Top Horror Novelist

Chapter 192: (two)

After that, encounter all this again.

Especially the rumored skull.

After hearing Chi Yiyin explain the origin of the skull, the monkey was already rolling its eyes. It looked like it wanted to throw it out, but the boss was right next to it.

Li Sijun gently followed Chi Yiyin's back, like following the soft fur of a frightened kitten.

His warm and strong palms with well-defined knuckles calmed down the fear that Chi Yiyin brought up when he left his memory, and made him feel at ease slowly.

"I thought that the skeleton would never appear again..."

Chi Yiyin looked at the backpack with complicated eyes.

He can't confirm the general identity of the female corpse now, but in his book, there are two groups of people in the scene where the skull is highlighted.

One is the villagers of Dayin Village. They are ordered by the sorceress to protect the skull to the death and prevent the protagonist and his party from taking the skull and destroying it.

The other... is naturally the protagonist and others.

And if this female corpse is on the side of the protagonist in the book, then she should be a companion of one of the protagonist's companions, who died in order to seize the skull.

The description of her in the book is just a touch, as a character remembered in memory.

As a result, Chi Yiyin failed to recognize the female corpse at first sight.

As for the skull, although it is not the same as the rumors, it is also different from what Chi Yiyin once wrote in his pen. It has changed from a scarlet and skinless skull to a wrinkled old man's head. But this is the only dead head that can move.

Chi Yiyin took a few deep breaths, quickly recovered himself, then walked slowly towards the monkey, and picked up the backpack from its hand.

After opening, there was a glimmer of light in the backpack, and the head was still looking up towards the opening of the backpack. The smiling face was extremely soft, like a kind old man, and it was completely impossible to see that behind it, there were so many terrifying and even Bloody rumors.

Chi Yiyin's eyebrows and eyes gradually became serious.

"Are you sure that all time and space come from the perspective of each character in the book?"

Chi Yiyin asked the monkey.

The monkey didn't know why, so he nodded: "It can even be said that how many people you wrote in that book, even if it's just a flash of the gatekeeper, will form a perspective and cause the birth of a time and space."

This is to obtain information from the text and build a complete and real world.

It's like using two-dimensional materials to complete a three-dimensional work, and it is required that this work must be perfect, able to carry the complexity and weight of life in it, without any mistakes.

—I can’t let people who live in the world under the protection of the new gods complain every day that “Earth’s online card is buggy”, right?

This entire box garden is actually conducting a rigorous test on Chi Yiyin to see if he has the strength to support the world and truly has the qualifications to become a god.

Not only because of the god's preference, Chi Yiyin himself has enough power to match.

Therefore, in the eyes of real readers, it is just a story, and the death that is briefly mentioned in a few sentences is all real here.

The real world and life, the grief and tears brought about by death all have temperature, which is no different from what readers see in reality.

The perspectives of all the characters in the book are intertwined with each other, weaving the whole world. They each have their own views and opinions, likes and dislikes, and codes of conduct.

"It's better to say that if there is too little time and space in Little Garden, it is a problem."

Monkey put forward his opinion from a systematic point of view: "A person's perspective is limited, he may be able to see the quarrel on the street, and then feel that the person who quarreled is really bad and not human, how can this be so. And if there is only one person From the angle of view, the person who quarreled becomes a piece of paper, and everyone thinks that he must be a bad guy, he is good or bad, and he should die."

It pinches its nose and speaks like a man in a weird way.

Then it shrugged its shoulders and said: "But if at the same time, there is another acquaintance on the street who also saw the two quarreling, what he saw was the collapse and conflict between the two quarreling parties before the quarrel happened. They all have their own reasons and difficulties, and they all have a complete and real life behind them. It is the experience of decades, which finally promoted the quarrel today..."

"Then it's different."

A circle on the plane, no scars on the back, just a flat piece of paper.

But if there are enough such circles, it goes around once and becomes a ball. And people will also see the pain that was originally hidden behind.

Every seemingly effortless result is driven by all the time and experience in the past.

In that case...

Chi Yiyin looked down at the backpack in his hand.

And what kind of perspective will cause the return of this head, or even restore it to its original state?

"The backpack was not in the grass at the beginning. When you first found the body, she didn't have a backpack next to her, which means that from the perspective we are in, she knew her death, but she didn't know the circumstances of her death. The specific appearance, scars, cause of death, and items carried with him."

Chi Yiyin said calmly: "What people with this perspective know is only a fact of death."

But later, the death of the female corpse was continuously completed.

Explain that the time and space caused by the perspective of people who know the specific reasons and circumstances of her death are gradually merging in.

Each of those people knew only a part, and it was possible that one of them was the murderer who killed the woman.

Someone knew about the wound and death caused by the shotgun on her chest, someone knew she was pulled over, someone saw her sniffing out a fire, someone knew about the head in the backpack, and it was next to the woman...

After these were put together, it was like a jigsaw puzzle, and a complete female corpse was assembled for Chi Yiyin.

"But backpacks came later."

Chi Yiyin signaled to the monkey: "Remember, the wound on the female corpse appeared first, and then the backpack appeared in the grass halfway through."

And would a person who was holding the branch in his hand tightly before death really throw away the more important backpack casually?

Although the backpack was covered with blood and mud, Chi Yiyin didn't see nail scratches or fiber breakage on it.

When a person is under attack in a desperate situation, she knows that she is very likely to die, so she will subconsciously use force. At that time, her carry-on backpack should have left traces of being grasped by her, not clean It's as if the dirt was sprinkled by the prop crew.

After Chi Yiyin became suspicious, she immediately squatted down again to examine the female body.

Sure enough, there were burn marks on her fingers, but no broken nails, and there were no fibers from the backpack between her fingers and under her nails.

This proved Chi Yiyin's guess.

"If Hakoniwa can be as detailed as reality, then the corpse should be 100% restored, not even a speck of dust will be spared."

Chi Yiyin raised her own doubts: "But the fact is, this backpack is like a flying stone, which suddenly appeared beside the female corpse, but there is no trace of matching with her body."

The female corpse had long hair combed, but there was not a single broken hair on the backpack.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like negligence.

Unless—"No matter from anyone's point of view, the backpack is not in the hands of the female corpse. This is a real fact."


It tilted its head in confusion: "What are you talking about...then why does the backpack appear here?"

The system may ignore it, but as a witness, Chi Yiyin will never miss any tiny detail.

In the book that constitutes Hakoniwa, everything experienced by the protagonist and his party is actually Chi Yiyin's real experience in reality.

That's what makes a good dinner.

As for Chi Yiyin himself, he didn't know what the skull looked like after the skin was completely restored.

He hadn't even actually seen the skull.

All the cognitions about it come from the narratives of real people and ghosts, including the fact that the skull will repair itself.

Chi Yiyin mentioned it in one stroke, and didn't have much to describe in ink, but here it is presented so real and...false.

"Do you think that's possible?"

He lowered his head calmly, and asked the monkey: "Even if Hakoniwa completes it automatically, it's too much."

"A person who has never seen winter in his life, how do you describe it to him so that he can imagine a completely real winter scene?"

All human imagination is based on facts that one has already recognized. People can't imagine things beyond the scope of cognition.

Since the skull appears here in such a complete way, it means that it has been completed once before it was completed by Hakoniwa.

"The backpack and the skull in the backpack will appear next to the female corpse, which is a presumed fact and is imagined by other people from their own perspectives."

Chi Yiyin's tone was affirmative: "The fact is that no one has really seen the exact appearance of the skull, and they don't know where it is."

Just because the skull and the woman disappeared at the same time, and the woman also performed the behavior of running away and detecting the fire to get things, so other people took it for granted that the skull was also taken by the woman, and believed in it, verified by multiple perspectives , constitutes a "fact".

After Chi Yiyin thought about all this, he suddenly became enlightened, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling a little scared.

For him, the test of Hakoniwa is not only to achieve success in the story, but also to achieve actual success.

—The omniscient and omnipotent God, the God who is relied on by all life, cannot be weaker than any human being or creature.

If you can't do it, you're not God.

And if Chi Yiyin really followed the details shown in the box garden, there would only be one result.

— Misled by the guesswork of overlapping multiple perspectives, and went in the wrong direction.

The guesses from each angle of view deviate by one degree, and the final conclusion is that the opposite is completely different, which completely makes Chi Yiyin unable to find the right direction.

Like this backpack in his hand...

The moment the conclusion flashed through Chi Yiyin's mind, countless firefly-like spots of light gradually rose from the backpack he was holding in his hand.

He was stunned for a moment, and when he looked down, he saw the head smiling, gradually collapsed into countless light spots in the light, and then completely disappeared into the backpack.

The weight in Chi Yiyin's hand lightened.

After the backpack lost the head wrapped in it, it also changed its appearance, it was not so dirty, and there were even many cute ornaments hanging on it.

Strings of pink dolls and feathers look like some little girl's schoolbag.

Not a fugitive's bag.

Chi Yiyin blinked and realized immediately.

It seems that in the original perspective without guessing, the real appearance of the backpack that people see looks like this.

Perhaps the woman accidentally touched the schoolbag or picked it up before she was alive. People passing by saw it and thought it was her property. After guessing, she took it for granted that she ran away with her head in her backpack.

The corners of Chi Yiyin's lips curled up, and the expression on his handsome face finally softened.

But he was still not completely relieved, because this led to another problem.

"Since in these people's cognition, the head was taken away by someone, it shows a fact - the head does exist."

If you want to lose something, you must first exist before you can lose it, right?

And it's not just a perspective, but many people related to women sincerely believe that the head exists, and even gave the specific appearance of the head from speculation...

No matter what the woman's identity was before, the dead companion next to the protagonist, or the villagers of Dayin Village, the place she went to was probably the place where the head was kept.

Otherwise, there would not be so many people confirming this fact.

Chi Yiyin pursed her lips, looked at the empty backpack, and casually put it back next to the female corpse, gently covering her face, so as not to expose her to the wilderness.

If you let him gamble between the two identities...

He bet on Dayin Village.

Just now, Chi Yiyin suddenly connected the two past memories together.

The dead brother, after the body was brought back, had a note with "He" written in his stomach.

Perhaps, is there a possibility that the younger brother actually swallowed the note, desperately trying to preserve the evidence, in order to remind the latecomers.

Reminder what is the worst in Dayin Village.

And that's not a "he" at all.

It is the broken and incomplete "Qin".

Qin's, Yellow Rat Po.

In the hands of the female corpse, there was also a burnt note with the words "Chinchilla" written on it.

Chi Yiyin's eyes turned cold.

Why did the family next door to the fifth aunt's house move away in such a hurry? Does it have anything to do with Qin's yellow rat woman who should be a family member, or even a deceased relative?

And why is Dayin Village involved?

Chi Yiyin originally thought that his thoughts would be disturbed, but in fact, he is more sober than ever now, even the most sober and energetic moment since he entered Little Garden.

He could feel the firm beating heartbeat in his chest, the hot blood rushing in his veins and the impulse that had been suppressed for a long time.

When Chi Yiyin gathers stories and understands those non-human things, he does not solve all the mysteries every time, just like it is impossible for a human to understand every aspect of every one of tens of billions of people.

However, Chi Yiyin did think hard about the whereabouts of the skull when he finished writing the book, trying to find clues from the story.

Rather than saying that he wrote this story, it is better to say that he used this story to smooth his thoughts, trying to find out where the skull was hidden in the details that he missed.

After all, the loss of the skull happened on Chi Yiyin's university campus, and it became so far away when it was written in the book, but in fact, it happened around me.

Chi Yiyin also wanted to get this result, and told her math professor back then.

can say that…

A little bit of comfort is better than nothing for a grieving brother who has lost his brother.

"Let's go, let's go to Dayin Village to have a look."

Chi Yiyin took the initiative to reach out, grabbed Li Sijun's sleeve, and led him to the direction of the mountain road with a natural attitude.

"If the skull was really placed in Dayin Village, then we might find some clues if we go there. The most important thing is."

He lowered his eyelashes and smiled softly: "We can find out about Qin's Yellow Rat Woman and all the secrets behind her."

For Chi Yiyin, what is more interesting than seeking the truth?

there is none left.

At this moment, Hakoniwa completely aroused his curiosity and desire to win, and made him make up his mind, not just for the **** position or simply leaving Hakoniwa, but for the real thing, to find out who was ignored by everyone back then. the truth.

Decades, too long...

The tragic fate of a group of people should come to an end.

Including, the folklore professor who told all the stories to himself, and who actually became his own strength in reality.

There was a brisk smile on Chi Yiyin's handsome face, and those azure blue eyes were brighter than any gemstone in the world, shining brightly enough to dispel the darkness and coldness of the mountain forest.

Li Sijun was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

The two stood side by side and took steps towards the mountain road together.

…only the monkey, left in place.

Monkey: I really thank you Shiba... Forget it, Chi Yan can't beat it either.

It thought about the two big demon kings surnamed Chi, then thought about Li Sijun, and suddenly the whole monkey froze, why would it be angry and complaining... but it dared not!

Monkey: I love working! I love Love Brain Boss! Like to be ignored!

Um! Absolutely no one forced me QAQ

It groaned and sighed for a while, washed its face with its paws, and didn't even dare to let some emotion remain on its furry monkey face, Chi Yiyin saw that something was wrong.

After doing this, it hurriedly chased Chi Yiyin and the two away.

Chi Yiyin felt that her trousers had been bumped, and when she looked down, she saw the monkey also raised her head, showing him a flattering and sweet smile.

Chi Yiyin: "...It's fine, it's fine, if you want to please me, you might as well not laugh."

monkey:! Did you flatter me on the horse's leg?

And on the other side that few people hadn't noticed, on the Yunhai train, behind the screen.

The players looked at the picture on the screen with complicated emotions.

Because of the dialogue between Chi Yiyin and the monkey, the players finally gradually learned the truth about Hakoniwa.

It turned came from a novel written by Chi Yiyin!

"I've heard that before Chi Yiyin entered the game field, he was a novelist."

Some players murmured, and in a trance, they heard their investigation of Chi Yiyin: "But I didn't care at that time, I just thought it was Chi Yiyin's cover."

After all, the game field is not a reality. How can he be an ordinary person if he can attract everyone's attention as Chi Yiyin did back then?

Ordinary novelist?

Even if Chi Yiyin is sought after in reality and has a long list of praises, in the eyes of high-level players in the game field, it is nothing more than a feather worth mentioning.

Is it possible to write a novel on the spot in front of the monster?

Why, live by laughing at monsters?

When he got the investigation materials back then, that player even laughed out loud, laughing at this poor and wishful thinking person together with his companions.

But I didn't expect that in just a few months, Chi Yiyin, who was ignored or even looked down upon by high-level players, had become an unattainable existence for everyone.

The Little Garden was built with Chi Yiyin, and they... were locked in this small room, like prisoners, desperate but unable to escape.

Even those who don't like Chi Yiyin any more have to admit at this moment that Chi Yiyin has indeed obtained the qualifications for the position of **** and has become a candidate for the god.

This time in the new world...

The victors turned out to be Chi Yiyin and the others.

"I once heard that Red Bird is not only a top intelligence expert, but also a top investor. As long as it is invested by him, without exception, it will become a leading figure in the game field."

Someone murmured, looking at Chi Yiyin on the screen with dazed eyes, recalling the past.

At that time, he just thought this statement was too ridiculous.

But looking at it now, it was him who was ridiculous, unable to see through the truth and the future.

Jingcha, who was picked up by Red Bird from the pile of dead people, became the awakened "Pope", protected Red Bird tightly, and became his companion.

And Chi Yiyin, who was relied on by Red Bird...

Today, he has become the most powerful candidate in the new world.

He is not even qualified to say that he is Chi Yiyin's competitor.

—How could an elephant look down at a little ant?

The man smiled wryly and shook his head. He wanted to laugh, but tears flowed out first.

And those players who were still holding the last sliver of luck in their hearts, gradually realized that everything in front of them was real.

They lost, lost completely.

Since they lost the courage to move forward and chose to stay in the box instead of taking the initiative to attack.

"The game field is a god-making field."

Some people raised their heads and laughed out loud, crazy, even tears were rolling down, but they didn't stop.

All of their players who have been able to reach high levels are well aware of this fact.

But so what?

Even with the answer, some people still don't understand the answer, some people have already taken a hundred steps forward, and others are hard to come by.

"Is this... the gap between us and the monster?"

"Chi Yiyin, Chi Yan, they are not human! They are monsters! They are monsters that devour the world!!"

Someone hugged his head, roaring hysterically, madly, and desperately.

The new system sees everything, but shows no mercy.

[I have been watching you all the time. 】

[I know every move, every thought, the darkest part of your heart that you dare not show to others. 】

【This is not a test for players, this is a test for God. 】

The gate is narrow and the way does not exist.

But the gods...the new gods who will once again support the world will find a new path for the world from the barrenness.

And no matter how many people die, all the new system needs is just one person.

【When you don't even realize it. 】

The new system looked heavily at Hakoniwa: [God who has been tested, has gone through ninety-nine steps. 】

【If you can't do it, just say it doesn't exist, and rebuke that the question is too difficult. But Chi Yiyin, even Chi Yan, they have already found the real problem by themselves. 】

The rest depends on Chi Yiyin and Chi Yan, their respective "correctness", who is stronger than the other.

There was chaos on the Yunhai train, and the players who finally realized the reality were wailing, crying, roaring, praying, or feeling ashamed.

The conductors are like ruthless jailers, firmly controlling the players and preventing them from taking a step.

The new system looked away in disappointment, no longer looking at the sea of ​​clouds train, or even the game field.

But Chi Yiyin, who was walking on the mountain road in the dark forest in the box garden, suddenly stopped and looked ahead vigilantly.

There, a translucent figure gradually solidified and appeared on the mountain road.

Ghosts blocked the way.

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