Facing the murderous Han Jue, Mo Fu was terrified and didn't know what to do for a while.

Han Juehan said: "I will kill your master now!"

His eyes narrowed, and Mo Fu saw Han Jue turn around and shoot at Mo Zhu, and Mo Zhu, who was inscrutable in his eyes, was blown away.

"Do not-"

Mo Fu shouted in a mournful voice, he suddenly got up and rushed towards Han Jue with the strength he did not know where.

As soon as he got up, he was imprisoned by an invisible force, unable to move.

Mo Fu looked at Han Jue with bloodshot eyes filled with hatred and murderous intent.

"Don't tease him, how old is he."

Mo Zhu's voice suddenly floated, and Mo Fu subconsciously glanced at him, and Mo Zhu, who had been wiped out just now, appeared again and was walking towards them.

Looking at Han Jue again, the coldness on his face disappeared, replaced by a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze. Coupled with his extremely beautiful face, Rao Shimo was also a little lost.

"what happened?"

Feeling the disappearance of the powerful force that bound him, Mo Fu couldn't help but ask, with a confused tone.

No matter how stupid he was, he could see that Han was definitely not an enemy, he was just teasing him.

Mo Zhu walked up to Han Jue and asked, "Is this time for him?"

Han Jue nodded with a smile.

Mo Zhu looked at Mo Fu and said, "I still don't bow down to your ancestors."


Mo Fu was stunned, he naturally believed what Master said, so he knelt down and kowtowed. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Han Jue looked at Mo Zhu and said, "How have you been all these years?"

Mo Zhu looked at him with complicated eyes and said, "It's good, thank you for your care."

The two looked at each other silently, and all the past events surfaced in front of them.

Han Jue didn't care about the past of the two for a long time, but for Mo Zhu, she was very hard to remember. Along the way, she could be said to have listened to Han Jue's legendary deeds and practiced. She had regretted it and felt helpless. Also firm.

Han Jue didn't have much opinion on Mo Zhu's choice of family at first. Everyone had their own choices, and he never thought of letting everyone turn around him.

Han Jue looked at Mo Fu and asked, "Have you felt the power in your body?"

Mo Fu asked in surprise, "Could it be that this power is you..." This time M* Zhang Si

He could see that the ancestor in front of him had a close relationship with his master. Could it be because of this relationship that his master accepted him?

Thinking of this, Mo Fu's mood was also a little complicated.

Han Jue smiled and said, "It's fine if you understand, you don't need to say it."

Mo buried silent.

Han Jue smiled and said, "I'll stay here and teach you for a while."

He looked at Mo Zhu.

Mo Zhu hurriedly said, "Stay as long as you want..."

She was rarely nervous. This kind of emotion had not appeared in hundreds of millions of years, and it was so long that she almost forgot that she was alone.

In this way, Han Jue's clone stayed.

The same is true for the other eight avatars. Instead of directly saving the other eight descendants of the gods, they gave them a process of acceptance.

Han Jue's deity returned to the Taoist Temple of the Third Dojo.

"After a while, I will bring back nine descendants, who can be considered your juniors. You will take care of them more then."

Han Jue gave an order, and the good and evil who were cultivating opened their eyes.

He asked cautiously, "Could it be that they were also caught by you..."


Han Jue nodded, good and evil even more nervous.

Nine strong competitors are coming. Could it be that the first ancestor was dissatisfied with the progress of his practice?

Han Jue said: "You don't have to think too much, there will be more in the future, I can't just cultivate you, I will do this every once in a while, if you can teach them and take care of them, it will also be a good relationship. "

Good and evil feel reasonable when they hear it, and immediately respond.

A hundred years later.

Han Jue's nine avatars came back with nine descendants, not only them, but even Mo Zhu was beaten back and lived in the third dojo.

Seeing Mo Zhu, Xing Hongxuan, Fairy Xixuan, and Chang Yue'er were all delighted. As time passed, it was not easy to have another old friend.

Inside the Taoist Temple.

The nine descendants of the Han family meditated side by side, all looking at Han Jue in admiration.

Over the years, Han Jue's avatar has become familiar with them and established a relationship. After coming to the third dojo, they heard the nickname of the ancestor, Shenwei Tiansheng!

This name is the supreme myth in the Dao of Heaven!

They didn't know about Zu and Pangu until Shenwei Tiansheng was the protector of the Tao of Heaven.

I didn't expect their ancestors to have such a history.

Good and Evil looked at the nine new faces, and was filled with emotion.

He seemed to see that the nine unparalleled powers were about to rise. Although these guys seemed to be immature, he could feel the mysterious power contained in their bodies, and their potential was unlimited.

"I gave you a great fortune to make you reborn. All you have to do is to cultivate here. You must not leave without my permission. Next, you may spend hundreds of millions of years here, or even longer."

Han Jue said solemnly, no one refuted, because Han Jue's clone had already told them before coming.

After a few simple words, Han Jue began to preach.

After preaching for thousands of years, the cultivation bases of the nine great creations have all grown rapidly.

In the end, Han Jue appointed Han Zongdao, the fastest cultivator, as the leader, and gave him the name Jiu Shen Xing, who would only serve him in the future.

Han Jue began to retreat and practice, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Good and Evil took Jiuzi away from the Taoist temple and began to know each other.

Jiu Shenxing wanted to know about Han Jue's deeds, and he did not hide the good and evil, and even mentioned other great powers of the Han family.

The more good and evil they talk about, the more excited they are. Hearing that Jiu Shenxing is also full of blood, they all aim at Han Huang, and they also want to be invincible in Chaos.

the other side.

As more and more chaotic forces joined the transcendental Dao Realm, the Ignorance Dao Realm and the Shitian Dao Realm also began to follow suit. For a time, the entire Chaos was shaken, and all living beings were worried that Chaos would be divided.

At this moment, an eternal peak was born, wanting to unify the chaos.

It is the pinnacle of eternity in the second chaos event, Zhao Shuangquan!

Zhao Shuangquan left the Dao of Heaven and founded the Jiuji Dao Lineage on his own. He first absorbed countless talents, and then began to expand the field. In the name of resisting the three-way Dao world, he did a unified thing, attracting countless strong men to defect.

The Supreme Punishment God Venerable did not stop it, causing the Dao deities to guess secretly that the head of the deity had said before that there was no need to unify, and Zhao Shuangquan's behavior was equivalent to slap in the face.

However, the Supreme Punishment God did not speak, and the Dao deities did not dare to mess around. Zhao Shuangquan had grown up, and he was also God's punishment, and his status was higher than that of most Dao deities.

Thousands of years passed quickly. control the big lord

Han Jue is over 160 million years old, and has won a good fortune.

The chaos event is about to start, and the chaos has become turbulent again. This time the chaos event will have the participation of Tianjiao from other avenues. It is known as an unprecedented chaos event, and its background and difficulties far exceed the previous ones.

Han Jue looked at the nine gods who were meditating in front of him. All of them were already sages of the Dao, and they had been sages of the Dao for thousands of years, and they were still extremely valuable in today's chaos.

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