Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years

Chapter 1008: The Great Way of Calamity, the Demon God of Hongmeng

Facing the arrogance of the God King of the Great Heaven, Han Huang, Murong Qi, and Wuxiang Tianxia immediately surrounded him.

Wuxiang Tianxia looked at the Great Heavenly God King, tsk tsk admiringly said: "Your strength is an external force!"

His voice is very loud, deliberately let the spectators in the ten cities hear.

The Great Heavenly God King said proudly: "What external force is not external force, this is my inheritance power, and when it comes to you and me, who doesn't have such power, it's just that yours is not as good as mine!"

Han Huang snorted: "What nonsense are you talking to him, you are shrinking in front of you, and you are as bold as sesame seeds. Now that you see the hope of winning and pretending to be big, I am really ashamed of the top ten geniuses!"

Hearing this, the Great Heavenly God King was annoyed, glared at Han Huang, and said, "Come on! See how powerful you are, Han Huang!"

Han Huang smiled contemptuously, and turned into the Demon God of Hongmeng again. He stared at the Great Heavenly God King, and said, "It's not just that you are hiding your hand, I am too!"


The monstrous weather erupted in shock, the ignorant avenue world shuddered, the earth collapsed, and space-time thunder and lightning suddenly struck.

Eighteen dharma images were condensed behind Han Huang, and they had the imposing manner of the dharma images of the devil.

The eighteen dharma images have various postures. Han Huang brought his might to kill the Great Heavenly God King, and the eighteen dharma images each exerted their magical powers to attack the Great Heavenly God King.

Before the two sides collided, the Great Heavenly God King was the first to suffer from phantom supernatural powers.

This time, Chapter 17B Si. The Great Heavenly God King's eyes flashed blue light, and one look broke the illusion and magical power, and raging flames rushed out of his body, like a fire phoenix hitting the incoming Han Huang.

Wuxiang Tianxia, ​​Murong Qi did not sit and watch the tiger fight, and quickly joined the battle.

There are only four seats left in the eternal peak!

Seeing that the danger was lifted, the sentient beings in the Ten Jue City turned their attention back to the sky, and began to discuss who was the eternal summit.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Han Jue and the avatar of the Supreme Punishment God returned to the main hall, and Han Ling also followed Han Jue.

In the main hall, everyone is still talking about what happened just now.

Those avenues are all talking about Han Jue's power, and other great powers are boiling with enthusiasm.

Han Jue is waiting for the ninth chaos.

Chaos, ignorance, formless, formless, and detached, it is impossible for the great **** to retreat when he sees his shot, and must be restrained by some existence.

After a few hours.

A line of prompt popped out in front of Han Jue's eyes:

[The Ninth Chaos asks you for a dream, do you accept it]



Han Jue was still a little nervous. He didn't know if the Ninth Chaos believed him or not. Although it would not threaten his life, it would affect the people around him.

He chose to accept.

His will entered the dream, and the dream was a blank field. When he saw the ninth chaos, it was a black shadow, so blurry that he couldn't see its true face at all.

Facing the Ninth Chaos, Han Jue was silent and did not speak first, after all, he did not know what the other party was thinking.

"Why did you reject Chaos's ignorant proposal?" Ninth Chaos asked.

Han Jue asked in surprise: "Who is Chaos Ignorance?"

The ninth Chaos said: "In front of me, there is no need to pretend, I know in my heart, you should know who I am talking about, and I also know that you did not reject him at the beginning."

Hearing this, Han Jue said helplessly: "He is stronger than me, how can I refuse? I seem to be the strongest in Chaos, but in front of you, I am like an ant. Your rivalry affects me, all I can do is try not to participate. , but he wants to take action against the chaotic beings, so I have to be his enemy."

The ninth Chaos said: "You have made a very wise choice. Since you have contributed to the protection of Chaos, I will naturally not blame you. I opened up Chaos and created all beings, one is to prove the Tao, and the other is to satisfy the legacy of the ancestors. Do you know why Chaos suppresses the Dao World of Ignorance?"

Han Jue shook his head.

He had guesses in his heart, but dared not speak.

It is nothing more than the fear of chaos being surpassed!

"If the ignorant Dao Realm exists, and other Dao Realms are born, all of which are incompatible with chaos, how should they stand? Without interfering with each other? It is impossible, it will only generate desires and form a battle between Dao Realms. At that time, no It's just that chaos is in trouble, no matter which world beings are, you should have witnessed the ordeal of countless catastrophe."

The ninth Chaos said slowly, but Han Jue recognized these words.

But so what!

The Dao world is the creation that leads to a higher realm!

The Ninth Chaos continued: "I have already planned to let the Dao Realm exist, which is why the Dao Realm and the Dao of Heaven will not be destroyed, otherwise my one thought is enough to wipe out the calamity, and I am ready to wait for the Chaos to evolve into another When the height is high, merge all the Dao worlds, so that the masters of the Dao world can be restrained, fighting is reduced, and all beings from all walks of life can be integrated into one world.”

Han Jue was secretly shocked.

Is this guy going to break through to create master?

Otherwise, how can chaos evolve?

"The great **** of chaos, ignorance, formlessness, and detachment has been suppressed by me. I have been thinking about it for hundreds of millions of years. From now on, I hope you can supervise chaos and guard the order of chaos. What do you think?"

Facing the question from the Ninth Chaos, Han Jue was surprised.

Is this the end?

He also thought that the chaotic, ignorant, formless and invisible detachment of the great gods would fall.

The ninth chaos is so soft-hearted?

No wonder these two dare to challenge Chaos...

Or maybe these three have a relationship that Han Jue doesn't know about.

Han Jue said, "Let's leave this burden to the Holy Mother of Order or the Supreme Punishment. I have to be busy with my practice and have no time to manage chaos. You should be able to see my past. , The way of heaven does not matter, let someone do it for you."

The ninth chaos is silent.

Han Jue's heart skipped a beat.

a long time.

The Ninth Chaos said with emotion: "You and I are really similar. If that's the case, then let the Supreme Punishment God perform this responsibility. I will let him hold the divine power and become the real head of the gods."

Han Jue nodded, but did not thank him. Wouldn't the words of thanks indicate that the Supreme Punishment God Venerable belonged to him?

The Ninth Chaos continued: "There is one more thing, the great calamity has not yet dissipated, and I don't know when it will sweep in. It may be related to the Hongmeng Demon God. If Chaos is in trouble, you have to take action, unless Chaos is destroyed or more. If Gao exists, I won't do it, but I don't want the Hongmeng Demon God to dominate Chaos."

Han Jue asked in astonishment: "Hongmeng Demon God? Who is it? What are the signs?"

"The Demon God of Hongmeng is also an illusory legend to me, but when the Demon God of Hongmeng is born, you will understand that he will appear in an absolutely powerful manner, eclipsed by all the arrogance of heaven, although there is no Hongmeng in this chaotic event. Demon God, but it is a very good screening method, we will have to do it in the future, let’s change it to once every 50 million years.”

The ninth Chaos ordered, and Han Jue responded immediately.

He was helpless.

Make a big tyrant. It seems that Han Huang is still not good.

It is obviously the Demon God of Hongmeng, but it is considered not to be counted.

The Ninth Chaos continued: "About the ignorant Dao world, it cannot be destroyed. When I succeed, it will create an endless era. Chaos will be broken and combined with the blank field, which can accommodate all Dao worlds, including the Dao world you will open up in the future."

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