head, looked in the direction of the side room, and spat: "It's not a fuel-efficient thing either."

Seemingly thinking of something, she sneered: "However, no matter how difficult the bone is, it is destined to be confessed tonight."

She laughed silently.

And behind her, the stupid young man turned his neck stiffly, staring blankly at her back.

There was anger on his obviously expressionless face.

But that emotion was just fleeting.

Chi Yiyin pushed open the door of the side room and glanced out.

No one was there.

It was still raining non-stop.

The blood on the floor tiles dripped all the way, all the way to the other side of the yard, and finally disappeared outside the firewood door. But the blood was quickly washed away by the heavy rain, and after Chi Yiyin saw it, it quickly disappeared into the rain.

Chi Yiyin hooked her lips.

He said that before, he felt that something was watching him. Although the gaze was slight, it still made him instinctively feel something was wrong.

Sure enough.

He nodded in satisfaction, closed the door again, and kept the wind and rain out.

When he turned around to look in the direction of the paper-stitched man, he paused on purpose, his eyes long with deep meaning.

Several paper pierced people trembled.

I don't know where the wind came from, and the paper pierced people all turned their faces away, looked to the corner next to them, and bypassed Chi Yiyin.

It might be an illusion, but the assistant just felt that the temperature in this room...has actually risen a bit?

It doesn't seem so wet anymore.

Chi Yiyin smiled lightly, and walked towards the bed with a natural attitude, as if she hadn't done anything.

"It's time to sleep now."

He smiled and said to his assistant, "The kind that doesn't have 'people' bothering you."

Despite Chi Yiyin's promise, the assistant still felt that when the lights were turned off, the paper pricked man not far away was only a black silhouette, which made him flustered.

At first he slept on the inside, but when he turned his head to face the cold and damp wall, he always felt uncomfortable, thinking that something outside the wall was staring at him.

So he asked Chi Yiyin to sleep outside, but this time it was even scarier!

The coffin was placed less than three meters away from him. In the darkness, yellow paper and paper pierced people, as well as memorial tablets... No matter how you look at it, it is not a scene from the underworld. He opened his eyes horribly as soon as he closed his eyes.

Chi Yiyin was annoyed by his back and forth, and slapped the assistant on the arm, leaving him stunned.

"Be quiet."

Chi Yiyin said in a low voice, "You too."



Grass, it's even scarier, Brother Chi!

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