Top-level luck, quietly practice Millennium Text Volume Chapter 1046 In the dim void of mysterious figures, countless phantoms bloom like ephemera, growing from nothing, from small to large, and then dispersing like fireworks.

Han Huang was in it, two rainbow lights of different brilliance wrapped around his body, like two souls, and a human shape was vaguely visible.

He slowly opened his eyes and frowned.

"Why can't we get along?"

Han Huang muttered to himself, full of doubts in his heart.

Naturally, he does not believe that the Supreme Rules are incompatible, but he has not found a suitable solution for the time being.

His cultivation has been unable to grow, so he can only find another way.

He also opened up his own world. In the depths of his soul, it was too long to develop into the Dao world, so long that he thought it was almost impossible.

From the soul world to the scale of Shitian and Chaos, the time required is not as simple as the dead.

Han Huang thought of the mysterious power hidden in his bloodline. If he were to rely on that power, would he be able to integrate the two supreme rules?

He immediately tried.

Soon, he got a trace of the ultimate power, and something that surprised him happened. Under the squeeze of the ultimate power, the two supreme rules began to merge. Although it was very slow, it did exist.

"Sure enough, there is no rule that I can't surrender!"

The corners of Han Huang's mouth rose, and he began to enjoy the process of integrating the highest rules.

At this moment, the power of the end element was suddenly interrupted, which made him stunned for a while.

He found that no matter how he mobilized, he couldn't summon that power, which made him very uncomfortable.

Han Huang was a little panicked.

Could it be that his mysterious power was backlashed by the supreme rules?



That power is invincible!

Han Huang calmed down and continued to try.

Hundreds of years later, he sensed that mysterious power again, and this time, the mysterious power no longer disappears when it merges with the highest rules.

This made him feel completely relieved, and at the same time he understood something.

If this power cannot be fully grasped, it must not be lost.

If this power suddenly disappears during a deadly battle in the future, wouldn't it be over?

Thinking of this, Han Huang suddenly felt scared.

Wouldn't this power be calculated?

I want to make him swell and betray him fatally.


Han Huang thought of countless possibilities, the enemy's calculations, the gift of his father, etc., but in the end he could only decide that he could not easily use this power in the future.

Unless he can fully grasp this power!

[It is detected that you are over 90 million years old and your life has taken a step forward. You have the following options]

[One, go out immediately and help the End Origin Realm devour other Dao Realms to get a Dao Fragment, a Hongmeng Fragment, a Good Fortune Spirit Stone, and a chance to upgrade the system functions]

[Second, practice low-key, keep your original intention, you can get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, and a good fortune spirit stone]

Han Jue opened his eyes and silently chose the second option.

Although the opportunity to upgrade system functions is precious, it will cause countless troubles.

Han Jue doesn't want to make enemies yet.

Millions of years have passed, and his cultivation has grown a lot, and he has a deeper understanding of the final demon god, and the final realm has become more perfect in addition to expanding in his vision.

Han Jue began to observe Chaos and found that Chaos was also getting stronger.

With the help of detachment, ignorance, and Shitian Daojie, the development of Chaos is much faster than before.

From the chaos, we can see the situation of the ninth chaos.

Han Jue looked at good and evil, and followed alone to the Taoist temple in Baiyue Xianchuan. He took out the book of bad luck and began to curse the Ninth Chaos.

This behavior cannot be seen by anyone, not even one's own woman or one's own children!

If he drives away good and evil, he is afraid of forming a coincidence, so it is best to hide and do it quietly.

The familiar touch made Han Jue smile.


Even though I am the creator of Dao, I am still so dark.

Although it's shameless, it's really cool.

Han Jue began to curse with all his strength, and at the same time called up the attribute panel. Although he could no longer care about his lifespan, he felt that he still had to be cautious so as not to overwhelm him.

No matter how much life expectancy, there will be a day when it will be exhausted.

After five days, Han Jue's lifespan began to decline rapidly.

In the end, Han Jue spent 10 billion billion years of life and put down the book of bad luck after conjuring the ninth Chaos Curse.

He just wanted to delay the ninth chaos, and he didn't want to curse the ninth chaos to death.

If the ninth chaos dies, the chaos and all sentient beings in heaven will be destroyed.

No need, Han Jue himself still yearns for peace.

If he is invincible, he will not suppress sentient beings, nor will he suppress other practitioners.

He put away the book of bad luck and returned to the third dojo.

Good and Evil had already woken up and did not practice any more. When he saw Han Jue, he immediately got up and asked, "First Ancestor, where have you been?"


Han Jue raised his eyebrows.

Good and evil shuddered all over, and quickly said, "I'm just worried about you..."

I'm floating!

How dare you manage the ancestor!

"I went to see my disciples. I have countless dojos like this, and I have trained countless disciples." Han Jue sat down and replied casually.

Good and evil are respected.

He followed: "Ancestor, when I was studying the curse, I found a terrifying figure. At the end of the cause and effect, it is likely to be the Dark Lord. It's too terrifying. Just looking at its back is enough to make me feel fear and bow down. idea."

Hearing this, Han Jue asked curiously, "What does it look like?"

Good and evil wave, UU reading www.uukanshu. com shows what he sees.

Han Jue saw a black shadow appearing in the illusion, as if his back was facing the sun, he couldn't see his true face, but his figure was extremely blurry.

It's not him, and it has nothing to do with his descendants and disciples.

He began to calculate, but found that he couldn't.

Han Jue became interested.

"I want to know who is the shadow that good and evil see?"

[If the cause and effect cannot be detected, it may not exist or possess the ultimate Taobao]

"But is there a second book of doom?"

[Cannot detect the cause and effect]

Han Jue tried other ways to ask questions, but it didn't count.

This is interesting!

Even the ninth chaos can be counted, but there is something more mysterious than the ninth chaos.

He asked the strongest person of the moment again.

After deducting one billion billion years of lifespan, it is known that it is still the ninth chaos.

Could it be that this person is from the future?

Han Jue was lost in thought.

Good and Evil are still describing the pressures of the time.

"The other party didn't notice you?" Han Jue asked.

Good and Evil shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be. Anyway, when I saw him, I was so frightened that I retracted my will and didn't dare to study it any further."

Han Jue said: "It's okay, continue, this is the only way for you."

If something happens, he will use absolute purification to help good and evil.

He had already drawn out a wisp of good and evil, which is convenient for resurrection, so it can be said that it is foolproof, and there is no need to worry at all.


Good and Evil nodded, then stopped talking.

Han Jue started to check his emails.

Seeing that the ancestor did not pay attention to himself, good and evil immediately said: "Ancestor, I have attained the Dao!"



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