[Your disciple, Sun Hanyao, was instructed by your friend Xie Tiandi to learn supernatural powers]

[Your son Han Huang entered the world of transcendence]

[Your friend, the God of Punishment, has entered the world of transcendence]

[Your friend Qingtian Xuanji has realized the great power and his luck has skyrocketed]

[Your son Han Tuo suffered a mysterious curse]

[Your apprentice Jiang Peishi created magical powers, and hundreds of millions of clones fell into reincarnation]

[Your friend Pangu enters the world of detachment avenues]

Beyond the realm of avenues?

Han Jue frowned. Wasn't the Great God of Invisibility and Invisibility being suppressed, why was the Dao Realm exposed?

There must be calculations!

Since the end of the chaotic event, the first **** has been suppressed by the gods of the Dao, and the ignorant Dao world has begun to be invaded by various chaotic forces. After more than 20 million years of development, the ignorant Dao world has been contaminated by chaotic luck, and there is a great fusion. the trend of.

Could it be that the Ninth Chaos wants to take advantage of the suppression of the two Dao creators to integrate their Dao world?


If his guess is true, then the Ninth Chaos is too ruthless, and this trick may make the two creators fall into the great realm!

Han Jue couldn't expose the final realm, so as not to be targeted by the Ninth Chaos.

Han Jue was also very interested in the world of detachment, so he created a clone and went to explore the world of detachment.

As for his deity, it is more appropriate to stay in the dojo.

"Father, what are you thinking about?"

Han Ling's voice floated, and her tone was a little excited.

Han Jue glanced at her, knew what she was thinking, and said, "Come on."

The father and daughter entered the mock trial and opened their eyes the next second.

Han Ling sighed.

It still doesn't work.

She raised her eyes again and said, "Father, stand still, let me fight, and try my supernatural powers."

Han Jue was helpless and had to agree.

After half an hour.

The mock trial is over.

Han Lingling said: "Father, you are really amazing. Even if my tens of thousands of imperial soldiers can assemble in a large array, they still can't break the robe restrictions on your body."

Han Jue smiled and said, "Nonsense, I'm your father."

Han Ling pouted and said, "Father, do you think that if I participate in the Chaos event, can I win the eternal peak?"

"Oh? Do you have an idea?"

"I think Han Ye and Han Yao are determined to participate, so I hesitate to accompany them."

Han couldn't help rolling his eyes, is this a woman?

He had found out that Han Ling was unhappy with Han Yao and Han Ye before, but he didn't expect this girl to go to the Chaos event to stop her.

Han Ling covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Father, are you kidding me? I know you are very precious to those two boys, so why would you suppress them?"

Han Jue smiled and said, "You are also their ancestors. Don't look at them with a peer mentality. If they can grow up and you have great ambitions in the future, they can also help you."

Hongmeng Emperor Star, born to be an emperor!

Han will never be deceived by Han Ling's appearance. This girl seems to be well-behaved and honest, but the arrogance in her heart has always existed.

Han Ling's mind is actually easy to guess. Why she always challenges Han Jue is to take Han Jue as a standard. As long as she defeats Han Jue, she will rule over chaos.

When Han Ling heard Han Jue's words, she couldn't help thinking.

Han Jue continued to browse the emails. The amount of emails accumulated in five million years is so huge. Each email is equivalent to a piece of life. It is an opportunity and a disaster.

After Han Jue read the email, Han Ling was still thinking, he got up and went to visit his fellow Taoists.

After decades.

In the second dojo, Han Jue sat opposite dozens of Chaos Demon Gods, discussing the Tao.

After so many years, all the Chaos Demon Gods have become Dao saints, and more than half of them have reached the Supreme Dao. The aptitude of Chaos Demon Gods, coupled with the spiritual energy of the second dojo, is so terrifying.

Murong Qi said: "Master, recently a world has been opened up in the depths of my soul, and this world is closely related to my cultivation. Why is this?"

He had seen the power of the Great World at the Chaos Festival before, and it was indeed powerful, but at that time he thought it was a magical power, and it was only when he cultivated the Great World that he realized that it was a realm.

Han Jue opened his mouth and said, "The Great Dao goes up. If you want to go up one level, you have to open up the world. Before, the place where the Chaos Ten Greats fought was the Dao Realm of Ignorance, a world that existed transcendental."

Da Santian was moved and asked, "So, is it possible that Chaos is also..."

Han Jue nodded with a smile.

In the second dojo, he doesn't have to worry about being spied on by the ninth chaos.

Regarding the mystery of the Dao world, Han Jue also intends to take this opportunity to tell the direct disciples in front of him that they are all cronies, and the Chaos Demon God is too talented.

Han Jue explained his understanding of the Dao world, causing dozens of Chaos Demon Gods to fall into contemplation.

For a long time.

Wu Daojian asked curiously, "Master, what about your Dao world?"

Han Jue smiled without saying a word.

The Black Prison Chicken shouted: "Don't ask random questions, if you ask, it's no, the same is true for others. The vastness of the Dao of Ignorance is suppressed by chaos, which means that the Lord of Chaos is careful, once he finds out..."

The demon gods were moved, and the face of Enlightenment Sword also turned pale.

Han Jue said: "You have to be more careful when you walk in chaos in the future. Your cultivation level seems to be superior to other living beings, but you should be able to feel that this chaos is still very unfamiliar. The higher you stand, you should see it. The more I understand, many rules and existences are unimaginable, and behind this unimaginable is a transcendent existence far beyond us. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

The demon gods nodded.

Tiangang Demon said: "We will not go out. If we are bored in the future, we will stay in each other's avenues and not cause trouble for the master."

The other demon gods followed suit, making Han Jue very satisfied.

If they want to cultivate out of the Dao world, they need incomparably long years.

After several years, Han Jue just returned to the third dojo, ready to continue his cultivation.

He suddenly remembered Hongjun in the universe of stars.

He looked intently, and there was no Hongjun in the universe, but Liu Bei was still there.

He began to calculate Hongjun, and he left after he found that Hongjun was at ease. Now he preaches in a corner of chaos and spreads the orthodoxy.

It seemed that he was preparing for the return of Daozu.

Han Jue was amazed, what did Daozu want to do?

If today is peaceful and chaotic and peaceful, why hasn't he shown up yet?

It seems that Daozu also opened up his own Dao world, and he is still very powerful, afraid of being discovered by the Ninth Chaos?

[The gods of the nine descendants asked you for a dream, do you accept it]

Such a prompt suddenly popped out in front of him, causing Han Jue to frown.

Didn't the nine-born gods be demoted by the ninth chaos?

How can I ask for a dream?

Could it be that over 20 million years have passed, this fellow has grown up?

Han Jue hesitated for a moment and chose to accept the dream.

The dream realm is a blank area. Han Jue saw the gods of nine descendants, and his body was filled with the divine light of the supreme rules.

The enemy met and fell silent.

After a while, the **** of nine descendants said, "It's time for the Demon God of Hongmeng to appear!"

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