"Those two people, what are you going to do?"

A gloomy voice sounded in the darkness.

A bloated figure of a woman appeared at the door, half of her body was drenched by the rain. Although the light was weak, the wet side was so dark that only the outline was left, like a black hole, which looked a little weird.

The old man drooped his eyes, sat with his feet crossed under the window and smoked a cigarette, as if he hadn't heard anything about the woman.

"I said, are you deaf?"

The woman's voice was a little angry, and she took a few steps forward, allowing her to appear in the candlelight.

Who is that face if it's not Fifth Aunt?

But she has completely lost her previous enthusiasm, and even her human warmth has disappeared, her face is as pale as gold paper, like a paper-stitched man in a cemetery.

She looked at the old man with resentment, and kicked the brazier over, sending charcoal sparks flying everywhere.

"I'm the only one working, what about you? What have you been doing? If you want that old **** to come alive and strangle you and me, just say so! Why don't I kill you now."

The old man raised his eyelids, glanced at her lazily, and said slowly, "Don't worry."

His voice is hoarse, like a tree branch that has been trampled off in autumn, lifeless: "Anyway, whoever comes in can't escape."

"It doesn't matter what it is..."

The old man turned his head, looked viciously at the yard outside the window with a pair of three white eyes, and grinned.

"Take your time, let the prey run for a while, it's interesting. What's the point of being locked in a pen? Run, the meat won't burn."

Fifth Aunt's face turned pale, but before she left, she said in a strange manner: "Don't put it too far away, it will really make people run away. If you want to catch a chicken, be careful that the chicken pecks your eyes instead."

The wooden door was slammed shut behind her.

The old man rolled his eyes and muttered, "Idiot."

But in the next second, a candle that was already shaking in the wind in the room was finally extinguished.

There was only a trail of blue smoke going straight up.

Darkness returned to the house.

Beside the window, the wooden rocking chair made a "creak...creak" sound, shaking by itself.

But the person sitting on it has disappeared, leaving only a pile of clothes.

A dark figure suddenly jumped out from under the pile of clothes, and then disappeared in the darkness, never to be found again.

The dark village house was still silent, as if nothing had happened.

It seems that Fifth Aunt and the old man didn't know where Chi Yiyin was going, nor did they know their suspicions about the neighbors.

Only the fifth aunt.

She stopped in the corridor, turned her head to look in the direction of the side room, and sneered.

In those eyes... there are no pupils, only a foggy whiteness.

But the next moment, Fifth Aunt shook her head, as if she just realized that she had walked out of the room.

"How did I get out here?"

She was full of doubts, shivering from the cold wind and rain, and hurried to the room, muttering: "I'm really sleepy... oh, I'm old."

In the side room, the assistant was so frightened by the sudden broken voice that he didn't dare to take a breath, staring at the door, afraid that something would rush in in the next second.

But... nothing.

The assistant was ready to fight, but after ten minutes passed, there was only the sound of cold wind whistling.

Are you too nervous?

He was a little strange, but he was half-doubting, but he still slowly relaxed his muscles, his back went limp, and he let out a long breath.

The coldness in the side room is in stark contrast to the warmth in the bed, which has a very hypnotic effect. In addition, the assistant had been terrified this day, and suffered a double blow physically and mentally. She was already exhausted, and her eyes were still open because of her willpower.

Therefore, after he felt that the room was safe, even if the assistant wanted to be more vigilant, his upper and lower eyelids were still fighting, and they were glued and inseparable.

Little by little, his head slowly drooped and rested on top of the quilt roll.

A few minutes later, the sound of regular breathing and snoring came.

And at the edge of the window, in the most inconspicuous corner, a corner of the glass was broken.

A dangling three-eyed eye dangled from the hole several times, and finally slammed it on the breach, looked in gloomyly, and looked straight at the assistant without a sound.

The assistant was sleeping soundly, unaware of the gaze staring at him, but twisted his body, feeling as if something was wrong.

But in the end, sleepiness took over the high ground...

At this time, outside the screen that the assistant could not understand at all, the players were watching this special live broadcast, and many people were so nervous that their hearts twitched.

These players locked on the train due to wrong choices are like birds locked in a cage, looking longingly at the same kind flying outside the cage.

Nobody doesn't know Red Bird.

The players who followed the live broadcast almost woke up from the dream of victory. Most of them knew very well that Red Bird, who teamed up with Chi Yiyin, was the winner among them.

Really, those who are qualified to participate in the next round of selection, who may clear the game field and be qualified to formulate rules.

Therefore, when they saw the red bird alone in the room, but they were not vigilant and did not notice the imminent danger, they were so anxious that they almost wished they could pass through the screen and shake the red bird.

Some people's thighs were red from being slapped, and they walked back and forth in front of the screen nervously, yelling loudly to try to wake up the red bird on the screen.

Even if they know that doing so is useless, the closed nature of the game field to the dungeon makes it impossible for them to interfere with the dungeon process and the fate of the players no matter how anxious they are.

But, facing the likeliest of them all to win, they still hope that... the Red Bird will win.

It was as if the red bird had won the game instead of them, and let out a bad breath.

But not all share the same attitude.

Some players are still in the dream of victory, complacent. Some players stared at the screen, their eyes almost bleeding, and cursed the Red Bird to die quickly.

—Why is Red Bird qualified, not him!

A group of demons danced wildly, and all living beings were in various states.

The train conductor's pair of inorganic eyeballs faithfully recorded everything and transmitted it to the deep database.

In the system space, thousands of screens are neatly arranged and hung high.

The new system silently watched the situation of everyone in the game field, whether it was ecstasy or sorrow, roaring or crying.

【Have you ever seen this kind of world? 】

Its voice was very soft, and it was not known who it was asking.

Perhaps it is Li Sijun, the **** who created the world and the power that has protected the world for eight thousand years.

Or maybe it's Chi Yan, or Chi Yiyin, the former system...

But, no one answered it.

Only in the marked screen, the woman seemed to be aware of it, and looked straight at the screen lens.

There was a cold smile in those steel-blue eyes, as if they were provoking the new system—how long can you lock me up? Do you really think that if you throw me into Little Garden, you will be able to block my control over the world?

There were corpses all over the ground under her feet, with blood winding.

The villagers with weapons in their hands did not rest in peace, and the fear before death still remained on their faces. The sorceress, dressed in colorful clothes and full of ornaments, had a ferocious face and kept screaming, but she had lost her breath.

The cold mountain wind was blowing, and the corners of her hair and clothes were billowing in the wind, independent of the mountains, looking down on the world.

That is... Chi Yan who struggled with the world consciousness but lost his trace.

The box garden that was supposed to be enough to trap the demigod to death, and the Great Yin Village, which was lurking in danger everywhere, turned out to be as thin as paper in front of Chi Yan, and it fell apart with a poke.

The new system stared at Chi Yan deeply, for a long time, and sighed softly.

[God... The power of the new God has begun to penetrate the world. He will take charge of his kingdom, walk on the land given by God, and establish a new world according to his rules. 】

【you have not…】

[Did you find it? 】

—Only gods can reshape the world according to his rules.

The words and sentences He wrote will become the cornerstone of the new world, and the words spoken and the commands issued will be the new decree of God. The world is already changing, and those who cannot perceive it are not qualified to enter the new world.

The new system converges its gaze and looks in Chi Yiyin's direction again.

There, the two had already walked into the deserted main house next door, and looked up at the huge statue.

The statue reached all the way to the ceiling, and when the huge head hung down, it seemed that the entire sky was occupied by dark grimaces.

Chi Yiyin stood still at the door for a moment, but there was no change in the main room, only the animal that came in squatted on the coffin, raised its feet to wash its face from time to time, and yawned with its mouth wide open, as if it was just an ordinary wild animal in the mountains .

It seems that the only thing that is wrong here is the coffin parked at home, which violates the common sense of most people.

Chi Yiyin paused, but still tentatively stepped over the calf-high threshold, and formally stepped into the solemnly renovated main house.

In an instant, the squatting animal raised its head, its vertical pupils were cold, and looked straight at Chi Yiyin.

Chi Yiyin even had the illusion that his soul had been seen through. It seems that what is looking at him now is not an animal, but an old man who is old but has insight into the world.

But that feeling was fleeting and quickly disappeared.

The animal also lowered its head again, lost interest, and continued to comb its hair.

The moment that majestic gaze disappeared, it was rare for Chi Yiyin to feel relieved.

He gestured to the young man, beckoning him to go in with him.

The young man nodded and told Chi Yiyin with gestures that he didn't need to worry too much about the statue and the coffin. When he was looking for useful information, he had stepped here many times before, and he was used to the statue. These times, the statue never hurt him, it was just an ordinary stone.

As for the coffin...

The young man spread his hands and said helplessly that it was actually an empty coffin.

Although he didn't know why a coffin was placed here, he was trembling before and was curious about the owner of the coffin, but when he checked it, he found that there were only a few old books and ghost banners inside, which seemed to be used by witches, but he didn't expect it corpse.

Chi Yiyin nodded, but he was not as optimistic as the young man.

Because when the animal just looked up at him, he also saw clearly what the animal was at the same time.


Qin, weasel woman's... weasel.

For the witch, it is her bust, guide, and patron saint.

Even after she died, the weasel still stayed here and refused to leave, as if guarding the place where she lived before.

What about the corpse?

If the corpse, which is more important to the witch, is not in the coffin, why doesn't the weasel guard the corpse instead of the empty room?

Chi Yiyin lowered her eyes and scanned the coffin.

But at that moment, the weasel stopped licking its fur, and glanced at him coldly with its vertical pupils, as if aware of his thoughts.

After he took half a step back and raised his hand to show that he had no intention of approaching the coffin, the weasel lowered its head again to groom its fur, licking it happily.

After repeated tests, Chi Yiyin was able to confirm the identity of Qin's Yellow Rat Woman, just as he had guessed.

And the coffin... I'm afraid it's not as harmless as the young man said.

However, he was not in a hurry to open the coffin to check immediately.

After realizing that the weasel was indeed a patron saint, he temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​looking at the coffin at the risk of angering the spirits. Take your time and figure out other things first... This really **** off the weasel and didn't miss the details.

After knowing that the previous owner was a witch, it all made sense.

Few people decorate their homes to look like tombs or temples, but the main house that Chi Yiyin saw, although it has been destroyed by wind, rain and weeds, it is not difficult to see the complicated and exquisite decorations, which are different from those he has seen before. The Temple of the Earth God is somewhat similar.

It's just that the two most commonly used colors of gold and red temples are not used here, but large areas of black, making it even darker and harder to recognize in the rainy night.

The main room is very large. Apart from the coffin, you can also see a lot of furniture that used to be used in life, and utensils and cloths are thrown up and down on the ground.

It's not like moving away with the whole family, it's more like what's left after fleeing in a panic.

Chi Yiyin stepped lightly, and walked into the depths of the room step by step.

This also allowed him to see more traces of the family living here, and more of them were utensils and utensils about ghosts and gods, as well as many prayers, witches and blessings written on long paper.

He picked up a piece of writing at random. Although it had been severely damaged by insects and ants, he could still read the writing on it clearly.

But the problem is that he can only roughly guess what it means, but he can't understand all of it.

It's not that they don't know the words, but that they can't understand the symbolic meaning represented by the words and the corresponding power behind them.

Seeing Chi Yiyin's thoughtful expression, the young man walked over curiously to take a look, and then gestured skillfully to interpret the words to Chi Yiyin.

Generally speaking, this is a child of a villager who offended the ghosts and gods and kicked over a tomb, which angered the ghosts and caused the child to have a high fever for several days and was dying. forgive.

The sorceress wrote this prayer, using her patron saint as the intermediary god, and sent a request to the ghost, saying that the child already knew the mistake and would not make it again, and promised that in the future, like the descendants of the ghost, he would be the ghost of the ghost every year and festival. Sweeping the tomb and burning paper, ask the ghost to raise your hand and spare this child's life.

The ink on it has faded.

But the young man glanced at it and said to Chi Yiyin that this is a symbol that this article has indeed been conveyed to the ghost. The "soul" belonging to the article has left, and the remaining piece of paper is similar to "ashes". tangible things.

When the young man talked about these, he was proficient and natural, as if he was a person who experienced it back then, and he was also a member of the ghosts and gods.

Before he realized it, Chi Yiyin had already noticed this, and looked at him thoughtfully.


Chi Yiyin frowned: "You are more like an expert in folklore than I am."

No, it should be said that Chi Yiyin feels that he is not a professor of folklore - he doesn't have the patience to teach idiots, and even the stupidity of the people around him is unbearable for him, so he just stays away, so why would he take the initiative to be a professor and take on the courses?

I also went to Dayin Village to shoot sacrifices, and showed them to the students as courseware... No matter how I thought about it, Chi Yiyin felt that she should not have this kind of personality, nor did she have such a hobby.

Even though he had the corresponding knowledge of folklore, after a long time, Chi Yiyin slowly noticed something was wrong.

That's not like academic reading from a book.

It is more like a practical school that uses personal experience to verify practice one by one, and pays more attention to application than theory.

He seemed... more of a human being than a folklore professor.

On the contrary, it is youth.

Chi Yiyin frowned and looked at the young man in front of him, and asked him, "Is there no picture of the professor of folklore in your memory?"

"Patience, enthusiasm, kindness, erudition, and the understanding of things tends to be more in-depth research than shallow. In my opinion, between you and me, you are more like the professor of folklore."

Hearing Chi Yiyin's words, the young man froze for a moment.

He blinked slowly, causing waves because of Chi Yiyin.


The young man shook his head, his face full of bewilderment.

Although he did see pictures about the city, he really forgot all his memories, and he didn't have any definite evidence for his identity.

Chi Yiyin sighed imperceptibly, stepped forward and patted the young man on the shoulder: "It's okay, think slowly. As long as we have this direction, the next thing will be much easier."

The young man nodded with gratitude in his eyes.

He took Chi Yiyin to the back of the main room, and said that after he found the manuscript, he hid it in the hole in the wall where the bricks fell because he was worried that the fifth aunt who was not quite right would find the manuscript.

The young man made gestures, and carefully walked around the fallen furniture and bricks all over the floor, walked over the leaky roof, and led Chi Yiyin into another space covered by the wall.

That was the other side of the wall behind the giant statue.

It's like a shadow wall in a temple.

After bypassing the screen wall, it is the place where the owner of the house stays for a long time.

Chi Yiyin saw the split wooden table at first sight.

It doesn't look like it was damaged naturally, it's more like someone smashed it open with an axe, and there are even traces of the axe on the table, and there are bloodstains that have dried up and turned black around it.

The young man bent down and knelt on the ground, reaching out and groping in the hole in the wall, looking for the hidden manuscript.

Chi Yiyin walked to the table, and after careful observation, she became more and more puzzled.

It looks... like someone sitting here was caught off guard. Beside the split table, there are still a lot of witchcraft supplies scattered, and there are still traces of that time on the large bookshelf behind him.

Chi Yiyin took out a book, and saw the blood splattered on the side of the spine.

He leaned forward, groped and observed carefully in the dark, and found that not every book on the book wall had blood on it.

The bookshelves have also been smashed, and a large number of books collapsed and fell down, but it is obvious that the owner of these books placed them according to the law. When Chi Yiyin roughly recovered, he found that the books with blood and without blood were so distinct, following a certain possibility.

Those without blood... almost turned out to be in the shape of a person.

It was as if when the blood splattered, there was a short man standing in front of the bookshelf, saving some books from the blood.

As for this person, Chi Yiyin was more inclined to be the one who was sitting behind the table and was attacked by someone... Qin's yellow rat woman.

This guess surprised him, and he became suspicious of the "family relocation" that the fifth aunt said.

What happened in the witch's house back then?

But before Chi Yiyin took a closer look, the young man kneeling on the ground next to him, groping, suddenly twitched violently.

Chi Yiyin rushed to help the young man up, but seeing the fear in the young man's eyes, he gestured and told him - someone, someone grabbed my hand!

Right in the hole in the wall!

Chi Yiyin was startled, and quickly squatted down next to the young man, trying to remove the bricks and stones next to the hole, and free the young man's arm.

The young man's face was full of pain, as if his hand that had been inserted into the hole in the wall was stuck, and he was even being punished.

He looked like he couldn't even breathe.

Like a blasphemer, he suffers terrible divine punishment.

Blood slowly flowed down the young man's arm, overflowed from the hole, and flowed all over the ground.

The strong breath of blood that erupted attracted the weasel. It squatted high on the beam, and the eyes of the animal looking down from above were flickering, as if laughing at the needless struggle of tiny human beings.

Seeing the young man's condition getting worse and worse, Chi Yiyin gritted his teeth, and immediately sped up the speed, and quickly pushed aside the bricks and stones beside the hole, not caring about the blood on his clothes, but when the last brick was taken by him After throwing it out, he stared at the scene in front of him, but was stunned.


There is no hole, no hands, even if the entire wall is peeled off, there is nothing, and it is not in the same space at all, as if what he sees is fake.

But the young man's painful expression and the **** smell lingering at the tip of his nose are real, and he can also touch the young man's warm body.

How is this going!

"Break into someone's house late at night without even saying hello, the juniors nowadays are really rude."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the darkness.

Chi Yiyin's eyes froze, and he immediately raised his head to look at the source of the voice.

But he saw it. The table and bookshelf that had been seriously damaged just now had been repaired in the blink of an eye when he turned around, and all the items had returned to their place.

What ax marks, blood splatters, broken bricks and tiles, rainwater dripping from the roof...all disappeared.

It seems that none of that happened, time went back, and the water was overwhelmed and recovered. This ghost hall full of witchcraft utensils is still the residence of the sorceress.

And behind the desk sat a short, shriveled old lady.

She was dressed in black, and she was covered with strange symbol ornaments and animal skulls, which jingled at the slightest movement.

The wrinkled face was like a dried orange, tightly wrapped around the bones, without a single bit of extra flesh.

When she saw Chi Yiyin's gaze, she gave a slight "tsk" with contempt in her eyes.

"Impolite brat."

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