After Han Huang left, Han Ling asked Han Jue to dream about Han Huang. Han Ling always felt that this matter was very dangerous. After all, Han Huang was already invincible. Under such circumstances, the other party dared to provoke him. Must have full confidence.

The Lord of Life is not a nameless person!

Han Jue said he knew, so Han Ling should not worry.

After that, he continued to practice.

After reaching the late stage of the creator of the Tao, he still cannot relax. He has to become stronger as fast as possible so that he can catch up with the ninth chaos.

When Han Jue was waiting for Shiyuan Hongmeng to challenge Han Huang, Chaos set off a storm again.

Shi Tian, ​​Wuzhi, and Transcendence all appeared in the three-way avenues of the ancient giants in myths and legends. They quickly gathered their forces and swept across the avenues of all parties, forming a giant that surpassed the forces of chaos.

Although Chaos is strong, the forces of all parties are incompatible, and the most powerful sphere of influence is far less than one-tenth of the field of Chaos. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

The integration of forces in the three-way avenue world also made all parties in chaos uneasy. For a time, the gods of the avenues found the Supreme Punishment God.

The Supreme Punishment Divine Sovereign controls the Dao Spirits, and the Dao Spirits supervise all fields. The Dao Spirits still have restraints on the forces of all parties, but they usually do not interfere without authorization.

Under the sky, above the round platform, the gods gathered.

In addition to the Great Dao God, God's Punishment has also come, and all the almighty are waiting for the Supreme Punishment God Venerable to appear.

They first discussed and exchanged opinions, and they were all uneasy about the situation in the three-way Dao world. They didn't know the game of Dao creators, so they always regarded Shi Tian, ​​detachment, and ignorance as the enemy.

Han Tuo listened silently without saying a word.

Yi Tian smiled and said: "It's really an eventful autumn, could it be that the great calamity is really coming?"

Chi Pu said with a smile: "Come here, I'm curious who is the son of the calamity and who can control the situation."

Guan Bufei came over and said, "Where's Han Huang? Why didn't you come?"

The top ten talents have all become divine punishments, and even Dao Zhizun, Tiangang Demon God, Murong Qi, Han Ye, Han Yao and others also came.

Han Tuo shook his head and said, "How do I know about that kid, ask Han Ye and them."

Guan Invincible looked at Han Ye not far away.

Han Ye replied: "The ancestor of Han Huang should have gone to retreat, and we can't find any trace of him."


The punishment of the gods could not help but be startled. Han Huang was strong and they had all experienced it. If he was so strong, he could still retreat. Such aptitude is really scary.

"It seems that he is really the Demon God of Hongmeng." Yi Tian said with emotion.

Han Huang called himself the Demon God of Hongmeng. All living beings always thought that he was just taking the name of the Demon God of Hongmeng as the strongest name. After all, no one had ever seen the real Demon God of Hongmeng, and Han Huang was the son of the Demon God of Chaos.

Soon, the Supreme Punishment God appeared, and all the gods of the Great Dao saluted him.

One hundred million years later, the Supreme Punishment God has become the head of the majestic and lofty gods, and the former head of the gods has long been forgotten.

The Supreme Punishment God is extremely majestic, glanced at everyone present, and said slowly: "I already know what you have done, yes, this is the omen of the great calamity, and the transcendental rules of the great avenues of all parties have been Start pushing."

The Virgin of Order asked: "Does Chaos need to follow suit?"

Supreme Punishment God Venerable shook his head and said: "You don't have to worry, chaos is the center of everything, even if other Dao worlds are unified, they can't counter chaos, what you need to do is to compete for luck, welcome the arrival of Dao calamity, Dao calamity It will usher in an endless era, a truly infinite and endless era, where any existence can exist infinitely, including the high realm of cultivation."

The avenue gods heard blood surging. This time B**cOM Zhang Si

"If you compete for luck, will you kill each other and give other Dao worlds a chance?"

An avenue **** followed and asked, such a rule is really weird. If more than half of the Chaos forces are killed or injured, will Chaos really be okay?

The Supreme Punishment God said: "You should be able to feel that in the past 100 million years, in addition to the skyrocketing number of creatures in Chaos, there are more and more arrogances, and even the height of aptitude is constantly rising, and all the creatures of the other avenues are added together. It is not as much as chaos, so there is no need for chaos to unify, unification is not the main theme of chaos, this is the era of great competition, and there will never be a shortage of creatures, understand?"

Hearing this, the Dao deities suddenly realized that this was the case.

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case. If it wasn't for the Chaos event, they wouldn't really know that Chaos had so many talents hidden in it, and the Dao Saints who emerged in the last 100 million years far surpassed any era. This is definitely an unprecedented prosperity.

"In addition, regarding the Demon God of Hongmeng, the Demon God of Hongmeng is not a disaster star that destroys the chaos. The Demon God of Hongmeng will open up an endless era for chaos. No matter who becomes the Demon God of Hongmeng, breaks through the chaos and ushered in endlessness, will usher in an unprecedented big opportunity, at least as much as shoulder to shoulder. I, even surpassed me, surpassed the greatness of the Dao, and reached the unknown and mysterious supreme realm!" The Supreme Punishment God said meaningfully.

All the avenues of gods suddenly lit up.

How big is this opportunity?

Han Tuo, Guan Invincible, Murong Qi and others were also moved by it.

Even if it is the aptitude of the Chaos Demon God, their cultivation base has reached the limit and can no longer rise. Naturally, they will not miss such an opportunity!

The Supreme Punishment God waved his sleeves and said: "You wait to pass on what I just said to all sentient beings.

The voice fell, and the Supreme Punishment God Venerable dissipated.

These words mean that the chaos will be more chaotic, and to be precise, it will be more exciting. For the strong and Tianjiao, this will be an unprecedented carnival!

In the central area of ​​chaos, countless meteorites floated in the void, and the black mist drifted from time to time, and there were many ominous evil spirits roaring silently.

Han Huang, dressed in divine armor, meditated on the largest meteorite. He was like a statue, motionless.

At this time, a figure flew from afar. This was a fairy with colorful rays of light in her dress.

She came to Han Huang and said, "Eunuch, I will find everything you want."

For a while in her right hand, countless colored stones, crystal jade, and odd tendons appeared, like a ring of stars circling around Han Huang.

Han Huang opened his eyes, raised his hand to start casting spells, and said at the same time, "Thank you, you can leave now."

"No, I will always serve you."

"You know who I am, do you think I need to serve?"

"I know that you are the strongest **** of punishment, the most powerful person in chaos, Han Huang, and even the Demon God of Hongmeng. You have saved me a life-saving grace, and I want to be with you all the time." The fairy skirt woman said cautiously.

Han Huang frowned and said: "I'm about to face a big battle, with your cultivation in the state of freedom, it will only be wiped out, go back, in your big world, you are a saint, above all living beings, you can follow me. By the way, you are nothing, you are not worth it."

The woman in the fairy skirt said seriously: "Even if it disappears, I am willing to follow you."

I like top-level luck, quietly practice for a thousand years, please collect: () Top-level luck, quietly practice for a thousand years, the literature update speed is the fastest.

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