All the great powers and the top ten arrogances in the hall have understood that the Supreme Punishment God is saying that the world below the bottom of the chaos will threaten the chaos!

Chaos seems to be peaceful, but it hides a big crisis!

Dao Zhizun frowned. He didn't expect the Supreme Punishment God to know the existence of the Dao world of ignorance. Under such circumstances, the first **** still wanted to win over Chaos Tianjiao, which is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

The Supreme Punishment God spread this matter out, and its purpose is to unite Chaos Tianjiao.

The Supreme Punishment God Venerable continued: "I have discovered that there are underground forces infiltrating the Shijue City, this time, the eternal confrontation, I hope that the Shijue Tianjiao will go to the underground to fight, one is to decide the winner, and the other is to shock them. Maybe even lead snakes out of their holes."

The great powers in the hall also discussed.

"I did hear that the bottom layer of Chaos was once the prison of Chaos."

"The big world below is no smaller than Chaos, doesn't it also hide a lot of power?"

"What are you afraid of, if you can be suppressed by Chaos, you must be far less powerful than Chaos."

"That is, in fact, the meaning of the gods is to prevent problems before they happen."

"I think it's pretty good. Chaos is vast. We don't need to fight. If you want to compete for resources, you can go to the bottom of the chaos."

After hearing this, the powerful people did not panic, but began to praise the Supreme Punishment God Venerable.

The Supreme Punishment God made the rules meaningful, and the intention of the Chaos event also sublimated.

Han Huang looked at the other nine Tianjiao and said, "At that time, I will divide it into one-to-one, and I won't bully the less."

Dao Zhizun, Murong Qi, Guan Invincible, and Tiangang Demon God nodded, which were regarded as public statements.

The other five Tianjiao nodded, and at this point, they all understood each other's strength, and there was no need to pretend to be arrogant and cause trouble.

Strong if there is no phase in the world, there is no certainty to deal with the five heavenly arrogances of the hidden door.

For a time, the atmosphere in the hall became calmer.

Even Tianjiao is no longer at war, because the Supreme Punishment God has given all forces in Chaos a common goal.

The battle of the top ten is no longer a battle between the geniuses, and it may encounter the powerhouses of the big world below.

When the great powers of all parties were discussing, the Supreme Punishment God was also transmitting a voice to Han Jue to explain.

Of course, this rule is still beneficial to Hidden Sect. The Supreme Punishment God Venerable can kill two birds with one stone. It not only gives Han Jue face, but also prevents the great underground world.

Han Jue also has no opinion, he also wants to see the background of the Dao world of ignorance.

"Master, do you feel it?"

Supreme Punishment God Venerable asked again through voice transmission.

Han couldn't help but wonder, but he didn't ask, but observed the bottom layer of chaos.

Soon, he discovered that there was a strange aura on the edge, not like the Qi of Chaos, which was constantly overflowing from the surface.

From the ignorant Dao world?

Chaos ignorance can't sit still so soon?

Han Jue was full of expectations.

He is looking forward to the battle between Chaos Ignorance and the Ninth Chaos.

As for Chaos, he was too lazy to care.

Just kidding, the value of the ninth chaos and the chaotic ignorance are a hundred times different, how can the chaotic ignorance fight the ninth chaos, the ninth chaos is immortal, and chaos is even less likely to die.

Supreme Punishment God Venerable said: "If there really is an existence below us that is invincible..."

Han Jue nodded slightly, but said nothing.

Supreme Punishment God Venerable thought he agreed, and suddenly smiled, no more pressure.

Han Jue naturally wouldn't deal with the chaotic ignorance, but if it existed under the chaotic ignorance, it would be fine.

Although Chaos Ignorance draws him, Han Jue prefers the Ninth Chaos over Chaos Ignorance.

The ninth chaos is like a powerful person. Usually, he doesn't care about chaos at all and is busy with cultivation. Chaos ignorance is the first and most Taoist creator Han Jue has contacted.

From the point of view of action, chaotic ignorance is not as good as the ninth chaotic atmosphere.

As for the ninth chaos, Han Jue is not a true believer. If there is no dojo, the ninth chaos will definitely remove him.

Each of the top ten geniuses meditated, began to practice, and recovered their state.

The Supreme Punishment God did not care about the mysterious spiritual energy, and seemed to be waiting for the ignorant Dao Realm to take the bait.

Unfortunately, he didn't know what he was facing.

Han Jue did not remind him, if he knew, the Supreme Punishment God Venerable would not dare to do it.

Many things don't need to be pierced. The effect of the Supreme Punishment God on Han Jue is only to stabilize the chaos and delay the Dao of Ignorance.

What chaos, what ignorant Dao world, are not in Han Jue's eyes.

What Han Jue cares about is the final world.

a month later.

The Supreme Punishment God Venerable left with the Ten Jue Tianjiao, and the other great powers continued to wait in the hall. There was also a clone of the Supreme Punishment God Venerable in the hall, which was convenient for casting spells for the Shi Jue City to watch the battle.

Dao Zhizun was very uneasy along the way. He won the favor of the first god, and pretended to promise that if he ran into the first god, would he be exposed.

Guan Bufei was looking forward to it, and asked with a smug smile: "You guys say, will I meet the genius of the underground world?"

The Great Heavenly God King hummed: "How can there be geniuses in barbarian and barren land? Even if the talent is good, it is still a dark reptile, which is not surprising."

Dao Zhizun secretly said: "It is true that there is no Tianjiao, but no reptiles can be seen."

The four of them have been in the Dao of Ignorance for millions of years. Except for the resentful spirit and the first god, they have never encountered any living thing.

He thought that the Dao of Ignorance was desolate, and there was no life at all.

However, the first **** does have the malicious intention to subvert chaos.

The Ten Jue Tianjiao began to chat and get to know each other. Before that, they all had a cold face and did not make friends with each other, like enemies.

Soon, the Supreme Punishment God brought them to the ground, and in front of them was a bottomless black hole.

A group of people jumped directly into it. UU Reading

The Supreme Dao’s secret path is not good, and the Supreme Punishment God has really discovered the entrance to the ignorant Dao world.

He was just lucky, thinking that the Supreme Punishment God Venerable hadn't discovered the real Dao of ignorance.

After entering the realm, the top ten geniuses began to look left and right, and the holy thoughts swept across.

The Supreme Punishment God stood above the clouds, cast spells at the same time as the clones in the main hall, and transmitted the scene in front of him to the main hall, not only the main hall, but also the sky above the city of Ten Absolutes.

All the creatures in the city were excited, knowing that this was the beginning of the eternal battle.

"Are you really going to fight?"

"The hidden door is secure."

"Tsk tsk, how could the other major forces agree? Are you really afraid that the divine might not succeed?"

"That's right, bear with it at this time. Isn't the eternal peak of every chaotic event in the future a hidden genius?"

"Absurd, absurd."

"You frustrating birds, what can you do if you can't bear it? Rip your face with Shenwei Tiansheng?"

Within the Dao of Unconsciousness, the land is desolate and boundless, the sky is densely covered with overcast clouds, and there is a faint sound of thunder.

The Ten Jue Tianjiao did not delay much, and quickly dispersed.

Guan Bubai scolded and said, "It's time to fight! Let's fight for the outcome first, if any reptiles attack, just kill it!"

Han Huang looked directly at Wuxiang Tianxia and said, "Come on, I will defeat you first!"


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