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Five million years have flown by.

Han Jue opened his eyes, habitually felt his own cultivation, and was satisfied with his growth.

Immediately, he transmitted his voice to Han Huang outside the Taoist Temple.

Han Huang came back hundreds of thousands of years ago and wanted to visit Han Jue, but Han Jue was in retreat, so he could only wait outside.

In this regard, Han Jue is very satisfied. Although this kid is strong, he is not floating. He still has to have the etiquette that he should have.

Han Huang quickly entered the observation and saluted Han Jue, also awakening the good and evil who were cultivating beside him.

Han Huang also noticed good and evil, secretly curious, his father has cultivated another seedling?

However, this cultivation base and breath are too weak, and there is that look in his eyes, he is afraid to see him, he is afraid before he fights, and he does not have the heart of a strong man.

Han Huang secretly disdain.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Huang'er, how many years have you not been back? It's almost 100 million years? I thought you had forgotten your parents."

Han Huang said ashamedly: "My child is busy getting stronger and has not performed filial piety, please punish him."

"Oh? How to punish?"

Han Jue asked with a smile but not a smile, how could he not see Han Huang's forcible fighting intent.

Brat, he wants to challenge Lao Tzu!

Be careful, Lao Tzu will break your Dao Heart!

Han Huang's eyes were bright and he said, "Why don't you teach me a lesson in the mock trial?"

Han Jue laughed.

Good and Evil looked at Han Huang with a strange look, and Han Huang was very uncomfortable.

After discussing with Han Jue, he could no longer have such thoughts, and felt that Han Jue was the most powerful being.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Come on then!"

His eyes narrowed, and the two immediately entered the mock trial.

The simulated trial was a void, and the father and son were hundreds of feet apart. Such a distance was like being next to each other for their cultivation.

Han Huang looked at Han Jue, and his blood suddenly surged.

"Father, do you know how long I have been looking forward to this scene? Although I am invincible, I always know that you are stronger. You are the peak I want to climb. The Supreme Punishment God Venerable is not my opponent. There is no existence that can rival me, now I should challenge you!"

"I'm not betraying you, I just want to chase the strongest!"

Han Huang's eyes blazed, and Hongmeng purple energy erupted from his body, like a flame pillar rising up.

Chaos, ignorance, detachment, and Shitian four supreme rules form four purple dragons wrapped around the body, and the dragon scales on the dragon's body are actually the scales of the avenues.

Han Jue smiled.

Han Huang immediately attacked, shot out his palms, and the violent and incomparably powerful divine power smashed out, hitting Han Jue unstoppably.

However, the treasure on Han Jue's body burst out with strong light, which was easily blocked.

Han Huang's expression changed, and he continued to attack.

However, no matter what magical power he used, what method he used, or what direction he attacked, he couldn't hurt Han Jue.

"How can it be!"

Han Huang had imagined countless situations of confrontation with his father, and thought that he would lose, but he did not expect that he would not be able to break through his father's magical defense.


Where did the Sifang Dao Realm come from such a powerful defensive treasure?

Simply unheard of!

Han Huang gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "Father, you really surprised the child. If that's the case, then I'm going to be serious!"


He began to mobilize the power of the final element.

Han Jue clearly felt that the ultimate energy in his body was being pulled away. Although it was very weak, this feeling was very strange.

Because the one who lends his power is right in front of him.

That being the case, being a father will give you unprecedented power!

Han Jue began to release the brakes, and the endless power of the final yuan erupted from Han Huang's body, which surprised and shocked him.

"This is…"

Han Huang was overjoyed. Could it be that his father put too much pressure on him and pushed him beyond the limit?

Feeling the unprecedented power, Han Huang's face once again showed a rebellious and conceited look.

He looked down at Han Jue and laughed loudly: "Father, do you feel it? This is my strength, and what I have gained from death to life in the past 100 million years!"

"If you are like you and have been cultivating hard, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to achieve. The Demon God of Hongmeng, born for war, is definitely not comparable to the Demon God of Chaos!"

Looking at his ecstatic son, Han Jue smiled and said, "The Demon God of Hongmeng is indeed more powerful than the Demon God of Chaos, both in terms of aptitude and strength."

The power of the final yuan is still skyrocketing. Han Huang is addicted to this extreme strengthening. He smiled and said: "Father, you finally admitted it, so do you think I have surpassed you?"

Han Jue asked with a strange look: "Do you really think that the Chaos Demon God can give birth to the Hongmeng Demon God?"

Han Huang was moved and asked in astonishment, "You..."

Han Jue's expression became extremely terrifying, and he said coldly, "Huang'er, as a father today, I will let you feel the true power of the Dao's supremacy, and I will not show mercy. It's the only way for you to be the strongest!"

A Yuanyuan Tianxi appeared on top of Han Jue's head, quickly enlarged and became boundless.

Han Huang looked up, his spiritual sense was infinitely enlarged, but he couldn't keep up with the speed at which the Final Yuan Tianxi became bigger!

Soon, he felt that the Ultimate Heaven Seal had surpassed the size of Chaos, and was still growing, as if the entire simulated trial space was divided into two.

Han Huang had an unbelievable look on his face.

How powerful is this?


The Final Yuan Tianxi came with a terrifying power. Han Huang instinctively wanted to move to avoid it, but found that he could not jump out of the final Yuan Tianxi, and could only move repeatedly under the final Yuan Tianxi. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Why... it can't be infinite! It can't be endless! Could it be the rules of space?"

"If it is a space rule, what kind of rule is that? The supreme rule?"

Han Huang was completely panicked, an unprecedented panic.

He has never been pushed into such a situation.

The strength of the enemy made him despair, and the defeat was imminent!

at this time!

The ultimate power in Han Huang's body has skyrocketed again!

This time, the power of the final yuan was too strong, causing his body surface to tear apart, bursting with wisps of red light, and his soul almost jumped out.

"The power that even the Demon God of Hongmeng can't bear, I don't believe that this seal can't be broken!"

Han Huang's expression became hideous, he roared and punched upwards.

The power of the final yuan carries the four purple dragons transformed by the supreme rules, and it is so powerful that it seems that it can penetrate even the years and chaos, so that time can be reversed, and immortality will be wiped out!


This blow collided with the boundless End Yuan Tianxi, but it seemed so pale and weak!

Under Han Huang's despairing expression, his mysterious power was crushed by the Yuan Dynasty Tianxi seal and disappeared.

"Do not-"

Han Huang roared, and the final seal of the Yuan Dynasty fell.

He woke up suddenly, and Han Jue and good and evil came into his eyes.

The mock trial is over.

He lost.

The defeat was a mess, extremely embarrassing!

He gasped for breath, and he was terrified by the vividness of the previous Yuanyuan Tianxi seal in his mind.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his hands were shaking.

Good and evil looked at the ancestor with sympathy, and secretly said: "It's still too young. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. This ancestor should know more about the ancestor than me." (To be continued)

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