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Five million years later, there were violent fluctuations in the edge of the final realm far away in the blank realm. Fortunately, there were no creatures nearby, and no one noticed.

The creatures in the final realm have not yet been able to perceive the situation outside the final realm.

And the reason for all this is naturally that Han Jue's cultivation has improved again.

The previous trip to Shitian gave Han Jue a lot of inspiration, and the progress of his practice turned out to be faster than before.

Han Jue opened his eyes, showing satisfaction.

In the later stage of the creator of Taoism, it is still very far away, but it is not too far away.

You must know that he is not yet 100 million years old, how can he become a creator of Tao at the age of 100 million, let alone reach the middle stage of creator of Tao.

He looked at the good and evil beside him, and the good and evil were still cultivating.

After this kid was stimulated, his cultivation state was obviously more serious, which made Han Jue very satisfied.

"The next Chaos event is about to start, do you want him to participate?"

Han Jue thought about it this way and hesitated for a moment, but he still decided to give up the idea.

Let this kid stay here, there is no need to let all the great descendants shine.

Han Jue began to check his emails.

In these years, the most active ones are the creation of the imperial court and the forces of fate. Han Huang is busy integrating the supreme rules, and there is no news recently.

Without Han Huang, Chaos and Shi Tian were even more lively.

When the cloud over their heads dissipated, they dared to act boldly.

When Han Jue was cultivating, he felt that something related to him was being pryed. Since the impact was not big, he didn't care, so he had time to make calculations.


Han Jue suddenly became suspicious. He discovered a strange thing.

The underworld of the End Yuan Realm actually merges with the underworld of the various Dao realms to form an independent plane. At first glance, the underworld is larger than any interface, because the Dao realms have not all merged together.

Someone has already sneaked into the final realm through the chaotic underworld.

It's really strange, no creatures have yet opened up the underworld in the final yuan realm. Could it be that the underworld has its own rules, and what the mother earth opened up after that time was only reincarnation, leading the way of heaven into the underworld?

It was Han Ye and Han Ba ​​Shen who sneaked into the underworld of the Final Yuan Realm. No wonder Han Jue felt that it had little impact. If it was an unknown aura, his instinct would inevitably lead to disgust, and a trace of disgust from the creator of the Dao would be enough to crush the saint of the Dao.

It turned out that the spiritual root transformed by the power of the final yuan was born in the underworld of the final yuan world. There are only two plants at present, and one of them was taken away by Han Ye and Han Ba ​​God.

The so-called final spirit root is nothing but the precipitation of the final energy, and it is nothing.

Of course, this power is absolutely unfathomable to Dao Supreme, as strong as Han Huang, and also addicted to it.

Just how did these two boys find the ultimate spiritual root?

Han Jue continued to calculate and found that the source of this cause and effect was actually Han Ling.

Han Ling was able to count the root of the final yuan, and he was indeed a blood relative, but he didn't know if Han Ling guessed that the root of the final yuan was related to him.

After understanding it clearly, Han Jue didn't care, he stretched and relaxed his body.

Good and Evil opened their eyes and said, "Ancestor, you are awake."

His tone was respectful, different from the past, making Han Jue a little helpless. Could it be that the previous suppression was too much?

"Just preaching for you and helping you."

Han Jue laughed softly, and began to preach without waiting for good and evil to answer. As soon as the sound of the Tao came out, good and evil immediately entered a state of enlightenment.

Han Jue left behind a doppelganger to preach, and the deity went to visit the Taoist companions.

Thousands of years later.

After Han Jue finished speaking, the good and evil woke up, and the words were not finished.

The good and the evil were full of emotion: "The first ancestor is worthy of being the first ancestor. Your preaching is better than my thousands of years of cultivation, and it has given me a deeper understanding of the future path of cultivation."

Han Jue said: "Anytime, always keep a humble and cautious heart. Let me tell you about my past."

Hearing Good and Evil, he immediately became interested, and immediately sat in front of Han Jue with a look of anticipation.

Han Jue started talking about it when he was young. He said it many times in the past, to different juniors, but every time he said it, he took the trouble to say it, and at the same time, it was also for himself.

Never forget how you got here in the beginning.

The system had let him see how those who had mastered the system died in the past. Some were just as cautious as him, but they started to relax after realizing that they were invincible, and they were still invincible.

Soon, good and evil became fascinated, as if taking Han Jue's identity to face those evils.

Although the first ancestor was overly cautious, and even a little timid and inhuman, but when the people around him suffered disaster, he would take action.

Good and evil think this is the person he wants to be.

After Han Jue finished speaking, he said respectfully, "First Ancestor, I understand your intention."

Han Jue smiled and said, "You are cursing a person named Han Fenjue. He looks like this."

He raised his hand and waved, an illusion appeared, and a figure that looked exactly like him appeared.

Han Fenjue was the soul that he threw into the chaotic mortal world thousands of years ago. Under his deliberate suppression, Han Fenjue only had the cultivation base of the Great Dao, but he lost his memory and did not know good and evil.

Good and evil were stunned for a while, he was not stupid, he knew at a glance that the other party was related to the first ancestor.

He took a deep breath and began to urge the power of the cursed Origin Star to curse Han Fenjue.

It took a few days for Han Fenjue to feel unwell.

The power of the curse strikes!

Han Jue frowned.

Why is there still a delay?

Could it be because the Korean Fen Jue is too strong?

A few days passed, the face of good and evil turned pale, and the body began to tremble.

Han Fenjue began to attack him.

Han Jue immediately shot, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com took back Han Fenjue's split soul, and the memory flooded into his mind.

Han Fenjue didn't count it as good or evil, but he could just follow the power of the curse to retaliate.

Han Jue looked at good and evil in surprise.

Is this kid really like a book of doom?

It seems that the cursed Origin Star was deeply influenced by the Book of Doom.

The Book of Doom will consume the lifespan of the source, so what about good and evil?

"Ancestor... My cultivation base has dropped..."

Good and evil said in fear, with a tone full of unease.

Curse consumes cultivation base?

Han Jue pondered, such words make sense.

He reassured: "It's fine, just come back to practice. How much will you lose? Let you go out to experience. If you get revenge, how much will you lose your cultivation?"

Good and evil felt reasonable, and his face softened.

Han Jue stared at good and evil and smiled.

This kid will be his secret weapon.

very nice!

Han Jue asked: "You will act with a curse in the future, can you think of a new name? Like the Dark Lord, no one knows his true identity."

Good and Evil's eyes lit up, thought for a while, and said, "I'll be called the Lord of Doom, how about that?"

"It's okay, it's different from the Dark Lord, but from the name, it makes people think that you are related to the Dark Lord, and the Dark Lord can help you share the pressure."

"Yeah, don't worry, the ancestor, I will surpass the Dark Lord sooner or later."

"I'm looking forward to that day."

But that day cannot come!

Han Jue hummed in his heart, it's impossible for a stinky boy to surpass me.

Good and Evil followed: "I saw that mysterious figure just now, and he seems to want to help me curse together." To read the novels for the fastest update without error, please visit your mobile phone and visit:

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