Top Horror Novelist

Chapter 217: (1)

Chi Yiyin's body lying on the bed moved suddenly.

Even if it was just the slightest movement, Li Sijun, who had been guarding him all the time, did not ignore it.

He slowly let go of the hand holding the book, allowing the book to fall to his feet, but stared at Chi Yiyin blankly with wide eyes.

Li Sijun knew exactly what happened.

Chi Yiyin's plan succeeded... On the basis of using Chi Yan, he reversely pardoned the power and identity of a demigod, and completed the transformation from human to demigod. Stepping on such a height, he was able to successfully And entered the small world openly.

This also means that it will be difficult to see Yinyin who is so well-behaved and sleeps next to him without any precautions.

Li Sijun slowly stretched out his hand, and held Chi Yiyin's warm sleeping palm with his cool big hand. His slender fingers slowly inserted into Chi Yiyin's hand, and his fingers interlocked tightly, unwilling to let go.

He was full of reluctance, looking deeply at Chi Yiyin, as if he wanted to imprint Chi Yiyin on his soul, and engrave Chi Yiyin's name on himself, just like a believer writing the gods repeatedly, even if he dies, he will not die. forget.

Li Sijun closed his eyes, opened them again, and when he looked at Chi Yiyin again, he had already suppressed all his emotions, and returned to the cold and calm that countless people are more familiar with.

The gods who created the world for eight thousand years have always been here.

He really wanted to keep Chi Yiyin, maybe as written in the love poem, they could live together in a small town full of wild roses, sitting next to a large piece of wild roses facing the sunset, listening to the melodious melody in the distance The bells, enjoying the peace of the years with each other.

But, but... He knew that what Chi Yiyin wanted was never peace.

The person he fell in love with will never stop flying, and all those who hinder Chi Yiyin's footsteps are restraining the radiance of that wing.

Therefore, for the love of his heart, he is willing to become whatever appearance and strength the person he loves needs.

Chi Yiyin needs a companion, and then Li Sijun will be his loyal companion who will never betray, never fall behind his footsteps and fail to catch up with him, never drag his forward pace, and always... as The strength around and behind him, supporting him.

And if Chi Yiyin wants a lover, he will be the perfect partner.

He is good enough.

So, Yinyin, watch him, witness with your own eyes, his death...

Li Sijun stood up slowly, looked at Chi Yiyin with nostalgia, then bent down, and kissed him like a butterfly feather.

Immediately, he turned around without looking back and left the apartment.

But there was no sign of him in the corridor.

Li Sijun disappeared from the entire small world.

Like sea water melting into the sea.

The god, immersed in the vast and boundless divine power, smiled and embraced the entire small world, as if embracing his lover.

At the moment when the **** made the final decision, all life including ordinary people, and even the consciousness of the world, all felt it.

At this moment, it seems that all the voices in the world have been taken away.

In reality, whether at home or at school, in streets or buildings, suddenly no one speaks.

They didn't know why they did this, their eyes were blank, but an empty panic surged from their hearts, like the weightless fear of falling from a cliff.

But the psychic and the inheritor who served the gods could not stop crying.

With their arms raised high, they fell mournfully, mourning the death of a god.

The psychics are asking, will the world continue to exist tomorrow? Where is the world going? Are there still gods to protect us?

Grief and confusion are intertwined, and reality is silent.

In the game field, the monster that ran out of the broken dungeon was also instantly pressed the pause button. The players who were running around in panic quickly realized this. They were confused and frightened, looking around in panic, their hearts I just feel sad, like my father is dying.

It is derived from the initial perception of life, the origin of life of all creations, and the memory that began eight thousand years ago is revived in the blood.

At the moment when the gods were about to die, they finally recalled the memories of the past eight thousand years under the release of divine power.

How did the gods create this world, how to bestow abundant ears of wheat, and guide the blessed land flowing with honey and milk.

And how human beings hurt the gods time and time again, causing him to accumulate disappointment under the sins of human beings, and when he looked into human eyes, he gradually lost his warmth.

The game field is the last chance given by the gods to human beings to save themselves.

The player wins, the world remains. The player loses and the world is destroyed.

But even the last time...they couldn't seize the opportunity.

Lie flat in the temporary living area to avoid death and pain, and scheming and killing each other in the dungeon. There is no tenderness and kindness towards the dungeon and companions, and they just keep hurting the people around them just to survive...

Everything that all players do is seen by the gods.

The saint is dead.

When the balance between sin and goodness began to tilt, all good people gradually died in the game field, the tenacious and beautiful qualities belonging to human beings were smashed, and the evil of human nature was revealed, so, after twelve years of reincarnation, they belonged to His retribution finally came.

It's just that the world still has its last vitality.

In the game field shrouded in darkness, someone walked into the haunted house with corpses all over the floor, smiling, illuminating the world of gods.

Chi Yiyin, this person who has never purely thought of simply breaking through the game field to go home, the outlier among the players, and the person who is always wasting time doing useless work in the eyes of many people, has finally supported this world that is about to collapse .

The scenes that belonged to the past quickly flashed in the depths of the souls of all players. Under the cover of divine power, everyone fell into a dream with the gods. Through the eyes of the gods, they saw what he saw. felt what he felt.

Eight thousand years, a long time of loneliness.

Many people have burst into tears unknowingly.

At last, before they escaped from that vision, they heard a query from far away in the void.

—If you had to choose, would you destroy this world or keep it?

The vast majority of people chose destruction without hesitation.

It's too painful, living in such an environment, every minute and every second is suffering and torture.

Even the suffering in life is only a few decades, and you can die peacefully when you turn around. But that kind of suffering will last for eight thousand years, without any happiness or joy, only anger, powerlessness...

"What does the life and death of others have to do with me?"

Someone cried and shouted: "Even if I do more for those people? What have I gained? It's better to just destroy it!"

Some players couldn't even bear the pain of God's descent, their spirits collapsed, and they committed suicide in despair.

More players were silent in the suffocation that could not breathe. Even if they had walked out of the sea of ​​spirits, they were still shaking like chaff, unable to completely escape.

Even if it was only for a second, they seemed to have gone through eight thousand years belonging to the gods. Such a mark was firmly engraved in their hearts, and they could not forget it, let alone break free.

This kind of feeling is the deepest for the awakened ones.

The power awakened by all awakened people is divided into 22 categories according to the power of the gods, and then distributed to the awakened souls from death and anger, so that they can go as much as they want with the blessing of a little divine power. do what they want.

— Don’t you want to change the world?

Then I will give you strength, opportunities, and battlefields so that you can realize your ideals.

How many times have you been angry at the filth and unfairness of this world? Do you ask the gods to be blind, how can they make the world so dirty and disgusting?

Therefore, the gods handed over all the opportunities to you personally.

let's go.

He said, take power from me to change your world, let the world obey your orders, and make the rules as you wish.

However, after the gods let go of their power, how many people really awakened?

When speaking impassionedly, when doing it shrinks one's head and pretends not to be.

There are only a few who can become awakened in the end. Even under some titles, there is not even a single awakener.

But even so, the vast majority of awakened people still did not give up, even if only despair remained, they still gritted their teeth and persisted.

They have all experienced the test of death once, and they will never be afraid to do it again. The desire to change the world and save the world is truly written in their hearts and has never wavered.

But now, these awakened ones are stunned to find that their being withdrawn.

It's like a drop of water originally stored in their souls has flowed back to the ocean.

All the power in the entire game field is gurgling in the same direction, quickly converging into the violent eye of the storm.

And in the eye of the storm is the Hanged Man.

Chu Yueli's consciousness has gradually become chaotic. As the time for him to carry the divine power prolongs, his own consciousness also merges into it, like a sculpture that is gradually fused together under the torrent of melted gold.

He stood in front of the golden temple in the underground palace, with his head drooped like gold paper, breathing weakly, like a victim on the execution ground, willing to give his life for an ideal he would never give up.

The divine power envelops all consciousness in the whole world, and Chu Yueli can't even tell which strand belongs to him and which belongs to others.

His consciousness gradually slackened, as if he had fallen into a nightmare from which he could not wake up.

And the power of the awakened ones was withdrawn and returned, which added to Chu Yueli's burden.

Blood slowly flowed from between his lips, staining his already pale lips red.

His hair was scattered, his brows and eyes were tightly wrinkled, his clenched teeth tightened his jawline, the desperate beauty that was about to be broken, fragile but tough.

Like a lamb offering itself to the gods.

Death in glory.

The scholar saw Chu Yueli's state in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He wanted to help, but the only thing he could do was to help Chu Yueli sort out the chaotic and majestic power as much as possible, so that the golden torrent of power was as smooth as possible .

Beyond that, there was nothing he could do.

Hongniao and Jingcha also fell silent. All they could do was watch Chu Yueli walk towards his predetermined death.

Without hesitation.

The only thing that made Chu Yueli determined not to give up was Chi Yiyin's name.

He repeated Chi Yiyin's name silently in his heart, and recalled his first encounter with Chi Yiyin over and over again. In this process, even the pain became a furnace for tempering sharp blades, which made him Be more determined and never give up.

The world consciousness has noticed the changes in the small world, and it has noticed that Chi Yiyin's control over the small world is rapidly strengthening, and even using the last small world as the origin, he is invading the real world and quietly taking over the entire world. control.

This made the world consciousness more and more anxious, attacking Chu Yueli regardless, completely lost the bottom line of the world, and the slaughtering game field even wanted to attack people in reality.

Lives were harvested one by one.

The person who was talking to the people around him one second, was clutching his heart the next second, and fell to the ground suddenly.

Unexplained deaths, inexplicable accidents...Among all deaths, the power of world consciousness is increasing bit by bit.

But not enough.

Far from enough!

The power an ordinary person can provide is only equivalent to a drop of water, but the world consciousness knows that the Chi Yiyin he is about to face is a whole sea!

Unless it finds a way to stop all of this before Chi Yiyin truly becomes a god, it has no chance of winning against the perfect Chi Yiyin!

The world consciousness attacked Chu Yueli crazily, wanting to invalidate the anchor point Chi Yiyin left in the underground palace, and also terminate Chi Yiyin's plan.

But despite the strong wind blowing, Chu Yueli stood firm as a rock and would not fall down.

The world consciousness collapsed and roared: "Chu Yueli! You don't know what is good for you at all! If you continue like this, you will die, you will die! Even your soul will be annihilated, there will be no next life, no one can save you you!"

"Don't count on Chi Yiyin. If you die under divine power, even Chi Yiyin won't be able to save you! Don't you want to save yourself? As long as you give up, it's still too late!"

The world consciousness is almost desperate: "As long as you are willing to give up, I am willing to forget all the unpleasantness before, and pretend that nothing happened!"

Chu Yueli turned a deaf ear to this.

After a long death-like silence, he opened his eyes with difficulty. Those once clear and bright eyes could no longer see clearly.

Tears of blood slid down the pale cheeks from the corners of the eyes, and fell on the chin, which would not fall, like the tears of the soul crying.

Chu Yueli moved his lips, wanting to call out Mr., but all the internal organs in his body were already collapsing and shattering, together with all the tissues, muscles and blood vessels, they were gradually bursting with a slight sound.

He regretted that his physical condition did not allow him to call Chi Yiyin again, sir...

However, he is happy and has no complaints or regrets about it.

To be able to die for his husband is the ultimate romance in his ideal.

Chu Yueli's name... No one cared about it, no one loved it. Even if he died somewhere in the world, no one would remember him, love him, or shed a single tear for him.

However, because of Chi Yiyin, because of Chi Yiyin's ideals, Chu Yueli's life was endowed with meaning and glory.

Chu Yueli, who was rejected by his mother and even tried to kill him several times before he was born, finally met Chi Yiyin and was rescued by Chi Yiyin, and understood the meaning of his life, only three words.

—Chi Yiyin.

No one loves him, but Chi Yiyin will regard him as a companion, give him trust and attention, and let him feel for the first time that his heart beats, he is breathing, the world is real, and he is a part of the world.

It is also a brick and stone that is fortunate to step on Chi Yiyin's footsteps on Chi Yiyin's long road to the god's position.

Chu Yueli looked back on his life and found that the color of his life started from the moment Chi Yiyin saved him.

Even if he died here, he would have no regrets.

It's a pity that we can't see Chi Yiyin again.

Ask - "Sir, am I doing well?"

Thinking of this, Chu Yueli struggled to evoke an invisible smile on the corner of his lips, and then lowered his head heavily.

Completely lost the perception of the outside world.

He withdraws all his vitality from his limbs and bones, supplies it to his soul, consumes all his unnecessary body, and will stand as a sculpture in death, supporting the anchor point of Chi Yiyin's return.

The scholar was the first person who noticed that Chu Yueli hadn't responded. He called out in panic, louder and louder, but trembling with each call, and finally almost choked up and couldn't speak.

"Chu Yueli!"

"Chu Yueli!"

"Chu... Yueli..."

Red Bird watched, tears welling up in his eyes.

Jingcha was silent, he raised his hand, took off his sweater hat, and bowed his head slightly in the direction of Chu Yueli.

This martial arts faction who had never been inseparable from Chu Yue and felt that his physical disability would not allow him to become a fighter was completely shocked. For the first time, he admitted Chu Yueli.

"He is, a worthy warrior, a worthy enemy, and a companion."

In the silence, only the world consciousness roared wildly under the astonishment, almost collapsing.

But there is so little it can do.

The future of the world is all condensed in the small world at this moment, in the confrontation between Chi Yiyin and Chi Yan.

World consciousness, as a defeated opponent, has completely lost the qualification to compete for the world.

Chi Yiyin and Chi Yan are the only ones who have been granted authority by the world.

The world consciousness thinks it is a chess player, and created Chi Yan as a dark chess, but at that time, it never imagined that when it regards others as chess pieces, it will also be on other people's chessboard.

Ever since one side started the law of the jungle where the weak prey on the strong, there is no possibility of this battle stopping.

Until the world is born again.

But many years later, Chi Yiyin returned to her what Chi Yan had done to the world consciousness.

"Are you happy to see me, Mother."

Chi Yiyin chuckled, and slowly stepped out of the white light in the void.

Even though he was only conscious, his soul was condensed by the abundant divine power. When he stood in front of Chi Yan, he seemed to be standing here completely, without any abnormality.

He is still the same as when he first met Chi Yan in the ruins of the haunted house. He is dressed in a straight suit, which outlines his figure slender and neat.

Chi Yiyin looked at Chi Yan gently with eyebrows and eyes, but there was only peaceful clarity in her blue eyes, as if she had seen through everything in front of her eyes.

"You shouldn't come looking for me again, mother."

Chi Yiyin has some regrets: "I don't resent you for abandoning you twelve years ago. I understand that you have your own unfinished business, and your ideals must be fulfilled. That is your life, and I cannot kidnap your life just because of myself. , let your life be wasted and exhausted for me."

"But mother, when I survived desperately on my own, and found my own life, doing what I want to do, and exploring the truth of the shouldn't appear, interfere with my plan, and treat me as a Tools, dragged into the playground."

"If you can't control the chess piece...the chess piece will control you."

Chi Yiyin asked with a smile: "How can you be sure that you will always be the winner?"

"From the moment you use others as pawns, you will also become others' pawns. And now..."

Chi Yiyin tilted her head, smiled calmly, and wrote lightly: "I won."

"Chi Yan... demigod, world contender."

Chi Yan stared at Chi Yiyin so hard that he even bit his own lip, and blood flowed down the corner of his lip.

But she completely ignored this, and just gritted her teeth and stared at Chi Yiyin, wishing she could rush up and kill him.

With Chi Yan's current strength, she knows very well that she can't do it anymore.

In the struggle against the world consciousness, Chi Yiben had already consumed too much power, which made her not in her peak state now, otherwise she would not be let in by the small world.

Because of his weakness, he was not blocked.

But Chi Yiyin, he actually took advantage of her weakness and turned it into his opportunity!

As soon as Chi Yan thought that he had made wedding clothes for Chi Yiyin step by step, he wanted to tear Chi Yiyin apart.

"Do you think this is the end, Chi Yiyin?"

Chi Yan's voice was very cold, like ice: "Since you can do this, you should know what kind of person I am. As long as it's not the last second, even if I try my best, I will bite you down." I'll tear you off your **** seat!"

Chi Yiyin looked at Chi Yan with divine compassion in her eyes, as if a **** from above looked at the sad person on the ground, and sighed for her obsession.

"Chi Yan, you have never been... defeated by me in strength."

Chi Yiyin sighed softly: "Haven't you discovered it yet? What the world wants to examine has never been just strength, but also love and tenderness for life."

"If you have paid attention to me, listened to my words, or read my books, you should know that what I care about has always been people and has always been people."

Chi Yiyin lowered her eyes slightly, and said softly: "But you, Chi Yan, there is no life in your eyes - you only live for the right, in your ideal world, clean, pure, just like the heaven in the eyes of the world. But Chi Yan, that's not the real face of a person."

"People are complex. He can be kind and evil, loyal and scheming, greedy but patriotic. Any seemingly contradictory character traits are normal and widespread in people, and they do not conflict."

"Those'villains' who were sentenced to death by you, the world also needs them. It is because of all the colors that this world is formed."

Chi Yiyin's voice was low and soft, flowing like moonlight: "What I want is a preserved world. In the years to come, crimes will still happen, but they will all be judged. Goodness and evil are the foundations of the world. .And on top of that, all humans will survive as long as possible.”

"And in your world, there are no people. Only wise men."

"That's not the world, that's your illusory fantasy, Chi Yan."

The power awakened at the age of eleven is not friendly to Chi Yiyin.

It's like he got a whole box of gold, but he didn't have the password to open the box. He could only watch but couldn't really get it.

For anyone, the rules for using power are as strict as a fantasy.

—Can you tell all the life experiences, personalities and behavior styles, thoughts in your heart, hidden secrets, origins and paths of the people who come to you?

Even family members who have been together for many years may not be able to fully understand each other, and it is difficult to write all the truth if given a pen and paper to describe.

But for Chi Yiyin, such limits are far less than the three limits he must meet in order to use his strength.

What's more, the attacks of non-human objects are often only in an instant.

For him, the time he can gain may only be a few minutes or a few seconds. Then, he must correctly write all the truth about the inhuman thing in front of him, both the appearance and the appearance, and he must not miss a single word.

Otherwise, it means the backlash of death.

But under such strict requirements, Chi Yiyin gritted his teeth and persisted.

Obviously only a young boy of eleven years old, when his peers are still studying at school, acting like a baby in the arms of their parents, enjoying the sunshine and joy with friends, for Chi Yiyin, he has to do it for himself. Struggling to survive.

Observing and analyzing human beings is not only his interest, but also his only means to save his life.

However, during those twelve years, Chi Yiyin forcibly blazed a path to a higher place in the **** hand.

He achieved worldly success and even money.

But he doesn't care about these.

It's better to say... what's really important and what people really care about has always been the truth about human beings and the world.

During that search, Chi Yiyin understood one thing.

That is—this world is the human world.

Everything that exists, whether it is hated and cursed or ardently praised, has a reason for its existence.

Without darkness, there is no light. Everyone knows good because of the existence of evil.

Lose either side, the world will collapse.

When the gods are disappointed with the world and no longer protect them, the new **** the world longs for is not the **** who destroys everything, but the **** who can lead the world to new rules and bring a bright new era.

But Chi Yan, she divided all life in the world into two categories from the very beginning.

One is the sage who can survive, the almost perfect human light, and there is no one in a million. The other category is waste full of human inferiority and should be destroyed. Like garbage.

Once Chi Yan becomes the new god, it will lead to the death of tens of billions of people in the world...

The world is powerless in the face of the new gods, and all it can do is to prevent the possibility of such a tragedy before the gods are actually chosen.

So, it turned to Chi Yiyin, made the same choice as the old gods, and longed for Chi Yiyin's ascension to the throne.

Chi Yiyin did not disappoint the world either.

As soon as he entered the small world, all the fictional lives in the small world were under his protection.

Chi Yan only cared about controlling the initiative in the apartment building and seizing territory, but forgot to care about ordinary people outside the apartment building.

No, she didn't care at all whether those ordinary people would be destroyed and died in the battle of the gods.

"Chi Yan, admit defeat."

Chi Yiyin raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Chi Yan's eyes, which were as clear as glass, without any emotion, with divine calm and coldness, and the principles of all things were ignored in his eyes.

He sees birds and fish, hears the sound of a flower blooming, smells the sweetness of honey, and the wind blows through his clothes and hair, bringing the cheers of the world to his ears.

In an apartment, Chi Yiyin stood in the white light that had not dissipated, stood against the light, and looked quietly at Chi Yan who was standing in the dark shadow.

Chi Yan clenched her teeth, her pride made her never admit defeat.

"Unless you kill me. Otherwise, we haven't reached the last move in this game."

Chi Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Until the last second, how do you know that I have no chance of turning the tables?"

Chi Yiyin stared at her fixedly, and finally sighed.

"Do you really think that against me now, do you still have a chance of winning, Chi Yan?"

One of them was used, and most of the remaining power was consumed again, and it was almost exhausted.

The other, however, received the divine power from the gods, was recognized by the world, and fully supported by the new system.

Even without the favor of the gods, Chi Yiyin has absolute confidence that he can win this round.

Not to mention, Li Sijun has voluntarily given up his own existence, allowing himself to merge into the divine power, and handing over the small world he and Chi Yiyin jointly built to Chi Yiyin's hands.

Chi Yiyin was only one step away from the **** position.

— the death of the old gods.

Chi Yan is no longer an obstacle to him.

The only reason for coming to see Chi Yan is probably just the regret of their mother and son, and the pity for being used as a chess piece.

It's not that Chi Yan didn't know this, she never stopped thinking, and it was because of her thinking that Chi Yiyin countered her move.

But as she said - never give up until death.

She looked at Chi Yiyin who was standing against the light, her eyes gradually sank.

At the same time, with this apartment as the starting point, the power of "rewriting" took effect quickly, sweeping away in all directions, rapidly changing the appearance of the entire small world.

The high-rise buildings of the modern city were replaced by the battlefield of Qianli Hirakawa, all the buildings were overthrown, and the sky and the earth changed color.

Chi Yan treats herself far more harshly than others. Even though she has almost exhausted all her strength, she still squeezes herself repeatedly, and even squeezes out the strength of her own body to maintain survival, without any reserved investment into the rewriting of the world.

She bet everything and invited Chi Yiyin to the final battle.

Chi Yiyin was helpless, and sighed: "When I went to the haunted house, I never thought that the ending of the story would be a confrontation between two monsters."

"But then again."

He slowly raised his head and looked at Chi Yan frankly, without any dodge in his eyes: "It's because we are monsters that we come here, aren't we?"

"It is our own existence that determines our character, and the path we walk will definitely lead us to the current battle."

The footless bird brooch appeared in Chi Yiyin's hand.

He slowly opened his long legs and walked towards Chi Yan.

This novelist has never been a martial artist who is good at fighting. However, if he is asked to fight, he will not hesitate or be timid.

Gu Xichao, Chi Wanwan and others stood aside, watching all this quietly.

They knew very well that this was no longer a battle they could intervene in.

It only belongs to the... final battle between Chi Yan and Chi Yiyin.

Chi Yan's eyes sharpened, and he rushed towards Chi Yiyin in an instant. The excessive speed even produced a sonic boom. With a speed and strength that absolutely exceeded the limit of human beings, and with the determination to die for the final blow, he pointed at Chi Yiyin's body with a dagger in his hand. chest.

She engulfed her life as a **** and a **** of rebellion, with all the sobriety and determination of decades, drained all her strength, made the last fight for victory in her life, and drew a conclusion on the road to becoming a god. A full stop to everything.

The strong wind blew up the dust all over the floor, and the corners of Chi Yiyin's clothes were blown, and the strands of hair messed up his eyebrows and eyes.

But on that handsome face, there was no change in expression, even the eyebrows and eyes were calm, and the strong wind could not blow the ripples on the boundless sea.

Just when Chi Yan was about to reach Chi Yiyin's body, and even the dagger in his hand was about to stab Chi Yiyin's heart, Chi Yiyin suddenly felt as if he had crashed into a solid and familiar embrace.

The man stood behind him, holding his hand holding the footless bird brooch, driving his movements, synchronously and tacitly blending with him.

Chi Yiyin was startled at first, and then realized the identity of the person behind him.

"Li..." He lost his mind for a moment and whispered softly.

Li Sijun has been unable to maintain his human form, and he can only appear in the form of light fused with divine power, but still at the last moment, he desperately gives all the help to his loved one.

As long as he has it, as long as he can do it, there is nothing he can give to Chi Yiyin.

"I am here."

What responded to Chi Yiyin was still that calm and deep voice, which was reassuring.

"I know that killing Chi Yan is not an easy choice for you. Even though she abandoned you and killed you, you still regard her as a respectable enemy. Thanks to her for the past eleven years Shelter and teach."

"But Yinyin... Any new life begins with rebelling against the parents." ①

"This is the last test given to you by the world."

As a god, how can you be soft-hearted? Any weakness may bring about the destruction of the world and the death of human beings.

If Chi Yan wins today, it will correspond to the death of tens of billions of people and the near-destructive rebirth of the world. That's not what the world wants, and it will show Chi Yiyin's failure.

Li Sijun knew that it was difficult for Chi Yiyin to make this decision.

Then... let him do it!

The moment Chi Yan approached Chi Yiyin, the dagger in her hand had already touched Chi Yiyin's chest, the sharp blade had cut through the skirt of the clothes, and blood seeped into the fabric.

It's like yesterday again.

On the ruins of the Ma family's haunted house, Chi Yan was also ruthless and without hesitation, he sent the dagger into Chi Yiyin's heart, killed him and dragged him into the game field, disrupting the scene of the stagnant water Chess game, from which to achieve her goal.

But at this moment, Chi Yan doesn't mind, let's kill again!

But at this moment, Chi Yiyin's eyes cooled down quickly, and he no longer hesitated, and walked up to the dagger in Chi Yan's hand, not caring that his flesh was cut open by the blade, and his blood flowed.

And the dagger in his hand was already pointing at Chi Yan's chest.


Blood spattered and landed on Chi Yiyin's fair and handsome face.

A drop of blood fell on his eyelashes, trembling slightly, like rain hitting petals, a cuckoo cried blood, and wept silently.

"Chi Yan."

Chi Yiyin whispered: "You are a respectable enemy."

"Because of your existence, the world will know that light and darkness accompany each other."

"On top of your failure, there is my victory. In this game, the winner has already been divided. General, army..."

Chi Yiyin's voice gradually became low until it was inaudible.

He could feel that behind him, Li Sijun held his arm tightly until he became one with him.


Chi Yiyin slowly brought up a smile, and called her lover softly.

The new **** has his first believer.

That was the former god. In the despair after countless years passed, in the darkness of the god, a light named Chi Yiyin shone.

Then God said, I will make him my God, and love him with all my love and strength. Until the world is destroyed, until the gods die.

By Chi Yiyin's side, there will always be a place for Li Sijun.

That is the love that New God promised believers, the unchanging trust and commitment, the long road they walked together became their common memory, and the New Testament engraved on the stone tablet.

The new era, from the moment the new **** recognized Li Sijun, came to the world.

And Bai Guang Dasheng, with him as the origin, exploded suddenly after a moment of stillness and death, covering the whole world.

Like sea water, it submerges everything.

This majestic force even overwhelmed the structure of the small world, broke through the restrictions of the small garden, roared and galloped into the new world, and engulfed the entire game field, making it impossible to break free.

Chu Yueli's eyelashes trembled. After sensing that he was being overwhelmed by the light, he exhausted his last ounce of strength, squeezed out the last real smile, and then lowered his head heavily.

There was no sound.

His consciousness was wrapped in warm sea water, as if he had returned to the beginning of his life

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