Years are long.

More than two million years have passed.

[It is detected that you are over 40 million years old and your life has taken a step forward. You have the following options]

[One, immediately exit the customs, open up the final realm in the chaos, you can get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, and a creation spirit stone]

[Second, low-key cultivation, stay away from right and wrong, you can get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, and a creation spirit stone]

[You get a chance to choose a good fortune]

Han Jue silently chose the second option.

This time the system is very reliable, and the rewards for both options are the same.

At present, there are eight avenue fragments, six Hongmeng fragments, and five creation spirit stones.

The previous creation spirit stones were used to give birth to Chaos Demon Gods, but now that all Chaos Demon Gods have been born on their own, he keeps them.

Creating spirit stones can turn anything into life, and Han Jue always feels that he can use it in the future.

As for the selection of good fortune, he did not use it immediately.

Don't be in a hurry.

He began to observe Chaos. After so many years, Han Ye and Han Yao have grown up, especially Han Yao, who has become the new **** of heaven. His prestige is very high, and there are even voices saying that he is the **** of the desert back then. , and even more so!

Conquering Tianxing, the more the war, the stronger, the performance on the battlefield, Han Yao is indeed stronger than the Han Huang of the past, mainly because the Han Huang in the past was swept away in any battle situation, unlike Han Yao, who was occasionally disadvantaged, But relying on the great luck, to turn over the table with one's own power, so the spirit created is even more.

Han Jue is very satisfied with Han Yao's performance. This kid is worthy of his ten thousand years of teaching, and shows the characteristics of conquering Tianxing to the fullest.

The same is true of Han Ye, who followed the four Supreme Daoists and slaughtered karmic beings everywhere. Their cultivation was not weaker than Han Yao, but faintly stronger.

I have to say that the four of Dao Zhizun are indeed a little bit of a disaster. Wherever they go and where they hit, now the beaten four have become a five. Unlike the past, they have hardly been seriously injured, and it seems that they have completely turned over.

Han Jue looked at Han Ling next to him. His cultivation had been growing all the time. He suddenly looked forward to the grand scene of Han Ling's arrival in the world.

But if Han Ling was to be born, Han Jue had to let the Endless Era come first, otherwise this girl would be easily suppressed.

It's just that the Endless Era has to rely on the ninth chaos to achieve the mastery of creation, or whether it depends on the Hongmeng Demon God to break through the blank realm, it is not known for the time being.

When Han Ling received Han Jue's gaze, he couldn't help but open his eyes and asked, "Father, what's wrong?"

Han Jue smiled and said, "I'm thinking about what kind of commotion your birth will cause."

Han Ling smiled and said, "What did my father say, even if I go out, it won't cause any disturbance. I'm not that kind of temperament."

Han Jue smiled without breaking it.

The father and daughter chatted for a while and then continued to practice separately.

Han Jue asked on a whim, "I want to know when my daughter Han Ling was at her peak?"

[Need to deduct one billion billion years of life, whether to continue]


Comparable to the Ninth Chaos!

Such bullshit!

Keep going!

Han Jue resisted his excitement, and his consciousness entered the illusion of evolution.

Opening his eyes again, he came to the blank realm. Unlike reality, there are countless universes floating in the blank realm in the future, and each black void is dotted with countless stars or a vast avenue.

Han Jue looked up, and his mood was unconsciously clear.

Endless Age!

More bold and vast than chaos!

After realizing the supremacy of the Dao, Chaos was like a cage in Han Jue's eyes.

Soon, a mighty stalwart figure descended, her whole body shone with strong light, and the Qifang Daojie stood at her feet, beside her, and above her head, and even Han Jue had to look up to her.

Han Ling?

Han Jue inexplicably thought of the Virgin of Order, which is completely the top version of the Virgin of Order.

Han Ling seemed to be floating in the void, with his hands in front of his belly, he was wearing silver armor, and the lotus skirt under his waist seemed to be fluttering. His long hair was scattered under the crown like a waterfall, and the surrounding seven-sided avenues were even more visible. Make her supreme, unparalleled in the world.

So holy, so arrogant!

Han Jue finally saw the demeanor of Hongmeng Emperor Star.

He suddenly saw two figures in front of Han Ling, hundreds of millions of feet tall and equally domineering, but in front of Han Ling, like the stones at the foot of Mount Tai, they were extremely small.

Han Ye, Han Yao!

The former wears black armor, the latter wears silver armor, one black and one white, like yin and yang.

"Tsk tsk, this girl still listens to me and really accepts these two boys."

Han Jue laughed in his heart, and was very satisfied with Han Ling's attitude, at least this girl was obedient.

He was really worried that Han Ling was jealous of the two of Han Ye and would not tolerate them.

This time *m chapter Si. The more Han Jue looked at the three of them, the more pleasing to the eye.

Emperor Star, Killing Star, Battle Star!

Made in heaven!

I don't know where the three of them are going.

Han Ling stopped suddenly, raised his right hand, and slowly clenched it. In an instant, the blank space above Han Jue's head was torn apart.

Han Jue looked up and saw that the space crack was actually an avenue of avenues, and there were countless creatures guarding the edge of the crack, ready to burst out at any time.

"The demons are exhausted, but you want to cause endless chaos. Today, you will lose even the place where you can survive."

"Conquering Tianxing, the ultimate killing star, where is it?"

Han Ling's voice was indifferent and solemn.

"I am here!"

Han Ye and Han Yao shouted in unison, and the space crack on Han Jue's head fluctuated violently, tearing even more.

The evolutionary illusion is shattered.

Han Jue opened his eyes, some words were still unfinished.

This billion-billion-year lifespan is a bit of a loss.

He also wanted to see what happened next.

However, this vision is short, but it reveals a lot of information.

Han Ling seems to be in charge of the power of killing in the endless era.

Tsk tsk, I don't know how many years later, there are so many Dao worlds.

Han Jue felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

He is getting stronger and others are getting stronger too.

There are only five Taoist creators today, and the future is uncertain.

Then the ninth chaos will not really be able to prove the master of creation, right?

Han Jue's heart skipped a beat.


He has to hurry up to cultivate, it will take a long time for him to catch up with the Ninth Chaos in terms of cultivation.

Han Jue closed his eyes and began to practice.

The Tao of Heaven, beyond the thirty-three layers of the sky, Han Sheng Palace.

Han Qing'er smiled and said, "Fifth brother, after so many years, you still haven't attained the Dao, which is a bit of a disgrace to our Han family."

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. The middle-aged man sitting in the first seat was Li Yao's son, Han Yunjin.

Facing her sister's ridicule, Han Yunjin said helplessly: "I don't have the talent of my brothers and sisters, so naturally I can't prove the Dao, but my descendant Han Yao is not ashamed of the Han family."

Jiang Peishi, who was sitting opposite Han Qinger, smiled and said, "Han Yao is indeed amazing. He has the talent of Junior Brother Huang, but His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven really likes it."

Make a big tyrant. Han Qing'er glared at Jiang Jueshi, Jiang Jueshi laughed helplessly, and didn't say any more.

Han Yunjin asked curiously, "I don't know why Third Sister and Senior Brother Jiang came here?"

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